
Game of thrones : Aemon the Conqueror

Not mine I just copied it to read in better settings Feel free to read Basically, Jon becomes Aegon the Conqueror and conquer all the divided kingdom of Westeros and Essos conquer by Aegon and Rhaegar rules it

SD_SR · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Rivers of Blood

A/N: For those who dislike such things there is Lemon in the Aemon pov, its marked where it begins and ends.

The conquest of Westeros XXVII

The Vengeful Wolf.

It had been Brandon the Shipwright who built the largest fleet the North had ever known. The king having a wish to see what lay beyond the shores of the North and to the west of Westeros most of all. For years they toiled and by the time he was done, the Northern Fleet was the largest in the known world. Not even the great fleet of the Ghiscari Empire or the combined fleets of the Valyrian Freehold came close. Until the Empire itself was formed, none ever would.

What could have been had they used such a fleet in the right way instead of a pointless folly? To use it to secure and build up the North rather than to seek out lands that no one had ever returned from. Yet it was to those lands that Brandon looked and after setting sail never to return North again, it was the ships that his son blamed.

Vengeance is a fool's errand, a wasted endeavor. One that leads down a dark path and one that as the Dragonknight was wont to say, requires you to build two coffins. For Brandon the Shipwright's son his vengeance was taken out on ships and the yards that built them and his actions led to the North giving up a chance to rule the waves. For others, it led to far larger losses. Yet for the Dragonknight it was never to be vengeance he sought, his goals were far truer than that.

"Make no mistake, Marwyn. It's not revenge I'm after, it's a reckoning." Aemon the Dragonknight.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Wendish Town 300 AC.

Brandon Stark.

Despite not wishing to, he'd rested before riding to the town himself. The words of those with him hitting home as they told him that the last thing he would want was to arrive too tired to fight the damn squids. Though he didn't get much sleep, he did feel refreshed as they rode the last few miles. So much so that he was actually laughing and japing at he did so. Willam Dustin, Mark Ryswell, Theo Wull, and Ethan Glover along with a dozen guards making up his party, and he much preferred to be with these men than any others, save for his brothers that was.

Ned and Benjen though had their own tasks to do and he had no fear that they'd not see the Hoares fall, even without him. As for him, he'd make the man who actually struck the blow pay and see him dead by his own hand. Then and only then could he think of anything other than the vengeance and justice he sought. Though as they rode towards the town, it was to conversations not of justice but of his nephew that he was forced to listen to.

"Do you really believe it were the dragon?" Mark said to Theo.

"What else could do that, Mark? I know naught that could and you heard what were said as well as I." Theo said, his voice sounding worried to Brandon's ears.

"Thank the gods they were fucking reavers." Ethan said to laughs.

"Aye, thank the gods." Willam said and Brandon found his eyes were on him.

It took no more than a moment for Wiliam to ride up beside him, Brandon was certain what the topic of conversation would be and he found himself surprised to be almost eager for it.

"Your nephew, my king. What are your plans with him?" Willam asked, his voice low and quiet.

"Honestly?" he asked looking to his friend who nodded "I know not, Willam. I'm not fool enough to not understand what it means that he has such power to call upon. I'd not have believed it possible had I not seen the dragon for myself and then those bodies in the Neck."

"Aye, me neither." Willam said worriedly.

"I curse him you know." he said softly, a confession needing to be heard and yet not.

"Your nephew?" William asked confused.

"My father." he said with a loud sigh "I curse him for what he cost us all. Lyanna may have only lived a few more years after the last time I saw her, but by the gods, it was years I'd have welcomed. Her son, did you see the boy?" he asked a note of pride in his voice as he spoke "Only she could birth such a lad, a wolf, and a dragon too."

"You mean to kneel?" William asked shocked.

"I wish I could. I wish it was what my father had done. I wish we'd reached out years ago and had brought mine nephew close, and to have known her son. To have shown him the true north, I wish for many things and the damnable thing is I know better than most that wishes are for naught." he said almost dejectedly.

