
Game of thrones : Aemon the Conqueror

Not mine I just copied it to read in better settings Feel free to read Basically, Jon becomes Aegon the Conqueror and conquer all the divided kingdom of Westeros and Essos conquer by Aegon and Rhaegar rules it

SD_SR · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Princes, Princes Who Adore You

The conquest of Westeros XVII.

House Hoare The Black Blood.

Of all the Iron Born families none rose so high as the Hoares. From Harrag to Qhored onto Harwyn and his grandson Harren who built the great keep known as Harrenhal. Reavers by name and by nature, the Iron Born under the guidance of the Kings of Isle and Rivers were rarely at peace and never satisfied with their lot in life. At one point the seas were theirs to rule and it was said that under Qhored the Cruel that wherever a man can smell salt water or hear the crash of waves was theirs and theirs alone.

Over time though lands won were lost, glories once known were soon forgotten and while the Hoares ruled still, not all their vassals were as Leal as they made out. Chief amongst those who were not was the House of the Kraken and the Brother's Greyjoy. From Balon who saw himself as a king, to Vicatarion who sought glory and acclaim in battle, or to Euron who was known as The Crow's Eye and whose madness and cruelty sought a place to name its own, all was not well amongst those who reave.

Whether this was the reason behind King Qhored allying with House Lannister or whether it was fear from without and their vassals amongst the Greenlanders, none could tell. What could and was told however was that it wouldn't be their vassals from the Isles or the Rivers that would bring about their end and that the sea or the large walls of Harrenhal was no place to hide. For what use is a ship when it's made of wood or a keep when it's made of stone, what use or what protection do either offer from Fire and Blood.

A history of the Conquest of the Dragonknight.

Marwyn the Mage.

Harrenhal 300 AC.

Theon Greyjoy.

The girl moaned under him and so he thrust even harder, her pleasure soon bringing about his own and he cared not if she was acting it out for true or not. Good coin he'd paid her and as he felt his release growing close, it was coin well spent. Her red hair was laid out on the pillows behind her and her teats bounced with every thrust he made. When it came upon him, he collapsed against her and felt his seed as it emptied inside.

"My prince." she said breathlessly "You have ruined me for other men." she added as he rolled off of her and reached over to take the mug of ale.

"Of course I have." he said arrogantly.

He drank the ale and felt his breathing return to normal as she wiped the sweat from his brow. Looking at her as she got up from the bed to clean herself, he almost rose again, almost but not quite as he knew he was spent for the day. Still, he watched her as she washed herself, her firm arse only slightly wobbling as she moved. Finishing the ale he got up from the bed and dressed and after handing her an extra silver stag, which earned him a smile and a kiss, he left the room in search of Prince Harren.

It didn't take him long to find his friend and soon enough they and their men were riding away from the brothel in Fairmarket. Harren the greedy fucker had taken the two young sisters to his bed leaving the redhead for Theon and he still felt a little jealous of his friend as they rode. Perhaps that was why he'd insisted on the race, or perhaps it was simply that riding was dull and boring. Whatever the reason they were soon riding hard across the fields and try as he might, he could not keep up with the prince. Annoyed, frustrated, and out of breath from the effort of trying to make his horse go faster, he was happy to see Harren stop by the stream and when he reached him, Theon quickly dismounted.

"You cheated." he said to a laugh from his friend.

"I don't need to cheat to beat someone as slow as you." Harren replied still laughing.

As much as he hated to admit it, it was true. Other than with a bow in his hand, Harren had him beat by every measure. Theon was by no means ugly and his dark hair and looks had won him many favors. Harren though had him beat in this regard also, his hair was jet black and his eyes were as blue as the sky. He stood maybe three inches taller than Theon and was more muscled than he, though he had to be to wield that giant double ax of his. Smarter, wittier and a prince to boot, were he not his closest friend then Theon would be far more jealous of him than he was.

"Do you really think the wolves will come?" Theon asked as they sat by the river, their guards still some way back and still riding.

"They'll come, my father's folly will see to that." Harren said his voice showing his annoyance clearly.

"Your father is a great man." Theon said.

"My father is a fool and this is folly." Harren replied shaking his head "Why make an enemy of a dragon when that dragon is not looking your way?"

"The dragon hasn't moved from Dragonstone, Harren, he'll not move now." Theon said confidently not noticing how Harren shook his head "As for the wolves, let them come, after we end them we can sweep over their lands and finally bring the North to heel."

Harren said nothing and once again Theon didn't see the look on the prince's face. Had he then his confidence may have taken a hit. He was about to speak more on what they would do to the wolves and was imagining what it would be like to take one of the Stark girls as his salt wife when the shouts rang out.

"Ambush, Ambush"

Rising to his feet he saw their guards and there were fewer of them than there had been. Even the ones riding their way looked to be wounded and not at full strength and for the first time that he could remember, Theon felt fear. Behind them, there must be more than a hundred men and was that not bad enough to show how desperate things were then the man leading them would. He'd not met the Blackfish more than once but even his uncle spoke reverently of the man's skill with a sword. Never had he expected that skill would be directed towards him and yet it would seem that was to be the case.

"My prince, we must ride." he said worriedly and for once Harren didn't disagree.

He cursed that they'd raced and their horses were tired, cursed that they were so far from Harrenahl, and cursed his cock for making him wish to visit the brothel. It didn't take long for him to realize just how dire their situation truly was as by the time they'd mounted, four more of their guards had fallen. As they set off another two fell and soon enough it was clear that they'd not outrun or outfight the men that chased after them.

"My prince?" Theon said as they were surrounded.

"Ser Brynden, I had not thought to meet you here nor in such circumstances." Harren said and Theon looked at the prince incredulously not understanding how he could be so calm.

They had been attacked, were about to at best be taken prisoner and his prince was speaking to the man who was doing so as if they'd just met while taking a stroll. He moved his hand to his bow only to see one of the guards smirk at him while he held a crossbow in his hand. His meaning was clear and Theon quickly moved his hands to where they could be seen, grimacing as the man's smirk grew.

"Your father did a stupid thing, boy, are you to be as stupid as he now too?" the Blackfish asked.

"Better stupid than dead." Harren said to a chuckle from the Blackfish.

"Who says we wish you dead?" the Blackfish said before looking to Theon "You Boy, ride to Harrenhal and let the King know his son is now my guest."

Theon looked from the Blackfish to his prince who nodded and then with a last look to the man with the crossbow, he rode off. It would take him the rest of the day to ride to Harrenahl as he did so slowly, his eyes looking back towards the prince and his captors as they rode away. Harren's ax was now tied to the Blackfish's horse and though not bound, it was clear that there was to be no escape. He wondered how the king would take the news, how his father would, and yet as he rode it wasn't that which he wondered the most about. Instead, it was the thought that the men had been waiting for them and that someone had more than likely told them where they would be.

The conquest of Westeros XVIII

Moat Cailin The gateway to the North and the King who Wept.

Any army wishing to take the North by Land would first have to traverse the Neck and then have to deal with the mighty fort known to the Northmen as simply The Moat. As long as the North had stood alone, the Moat had repelled any and all who dared to try to march on it. So important was Moat Cailin to the North's defenses that it became the second seat of House Stark and for generations was held by the second sons of the Kings of Winter.

