
Game of thrones : Aemon the Conqueror

Not mine I just copied it to read in better settings Feel free to read Basically, Jon becomes Aegon the Conqueror and conquer all the divided kingdom of Westeros and Essos conquer by Aegon and Rhaegar rules it

SD_SR · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: We Are Dragons

The Conquest of Westeros XIV

The Vale of Arryn.

Ever since the Battle of Seven Stars, there has been one house and one alone that ruled the Vale. From King Artys to King Jon, House Arryn has stood As High as Honor above the rest. Despite some trouble with the remnants of the First Men who hadn't knelt and had instead fled into the mountains, the biggest trouble to come to House Arryn came from within. Ruled by its Maiden Queen Jeyne Arryn for seven and thirty years, her death as her life had before it brought about unrest in the House of the Falcon.

While she'd been able to fight those who doubted a woman's right to rule when she lived, upon her death, it was her testament that needed to be fought for. Naming her cousin Ser Joffrey Arryn as her heir had not gone down well and pretenders or claimants. depending on how you wish to look at them, came out against her decree. Ser Eldrich and Isembard Arryn both claimed the throne and a war for it soon ensued. Ser Corwyn Corbray named as regent by Queen Jeyne stood for her testament and by the time the war was done, House Arryn had nearly been wiped out.

It was only upon Ser Corwyn's death, which most considered treasonous, that the Vale was righted and Ser Joffrey was named its king. Peace had been won, though the cost had been bloody. Externally the biggest threat had always come from House Hoare and many times they had tried and failed to add the Vale to their kingdom. Each time these attempts were ended where any attempt to take the Vale from outside would be, at its Bloody Gate.

In 300 AC House Arryn was united or so everyone thought, for a crown is too big a prize not to be sought. King Jon Arryn had grown old and weak and his heir Ser Elbert had shown his unsuitability to rule on more than one occasion. So a growing number of the voices in the Vale called out for a change to its king and to who he had named its heir. The Vale had a new darling in Ser Denys, a true falcon and one that most wished to see wear its crown.

From atop the Eyrie, the House of the Falcon had always been the masters of all the lands beneath them and would remain that way until someone could rise even higher than they. But while the Eyrie may have been in the clouds it didn't own the skies around it. They weren't its domain, for they belonged to the dragons and not even a falcon can survive a dragon's flames.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Runestone 300 AC.

Lord Yohn Royce.

He sat with his daughter and watched as Robar rode out against Ser Denys. It was the match he and the rest of those sitting there had longed to see and as the two horses rode towards each other, Yohn moved forward in his seat. Denys had beaten all comers, even knocking himself to the ground while Robar had beaten his brother Andar in a tilt for the ages. For Yohn, it was with pride that he watched not just his son but the man he'd trained himself, Denys being perhaps the very best student he'd ever taught.

The first tilt was a draw as was the second and the third would have unhorsed lesser men. Both Robar and Denys stayed in the saddle though and knowing his son and his former squire, Yohn knew they were smiling beneath their helms. Denys wore a winged one, the white falcon embossed on his armor and on his shield, while Robar's was a duller bronze than his own. He very nearly cheered when on the fourth tilt his son almost unhorsed Denys, who then returned the favor on the fifth. In the end, it took eight and the hit which won the day for Denys was a thing of beauty. Yohn held his breath until Robar moved and got to his feet and he could see that while he had remained on his horse, Denys wasn't moving until he saw that Robar was unhurt.

"Your winner, Ser Denys Arryn, The Darling of the Vale." the herald said and Yohn could see Denys shaking his head.

The name had been given to him by some ladies many years earlier and it had stuck despite all of Denys's efforts to make it not so. His former squire knew how people saw him and how the name would make him seem. Yet the truth of things was far different than what many may think and were it left to Denys then Elbert would one day be king. There was no wish to usurp the rightful heir, no desire to be king and that was why he must be Yohn thought, as he watched Denys crown his wife Jeyne as the Queen of Love and Beauty.

Denys was everything a knight should be, everything a king should be, and he was far more suitable than Elbert in every conceivable way. As a warrior, husband, or father, they were like night and day. Denys remained faithful to his wife and doted on his children while Elbert never kept to his marriage bed and any heir he had was not born on the right side of the sheets. When it came to their own comforts the differences were even starker. Denys was by no means frugal but he was not a spendthrift like his cousin was. How Jon Arryn had let Elbert become what he had was beyond Yohn's comprehension and with the dragon looming large the Vale couldn't afford to be led by such a man.

"Father, we must speak." Andar said taking him from his thoughts.

"Andar?" he asked confusedly as he looked at his son.

"In your solar, father." his son said and he nodded.

With a kiss to Ysilla's cheek and a nod to Robar to follow him, Yohn rose and walked from the tiltyard beside his son. The note he was handed soon showed the import of his interruption. They'd no sooner made it to his solar than they were joined by Robar and Denys, both wearing smiles as they entered the room. Despite being a good deal older than his second son it was he and not Andar that Denys was closer to. Both of them were almost inseparable at times as their interests were far more martial than Andar's were. It was the curse of an heir in some ways. Andar's lessons had always been different from Robar's and Denys's and so though there was no distance between either of his sons or between Andar and Denys, only one was a true friend to the other.

"King Rickard Stark is dead." he said to surprised looks "Murdered." he added to shocked ones.

"How, where?" Denys asked and Yohn looked to Robar for the details.

"In the Riverlands, he had been visiting Riverrun for Lord Edmure's nameday and as he was returning North he and his men were attacked." Andar said as Yohn listened.

"By who?" Robar asked.

"The Hoares?" Denys asked looking at him.

"Perhaps, but why now?" Yohn asked "Rickard Stark has traveled to and from Riverrun for many years, ever since his son married Catelyn Tully, why now?"

"Because of the dragon on Dragonstone." Andar said and Yohn looked at his son as he considered it.

It could be for that reason, though he doubted even the Hoares would be that stupid and pull on the dragon's tail. Aemon Targaryen was Rickard's grandson, his daughter's boy, and kin was everything. The Hoares would have to know that by doing this they were bringing the dragon to their door and so unless they had some way of dealing with the dragon that he'd not been able to find, it was suicidal. Savage animals they and the rest of the Iron Born may be, they were he'd thought at least, smarter than this.

"We make for the Eyrie." he said after a few moments of silence.

"My lord?" Denys asked confused.

