
Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter

The War of Five Kings. One of the great wars in Westeros that changed the course of history. But, this is not the War of Five Kings you're used to. With Ned Stark's escape from Kings Landing and Robb being gifted with visions from the Old Gods, Westeros is about to be shaken to its core. = = = = = = = = = Just a quick notice, don’t expect a deus ex machina like Robb and House Stark where they instantly demolish all their enemies. That isn’t ASOIAF, it’s far more complex with so many moving pieces and hidden threats that it’s impossible for that to ever happen. Things will be better but in many ways things will be much worse for the Starks. That is the nature of ASOIAF. Also, magic will come into play, but it will reflect how George R. Martin has gradually introduced it over time. So at first it will be barely present but as we develop the story further, more and more fantasy elements that were hidden under the surface will come to light.

Carrots123 · TV
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155 Chs

Poltical Machinations

Sifting through the reports, Robb placed them down on the table, reaching across to pour himself a glance of wine. As he did though, the wounds on his side protested at the movement, he wincing slightly, but nonetheless pushing through to pour himself a cup. One that he downed quickly before pouring himself another, resting the jug near him so as to not have to stretch like that in the future.

'Things are finally looking up.' He thought, leaning back against the chair as he looked upon the sleeping figure of Grey Wind, the Direwolf littered with scars and in need of a good wash to remove the blood and mud stains that matted his fur. A stark reminder of just how much the young pup had changed, a reflection of just how much he had changed as well. 'But there's still one last obstacle in my path to peace.'

It was finally time, after all, that has happened, all the hardship and battles, finally time to head north and liberate his home. The news would serve to make the Northmen amongst his army filled with joy and boost their morale at the thought of getting revenge for the destruction of their homes. In fact, Robb intended to feed into that in the message he would have spread throughout the camp, he wanted to head north with an army fuelled by rage and righteous anger.

An army that he would unleash to crush all the enemies he had left one after another in quick succession.

An army that would leave its mark as a reminder of why one did not anger the men of the North.

Hearing the part of his tent flaps, Robb looked to see a number of people entering, Daenerys and Garlan at the lead, each possessing their own small group of allies to accompany them. 'Oh.' Robb thought, fighting to make the disappointment show upon his face. 'This isn't my last obstacle.'

He berated himself for forgetting that simple fact.

Even after he secured the North and brought an end to the War of Five Kings once and for all, it was not the end of his troubles. There was the aftermath of the war, the destruction and chaos it had caused amongst nobility and smallfolk alike. But most dangerously of all, the decision of who would be Queen and all the political machinations that would ensue as both sides thought to place either Margaery or Daenerys upon the throne.

"Yes, what is it?" Robb questioned, tired and drained by the battle he had just fought and the thought of what was to come. Aegon had been a true challenge, an equal that Robb had not expected to come face to face with and one who had very nearly come close to doing irreparable damage to his efforts.

Physically and mentally, he was drained.

The weight upon his shoulders at the thought of what was still to come was even heavier.

"We have come to ask what your next move will be, your grace?" Garlan asked, but Robb doubted it.

More than likely, Daenerys had been on her way to visit him, Garlan having seen this and made a likely excuse to ensure that he was in the same room as Daenerys. Feeding whatever she said and did back to his family, not that Robb couldn't understand his reasoning. Margaery was his sister after all and Garlan wanted to do all he could to protect her.

But he was surprised to see Dacey and Smalljon having joined him., not just Dickon and Randyll.

"I intend to march North and free my home," Robb told them firmly. "That was always my intention when the south had been secured and has not changed. Lord Tarly, please prepare your host to march with me, we will depart at first light."

"Is that wise, your grace?" Dickon questioned, his father bowing lightly and departing. Robb did feel a little easier knowing that Lord Tarly was no longer present in the room, he was the only one Robb was wary of amongst his court, the only one he couldn't get a read upon. But he was taciturn and efficient, the fact he left straight away despite having just arrived was proof of that, then again, his son was still present and would feed back all information to him anyway.