None of whom were more famous or infamous than Brandon Snow the bastard brother of Torrhen Stark and the Prince of the Moat during its most trying time. After constant attempts to try and take the Moat and constant raids from the King's of the Rivers and Isles, all of which failed, Brandon and his brother Torrhen raised an army the likes of which the North had never seen before and gathered at the Moat to finally deal with the threats closest to them once and for all. It was an army that never got to march as be it fell magic or simply bad luck, a winter fever struck and an army that had swollen to 30,000 men was soon reduced to less than half that.

Sensing an opportunity to finally add the North to its own domain and knowing that even those who could fight were weaker than ever, the Iron Born struck and the Neck, the Swamps, and the Moat ran red with blood. It was Torrhen, Brandon, and the Moat itself that held the attackers at bay and despite inflicting heavy losses, the Iron Born retreated. Though they did not do so without taking one last thing that the North could ill afford to lose. It's said that when Torrhen looked out upon the bodies of those who died from the fever and the battle he stood stoic and unfeeling. Yet when the body of his brother was brought before him, Torrhen fell to his knees and wept.

Now once again war was on the North's mind and once again the Moat would be the key. This time though its position and the terrain around it wouldn't play the same role as it always had, for the threat didn't come by land. Men, walls, swamps, and defenses mattered little when an enemy could simply fly over them or hit them from the sky, and as the Dragonknight and his army marched, the North held its breath once more.

A History of the Conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Moat Cailin 300 AC.

Ned Stark.

They had made good time and arrived at the Moat less than a moon after setting off from Winterfell. Ned was happy to see his home once more and he and his brother as well as most of the lords that marched with them were more than keen to stay indoors again. The weather had held and yet marching and camping was never pleasant nor could sleeping alone in a tent be compared to laying in bed beside his wife. He had felt the change in his own demeanor as soon as they reached the outskirts of his lands, the air itself feeling different to him somehow.

Over the years while he'd made improvements to the roads south from the Moat to Winterfell and those east to White Harbor, while the rest of his lands were left as they had always been. Many times someone had suggested they do more with the swamps and lands around the Moat and he too had thought this way at one time. Ned wondering why they didn't make the lands more suitable for crops and take some of the burdens of running the keep and the garrison off the North itself. It had been his father who had put him straight and told him the way of things. Ned could still remember the words as if they'd been spoken yesterday and not when he had left Winterfell to take command of his seat so many years earlier.

"As the Moat goes, so goes the North, Ned. As hard and unforgiving as it is for those of us who were born here it's doubly so for any who would seek to take it and make it theirs." Rickard said with a half-smile on his face.

"So the lands remain unable to be farmed and food and other things have to be brought from further afield, is that wise father?" he asked looking to his father.

"The lands that make up its domain were given freely by the North Ned. Dustin, Manderly, Hornwood even the Boltons gave up land so that the Moat is sustainable. That and the taxes that are paid are all given without a murmur of discontent, why do you think that is?" his father asked while looking at him with a keen eye.

"So that the Moat holds." he said and saw his father nod.

"More blood was spilled on the lands you'll rule over than anywhere else in the North, Ned, and in time more blood may be spilled on it too. Winterfell may be the heart of the North but the Moat is its soul, never forget that son."

"No father, I won't". he said firmly.

He had done his best to live up to those words and had always ensured that the Moat would be ready to hold. As he saw it in the distance he knew that it would hold once more. Cat and his children were waiting for him and his brother as they rode in through the gates and Ned smiled at them, them, and Howland when he saw him in the background. There was no man better suited to garrison the Moat other than his family and if things worked out, then who knows one day they may be kin too as Jojen and Arya were of an age with each other.

"Moat Cailin is yours, your grace." Cat said as all those in the courtyard knelt to welcome their new king.

"Rise, all of you." Brandon said before he turned to him and with a wink let him know that the time for propriety was over.

"My love." Ned said softly as he embraced his wife, getting as close to her as her swollen belly would allow.

"Robb?" Cat whispered in his ear as she looked over his shoulder.

"Is the Stark in Winterfell and will stay behind with Cregan." he said and he felt her relax.

The thoughts of their son marching with them were ones that he had no doubt made her worry and he was glad to offer up any relief that he could. After greeting Howland and some of his men, Ned made his way into the keep and as he walked he could tell there was something on Cat's mind, something other than their son's or his safety. With a look to Brandon and Benjen, they changed direction and went to his solar rather than the Great Hall, and once inside he asked Cat what was concerning her so.

"We received a raven from my uncle, he's taken Prince Harren as his hostage." Cat said and Ned heard the loud laugh from Brandon.

"That's great news, the fucking Iron Born scum will pay. I'll take his head myself." Brandon said laughing still.

"He's just a boy, Brandon." Benjen said shaking his head.

"He's a fucking squid, fuck him and fuck his house." Brandon replied.

Iron Born, Squids, Krakens, Scum, Whores, Sea Rats, Little Fishes, there were many names that the reavers were known by in the North. How they saw them didn't differentiate between the houses of the Riverlands that swore their allegiance willingly or the houses of the Iron Islands themselves. The Hoares were Whores, the Greyjoys were Krakens, the Botleys were Little Fishes, and they were all Scum, Sea Rats, and Squids. It mattered not what sigil they bore and to most Northmen, the only good reaver was a dead one.

"We don't kill children for the crimes of their father, Brandon. We're better than that." he said looking to his brother "Besides I believe this was father's plan, to take the prince hostage and use it to force his father's hand."

"Very well, I'll not kill the squid unless I have to, but his father dies, can we at least agree on that?" Brandon asked the annoyance in his voice clear.

"Aye, on that you'll find no argument from me." Benjen said and Ned nodded to let his brother know that he felt the same way.

Prince Harren was the same age as Robb and that was perhaps where his reluctance to see the boy harmed came from. That and the fact he was a prisoner and before this war was done they may need to swap him for one of their own. He was about to send for some ale when he caught the nervous look on Cat's face and he knew that it hadn't just been the raven from the Blackfish that had caused her concern.

"Cat?" he asked looking at her.

"This arrived too." his wife said and he watched as she took a bloodstained letter from his drawer.

"From who?" Brandon asked beating him to the punch.

"It was brought to us by one of the Freys, it and something else." Cat said as Ned opened the letter "The body of Martyn Cassel." Cat added stopping him in his tracks.

"Martyn's body, it's here?" he asked and Cat nodded.

Forgetting about the letter, for now, he rose to his feet and both Brandon and Benjen joined him. Cat directed them to one of the root cellars and as he made his way to it he sent a servant to fetch Rodrik and Jory. When they reached the room he was surprised to see that Martyn unlike his father or the others who'd been sent back to them, had kept his head. It made him wonder had a message been sent to them or was one being sent to them now.

"A Frey you said?" he asked and Cat nodded though Jory and Rodrik arrived before he could ask her more.

He offered his sympathies to them both and though he could see their sadness in seeing the body, there was some relief in knowing they could see that Martyn was to be given a proper burial. Leaving them in the room and trying to think on why the Frey's would bring the body back to them and whether or not this had anything to do with the Riverlands, he remembered the letter and took it from his pocket to read it. The words were no great surprise and it explained why his father was both so angered and so keen to make his moves now.

"Ned?" Brandon asked as Ned finished reading.

"From Prince Aemon, I believe this was sent to father before he headed south."

"What does it say?" Benjen asked eagerly.

"Nothing good." he said and as Brandon took it from him and read it his anger only grew and Ned began to wonder if that was the point.

Volantis 300 AC.