"Whether you wish it or not, doesn't matter any longer, Denys. War is upon us and we'll be led by someone who can lead, for if not then we're doomed before it begins." he said and Denys shook his head.

"I don't want it." Denys said and Yohn saw Robar pat him on the back.

"That's why it can only be you who takes it." Robar said.

They didn't stay for the feast and he had ravens sent to some of the lords he could truly trust. To Lady Anya Waynwood and Ser Symond Templeton, Lord Gilwood Hunter, and Lord Benedar Belmore, and to Lord Horton Redfort. It was time for the Vale to come together and for them to choose a king and he hoped that King Jon and Ser Elbert accepted their will on this. If they did not then when the war started and they were dragged into it, which was inevitable, they'd be riding under the wrong man and the Vale would face its greatest ever danger at a huge disadvantage. Should the dragon look their way then not even the Bloody Gate would stop his march and Yohn was certain that the dragon would set his sights on them soon enough.

Winterfell 300 AC.


He, Brandon, Benjen, Torrhen, and Robb stood in the crypts after placing their father's severed head in its final resting place. In time they'd have a statue made but though each of them hoped it, it was unlikely they'd be able to find the rest of his remains. Ned and his brothers stood quietly having said what words they wished to about their father in the Great Hall earlier on that morning. Then it was with their bannermen and with those who had served and known their father, now was a time for family only.

His feelings were confused, there was anger obviously and sadness, regret, and also annoyance too. He'd offered to send more men and even to go with his father himself as had Brandon, only for both of them to be denied leave to join him. So despite knowing deep down that had they gone then they too would most likely be dead and their families would now be mourning them as well, both he and Brandon had a sense of failure for not being by their father's side. Each of them felt it keenly and he didn't need to speak to his brother to know that just like him, right now he was thinking, what if.

What if I had been there?

What if I had been by his side?

What if he had brought more men?

What if, what if, what if?

After saying their goodbyes and sending both Robb and Torrhen back to the Great Hall so that the bannermen didn't become too restless, he and his brothers left the crypts and made their way to the Godswood. Each of them knelt and offered prayers and then took their seats as they spoke on their plans for what was to come. Brandon would be crowned king and then they would ride to war, that much was known. What was not was who exactly they were going to war with and whether or not they would be riding alone. It was the last of these what if's that he'd been thinking of as they had walked into the Godswood.

What if his father had allowed him to reach out to his nephew on Dragonstone?

"Robb will need to stay here, Torrhen too." Brandon said taking Ned from his thoughts.

"Aye, I had thought about not bringing him and letting him stay as Lord of Sea Dragon Point but with Dacey's family marching I felt he had to be seen to come this far at least." Benjen said.

"I'm surprised you managed to get Dacey to stay at home." Brandon said with a chuckle.

"Only that Maege is unwell or she'd not have. Were it Lyanna then she probably wouldn't have, but with Maege being so young." Benjen said and Ned nodded.

"We'll need to leave someone at the Moat, Ned, not that I'm questioning Cat but we'll need a military man to lead just in case." Brandon said looking at him.

"Aye, Jory won't stay back though and neither will Rodrik. I'd ask Howland to do it." he said.

"I'd like you to send word to Riverrun, Ned, have them send a raven to the Moat with their answer. They're your kin so it'll be best coming from you but we need to know if they're with us on this." Brandon said and he looked at him unsure if he should say what he was thinking and then deciding to do so anyway.

"What about Dragonstone?" he asked and saw the angered look on Brandon's face.

"Fuck Dragonstone." Brandon said while Benjen looked confused.

"What the fuck has Dragonstone got to do with anything?" his youngest brother asked and Brandon shook his head but Ned spoke anyway.

"Lya's boy, Aemon. He was exiled and he, his men, and his dragon have made their home on Dragonstone. I asked father to allow me to go and speak to him but I was refused." Ned said and he saw that this was news to Benjen, all of it and his brother took some time to take it all in. Benjen had always been closest to Lyanna and he'd missed her even more than he and Brandon had.

"Father made his feelings clear, he wanted nothing to do with the dragons and so I'll not sully his memory…" Brandon began.

"Father is dead, Brandon, and on this, he was a fool." he said and Brandon rose to his feet.

"I am king now and I say no." Brandon said angrily.

"So you'll be just as much of a fool as he?" he said rising to his own feet and glaring at his brother.

"Sit the fuck down both of you. For fuck's sake this is ridiculous. Ned is right on this Bran, father was a fucking fool when it came to Lya. " Benjen said his voice raised which caused both of them to stop and take a look at their younger brother "We should have reached out years ago. Were it not for father's pride we would have and by not doing so it cost us a sister. You'd now let a dead man's pride cost us a nephew?"

"Father…" Brandon began.

"Was wrong Brandon, you know he was, gods you said it to me often enough." Ned said and his brother almost shrunk in on himself and looked close to tears.

"We've only just buried him and you both are now asking me to go against his wishes. He denied Aemon leave to come North, sent his messengers away and even the blue-haired fuck that Wyman brought was sent away with the same reply. Now you want me to just ignore all of that?" Brandon asked.

"As you said already brother, you're our king now." Benjen said and Brandon looked to Ned who nodded.

"Very well, send the raven and arrange a meeting." Brandon said almost dejectedly.

Ned knew it was the loss of their father and the added weight of what he was now that was really the cause of his brother's upset. He knew that once the shock of the former and the discomfort of the latter wore off, his brother would see the benefit in what they were doing. If they could bring Aemon to their side and make him an ally then things would go much better for them. He didn't speak to either of his brothers on the words his father had said to him about Aemon's reasoning for being here. For some reason, he felt there was more to the story than what had been said the last time he and his father had spoken.

Aemon may very well be seeking to conquer Westeros and even to take the North, but it couldn't simply be that, could it? Surely there was more to it than his nephew had one day decided to conquer Westeros. He'd been on Dragonstone for almost two years now and suddenly he wished to take his father's crown, Brandon's crown now, no there had to be more to it than that. So after they had prayed and left the Godswood, he made his way to the Maester's Rooms and asked for some parchment and some ink and he wrote out a message to his nephew. He hoped his words came across as an invitation to meet with family and a call to arms and were not insulting given his father's actions. More than that he hoped there was as much wolf in Aemon as there was dragon, that there was some of Lya in her son.

"Maester, send this to Dragonstone." he said and he watched as the Maester tied the scroll to the raven's leg and it took to the sky.