He said no more, instead finding himself lost in thoughts as they soon saw the town in front of them. Those thoughts about his nephew for now being replaced with the thoughts of the men he'd come here to face. Swords were unsheathed and they rode slowly into the town, Brandon looking warily at the windows and at the lack of people around as they did so. When the old man came running their way they almost cut him down, so surprised were they to see him.

"Who are you?" Theo asked angrily, his sword had been the one that had almost taken the man's head from his shoulders.

"Jarlos, my lord. I run the inn, are you here to help us?" the old man asked hopefully as Brandon took a closer look at him.

He was younger than he looked, Brandon putting him no more than a few years older than himself. Though he was beaten down by life and by something else it would seem, as the marks were still clear on his face and neck. That he was scared and yet pleased to see them was clear. Brandon wondering just what it was that had caused both of those feelings.

"Euron Greyjoy, he's here?" he asked moving his horse closer to the man.

"Aye, he and his men, they're in the inn, my inn. They're armed my lord, armed and…" whatever he was about to say was lost to him, Brandon quickly moving with the others to form up outside the inn.

He called out Euron's name once and then twice to no answer, Brandon then looking to Ethan and Theo and wondering if they should just storm the inn. The dangers of doing so were what in the end decided his course of action.

"Are you a craven, Greyjoy, a coward? Come out and face me, come out and die." he shouted loudly.

The sound of the crossbow bolts hitting home went unnoticed only because of the fall from their horses of first Theo and then Ethan. Brandon and some of the others soon jumping from the backs of their own and moving to try and find cover. When the doors of the Inn opened, Brandon found his eyes drawn to it and to the giant that moved his way. The plate armor he wore seeming incredibly thick and the greatsword he wielded was moving far faster than a blade that size should. Yet it was the red and black cloaks that he and his men wore, the three-headed dragon sigil on those cloaks that he found his eyes drawn to.

His own sword was soon swinging as he cut down men that moved his way and moved closer to the giant who he'd just seen gut Willam Dustin. The rage he felt was true now, the wolf's blood all that coursed through his veins, and the man nearest him lost a chunk of his cheek because of it. Brandon biting into that cheek and pulling back and spitting out the piece of flesh as he then cut down another man who came too close. Around him, his men were fighting a losing battle, crossbow bolts, pikes, swords, and more numbers than he had brought with him all playing their part. Though he felt his own fault to be greatest of all as he'd led his men into a trap.

Instead of scouting ahead and getting the lay of the land, he'd allowed his wish for vengeance to overrule his common sense. He'd been a fool and he wondered now if his nephew had planned this from the moment he'd come North. His mind questioned what deal had Aemon given Walder Frey and should he not have just cut him down when he arrived at the Moat. Had he time for thinking, then there would be other thoughts going through his head, but the time for thinking was long past and all he had time now for, was fighting.

"Take the Stark, alive." the Giant said as he cut down another of his guards and Brandon laughed at that.

They didn't have the men to take him alive and he'd either go down fighting or he'd beat them all and walk from this place. Either way, before his time was done, he was going to slay a fucking giant.

"You, are you a man? Do you fear to face me?" he shouted as he cut down another one of the men who attacked him.

"Careful wolf, my king may wish you alive, me I care not." the Giant said and Brandon just laughed as he moved towards him.

"Fuck you, fuck your king." he said as his sword caught the giant across the helm.

He was fast, impossibly so and Brandon did well to dodge the blows aimed his way. His own hit home but had no effect as the plate was just too damn thick. Still, he cut and thrust and was a far better blade than the man he faced. Yet so focussed was he on the fight in front of him that he didn't notice the one around him was at its end. Almost twenty men he'd led here to their deaths, good men and true the lot of them, and some amongst them were the closest friends he'd ever known. When he finally saw they had all fallen it infuriated him and his blows began to make purchase even against the heavy plate.

The blow that ended him came not from the giant, but from the crossbow of a man behind him. Brandon falling to his knees as he felt his lifeblood ebb away. He heard the roar of the beast he had faced as he cursed the man who'd fired the bolt for interfering. Hearing the giant say that Tywin wished him alive confused him for a moment before he then understood that this like everything he'd faced since meeting Walder Frey, was just another mummery. It wasn't his nephew that sought his end or that had killed his kin, it was a mangy cat who sought but more gold.