Rhaegar Targaryen.

He made his way to the meeting of the High Council and as he arrived and walked into the room, he sighed. While Viserys was there, Aegon was not and as each of the council members rose to their feet it was this he concentrated on, which was why he took a moment longer to tell them all to take their seats. The meeting wasn't truly important, but it was the first full one since Arthur had departed. Taking his seat he looked around at the seven men and at the one empty seat.

Technically because Aegon was his son and heir, he was the second-ranked member of the council, in truth though this role actually fell to Viserys as his brother was far more dutiful than his son. Varys was the eyes and ears of the Empire and Malquo Maegyr was ostensibly in charge of the day-to-day running of their armies. While his uncle Aemon pretty much was in charge of seeing that the Empire's laws were being followed in all of their lands. Benerro represented the Red Priests and as always his conversation would soon turn to the representatives of the Faith of the Seven. His cousin Aegor was in charge of the Empire's trade and finance and Monford Velaryon was now in charge of the Empire's navy.

Though never officially a member, Aemon his son would have played a role here too if his path was not to lead him in another direction. As the councilors talked around him, Rhaegar found himself reflecting on his two quite different sons. Aegon was a good heir and would make a good High Emperor but more and more he was showing signs that were worrying. Be it in not living up to his duties and responsibilities or not keeping to his marriage bed. Aemon's path was defined so many years earlier and everything she had said about their son had proved to be true. So much so that despite wishing to keep him close and going against her wishes, or at least thinking about it more than once, in the end there was never really a choice to make.

"High Emperor, High Emperor?" he heard Aegor call out.

"Forgive me, gentlemen, my mind was elsewhere." he said and listened then as Aegor explained to him that the representative of the Iron Bank wished an audience.

"For why, cousin?" he asked curiously.

"Apparently some of the governors are being lax in seeing the Iron Bank gets its due, High Emperor." Aegor said catching him by surprise.

"Our governors have borrowed from the Iron Bank?" he asked shocked at the notion.

"No, High Emperor, some of their subjects have and are lax in their repayments." Aegor said and he nodded.

The rest of the meeting was more of the same and other than Aegon arriving halfway through the meeting, nothing of note occurred. Benerro as was his wont argued over the growing influence that the Septons and Septas were having and Monford spoke about replacing the ships and sailors that Aemon had taken with him to Westeros. His uncle Aemon tried to speak about a relaxing of some of the laws of inheritance, only for Aegor and he to then get into an argument about the taxes this raised, Aemon for once backing down and he knew that it was his health rather than his cousin being in the right of it that had won the day. Varys had little to report and though word of Aemon's departure to Westeros had traveled far and wide, as of now it had not led to anyone seeing it as an opportunity to test themselves against the Empire.

"That will be all." he said bringing the meeting to a close "Aegon, wait outside for me, there is much we need to discuss." he said as his son rose and showed an urgency to leave that he'd not shown in arriving.

He bid Aemon, Viserys, and Aegor to stay and waited to speak until the others had left. Once they had, Rhaegar poured himself a glass of wine and was happy to see his brother and cousin accept one too. His granduncle though stuck to water given the hour.

"Who is causing the difficulties with the Iron Bank, Aegor?" he asked as he looked to him, Viserys joining him in doing so.

"Some of the Thirteen in Qarth, Xaro Xhoan Daxos being one of the main ones, also Kraznys in Meereen who claims that Aemon's taking of some of his men has caused a shortfall in his income." Aegor said annoyedly.

"Who's here from the Iron Bank?" he asked and he knew who it was just by the look on Aegor's face, his words confirming it a moment later.

"Baelish." his cousin said with disdain.

The Iron Bank operated by the will and grace of the Empire but it was an independent institution and served an important purpose. It allowed for citizens of the Empire to have an alternate source of funding and the Empire retained a quarter stake in it, but only in its earnings and not in its running. It was one of the agreements that had been signed with Braavos when they'd been brought under the Empire's control. A degree of independence that he was now beginning to think was more of a problem than had been initially envisioned.

"Arrange the meeting for tomorrow, we'll have him as our guest for the meal tonight." he said and Aegor nodded "Have you considered the candidates for leadership of the Second Army, brother?" he asked and Viserys looked to him.

"It must be family, by rights it should be Aegon but…" Viserys said and Rhaegar nodded "I was thinking of Daemon's boy Haegon." Viserys said and Rhaegar looked to see the small proud smile on Aegor's face at the mention of his brother and nephew.

"He's a good man, cousin, a fine warrior and it would be a huge honor both for my brother and for Meereen." Aegor said.

"Ask Monford to bring a message to Daemon and Haegon, perhaps you can write it Aegor to keep it less official for now?" he said looking to his cousin who nodded "I will speak to Aegon. Until tonight." he said as he rose and walked out from the High Council Chambers.

Aegon waited alone outside and was sitting and japing with his guards when Rhaegar bid him follow. The two of them walking in silence through the halls of the Grand Palace until they came to the family wing. Entering his rooms and finding that Elia and Daenerys were elsewhere, Rhaegar was almost taken aback by how quiet their rooms were. His mind was still almost lost in memories of both his sons as it had been for the past few days. When they were young, they, Rhaenys and Daenerys would make so much noise and he found that now he missed that as much as he missed both his children that were no longer here.

"Where were you?" he asked Aegon as he shook the thoughts from his mind and concentrated on his duties once more.

"I overslept." Aegon said not even trying to hide the lie.

"It stops now, Aegon. I've let you shame your wife for too long and you've been shirking your duties ever since your brother's departure."

"Exile." Aegon said with a snarl "You exiled my brother, he didn't depart." he added.

"It matters not, Aemon's path is not yours. I wish for a grandchild and that cannot happen if you refuse to lay with your wife."


"Is your wife and you bring shame upon her and upon your mother and me with your actions. It stops now, Aegon, that and this reluctance to be who you are meant to be. It is your council that I should be relying on, yours most of all. There is much you must learn son and I know at times that it seems a thankless task, but you will find your rewards in it as have I." he said, the last part of his words far softer than the first part.

"She wishes to free slaves, father?" Aegon said with a sigh and was their discussion not so serious then Rhaegar would have chuckled.

"Some slaves should be free, all of them were it possible. Lyanna too wished to free slaves as did your mother. Even despite my counseling them not to, both still did as they wished. It seems my gooddaughter shares a common trait amongst brides of the Empire." he said and was pleased to see the small smile that appeared on Aegon's face.

"I'll try harder, father." Aegon said and Rhaegar reached out to pat his son on the shoulder when his son then spoke again "I miss them father, both of them."

"As do I." Rhaegar said softly.

Dinner that night was not a pleasant affair and was why he far preferred it to be only family and those who were close enough that they may have been that he ate with. His sister was her usual charming self and Aegon was far more attentive to his wife, something that Talisa seemed pleased about. Yet it was the small dark-haired Baelish's presence that Rhaegar was most disturbed by. There was something about the man that he disliked and it took him some time to figure out what it was. It was not his duplicitous nature or that his smile never reached his eyes, it was how he looked at his sister that Rhaegar was wary of.

The Empire rarely took part in disputes with the Iron Bank or in its operations, perhaps it was time for them to do so as a man such as Petyr Baelish was a man who should be kept far from any position that offered him power. Some men were happy with their lot in life, some sought to rise as high as they could. Ambition was a good and useful thing for a High Emperor to be aware of and to reward when it was beneficial. It was also something that needed to be looked upon with caution and looking at Petyr Baelish his ambitions were clear.