Later that day Brandon was crowned and took his seat on the Winter Throne from where he delivered a call to arms. They feasted his crowning that night and each and every one of their bannermen paid their respects to their new king and queen. While he and Benjen sat at the high table as did only their family this night, they didn't stay there for long. Both of them soon moved among the crowd and he found himself sitting with the Greatjon and Rickard Karstark while Benjen sat with his goodfamily and the Glovers.

"We'll fucking show them, Ned." The Greatjon said loudly, though most things the Greatjon did were done loudly.

"Aye, for our king." Rickard said raising his mug.

"For our king." he said raising his own and smashing it first against Rickard's and then the Greatjon's.

They broke their fast early the next morning and he watched as Brandon said his goodbyes to Barbrey, Ned knowing he'd soon be saying his own to Cat once they passed through the Moat again. He said his words to Robb and saw that Benjen was doing likewise to Torrhen and then before noon they were mounted and heading out the gates. Five thousand men of the North they had gathered here, another ten thousand were to meet them along the way, and another ten at the Moat itself.

It was to be the largest army the North had gathered for more than a hundred years. Not since Cregan Stark had they assembled a force such as this and he only hoped they'd have better luck than the King who Wept. Some victories weren't worth the cost and he prayed that theirs would be, just as much as he prayed that they'd be victorious. They rode for vengeance, for justice and he hoped with the gods on their side. For if they were not, then they were riding to their doom.

Casterly Rock 300 AC.

Tywin Lannister.

He watched Jaime go through his routine and then the spar began, his son almost contemptuously knocking Addam's sword from his hand before Daven moved to face him next. Just like his goodson, Daven was no match and it came down to Gerion to offer Jaime some competition. This was at least a match and he could see how differently Jaime focussed on Gerion than he did on Addam or Daven. The result though was a foregone conclusion and though his expression remained impassive, inside he was smiling.

There wasn't anyone close to Jaime with a blade in their hands and watching his son beat all comers as he wielded Brightroar was something he greatly enjoyed. He listened as Joanna celebrated her father's victory and watched as Jaime spoke to Gerion, Addam and Daven before placing a kiss on his wife's cheek as she handed him some water. His whole family stood looking out on the sparring yard and Tywin himself had even stepped away from his work to do so. Not something he did often even if he did so enjoy watching his son fight.

He was about to head back indoors when his grandson stepped forward and with a nod to his father picked up a tourney blade. Tywin stopping himself so he could judge just how good Jason had become. It was a worthy distraction as his grandson was already showing signs that he was his father's son, which was more than could be said for his other grandson, Joffrey. Were it not for his looks then Tywin would be certain that boy was not of his blood, because other than the golden hair and green eyes that proved him a Lannister, Joffrey possessed not one of the traits. With a sigh and shake of the head, he turned and walked back into his solar. In time he'd need to marry that boy off and he feared that even his name may not be enough to gain him the bride that one born with his blood deserved.

"Father." he heard the voice and almost thought not to turn, so little did he wish to see the man that voice belonged to "Father."

"What is it?" he said irritably.

"The North father, your plans?" Tyrion asked and Tywin shook his head as he'd forgotten they'd been speaking of them before he'd decided to watch Jaime spar.

"Walk with me." he said and Tyrion almost seemed much too pleased by that and so he began to move quickly, forcing his son to almost need to run behind him.

He took a seat at his desk after they'd entered his solar and though he didn't show his displeasure when Tyrion poured himself a glass of wine, it was very much there. In front of him strewn out on the desk was a map of Westeros and he'd made some markings on it. If all went to plan then the North, Riverlords, and the Dragon would all be fighting each other and then he, the Reach, and the Stormlands could combine to take down the victor.

Maidenpool, that's where he'd seek to break the dragon's back. First, though the fight had to begin on his terms, and then and only then would he give battle. Looking down on the map, he had circled Harrenhal as the Hoares wouldn't stray too far from their keep. Yet to his mind this battle would be fought on the banks of the Trident and the only question he had left to answer was would the dragon wait to finish the fight or would he march away when Robert Baratheon took his home? It was a question that he'd pondered long and hard on and had still found no answer to.

"Father?" Tyrion asked and Tywin looked up from the map.

"The North has named its new king and called its banners. Soon they'll reach Moat Cailin and find a bloodied letter that points the finger at another. The Hoares fear the wrath of Northmen and Riverlanders alike but they have called their banners and so they'll fight. As will the Riverlords when they see that this is the only chance they've got to be free of the squids." Tywin said and Tyrion nodded.

"The Dragon?" Tyrion asked almost bitterly.

"Will seek to help his kin and avenge his grandfather's death." Tywin said as he poured himself a glass of water.

"How can we be sure of that, father? He's already shown himself to be unpredictable and unreliable."

"Family ties are always reliable. Aemon Targaryen may have held no love for his grandfather but he'll seek to avenge him still and once he hears that the wolves are marching it's to them he'll go." Tywin said before he took a sip from the glass.

"And if they ally?" Tyrion asked worriedly.

"They won't." he said assuredly.

Brandon Stark was a fool and the letter all but said it was Aemon who'd killed King Rickard or at least it would in a fool's reading. Given what Tyrion had said when he'd pressed him on each and every interaction with the Dragonknight, Aemon didn't take questions on his honor very well. That would be useful as an angry man cared not for courtesy and one slighted cared not for explanations as to why. Insults would be hurled and they'd not be swallowed and both sides would bleed because of it. Then if the Hoares did their worst, they'd bleed some more and a wounded dragon was far easier to end than one that was not.

"King Gareth?" Tyrion asked as Tywin was in danger of getting lost in his thoughts.

"Hasn't replied yet but he will and by then we'll be ready to march." he said looking at his son and hating the face that he saw looking back at him.

"King Robert?"

"Will do as he was bid and think himself clever. The man is much like Brandon Stark and easy to predict and the chance to piss on the dragon's island will be too much for him to resist." he said as Tyrion looked to the map.

"Maidenpool?" Tyrion asked.

"Maidenpool." he said with a nod.

Over the next few days and weeks his bannermen arrived, the full might of the West was now ready to march, and yet he held them back and delayed his march more than once. His ravens to Highgarden had gone unanswered and the dragon hadn't stirred from Dragonstone. Tywin began to doubt his plans and was second-guessing himself. He'd been certain that King Gareth would accept his proposal and it irked him that he'd not done so, it annoyed him and angered him that he'd dared not to reply.