"My nephew will burn you all." he said as he closed his eyes "Barbrey, forgive me." the last words he spoke as he breathed his last.

The Vale 300 AC.

Ser Denys Arryn.

Flying on a dragon was like nothing he could have ever imagined and was that all he was doing then he'd have welcomed it and looked forward to telling the story one day. It was not and though he had considered taking a firmer grip on the man in front of him and dragging him to the ground, he stayed his hand. That Aemon Targaryen was so sure that he'd not try to harm him was disconcerting and it wasn't simply because of the man who sat behind Denys, the silent shadow as he'd come to think of him as. The prince it seemed knew their ways and their nature and knew that he'd not break guest right, even though a part of him told him that he should.

Had he tried to, then he believed the man behind him would have seen to his end long before he harmed the man in front. So he tried to enjoy the experience and found that he could not. The closer they got to the Bloody Gate the more fearful he was about what they'd see once they got there. Denys certain that the words that Prince Aemon had said were true and that he had indeed taken it, for was he lying then he'd not take him to see it. Still, even those words didn't prepare him for the sight he saw when they flew over it.

Denys looking down in shock as it was no more, the walls, the towers, the gate itself, all had simply melted away. He almost fell off the dragon's back when they landed and then he stumbled towards what remained of the Bloody Gate, once he felt the ground beneath his feet again. The anger he felt soon forcing him to turn and move towards the prince. Guest right be damned he thought as he ran as fast as he could, hoping to reach him before he met his end.

"One word and Torgho Nudho will end you, that you live still is only because I deem it so." Prince Aemon said as he looked down upon him, Denys laying on the ground with a spear pointed to his neck and not truly knowing which of them it had been who'd taken him down.

"They were good men, true men." he said, his voice showing more pain than anger.

"Who were given the opportunity to kneel and to stand down." Prince Aemon said, "I took no pleasure in their deaths, but they were hundreds. I now give you the chance to save thousands."

"Their bodies, where are their bodies?" he asked when with a nod from the prince the spear was removed and he was let back to his feet.

He was bid to follow the prince and as they walked his anger began to dissipate, somewhat at least. War was a terrible thing and men would die because of it and they were in a war whether they liked it or not. Once the dragon had looked their way it had become inevitable and given what he'd done to the Bloody Gate and the men who guarded it, it was not a war they could win. Knights and lances were no match for dragons, walls and keeps no barriers to them either. The harsh truth was that getting out of this war with just hundreds dead was the very best they could hope for.

"My men saw them given as decent a burial as time allowed for." Prince Aemon said and Denys looked out to see a number of graves, far too many and yet far too few as well.

"There were survivors?" he asked and the prince nodded.

"We took some men prisoner, some I'm sorry to say didn't last the night, others are with my men and being held for now."

"For now?" he asked hopefully.

"Some of the men we hold are kin to those with you and so once you and your companions bend the knee, then at your request I'll give them leave to join you." Prince Aemon said looking at him curiously.

"I thank you, my prince." he said with a small bow, something that the man with the prince seemed to appreciate.

With a last look to the graves and a prayer to the Seven, Denys joined the prince and his guard and they walked back to the dragon. His eyes looked at the giant red beast even more warily now that he'd seen evidence of what it could do. Before they climbed on its back he asked if Ser Donnel and Gilwood's brother Ser Harlan were amongst those who survived and was relieved to find that both did. Bringing the other Lords and Lady Anya with him would be hard enough, had their kin being amongst the dead then he feared it would be impossible.

Upon arriving back at the camp, he immediately went and spoke to the others. Ser Symond and Lord Yohn were both angry and almost demanding retribution. Anya and Gilwood were relieved that their kin still lived and that they'd be freed upon their kneeling. There were raised voices and some saying they'd not accept the offer they were made, Lord Yohn looking to him for guidance, and Denys knowing exactly what it was that he needed to do.