The conquest of Westeros XIX.

The House of the Snake and the Empress of the Sun.

Descended from the Rhoynish Princess Nymeria, House Martell ruled over a united Dorne for more than a thousand years. Yet they refused to think of themselves as King's or Queens and instead kept the Rhyonish title of Prince or Princess. Be it because of Dorne's unique lands, its deserts, and mountains made it hard for an invasion force to gain ground, or because of the Dornish spirit of independence, Dorne had always, at least compared to some of the other Seven Kingdoms, stayed relatively peaceful under the rule of the House of the Snake.

It sought little interaction with the other kingdoms and kept itself apart from them in almost every aspect, seeking closer ties with Essos rather than Westeros. Perhaps it was this which had led to Princess Elia looking east rather than west for a match, or more likely it was the future Empress of the Sun herself who had sought a dragon for a husband. Regardless of the why, it was to Dorne's great surprise and immense pride that the then Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia were married. When news came of the birth of a daughter there were those in Dorne who thought that perhaps this meant a future High Empress, but the Empire was not Dorne and so when a son was born it was he and not his sister who was named as heir.

For more than twenty years the alliance between the Empire and Dorne, though never official, stood unchallenged and Dorne reaped the benefits of being so closely aligned with the House of the Dragon. But just like in Westeros itself, a daughter was higher than a brother or sister, and despite believing they had their sister's ear, the princes of House Martell were soon to learn one immutable fact. Their sister may have the blood of the snake running through her veins but she had married and birthed dragons and it was to them and them alone that the Empress of the Sun owed her loyalty too.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Dorne 300 AC.

Rhaenys Targaryen.

They had flown for almost a full day and she, Meraxes and Arthur were tired. Rhaenys though knew they had to fly further before they could rest and so it was not until they were past the Stormlands that she felt comfortable enough to tell Meraxes to land. The clearing her dragon landed in was open with no cover from trees or bushes and Rhaenys thanked the gods that the weather was mild. Thoughts of staying here in the rain, not ones that she wished to dwell on.

Despite being able to see for miles around, once they landed Arthur insisted upon making sure that he took a look around before he'd consider relaxing his guard. While he did so, Rhaenys stood by Meraxes and she could feel her dragon's tiredness. There was something else there too and it took her a moment to understand that it was a reluctance to undertake this journey. It was a strange feeling for her dragon to have and yet it was one that Rhaneys shared with her, as she too wished her journey had not been needed.

"I miss them too, but we'll not be away from them for long." she said stroking Meraxes back and she was pleased to hear the trill her dragon made.

"All is safe, my princess." Arthur said and she noticed the small branches he carried in his hand, Rhaenys wondering where they'd come from since there were no trees for what seemed to be miles around.

It didn't take him long to get the fire going and despite being hungry, Meraxes was clearly in no mood for a hunt. As for herself, she smiled as she opened her pack and took out the food that Aemon had insisted she brought with her. There was to be no stale bread and dried meat for her on this journey and her husband had seen to that himself. She was glad of his concern and his thoughtfulness and as she and Arthur ate, she found that she quite enjoyed the meal too.

"How long has it been since you set foot in Dorne, Ser Arthur?" she asked after they'd finished eating.

"Four years, my princess. I accompanied your mother to the funeral of your great uncle Prince Lewyn and met with my family." Arthur said with a soft smile on his face.

"And my uncle Doran?" she asked curiously.

"Him, Prince Oberyn, and some of your cousins too." Arthur said and Rhaenys felt a little jealous of the man.

She'd met with Oberyn on one of his many visits to Volantis and at times he'd brought his older daughters with him and even his paramour. Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene she'd met them all, but none of her other cousins and not Arianne, not even when she had visited the Grand Palace as Rhaenys had been in Lys with Meraxes at the time.

"What is my uncle like?" she asked looking to Arthur.

"Prince Doran is a cautious and careful man, my princess, he's also a proud one and I don't think he'll take kindly to your visit." Arthur said and she shook her head.

"You believe me to be in danger from my kin?" she asked almost disbelievingly.

"I believe that what you and Aemon are attempting to do will win you few friends, my princess. Men at times need to be given a reason to kneel and some men need a larger reason than others, as I believe your uncle will." Arthur said and Rhaenys took heed of his words.

"And you Arthur, what do you think of what Aemon is doing?" she asked curiously.

"I believe that you and your brother are on the only path you can walk, my princess. In time others will walk that path with you, but at times it will be a lonely one for both of you." Arthur said and Rhaenys found that she couldn't disagree with him in that regard.

Already it had cost them their family, or their time with their family at least and while she had no doubts about what she was doing, it didn't mean that she didn't miss having family by her side. Her uncle, her aunt, her brother and mother, and even her father though she was angry at him too. For years he had told her this was wrong, that she and Aemon were not meant to be and she like a dutiful daughter had listened. Doing so had hurt the person she loved most in the world and only that her love's heart was true, that was all it had done.

The thoughts that Aemon may have rejected her after she had done so to him were the ones that she fell to sleep pondering. Rhaenys trying to imagine the life she'd have lived had she stuck on her path and not come to her senses and were she alone and in her bed then she may have given in to the urge to cry. She was not alone and that was not her path though and Aemon had not only welcomed her with open arms but had not sought to blame her for taking so long to come to him. The memory of his words to her when she had said how sorry she was, enough to put a smile on her face and allow her to fall to sleep.

"You are here and we are together, what else matters more than that, my love." Aemon said as he kissed her.

She woke when Meraxes landed, the dragon having gone to eat while they had slept and she was unsurprised to see Arthur was already up and about. After breaking their fast they were quickly back on Meraxes's back and the flight to Sunspear took them only a few hours. It was Arthur who pointed it out to her and who directed her where to land. Rhaenys staying on the dragon's back at his command as the riders rode out to meet them.

"What business do you have in Dorne?" the lead rider said as Arthur stood facing him, the man looking beyond him and to Meraxes and Rhaenys imagining that was not something that happened often, Arthur being considered the lesser threat for once.

"My name is Ser Arthur Dayne and I'm accompanying Princess Rhaenys Targaryen to meet with her uncles." Arthur said firmly.

"The Sword of the Morning."

"Is that truly Princess Elia's daughter."

"She's a Dragonrider."

The voices were excited and relieved at the same time and the lead rider then named himself as Ser Daemon Sand and bid them join him on the ride back to the Old Palace. With a few words to Meraxes and a nod from Arthur, Rhaenys climbed down from her dragon's back and she accepted the offer of a horse, as did Arthur. It made her arrival into Sunspear itself somewhat less impressive but it gave her a chance to see more of the Shadow City as she rode through it.

She listened as Ser Daemon told Arthur that her uncle Doran was staying at the Water Gardens and that Oberyn and most of his children were there too. Rhaenys feeling somewhat disappointed by that until she found that her cousins Arianne, Trystane, and Tyene were all in residence at the Old Palace. They were greeted by two of the three when they arrived in the courtyard and Rhaenys knew at once which one was Arianne. The darker hair and the small figure were a giveaway based on her mother's description. Tyene was paler, blond, and blue-eyed while Arianne looked more like her and her mother than the girl beside her.

"Cousin, is it truly you?" Arianne asked as she smiled beamingly at her.

"It is, cousin." she said and was welcomed with a warm embrace.