Was it because he'd offered Myrcella and not Joanna?

Was that considered a slight?

Should he have offered Jaime's daughter rather than Cersei's?

Even was it considered so. which it was very much not, then surely he'd have received an angry reply denying the betrothal. To receive nothing was most odd and it vexed him that he couldn't think of a reason why. As for the dragon, everything that Aemon Targaryen did vexed him and he was beginning to think that Tyrion perhaps had more understanding of the truth of him than he. It was not a thought he liked entertaining.

His bannermen were becoming prickly too, though none would dare object or speak up where anyone may overhear. Tywin knew men though and men sitting around would grouse and become a problem where men marching would not. Everything else had happened as he'd predicted. The Riverlords had started gathering their strength, House Hoare had begun to bring men from the Iron Islands and the Northmen had set off and now headed south. Everything however hinged on the moves that the dragon made and thus far he'd made none.

Tywin read reports, ordered drills, and spent time with his grandchildren, those of them that he could tolerate at least. Jason would ride with his father as would Joffrey and only one of those things filled him with any sort of pride. Myrcella was disappointed that it would not be to a dragon she was to wed but had come around to the idea of being the Lady of Highgarden. Something that he had promised her would come to pass and now wasn't sure it would. He was standing in his solar looking out the window on the Rock when Creylen came to his door with the news that brought a smile to his face.

"Your grace." the Maester said handing him a raven's scroll which he opened immediately for once, while the Maester waited for him to tell him to leave or to send a reply.

"Send for my sons, the dragon marches and so shall we." he said as the Maester hurried from the room.

The time had finally come, war was soon to be upon them and this was a war that only he would win. What was happening in the Reach he didn't know but the time had come to march. From here to Deep Den and by the time he got there he'd have a clearer idea, but if he wished to reach Maidenpool in time then he needed to march and march now.

"Hear me Roar." he said as he turned from the window and took his seat once more.

The Conquest of Westeros XV

Dragonknights part III.

While Bloodraven was the most infamous and Visenya the first, Daemon was perhaps the most lauded of all the Dragonknights, until Prince Aemon was born. From atop his dragon Caraxes, there were few if any that presented a more fearsome sight, and were it not for him then the Empire would have stumbled, fell, and perhaps been broken during the War of Succession.

There had never before been a true Empress within the Empire, Aegon's sister wives both were equal to each other, but still to most were below Aegon in importance. Empress Alysanne the Good was beloved. but it was her husband Emperor Jaehaerys who ruled and it was their son Viserys whose lack of an heir led to the first and only Empress of the Empire. His daughter Rhaenyra was his only living child from his first marriage. While his second marriage brought him three sons and a daughter, Aegon, Heleana, Aemond, and Daeron, it also brought strife and conflict of a like not seen before.

Timing is a strange and oft perplexing thing and the timing of Emperor Viserys death couldn't have come at a worst time for the Empire or for Rhaenyra. Forced to flee Volantis with her children after her father's death and chased by her half-brother Aegon's supporters, Rhaenyra came close to death more than once until her husband and uncle, Daemon the Dragonknight came to her aid. Abandoning the war that he'd been waging against the Yitish Empire, Daemon and Caraxes flew to Rhaenyra and their children's aid and in one flap of a dragon's wings, the tide of the War of Succession had turned.

Within days Daemon was at the gates of Volantis itself and for a day and a night, he and Caraxes flew over the city, while every other dragon and rider remained on the ground. After Daemon had threatened to burn the Grand Palace to the ground, an accord was reached and a fight for the Imperial Seat and the right to sit it was decided upon to end the war once and for all. On the twenty-second night of the fifth moon 130 AC, above the city, Daemon on Caraxes and Aemond One-Eye on Vhagar fought in what would later be known as the Dance of Dragons. High above the city the two dragons and their riders engaged in a battle that ended when Daemon leapt from Caraxes's back and drove Dark Sister straight through Vhagar's head.

With a spin and a jump, Daemon was back on Caraxes's back before Vhagar hit the ground, Aemond chained to his dragon's back was not so lucky. After Caraxes landed it was said that Prince Daemon casually waked up to the spot where Aemond and Vhagar both lay dead and removed Dark Sister from the dragon's skull before turning and asking who was next. His answer was given in silence and Rhaenyra was crowned as Empress three days later.

As for those who had stood against her? Dragons don't forgive and they don't forget and within three years of her coronation not one of her half brothers, sister, or their children remained alive.

A History of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Dragonstone 300 AC.


His men were ready and only awaited their orders before they set sail, or they had been until the princess had arrived. Not that Thoros wasn't happy about her arrival or the change it now made to their plans, he very much was. His prince had not been himself since they'd arrived on this island and though he'd shown signs of a return to normality since he'd decided to launch the invasion, it was half-hearted at best.

In all the battles and wars he'd fought by Aemon's side, one thing had always been clear to him and to anyone who truly knew him. Rhaenys was his prince's reason for being, for living and breathing, and without her, he was a shell of what he could be. On those dark nights when they sat around the fire and knew that on the morrow they'd face off against some foe, it was memories of and a longing to see his sister again that focussed Aemon's mind. Thoros knew it was that more than a desire to bring an enemy to their knees or to earn glory that truly fuelled Aemon in those fights. His prince would take to the battlefield with but two things on his mind, the safety of his men and the thoughts of going home to the woman he loved.

It was the one thing that had caused him any concern about the battles they were soon to face. The one doubt he had in his mind about whether or not they would win them. Without Rhaenys and the light she brought into Aemon's life, would his prince be the same man when it came to the fights to come? If not then they were in trouble despite the apparent lackluster nature of the Westerosi fighting men. Without that fire in his heart, Aemon was a lesser man and they didn't need the lesser man in the fights to come, they needed the Dragonknight. So he was happy to see that the princess and prince were now together once more and that soon they'd be joined in R'hllor's warm embrace.

"A ship, Thoros, a ship bearing the Empire's colors." Irror one of his men called out and Thoros walked from the cave and out onto the beach.

The ship was one of the Empire's finest and it was flying the flag of the High Emperor himself and Thoros sighed as he told his men to finish the preparations in the cave. At nightfall, the wedding was to be held and he hoped that whoever was on the ship trod carefully when they spoke to Aemon and Rhaenys. If they did not then by the end of the day the Empire and the Dragonknight may very well be at war. Thoros hurried to the docks and when he arrived it was to see Torgho Nudho and Aurane both already waiting there.