"We cannot beat him, we're outmatched. You'll see the Bloody Gate for yourselves in time, and no doubt Donnel and Harlan will have much to say on it, as will the rest of the prisoners. It's gone and I don't mean it's been sacked or breached, I mean it's gone, melted away. Not Runestone, Ironoaks, Longbow Hall, Ninestars, Redfort, or Strongsong can stand against a dragon's rage, not even the Eyrie is safe from its flames." he said looking to each of them and seeing his words hit home.

"You would have us kneel, have us give up our independence?" Yohn asked, and Denys was relieved it was not in an angered way.

"The prince said something when I called him out for the men we lost, they were hundreds, we kneel and save thousands, and for me, that's worth more than a chance to name myself king." he said as the others nodded.

It was Anya who was chosen to make the deal, their oaths sworn once she'd done so, and the new Queen of the Vale herself who'd bid him kneel and named him as the Lord of the Vale and the Warden of the West. Though they'd still need to deal with Jon Arryn and with Elbert before that could be a title that meant much. They were invited to join the camp and were fed well, Yohn asking when the king, for that's what Aemon was now, wished their men to join them and being surprised when he was told he did not.

"We ride to the Eyrie, my lord. Lord Jon and Ser Elbert will be given the chance to accept the new world they live in and then and only then will I seek you men to join mine own." Aemon said looking at them.

"There are more wars to fight, your grace?" Anya asked curiously.

"Seven Kingdoms are to become one, my lady, so I think there'll be more fighting to come." Aemon said and he swore the man seemed almost eager for it, and yet he'd taken their own with less than a war if truth be told.

He woke the next morning to find that their men had been brought to them. Anya hugging Donnel tightly while Gilwood did the same to Harlan and he was surprised when Anya asked for and was given leave to return to Ironoaks. The queen overruling her husband on that. Though she'd still be riding with them until they reached the Gates of the Moon and as they set off he realized why the queen was being so forthcoming.

These men marched like none he'd ever seen, their pace something he had trouble keeping up with, let alone Lady Anya and as they camped that night, he was not the only one who welcomed his bed. It took them three days to reach the Gates of the Moon and he worried that Nestor wouldn't see the sense in opening up the keep to the King and Queen. Lord Yohn asking for and receiving permission to make his cousin see sense, something he was relieved to see. Later that night he watched as the raven was sent to the Eyrie and as he slept he wondered if he'd soon see a dragon's flames for true, or would Jon Arryn realize just as he did that the war was already won.

The Gates of the Moon 300 AC.


*Lemon warning*

He stood behind her, his finger slowly untying the ties that held her dress up as she leaned back against him. The small little shiver she gave as it fell to the floor was soon a much larger shudder as he placed a kiss on her neck and her exposed shoulders. That he was already naked and hadn't allowed her to see him was something that he knew both annoyed and excited her. Aemon felt her get her own back on him a little when she pushed back against him. Rhaenys was now without her dress and was wearing only her small clothes, her skin brushed against his own and sent a tingle down his spine.

"No." he said when she went to turn around "Not yet." he whispered softly in her ear.

His hands began to move up her sides, brushing ever so gently against her as they did so. When he moved one to her breast her own hand pressed it down harder and kept it trapped there. Aemon hearing the small laugh she made and quickly moving his other hand to her head so he could turn it to the side and allow him access to her lips. As he kissed her, he lifted her in the air and moved back towards the bed. Both of them collapsing into it and Rhaenys laughing as he cushioned her fall.

"Aems." she said her voice husky as she finally saw him and how ready for her that he truly was.

"Rhae, my love."

He kissed her deeply, her tongue fighting with his own and winning this battle, though he knew it would not be the only one they fought tonight. His hands were everywhere and while he wished to linger, he also wanted nothing more than to touch every single inch of her and to explore her completely. Something that it seemed his wife wished for too. Rhaenys laying back on the bed and allowing him to take in the sight of her, before then bidding him forward. Her breasts were two perfect little spheres topped off with the darkest of nipples. Which he was soon tasting with his mouth and he welcomed the deep breath she took and just how erect they were when he was done.