"Cousin." Tyene said as soon as Arianne let her go and she too embraced her and then at a nod from Arianne bread and salt was brought forward.

"Cousin?" she asked.

"A custom, cousin, nothing more." Arianne said and Rhaenys wondered if she thought her a fool.

Still, she took a piece of each as did Arthur and they were then escorted to their rooms. Not that she intended to stay here any longer than she had to. This was not a visit for pleasure and while she agreed to stay the night and even enjoyed the feast that was thrown for her, it was not her cousins that she had come to see. She did accept the offer of fresh horses in the morning and then she said her goodbyes to her cousins. As they rode out the gates to head to the Water Gardens, she knew that each word she'd said, each move she'd made had been relayed to her uncles who now no doubt awaited her arrival.

"You were right, Arthur." she said softly so those with them couldn't hear.

"Princess?" Arthur asked.

"Our presence is not as welcome as I'd hoped." she said and Arthur nodded.

She didn't need to call her, Meraxes could feel what she could feel and though her connection was not the same as Aemon's was with Gaeltihox, it was one that was strong and true. When they got to the Water Gardens the dragon would be with them, seen with them and she'd then land nearby. Kin they may be but her blood was not theirs and when they heard her offer they'd know that to be true. A carrot she'd bring them, as for the stick, well what need did she have for one of them when she had a dragon to call upon.

Dragonstone 300 AC.


He was gathering everything that he needed for the battles ahead when the raven arrived. Marwyn surprised to see the Direwolf's seal on it and so he hurried to where his prince was to hand it to him before he left. Along with the others, he'd travel on the Pride of Driftmark while his prince and Torgho Nudho would fly on Gaelithox. Aemon he knew had intended to leave before them so he could meet up with the rest of their men. So as he ran down the steps towards the beach and he hoped he was not too late.

Luck was on his side as he saw that Aemon was still speaking to Aurane and the others and not seeing Gaelitox around he slowed his run and caught his breath. For nearly ten years he'd been by his prince's side, his prince's namesake Prince Aemon having told him about the Dragonknights and the differences they had in relation to other Dragonriders. Once he had done so, Marwyn had been fascinated by the connection that a Dragonknight had with his dragon and had found in the young prince someone just as willing as his older Granduncle was to speak to him on such things. He was under no illusion that he was now privy to all the secrets of the House of the Dragon, but he knew far more than most and that was enough for him.

Knowledge was its own reward and he'd learned more by being by his prince's side than he could have ever dreamed to learn anywhere else. He'd seen things that those fools he had once named as his colleagues in the Citadel would name him a liar for. The books he'd written and the book he was writing now would live on long after his time and he got the sense that he still had so much more to learn. Westeros was on the verge of a new age and he was here, right here at the forefront of it. No Maester before and none after him would ever have such an opportunity as he and so his loyalty belonged entirely to his prince.

"My prince, a raven." he said when he reached the men.

"From where, Marwyn?" Aemon asked as he looked at the scroll in his hand.

"Winterfell, my prince." he said to a surprised look from his prince.

He and the others held their breath while Aemon opened the scroll and he was surprised to see the small smile on his prince's face as he read it. Then he was even more surprised when his prince handed him the scroll rather than one of the others and while Aemon spoke to them, Marwyn read the words to himself.

Prince Aemon,

My name is Eddard Stark, your uncle and the Prince of Moat Cailin. Despite my father's reluctance, mine own wishes were to meet you from the moment that I learned of your arrival on Dragonstone. For twenty years I've thought about my sister and to know her son is close enough to actually meet was something that filled me with joy. My father was my king though, as much if not more than he was my father and so it was his wishes I followed. As you may be aware, my father, your grandfather has been murdered and it's my brother, your uncle Brandon who now wears the crown of the Kings of Winter. I have spoken to him and with his permission, I'd like to invite you to meet us as we march to avenge my father's death. Whatever differences we have can at least be discussed and I hope you accept this offer.

Your uncle.

Prince Eddard Stark.

It was an unexpected turn and he could see that it had caught his prince by surprise. Aemon listening as each of his friends gave their own take on things. Daario was against it, saying that he'd met the new king and he too had been just like his father. Marwyn listening intently as Daario said they'd been shadowed until they'd left the North. Thoros too was reluctant for Aemon to go to the meeting, the red priest worried that there was deception at play. Torgho Nudho was even less enthused by the request, but it was Aurane's words that he knew would win the day.

"Rhaenys is speaking with her family to try and bring them to our side, Aemon. You wished to do the same with them and with the Starks. I know you long to set foot in Winterfell and to see the keep and lands that your mother was born in. Better to do so as an honored guest than as an enemy or conqueror." Aurane said looking at the prince.

"You're right and at the least I can judge the men for myself. Get the measure of my uncles and what I may need to face. Gaelithox will see to my safety as well as your spear, Torgho Nudho. Perhaps we can gain an ally and if not we'll at least know who our enemies truly are." Aemon said and Marwyn couldn't fault the logic in his prince's words.

Almost as if he'd just been called, Gaelithox landed and within a few moments, Aemon and Torgho Nudho were on the dragon's back and in the sky. Hurrying back to his rooms, Marwyn gathered his supplies and made his way to the ship, and as night fell they set sail and he looked to see Dragonstone fade from his view. How long it would be until he returned he knew not, but as he sat and ate with the men on the ship it was excitement and not fear that he felt. Five times he'd ridden into battle with the Dragonknight and his men and five times he'd ridden home unharmed. He had no doubt in his mind that this would be the sixth.

The Water Gardens 300 AC.

Oberyn Martell.

The raven from his niece was a surprise or to be more precise the words written upon it were. Doran had called him into his solar to tell him of Rhaenys's arrival in Sunspear and though initially he was pleased, moments after listening to his brother he wasn't so certain this was as good a thing as he had thought it was. Had it not been for the raven from Prince Aemon then both he and his brother would be rejoicing and welcoming their niece to their homeland. Long had he wished for her or Aegon to travel and visit Dorne. Her arrival coming so soon after that raven though, that created some doubt in his mind and even more in Doran's.

"Why do you think she's come now, brother?" Doran asked.

"I don't know, brother. What I do know is that Prince Aemon readies to march and march he will and the last time I met our niece she and he were more than close." Oberyn replied.

"I thought that Rhaegar banned such unions?" Doran asked curiously.

"He did and I believe that's what led to the exile, but I can't be certain. Elia is not forthcoming when it comes to the inner working of the Empire and the dragons." Oberyn said shaking his head.

"We must wait and see then." Doran said.

They hadn't spoken more about their niece that night, dinner being a quiet affair and even Ellaria seemed more subdued than normal. Usually, his paramour would try and cheer him up if she felt he was less than happy, tonight for some reason she left him to his thoughts. Looking to Doran he could see that his brother was even deeper into his own thoughts than he. He knew that Doran had intended at one point to offer a marriage between Quentyn and Rhaenys. That even after Elia had told him that it would never happen he had then intended to seek Princess Daenerys as a bride for his eldest son.

Their sister had been adamant though that her children and Rhaegar's sister were not Rhaegar and where he may have looked to Westeros, they would not. Were Aemon from her womb and not Lyanna Stark's then he had no doubt that his brother would have sought a match between him and Arianne, but even the thoughts of having a Dragonknight tied to his family was not enough for Doran to not see the boy as a source of shame.