"Our prince?" he asked as he looked at the ship that was drawing ever closer.

"He and the princess are on the dragons, I believe they're flying over the Bay of Crabs." Aurane said his eyes never turning from the ship in the bay.

"Daario?" he asked.

"Speaking to Lord Renly." Aurane said and Thoros nodded.

It took some time for the ship to reach the docks and when he saw the man standing on the deck his first instinct was to look behind him. Ser Arthur was alone though and there was no sign of the High Emperor or any other member of the royal family. He really shouldn't have expected there to be, even when Aemon had arrived on this island for the first time it was on Gaelithox's back and that would be how Rhaegar, Aegon, Viserys, or Daenerys would arrive too were they to come here.

"Ser Arthur." Aurane said as Arthur made his way down the gangplank.

"Aurane, Thoros." Arthur said with a nod and a smile before looking to Torgho Nudho and giving him an even warmer smile "Torgho Nudho."

"Ser Arthur." Torgho said with a small smirk on his face as he did so.

"Prince Aemon, Princess Rhaenys?" Arthur asked.

"In the sky, Ser Arthur, we expect them back before nightfall." Aurane said as he looked at him and nodded.

"They are to be married by R'hllor's will." Thoros said and he and the others looked to see Arthur's reaction.

"Then I've arrived just in time." Arthur said before smiling more fully.

As they walked to the keep, he could see How Arthur looked around at the island. Each of them had been the same when they came here, looking at it with a slight sense of disappointment that this was to be their home and yet a sense of excitement also. For Arthur, it may have felt different somewhat as he was from Westeros originally and unlike them, he had perhaps visited these lands before now. Thoros was about to ask him if that was indeed the case when they saw the two dragons chasing each other in the distance.

By the time they reached the keep, Gaelithox and Meraxes were back in the air, this time without their riders. Aemon was standing facing Rhaenys, his prince's eyes focussed only on the woman in front of him and both of them were laughing at something as he and the others approached. It took them a few moments to realize that it wasn't just he, Aurane, and Torgho Nudho but that they had another with them and then even longer to notice who that was.

"Arthur?" Princess Rhaenys said almost gasping.

"My prince, my princess." Arthur said with a small bow and Thoros noticed how Rhaenys moved closer to Aemon who though he welcomed Arthur warmly, it was clear he wasn't pleased to see the man here.

"You've arrived at a most opportune time, Arthur. Rhaenys and I are to wed." Aemon said almost challengingly as he moved a step in front of Rhaenys as if he was shielding her from Arthur's gaze.

"Then I've been most fortunate indeed, my prince and you both have my best wishes and hopes for the future." Arthur said and the smile he received back was one of his prince's truer ones.

"Come, I'm sure you'd like a chance to settle and get changed, perhaps some food or drink?" Aemon said and Arthur nodded.

They made their way to the keep and Thoros noticed how Arthur looked at it and the guards with a small smirk on his face. As the High Emperor's closest friend and had been the one who had been in charge of the royal family's protection and the guards at the Grand Palace, it was clear it was this eye that the famed knight was looking things over with. He'd not be disappointed by his prince's attention to such matters. Both Aemon and Torgho Nudho had looked up to Arthur for as long as he'd known them and they took their leads from him in a lot of ways, this was just another of them.

It didn't take Arthur long to get settled and so within the hour, they were sitting at the table in the private dining room that they rarely ate in. Thoros wasn't surprised that his prince had decided to have their meal away from the Great Hall where they usually ate, as he knew that Aemon would want anything Arthur said to be for as few ears as possible. So it was him, Torgho Nudho, Daario, and Aurane along with Aemon, Rhaenys, and Arthur who sat at the table and ate. The conversation was light and though it was clear that each of them was happy to see Arthur again, there was an air of expectation and of worry too.

"It's good to see you Arthur, truly and I wish I could leave it at that but…" Aemon said.

"You wish to know my reasons for coming, my prince?" Arthur asked as the plates were taken away.

"I know your reasons for coming, Arthur, I wish to know what you'll do when I deny you." Aemon said and Thoros watched as his prince took Rhaenys's hand in his own.

"My reasons are not what you think, my prince. I'm not here to bring you or the princess back, though your mother and aunt miss you so, princess." Arthur said and while Rhaenys's expression changed into one of sadness, Aemon's was much more intrigued.

"My father didn't send you to bring Rhaenys back?" Aemon asked with a confused look.

"Were it possible for me to persuade either of you to come back, then I would try. I know it is not, as does your father and Empress Elia, so I come offering my sword." Arthur said as Aemon looked to Rhaenys once more.

"For true?" Aemon asked, a smile threatening to burst out on his face.

"For true, my prince, my princess." Arthur said with a small bow to them both.

"Then I welcome you even more fully, Arthur, and accept your most gracious offer." Aemon said, the smile he wore a full one now.

They talked about old times, memories of days gone by and soon enough the light began to fade and Thoros looked to Aemon and to Rhaenys both of whom nodded. He said his goodbyes, rose to his feet and hurried back to the caves. His next few hours were spent overseeing the final preparations for the wedding that was to take place at the Hour of the Wolf. Aemon arrived first, his prince wearing his best clothing and seeming nervous as he was led to where he and his men stood in the caves. The path had been illuminated not by torches but by the flaming swords of his men, all of them eager to play their part in the ceremony.

Aurane, Daario, and Torgho Nudho all took their places and Thoros smiled when he saw the relived breath his prince took when Arthur arrived leading Rhaenys to where he stood. The princess wore a dress that was almost completely red other than the bright yellow sun and the sigil of the dragon that now had two heads that were sewn into it. Aemon too bore the same sigil and the red and silver dragons were something that all of Westeros would soon see in action. He waited until Arthur took a step back and Rhaenys reached out her hand to take Aemon's, once she had done so, he began.

"The Lord of Light has seen fit to bring us here tonight to join Prince Aemon and Princess Rhaenys together as husband and wife. They are two hearts, two souls, and once they are joined and have proven themselves fire made flesh, none can or will come between them.

Prince Aemon do you take this woman to be yours from this day to your last?"

"I take this woman." Aemon said his eyes only on Rhaenys's.

"Princess Rhaenys do you take this man to be yours from this day to your last?" he asked and he swore he could see his prince holding his breath.

"I take this man." Rhaenys said firmly.

"Are you both willing to face the flames and prove that your love is true?" he asked.

"We are." Aemon and Rhaenys both said together.