Smalljon scoffed. "Wise? 'Course it fucking is. The King is a Stark, the Wolf King. If anyone gonna march north and liberate our home, it'd be him." Though clearly in support of Margaery as Queen, Smalljon's loyalty was first and foremost to him, which was a relief.

"I am simply saying that his father as Lord Paramount could lead the army back to the North, meeting with Randyll Tarly on the journey," Garlan suggested. "He should head to Kings Landing and be crowned King there, taking the Iron Throne."

Robb's gaze flickered to Daenerys, noting her pursed lips.

She definitely wished to say something, but he took note of the slightest touch Ser Barristan placed on her arm, a minuscule movement that went largely unnoticed, but served to calm Daenerys to hold her tongue. That little act was something Robb was thankful for, he was far too tired to deal with arguments right now.

"I will do what I wish, Garlan," Robb stressed, the man who had been one of his closest aides and friends recognising his faults and bowing his head in apology. "And I wish to march back home and take my revenge against those who betrayed me. Or have you forgotten about what Theon Greyjoy did to me?"

"I have not, your grace, forgive me." Garlan apologised, stepping back. "I am simply suggesting that you make your victory in the south clear by taking the Iron Throne. Once you do that, marching North will be without worry of your kingdom falling apart."

Was that a threat?

Or perhaps a heartfelt worry?

Robb couldn't say, nor did he particularly care. Becoming King was never his intention nor his desire, so long as the North was secure then the rest of the Kingdoms could fall to ruin for all he cared. He would not waste more time trying to save a crumbling empire that could not stand without a King on its throne. The North had held strong and firm even without a Lord Paramount or its King, against three enemies it held firm.

If the south could not do the same then it was of no concern to him.

"Then I expect that you shall be able to ensure that is not the case," Robb spoke, raising a brow. "Or is that too much to ask of the lords of the south?" He was in no mood to watch his words, if they were insulted then so be it.

"I, yes, your grace." Garlan stuttered, understanding what Robb was hinting at.

Robb then turned to Daenerys. "Is there something you wished to add?"

Daenerys indicated to Ser Barristan who stepped forwards, bowing in greeting. "I understand your desire to return home, perhaps better than most." The sidelined glance to Garlan did not go unnoticed by any. "Which is why I would like nothing more than to help you liberate the North, but I do not believe Targaryens would be welcome there considering what my father did in the past. So, instead, I offer the aid of Ser Barristan, my closest advisor as a show of good faith."

Robb looked to him, Ser Barristan was someone that he held a great deal of respect for, and knew was a skilled commander, not quite on his level, but certainly better than most. However, he knew the real reason Ser Barristan was being offered to him, it was nothing more than a political manoeuvre on Daenerys part, just as Garlan had wanted him to come to Kings Landing.

He was surrounded by political agendas, part of their intricate schemes and Robb did not like it one bit. This was not like war, not the war he was used to anyway and Robb found himself already on the backfoot.

Despite that, he put on a smile, as he always did with these false pleasantries. "I thank you for your kind gesture, Daenerys." The omission of Queen did not go unnoticed, by any, but Robb refused to name anyone Queen, not even Margaery. "I am well aware of Ser Barristans exploits and he will be of great aid in this final theatre of war. I do wish you well on your journey to Kings Landing, and I do hope you and Margaery get along well."

Garlan had smiled when he heard Robb not referring to Daenerys as Queen Daenerys. The woman herself, frowning deeply, as did her supporters. The omission of the title of Queen for Margaery removed that small smile, as it removed the frowns from Daenerys.

He would not name a Queen, Margaery and Daenerys were his wives and the selection of Queen was something he could not and would not rush. Until the war was done, he was the sole ruler of Westeros, there would be no Queen and even afterwards, Robb doubted he would be able to make a decision that would ensure peace.

Sorry for how long it took for this chapter to be released, been a hectic few weeks but I finally managed to get it done. But as we can see, Robb may have won the south, but the north is still to come. Not only that though, we see Robb is getting tired and has to now deal with more overt political moves to place either Daenerys or Margaery in the position of Queen. Hope you all enjoyed it and let me know what you think. Are you team Margaery or team Daenerys and what do you think will happen. Love to hear theories.

Carrots123creators' thoughts