The Targaryens may have married more than one wife before, but it was not something that was done in Dorne and Doran had never forgiven the boy for things outside his control. That had been the reason for his abrupt reply to Aemon's raven and Oberyn was sure it was that and their niece's sudden desire to visit their lands that was on his brother's mind, as they were on his own. Sleep though came easy and he awoke early and sparred before he broke his fast. His day was going well until he saw the dragon in the sky and though he looked forward to seeing his niece, he worried about the day ahead also.

"Your brother bids you to join him, my prince." a servant said and Oberyn hurried to the courtyard just in time to see his niece and Ser Arthur Dayne ride in along with Ser Daemon and some of Arianne's guards.

Seeing Arthur with his niece gave him and Doran by the looks of it, pause. Perhaps this was more of an official visit than they had feared, he hoped so and he welcomed his niece with a warm smile that she returned.

"Niece welcomed to Dorne." he said happily.

"Thank you uncle, it's so good to see you again." Rhaenys said smiling back at him.

"My girls will be so pleased to see you, may I introduce you to your uncle, Doran." he said moving her to his brother and noticing immediately how close to her that Arthur stayed.

"Uncle Doran, long have I wished to meet you." Rhaneys said, genuinely he felt.

"And I, you, niece." Doran replied.

"Arthur, it's good to see you old friend." he said as he welcomed the man that he had once been as close as a brother to.

"You too, my prince."

Why the dragon then felt the need to fly over them at that precise time he had no idea but looking at it in the sky he could see just how impressive it truly was. He'd not spent much time around them when he'd visited Volantis, not seen them really close up, and even when he'd watched them fly they had done so far higher in the sky than this. Whether this was meant to be intimidating he couldn't tell but if it was then it achieved its goal.

"Perhaps we should go inside, Ellaria and the girls will be most eager to see you, niece." he said with a smile.

"As am I them, uncle." Rhaenys answered.

Arthur moved as Rhaenys did, Dawn's hilt was clear over his shoulder and it was obvious to anyone that though he didn't expect any danger from anyone here, he was ready for it all the same. Once inside the keep, it was to the pools rather than to Doran's solar they went. AS they walked down the corridors and finally came to the large double doors that led out to where Ellaria and his girls were, Oberyn could see Rhaenys taking all the Water Gardens had to offer in.

He wondered if Elia had spoken to her of the Water Gardens and of her own time here and did his sister remember it as fondly as he did. Given how Rhaenys was looking at everything and the small smile she wore on her face, he was sure she had. Ellaria was playing with Dorea and Loreza while Elia, Obella, and Nymeria lounged around and Obara practiced with her spear in hand. When his love saw him and Rhaenys she gave him a warm smile, though there was a questioning look in her eyes which his small nod answered, or at least so he hoped.

"Aunt." Rhaenys said happily and Ellaria's smile grew fuller.

"It is so good to see you here, niece. Allow me to introduce your cousins to you. Girls come and meet Rhaenys, your cousin." Ellaria said her voice light and for the next hour or so he sat and watched as each of his girls and his niece spoke and laughed about something or other.

The happy times were not to last as long as he would have liked and soon enough they were heading to Doran's solar where for the briefest moment things became very tense as Areo refused Arthur leave to enter the room. Oberyn thought that Rhaenys would order her protector to wait outside, that she'd tell him she was in no danger here with her kin, and when she did not he began to grow concerned. It was clear to him then that this was indeed a far less friendly visit than he had hoped.

"Ser Arthur may stand at my niece's shoulder, Areo." he said to a glare from the large Norvosi, and had Doran not added his own words to it then he'd have perhaps ended up arguing with Areo himself.

"As you command, my prince." Areo said to Doran, and not to him.

They took their seats and he saw how his brother looked to him before he looked to Rhaenys. Oberyn also noticing how the smiles and relaxed nature of his niece was now a thing of the past. Rhaenys sat stiff and formal and looked every inch the daughter of a High Emperor and Oberyn had to admit he found her to be very impressive.

"You received a raven from Aemon, uncle?" Rhaenys said and Doran nodded "And yet you denied him your help?" she asked.

"He is not my blood." Doran said simply.

"Yet he is mine. He is my mother's and my brother's. Now though that matters not, for he is my husband too." Rhaenys said and Doran quickly looked at him.

"I had heard your father forbade the match?" Oberyn said and Rhaenys smirked.

"Aemon accepted exile rather than do what my father bid him do, uncle. Did you really think he gave up that easy?" his niece said proudly "My husband's will is unlike that of any man you know, uncle. He wills Westeros to be his and so it will be his and Dorne now has a decision to make. Stand with family or stand against it." Rhaenys said looking to him and then to Doran.

"Dorne always stands with family, but Dorne is its own country niece, we are Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken and we have no wish to change that, not even for you." Doran said and Rhaenys then smiled a full smile before she spoke again.

"Arthur, how many battles has Aemon won?" Rhaenys asked.

"Many, my princess. Many times people have dared to face Aemon across the field and thought themselves a match and many times they've found to their cost that they're very much not." Arthur said, his voice soft and almost casual.

"And is my husband a forgiving man?" Rhaneys asked and Arthur's snort was enough of an answer and so Rhaenys continued "I have no wish to fight against my kin and so Aemon will have no wish to fight against it either. I come here to ask what it is that Dorne requires for its support and acceptance of my husband and mine own rule. What arrangments and boons does it require to bow, bend and yet remain unbroken. You have a night to consider it uncle, on the morrow Arthur and I will depart on Meraxes and join my husband. Should I do so without an agreement then when next I return it will be with a far different purpose and there will be far fewer words spoken." Rhaenys said as she rose to her feet "I look forward to your reply."

Oberyn watched as Rhaenys left the room with Arthur in tow. He turned to see the angered look on his brother's face and while he felt some of that same anger himself, his was tinged with pride also. Elia's daughter had grown up to be just as fierce as her mother. She too hid behind courtesies and sweet words but beneath them lay a snake, a dragon and they would do well to remember that and to consider their next move very carefully.

Riverlands/North 300 AC.


Gaelithox soared in the air and Aemon looked down at his ships as they anchored in the Bay of Crabs, pointing them out to Torgho Nudho who sat behind him. They were far enough from land that they were safe and unseen but once Aurane and the others arrived he knew that would no longer be the case. Two, three days at the most and they would be arriving at the mouth of the Trident and then they'd be at war. It was not much time for him to do what he had to do, but it was enough. If he could bring the North to his side then it would take one less potential enemy off the table.

They would be lesser than his own men, but having them with them would give the rest of his enemies something else to worry about. Without them, this was going to be slightly more difficult though eventually, he'd bring others to his side. Once they saw the truth of him and Gaelitox then people would seek him out and seek a place at their table and unlike some of the battles he had fought in Essos, there were places up for grabs. Whether or not the North or Dorne would be given one of those places was yet to be seen. Thinking of Dorne, quickly had him thinking of his sister. Aemon wondering how Rhaenys was finding the lands of her mother and envying her that she would be so freely accepted in them. He already missed her terribly, even though it had been less than a couple of days since she had laid in his arms.