He took out his sword and said the prayer before it lit up. Then with a nod to his prince, Thoros drove it into the flowing river of fire and looked on as the flames grew higher and created a wall. With Rhaenys hand in his, Aemon moved closer to the edge of the river, the gap between it and the opposite edge no more than five or six feet.

"The night is dark and full of terrors, but we are dragons and we bring the light." Aemon said and then Thoros and the others held their breath as his prince and princess jumped through the wall of fire to the other side of the river and then a moment later jumped back.

"R'hllor has given his blessing to the prince and princess, he has named them man and wife and what he has brought together, no man, no power, no one, can tear apart." Thoros said as he looked at the smiling faces of his prince and princess and watched them kiss.

The conquest of Westeros XVI

The Empress of the Ice.

Mother to the Dragonknight, Empress of the Ice, Princess of Winter, Lyanna Targaryen was known by many names. To the slaves she freed she was known as Mhysa, Mother. To certain members of the High Council, it was She Wolf. To the High Emperor and the Empress of the Sun, it was wife. Born to the King of Winter Rickard Stark and his queen Lyarra, her life in Westeros was never that of a typical princess. Lyanna possessed a wildness in her that refused to be tamed, not by her father, not by her king, and certainly not by her potential husband.

That wildness led her to run from a betrothal that she didn't wish for, it led her into the arms of the then Dragon's Heir and his wife, and on that fateful day in Braavos, it changed the history of Essos and Westeros forever. Married within a moon and named as the Dragon's Heir second wife, Lyanna was soon with child and within a year the Empire had a new prince and the first Dragonknight in more than a century. The gods are fickle and though they give much, they take much too and so amidst the joy of birthing a son it was soon made clear that Prince Aemon would be the only child that Lyanna would bring into this world.

For four years the princess and then Empress put all she had into her son, where she went so did Aemon and Lyanna traveled far and wide through the Empire. Qarth, Lys, Astapor, each city finding changes brought to it before she'd leave. Most were minor, a slave freed here, a man or woman removed from a position or promoted to another there. Others were far more long-reaching and the results of them wouldn't be known for years to come. In all of them though both she and her son were welcomed, feted, and when they left they were missed. When news came of the Empress's death in the birthing bed the Empire mourned. Father's, Mothers, and their children wept and even the hardest of hearts shed tears on the Day the Smiles Died.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Volantis 284 AC.

Lyanna Targaryen.

She could feel it, the life was slipping from her as the Maester and others tried their best to stem the flow of blood. It was no use, she knew it and so did they, and yet they tried to do the impossible and even through her pain it made her smile. Rhaegar and Elia both looked on with panicked expressions and she wished she could take them from their faces, but she knew she could not. Their emotions were their own and nothing she could say or do would make them feel any better. She smiled or tried to as she saw Arthur standing in the corner, tears falling from his eyes as he looked at her.

"Aemon." she said softly and the knight nodded as he left the room.

"Lya, you can't... he can't see this." Elia said and Lyanna reached out her hand to take her love's.

"He will know blood, my love. He will know it and he will never fear it, not it nor death." she said as Elia shook her head.

Life was a cruel and wicked thing and the gods had an odd sense of humor. She realized that now, had come to realize it over time. The Drowned God, the Many-Faced God, the Great Stallion, R'hllor, and the Old Gods, it mattered not. Your time in this world was theirs alone to decide and her time was never to be as long as she had hoped it would be. Had he done all she needed to? Was there more that she could have done to prepare him for what he faced? These were questions she couldn't answer and so she dared not even try.

She watched as Elia shook her head when Marwyn spoke to her and was not surprised to see her love walk angrily from the room. Her sun, her light, and one-third of her heart, and though Rhaegar both wished to go after her and to stay at the same time, she nodded to him to follow Elia as she waited for Aemon to brought into the room. Reluctantly he did as she bid, as he always had done and she watched as the only man she had ever loved left the room. Lyanna felt her eyes grow heavy and though she feared closing them, it was what she did, and then she was a girl once more, and just as she had then, she ran.

Braavos 279 AC.

She ran as fast as she could, her brother's angered voice ringing out through the streets behind her. Down alleys and across bridges, in through open front doors and out through the back ones. For how long she ran she couldn't tell, only that the sounds behind her grew fainter and she could no longer hear Brandon's voice. Lyanna was sure she'd lost him and then she saw him no more than ten feet away from her. Panicking she ran again and this time she knew not where she was running to.

The jolt knocked her to the ground and she felt fearful when she rose on her elbows to see who it was she had bumped into. At first, when she saw the guards she was sure it was her father's men and so she moved on the ground only for a hand to reach down and help her to her feet. The man who stood in front of her was unlike any she'd ever seen before. His eyes were a deep indigo and his silver hair flowed down below his shoulders.

"Shijetra nyke, ñuha riña" (Forgive me, my lady.) the man said in a language that she didn't understand.

"I don't speak…" she began.

"You are from Westeros?" a woman's voice said and Lyanna looked past the man to see a heavily pregnant woman looking at her curiously.

"From the North, Aye." she said and the woman smiled.

"My wife is from Dorne, lady…?" the man asked.

"Mormont, Lya Mormont." she said hurriedly not risking telling them who she truly was.

"You look distressed, Lady Mormont, perhaps we can offer assistance?" the woman asked.


"Our manse is nearby, at least join us for a meal, my men can see you back to wherever you wish once you've eaten." the man said and Lyanna nodded as she walked with them, her eyes moving rapidly around as she searched for any sign of Brandon or her father's men.

By the time she got to the manse, she had found out that the man was Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, son of the High Emperor and the woman was his wife Princess Elia of the House Martell. Lyanna listened eagerly as they answered each and every question she asked them. The manse they had brought her too was the largest she'd seen but then given who they were, this was no surprise. Once inside she was taken to a room where a bath was prepared and after washing and then looking around worriedly for her clothing, she was given something clean and untorn to wear.

"So your father wishes to marry you against your will?" Elia said almost angrily as they ate and Lyanna felt embarrassed for just blurting out her reasons for running through the city.

"Aye he does, I've told him I'll not do it. I have no wish to be sent to some man I've never met and be made to be someone I'm not." she said and as they both looked at her she felt almost silly. Would they think her a spoiled petulant child? Rhaegar she wasn't sure about but Elia was from Westeros, she may, given that she too had perhaps been forced to do the same.