They flew over Maidenpool, The Isle of Faces, and Harrenhal, Aemon looking down on the imposing keep and even he was impressed by its large curtain walls and the towers. Gaelitox took them all the way to the borders of the Kingdom of the West before they then turned and headed north and soon he was flying over what he assumed to be Riverrun and then the Twins. He took note of the ground beneath him, looking at it with a keen eye as he picked places that he wished to avoid and places that he would be most happy for the war to be fought upon. When they reached the Neck he quickly decided that this was not a place he wanted to get caught up in. Its swampy ground would be the death of any army that dared to come North and when he flew high over Moat Cailin it became clear to him why the North had never been taken.

"Ilagon konīr Gaelithox" (Down there Gaelitox) he said as the Blood Wyrm landed in an open spot, his flames soon covering the elk that had moved far too slowly when it had seen them.

They were in the North itself now, a couple of miles away from the Moat and he was sure that they had arrived unseen. As Gaelithox ate the Elk, Aemon looked at the lands around him and breathed in deeply while Torgho Nudho made sure they were alone. Aemon wore a small smile on his face as he closed his eyes and pictured his mother on these lands. Her dark hair being blown behind her by the wind as she raced across the ground on her black mare. Not even the finest riders in Essos, the Dothraki, could match his mother when she rode. Aemon now remembering fondly sitting in front of her on the saddle as she raced around the walls of Qarth.

"I'm finally here, mother." he said softly as he knelt down and took some of the loose earth in his hands before placing it in a small pouch that he then tied to his belt.

He and Torgho Nudho slept curled up against Gaelithox's side and it allowed for the dragon's warmth to be their heat for the night. The air had turned cold as soon as night had fallen and yet he found that he preferred it to the heat of Essos in a way, or maybe he was just feeling more sentimental given where he was. When he woke the next morning it was before dawn had broken and as he broke his fast, he again breathed in the cool crisp air. He longed to see more of this place, to travel these lands and see what it was that his mother had missed so terribly during her time in Essos. Her journal had made it clear to him that though she was happy in the life she led, a part of her had always remained lost to these lands.

"Come Gaelithox, it's time we met my kin." he said as nodded to Torgho Nudho and they climbed up on the Blood Wyrm's back and then headed for Moat Cailin.

This time they flew far lower as he now wished to be seen. The last thing he wanted was his arrival to be a surprise and for it to bring the Northmen to arms. Were they to fire upon him then even he may not be able to control his dragon's anger. It took him some time to find a space large enough to land and by the time he had done so he was sure the entire keep were aware they had a dragon in their midst. As he and Torgho Nudho climbed down off the dragon's back he could see the party that was coming their way. He had no need to look behind him to know that his sworn shield was holding his spear and was ready to spring into action. Nor did he need to look to Gaelitox to know that his dragon was watching those who rode his way with a wary eye.

"Prince Aemon, my name is Benjen Stark, your uncle." a dark-haired man said as Aemon looked to him to see how much of his mother that he could see in him.

His eyes were more of a blue than a grey and his hair was darker than how Aemon remembered his mother's. There was something about his expression which raised his heckles though, his and even more so the men with him. He hadn't expected to be welcomed with open arms, but they'd asked him to come and this wasn't as warm a reception as it could have been.

"Prince Benjen, it's good to see you at last, long have I wished to meet my mother's family." he said and he was rewarded then with a warmer smile from his uncle.

"As have I, you, Prince Aemon." Benjen said.

"I will accept guest rights, it's a custom in Westeros is it not?" he asked as he looked at how warily the others were looking at him and at Gaelitox.

"Aye, it is. Smalljon." Benjen said turning to a man who was anything but small "Send word to the Moat to prepare some bread and salt" Benjen said to an annoyed look, the man only moving upon seeing his uncle's glare.

"Aye, my prince." the not-so Smalljon said as he then rode off.

"We'll walk back if it's not too much trouble Prince Aemon. My brothers will both be eager to see you." Benjen said yet his words didn't feel honest to him.

There was something going on here that he was unaware of and so with a nod to Torgho Nudho and a look back to Gaelitox who then took to the sky and flew overhead, he began to walk by his uncle's side. He was happy to see the worried looks on the Northmen's faces and his uncle tried and failed to hide his own.

"Is the dragon flying off somewhere, Prince Aemon?" Benjen asked as they began to walk.

"The Blood Wyrm is most protective of my prince." Torgho Nudho said and Aemon noticed the looks that his uncle gave the Northmen and the dragon that flew just over their heads.

Arriving at the Moat itself only reinforced what he had thought about it upon seeing it from the air. Aemon knew this keep wouldn't fall to men alone, not from the northern road and certainly not from the southern one. To take this keep would require a dragon and even then it would still take some time. As they entered the courtyard he could see the looks he got were anything but friendly, and he almost laughed when Gaelitox let his displeasure be known. The Blood Wyrm choosing that precise moment to let out a roar that had some men fall to the ground in fear. Whether it was that or his uncle Benjen's words to the Smalljon, a plate was quickly brought to him bearing bread and salt and all eyes in the yard were on him and Torgho Nudho as they took a piece of each.

"I'll take you to my brother, the king." Benjen said and Aemon nodded.

Walking through the keep he noticed some of the looks he was given by those they passed. Two young boys and a young small dark-haired girl almost stared at him while another red-headed young woman offered him a polite smile and curtsy which he acknowledged with a smile of his own that made her blush. As for the guards and some of who he was sure now were the Northern Lords, their looks were more wary and suspicious. When he reached what he assumed was the solar, the two men on guard looked to his sword and to Torgho Nudho's spear before his uncle told them that he'd accepted guest rights. It was clear how much that was thought of amongst the men of the North and he was glad that Marwyn had explained the custom to him in detail.

"Prince Aemon, your grace." Benjen said as they entered the room and Aemon looked to see a man who was sitting behind the desk and wearing a bronze crown that looked like a set of swords all pointing upward.

Though he was sitting down it was clear that his uncle Brandon was a far larger man than his uncle Benjen. His dark hair and grey eyes were more like his mother's than his other uncle's bluer ones were as well. Compared to the other man sitting at the table though, both his uncles could have been from a different bloodline altogether. This could only be his uncle Eddard and everything about him simply screamed Stark to him. His brown hair and his grey eyes were most familiar and were his mother to stand with the three men in this room then it would be clear that she was Eddard's kin most of all.

"Your grace." he said with a small nod as he turned to look back at his uncle Brandon who was looking at him with eyes filled with fury, even if he kept his expression schooled.

"Aemon." his uncle said almost derisively.

"Prince." Torgho Nudho said with a bit of bite in his voice, not a full-on warning, but close to oone.

"Not here he's not." his uncle said and Aemon was glad that he'd spoken to Torgho about guest rights or else his uncle would be skewered now on the end of a spear.

"So the pleasantries are over with, good, I fucking hate them anyway." he said with a chuckle and was surprised by the smirk on his uncle Eddard's face "You asked me to be here, I've come, now let us speak on that we must." he said as he refused the seat that was offered to him.

"We asked you to come before we were aware of things, my prince. Or should I say more aware." his uncle Eddard said and as he turned to face him, his uncle Brandon then rose quickly to his feet.

"I should kill you where you stand, boy." Brandon said angrily.

"Better men than you have tried and failed, uncle. But feel free to test your luck." he said as he moved his hands to his side and then spread them wide.

"Enough." Benjen said loudly as he slammed his hand on the table "Prince Aemon has accepted guest right and you shame us by making threats, brother."

"Especially those you can't follow through on." Aemon said to a loud sigh from Benjen and a move forward from his uncle Brandon.