"You should come back to Volantis with us, your father has little power here and even less there." Elia said much to her surprise.


"Should not be forced into a life that makes you unhappy." Rhaegar said smiling at her.

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself, I didn't really have a plan, gods…had I not ran into you then I'd have not even have known how to speak to people here." she said as she realized that she hadn't even brought her coin purse with her.

"Then it was just as well you did run into us, wasn't it?" Elia said with a smile which Lyanna returned.

"Maybe it was fate." Rhaegar said as he looked at her.

Volantis 284 AC.

"Mama. Mama." the voice called out and she opened her eyes to see Aemon looking up at her.

"My sweet little boy." she said and he smiled at her and then she tried not to cringe when he put his hand on the bloodstained sheets.

"Mama was sleeping?" Aemon asked and she nodded, as he looked to Arthur who lifted him up and placed him on the bed.

"I was and I'll soon be sleeping again." she said softly as Aemon shook his head.

"It's early, we ride mama?" Aemon asked and she reached out to touch his face, his smile making her forget the pain she felt as she did so.

"One day you'll ride so high, my son. No one will ever ride higher or faster than you." she said as he looked at him.

"We ride mama, you, me, Gaelly." he said with a giggle.

"No, Gaelithox is all yours, my son." she said as she bit down on her cheek to stop from crying out "I need you to do something for me, Aemon, will you be my brave strong boy once more?" she asked and he nodded.

"I will, I'm brave." he said and she leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"The bravest." she said as she felt the pain once more "Be the Dragonknight you're meant to be Aemon, be the best of them, and remember always that your mama loves you so very much. Can you do that for me, Aemon?"

"I will, I will, Mama." he said as he hugged her tightly.

The pain almost made her pass out and yet she found the strength from somewhere to hold him back and then to let him go. With a nod to Arthur, she said her last goodbyes to her son, and then Rhaegar and Elia came back into the room.

"I've loved you both with all that I am, thank you for letting me be free." she said as Elia leaned forward and kissed her softly.

"My wolf." Elia said before the tears fell and she moved from the bed to allow Rhaegar closer.

"Promise me, Rhaegar, Promise me now that no matter what you'll see it done." she said as she looked at him.


"Promise me, don't send me to my gods without it, please….don't let it all be for nothing."

"I Promise." he said softly and she felt his lips on her own.

"I….Aemon….." she said as she felt the darkness welcome her.

Dragonstone 300 AC.


He lay sleeping beside her, his chest rising and falling and her fingers resting on top of it as it did so. Her brother, her love, her husband and she smiled at the thought of how happy that made her feel. She'd been a fool for far too long and had let others decide what was best for her. When what was best for her was and had always been him. No one made her feel the way she did when she was with him. Walking with him, speaking with him, flying in the sky on their dragons beside each other and laying with him, each of those moments made her feel more alive than a thousand others with anyone else.

"Is my wife not tired?" Aemon said and she giggled as she pushed against his chest.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked.

"Who says I was asleep?" he said opening his eyes.

"You were pretending." she said feigning annoyance as she pushed him once more.

"I thought my wife like my mummeries." he said as he grabbed her and rolled over so that she was beneath him.

"You are not funny, Aemon." she said trying not to laugh at the put-out look on his face.

"I am so, everyone says so. Why it is known throughout the Empire and soon it'll be the same in Westeros. My humor is much appreciated." he said smirking.

"By whom exactly?" she asked with a smile and then watched as he pondered for a moment before answering.

"Torgho Nudho, I made him smile just today." he said and she chuckled.

He kissed her lips and then her cheek before moving to lay on his back and she was very quickly in his arms once more as she snuggled against his chest. After the wedding, they'd feasted and then left for an early night as it would be the only one they shared together for some time. Aemon had suggested that he'd hold back and not travel to the Riverlands for another day or so but her own travel was further and she wished it over and done with as quickly as it could be, so she'd asked him not to change his plans and he'd agreed. That he'd done so reluctantly was something she was pleased about, though she didn't need to know that to know how he felt about her.

Laying with him in their bed she could almost forget they were on the verge of starting a war, almost she thought as she stiffened at the thoughts of Aemon being hurt. She felt him hold her a little more tightly and it was clear that he knew exactly what was on her mind. Rhaenys was not sure which of them would bring it up or even if she wished to discuss it. Aemon too it seemed wasn't ready to speak about it just yet and before long she felt her eyes grow heavy and heard him whisper to her to get some rest. When she woke he was already up and dressed and sitting at the end of the bed looking at her.

"Does it really have to be today?" she asked and saw the smile leave his face.

"It does, the men will arrive without me otherwise and though the Westerosi are not of their standard, they have numbers on their side. I'd not leave them without Gaelithox." Aemon said and she nodded.

"Is there no other way?" she asked worriedly and Aemon shook his head.

"People only kneel after they've been given a reason to, Rhae. I intend to give them that reason."

"Your family?" she asked worriedly.

"You are my family. Thoros, Torgho Nudho, Daario, and Aurane. Arthur and the men, they are my family."


"I reached out and they made their feelings about me clear." Aemon said rising from the bed and though he didn't look at her she didn't need him to, to know how sad that made him.

"Your grandfather is dead, Aemon. I know you, you'll seek vengeance for him and so will the rest of your family, perhaps that will be a start…"

"Perhaps. Though it is your own that fills my thoughts and causes me worry."

"My uncles would never harm me, Aemon. I'll speak to them and make it clear that we are one." she said determinedly.

"And if that's not enough?"

"It will be." she said though not as emphatically as she had hoped.

He kissed her cheek and let two of the servants in to help her dress and make herself ready. As soon as they had broken their fast she'd be leaving and Aemon not long after her. Sunspear was further for her to travel to and she had made him agree to let her come to the Riverlands rather than back to Dragonstone once she was done. Though something told her that Aemon would do all he could to make it so that when she arrived the battle was already over.

After she had dressed and they had eaten, she only had a few moments along with Aemon before she felt Meraxes and Gaelithox return. Both dragons had fed and were eager for the flight and in Gaelithox's case, fight to come. Though neither of them seemed pleased about being parted from each other. In that way, they were mirror images of both she and Aemon as they too had no real desire to be parted. It had to be done though and a part of her did wish to see Sunspear and her mother's family, even if she would have liked it to be for different reasons.

"Ser Arthur will guard your back, Rhae, if he says you leave, you leave." Aemon said and she nodded.

"You are not to risk yourself needlessly, promise me." she said and Aemon smiled "Promise me, Aems." she said determinedly.

"I promise, we'll see each other soon." he said as he kissed her.

"I love you, be safe." she said and this time she kissed him.

"You too, I love you." Aemon said and it was to those words that she took to the air on Meraxes's back.

Beneath them almost half the fleet was ready to set off, some having already left to sail to the Bay of Crabs and from there to the Trident. Aemon and Torgho Nudho would fly on Gaelithox and Aurane, Daario, Thoros, and Marwyn would sail on the Pride of Driftmark. In less than a day or two Westeros would be at war and while she of course worried about those she knew and her husband most of all, she feared for those who were soon to face Aemon too. He could be the sweetest person in the entire world when he was with her and the fiercest most dangerous man alive when he was on his dragon's back. Westeros was about to come face to face with not Aemon Targaryen prince of the Empire but the Dragonknight and she knew that he would bring them Fire and Blood.

The House of the Falcon.

King Jon Arryn age 80

Ser Elbert Arryn age 40 (Heir to the throne.)

Lady Rowan Arryn age 37 (his wife)

Ser Denys Arryn age 35

Lady Jeyne Arryn age 34 (his wife)

Ser Jaspar Arryn age 18 (their son).

Rowena Arryn age 15 (their daughter)


Queen Jeyne Arryn died 245 AC age 25 (in the birthing bed).

Queen Rowena Arryn died 272 AC age 50 (winter chill).

A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed: I had some things to take care of last week which delayed the update but all has been resolved now. Up next as Aemon arrives in the Riverlands and readies for battle, Rhaenys arrives in Dorne and wages a war of a different sort while at Moat Cailin, a letter awaits the Starks which sets off a furious reaction. In Volantis we find out more about Rhaegar's plans and we meet a small-fingered man.

Classicxd: Glad you liked it.

Vdwade: Robert knows what Aemon is truly there for, the Lyanna thing is just an added thing for him. We'll see with Tywin but he's overestimating himself quite a lot and no one is prepared for a dragon.

Undeath: I went with the Lyanna line to Ned about a man not changing his nature in relation to Robert. His only real change here is that he's almost been waiting for a war of sorts and so he's fitter but in terms of his attitude and how he acts, he's the same man with or without a crown. I felt that without the influence of Jon A we get a different Ned, here he also doesn't have that little doubt about not being in the position he deserved which he does in canon. I think he always felt he was living Brandon's life rather than his own and it never quite fit for him. Here this is the life he was always meant to live, including with Cat and so he's more a wolf.

Daryl Dixon: Really glad you liked it.

Emeraldduke: Exactly, the war begins next, we've just two last big players to intro, one in Dorne and the other in the Rl but all armies are converging there.

Huntsman: That's exactly what I was going for. The game is played differently in Westeros than it is in Essos anyway but without the court at KL, the players are far removed from each other and don't know each other as well. I also am really going for that when it comes to the war itself. Aemon's men have fought for eight years, pretty much every different type of battle you can imagine. Westeros has never faced men like that and none with a dragon to call upon, so while they're outnumbered, they're not outmatched.

Keb: I can get that, we're pretty much just about done with the setup pats though, so hopefully things will flow better soon.

Guest: I did and I felt as excited as you. Thanks for saying that and putting me in such esteemed company. Dany is kind of a romantic here, she won't be marrying him though, Rhaegar has other plans which we'll see.

Guest: We will find out more about the Rhaenys part of things in relation to the why, but mainly it was a combination of things that forced her to be more reluctant. Aemon knows the feelings are there and he had almost given up that she'd come and so he's pretty much being a glass full kind of guy about it. His resentment is never directed at her and very much at Rhaegar too. Oh, Aemon has some surprises up his sleeves, don't worry.

Guest: I stupidly went with the Wiki and missed a key detail (before) so the date of birth for Cassana was before the date I put but not specified and I just took the year part and didn't bother to do the math. Who knew our teachers were right and math is important after all lol. I've since changed it and made her the same age as Steffon, thanks for point it out.

Zyrus: He's far more practical so if he lives then perhaps.

Celexys: So glad to hear you say that, I hoped I was doing it justice. I think Barristan would always find his way into some sort of service, we will see him in at least one epic swordfight before we're done. Robert is Robert, I don't think there is much that would change him.

Guest: We will see it more in the next chapter with Rhaenys as she gets a big pov. With Brandon, my first thought was he'd do as he did in canon and the logistics of it made it that Ned was almost in his way if only that had been true in canon too. I think Robert is the quintessential spoiled boy who never grew up. I mean even in canon he shows those traits and he built Lyanna up into something that she never would have been for him, so I think he'd always do that. Gwayne is a lot like Aemon in one key regard, so you could be right.

Dunk: We will see more expansion and many more other povs as things go forward. The first few chapters are almost an overview and so once we know all the players we'll be getting a lot more povs. From the Stark children, Lannisters, Tyrells, Martells and Dany, Vis, etc. It's almost condensed at the moment just to set the table so to speak. Robb is someone I'm really keen to show because he'll be very different to canon here in a lot of ways and yet still Robb if that makes sense. Gwayne and Aemon have that in common, now Marge is far more manipulative than Rhaenys but both are pretty much fools for love in some way. I've almost been teasing Rhaenys proper pov mainly because I wanted her and Aemon together and wed before showing her truly, you will certainly see some of that fire in her, it'll be different than Aemon's but it's there. Glad you liked the Torgho pov.

I went with Lyanna's words to Ned in relation to Robert, he really is who he is. His biggest difference here from canon is that he's fitter and more dangerous in a fight but the rest of him is who he is. We'll see Renly pov in a little while too and I'm glad you're liking Stannis, I was thinking that he'd be less rigid and bitter even though Robert is still a dick to him, just because of the changed circumstances. Brandon and Ned will play key roles and their temperaments are important to keep not of, as if Benjen's.

Xand007: Thank you, my friend. I had some issues I needed to resolve and never imagined they'd take so long, all is ok now though so TDC will be back Tuesday. A trap within a trap, I like it. Stay safe and well my friend.

Xan Merrick: Thanks my friend, Barry will have at least one epic swordfight, guess with who?.

Silverglow: Just some unforeseen issues thank god, all resolved now. I thank you for your concern and I'm glad to say all should be back to normal now.

Dievalgo: Thanks so very much, really happy you're enjoying it.

Kinji: Thanks so much, so glad you liked it.