The spear moved quicker than any of them and had Torgho Nudho wished his uncle dead then the North would need a new king. Quickly his uncle Eddard drew his sword which forced Aemon to draw his own and were it not for the loud roar of Gaelithox right at that moment, then he'd have been a kinslayer before he'd have left this room.

"I should have expected no less from your false words. Your father made his feelings on me clear and fool that I am I took his death as a chance for a fresh start. I thank you for showing me the error of my thinking and promise that I'll not make the same mistake again." Aemon said snarling as he turned and moved to the door.

"You killed my father. I'll see your head on a spike boy, on that you can be assured." Brandon shouted and Aemon turned back and glared at him before almost storming back to the table.

"You dare accuse me of such a thing. You dare name me a kinslayer, you think I'll brook such an insult? You're just as much a fool as your father was." Aemon said his voice rising as did his anger "When I wish a man dead I look him in the eye or face him across a field. Ambushes to kill a man are for lesser men than me, so mark my words and mark them well. When I come for you, you'll see me coming, your grace." he said as he walked from the room, Torgho Nudho walking with him.

He heard the shouts of his uncle behind him and the looks that both he and his sworn shield gave the guards almost dared them to break guest right. None of them did however and as he reached the courtyard he called for Gaelithox. They had just reached the main gate when his uncle Eddard caught up with him, Aemon ignoring the shouts he aimed his way as he called for him to stop. Again it was Torgho Nudho and his spear that one of his uncles was faced with and he heard the sounds of swords being unsheathed around the yard.

"Please nephew, let us speak." his uncle said and Aemon nodded to Torgho who then removed his spear "Thank you." his uncle said his relief clear.

"Speak and speak quickly for I have no wish to stay where I'm not welcome." he said his anger still clear to any who could hear him.

"I wish to apologize for my brother and for your reception, nephew. Our father's death has put a great strain on all of us and perhaps we see enemies were there are none." his uncle said.

"I played no part in my grandfather's death uncle and I intend to avenge it as my mother would have wished me to." he said and his uncle smiled at him.

"Aye, she would. Despite her issues with your grandfather, my sister was a wolf first and would not allow someone to harm the pack and get away with it." his uncle said and Aemon relaxed somewhat.

"Why does your brother suspect me? Your raven asked me to come, did you suspect me then? Was this but a ruse?" he asked staring into his uncle's eyes.

"I asked you to come because we are kin. As for the rest? I'd ask you to stay, Aemon, to speak to myself and my brothers when clearer heads prevail. A night, one night where we can speak as men and see if we can reach an accord, I believe she'd wish for us to try?" his uncle said almost pleadingly.

Aemon looked to Torgho who shook his head and to his uncle who to him looked as if he meant the words he'd just spoken. A part of him wanted to just deny him, to walk out the gates, and when next they met it would be army to army, man to man. Yet his sister's words rang out in his mind just as much as his mother's did. These were his kin and so perhaps a night wasn't too much to ask for.

"A night." he said and saw his uncle smile.

House Hoare.

King Qhored Hoare age 42 years.

Queen Yara Hoare (nee Botley) age 41.

Prince Harren Hoare age 17.

Princess Gwynesse Hoare age 15.

House Greyjoy.

Balon Greyjoy age 45.

Alannys Greyjoy age 45.

Rodrik Gryejoy age 29.

Maron Greyjoy age 27.

Asha Greyjoy age 25.

Theon Greyjoy age 21.

Euron Greyjoy age 43.

Victarion Greyjoy age 40.

Aeron Greyjoy age 36.


Prince Qhored Hoare died 283 AC age 3 spring sickness.

Princess Asha Hoare died 283 AC age 1 spring sickness.

House Martell.

Prince Doran Martell age 52.

Mellario Martell (his wife, separated and residing in Norvos) age 51.

Princess Arianne Martell (his daughter and heir) age 24

Prince Quentyn Martell (his son) age 19.

Prince Trystane Martell (his son) age 13.

Prince Oberyn Martell (his brother) age 43.

Ellaria Sand (Oberyn's paramour) age 36.

Obara Sand (his daughter) age 28.

Nymeria Sand (his daughter) age 25.

Tyene Sand (his daughter) age 23.

Sarella Sand (his daughter) age 19.

Elia Sand (his daughter) age 15.

Obella Sand (his daughter) age 12.

Dorea Sand (his daughter) age 8.

Loreza Sand (his daughter) age 7.


Prince Lewyn Martell died 296 AC age 66.

House Targaryen of Meereen (Descendants of Daemon Blackfyre).

Daemon Targaryen governor of Meereen age 38.

Vaesys Targaryen his wife (nee Zo Loraq) age 36.

Haegon Targaryen (his son) age 19, Dragonrider to the dragon Tyraxes.

Calla Targaryen (his daughter) age 16.

Aegor Targaryen his brother and member of the High Council age 36 (unwed).

A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed: Up Next, as Aemon and Rhaenys spend a night with their kin, the battle lines are drawn and the Riverlands plays host to the first shots in the Battle for Westeros. While in the Reach a Queen of Thorns draws first blood.

Daryl Dixon: So glad you liked it.

Undeath: It is almost a triggering thing isn't it, it and Muh Queen just give you the shakes lol.

Celexys: So glad you liked it, the board is set now.

Classicxd: Thanks so much for saying so.

Huntsman: We'll see with the Martells, the one thing Rhaenys has going for her is she's blood. Tywin's issue is a lot of the same issues that they all have, there's no centralized power and so playing the game works differently. Aemon grew up pretty much in a city full of plotters and schemers, where in Tywin's world there really is just him. Robert is a military man, you're very right about that.

Dunk: You were but one chapter off, we'll see more of the fallout from the raven next. Brandon has one advantage here in that he does have Ned by his side which in canon he didn't, he's still Brandon though as you see. Dorne's problem is that in some ways it thinks/thought that Elia would step in, now it has a big choice to make, we've seen the stick with Rhaenys let's see if there's a carrot to follow. The vale will be dealt with in a chapter or two, Jon A will be a bit like his canon version of himself, so we'll see. This isn't the last we'll see of LF obviously.

VDWade: the Wolf/Dragon is closer than ever but we'll see if they can seal the deal. Tywin just is a man who needs killing lol.

VWChick: So glad you enjoyed it.

Guest: Yeah some issues that needed to be resolved that thankfully seem to be now. Rhaenys is more the political worker but she's not afraid to promise fire and blood either. Aemon here wouldn't have calmed were it not for her being back in his life, so just having her with him allows for him to think differently. We'll find out more about Lyanna/Rhaegar in a bit.

Zyrus: Hope this gave you your answers about the King Who Wept. Aemon's ego is a problem, he's been lucky so far in a lot of ways in that he's not faced anyone who's forced him to take a step back. Benjen didn't run with Lyanna because he wasn't on the trip, had he been then perhaps.

Leonel: It's around the canon time, slightly ahead of it. It's certainly too young yes. In canon, Lyanna is 16 almost 17 when she dies birthing Jon which is 283 AC. Which makes her 14/15 at Harrenhal when she and Rhaegar met and 15/16 when Jon is conceived or so. I moved it a couple of years but in the books, Sansa is 13 when she is wed to Tyrion. Now we all know that Tyrion didn't sleep with her, but just before then she was being married to Joff and he certainly would have.

Keb: We'll be getting Direwolves at some point yes. As you see he got the letter.

Poseidon: So very glad you like it.

Silverglow: No worries my friend.