Kissing down to her flat stomach, he blew gently on her belly button and the giggle she made soon had him laughing too. When he reached the juncture at her thighs, it was his own breathing that was deep. She was shaved completely, something that he knew she'd picked up from a visit to Norvos and it allowed him to see every inch of her.

"Beautiful, so beautiful." he said his eyes looking up at her as he moved forward and his tongue brushed against her sex.

Nothing tasted as she did and he as always couldn't get enough. Rhaenys moaning loudly and he knew he was making sounds too, though he couldn't hear them or cared too much about them. His entire focus was on bringing her as much pleasure as he could and soon enough he felt her move closer to the edge. So he then redoubled his efforts, his tongue making long sweeps while his lips sought and found her nub and his fingers slipped inside her.

"Aems, God, Aemonnnnn…." the long-drawn-out cry was like music to his ears and as he helped her back from the chasm that she'd fallen into, he smiled when he began to taste her again.

This time she wished for more than his fingers or his tongue though and she almost ordered him to take her then and there. Aemon moving more quickly than he had intended and rather than enter her slowly, his wife's hands on his arse made her own intentions clear. He heard the pained gasp she made as he pushed completely inside of her in one stroke. When he tried to still, to stop moving and let her get used to him, she was having none of it. Her nails dug into the cheeks of his arse and the look she gave him was as wanton as he had ever seen.

"Take me, Aems, take me." she said hungrily.

He would like to say his stamina won out, that he spent the night pleasuring her and though he took her over the edge two more times, he felt it lasted far shorter than it could have. His own pleasure demanded it of him, as did hers and when he felt his release build, he couldn't hold back. Rhaenys calling out his name as she felt it too, was far more than he could handle.

"Rhae." he cried out, his voice loud and his need urgent, and then he felt himself spill inside of her.

*Lemon Ends*

As he dressed he looked down at his wife while she slept, both of them had exhausted each other the night before and found their pleasure more than once. Leaning down he placed a soft kiss on her cheek and heard her moan his name and then he made his way from the room. As usual, the first part of his morning was spent sparring, Aurane, Thoros, Torgho Nudho, and Daario joining him while Arthur looked on. Though this morning there were others watching too. Ser Denys and some of the Knights of the Vale along with one or two others had made their way to the sparring yard when they heard he was there.

Once he noticed them he began to put on a bit of a show, Aemon seeing the small smirk on Arthur's face as he did so. By the time he was done, Rhaenys too had woken and made her way to him and so he quickly drank some water and greeted her with a kiss before they then set off to break their fast. The Lord of the Gates of the Moon, Nestor Royce, and his daughter Myranda had been reluctant hosts and yet pleasant ones. They sent the messages to the Eyrie that he and Ser Denys had written out and now all they had to do was to wait. One more day he'd give them and he'd made that clear in both his and Ser Denys's notes. One more day where they would have the chance to kneel and should they not, then he'd bring them to their knees.

"You didn't wake me." Rhaenys whispered in his ear as they ate, sounding slightly put out.

"You're not a morning person, and I wake far too early as well you know." he said seeing her nod, the small kiss he gave her garnering him a smile as well.

They had barely finished eating when Marwyn came walking into the hall, the Mage bearing a note in his hand and Aemon feeling himself tense up as it was handed to him. Depending on what it said, he'd either be preparing for another parley or the Blood Wyrm would be about his business this day. As he unsealed it he could see each of the faces in the room looking at him eagerly. After he read it, he handed it to Rhaenys to allow her to do the same before he spoke.

"Lord Arryn and Ser Elbert will be here on the morrow." he said to some relieved looks, one from Ser Denys in particular.

"They seek to parley?" Daario said almost disappointedly.

"Perhaps, it seems your Arakh must remain sheathed for now, my friend." he said and he saw Daario was indeed disappointed at the thoughts of it.

He and Rhaenys spent the early part of the day with the dragons and then he called a meeting with his men as they laid out their plans for what was to come next. It would be to the Riverlands he'd ride once they were done here, he, Rhaenys, their men, and the Knights of the Vale. By then his uncles should have dealt with the Hoares or would be in a position to do so and if they had not, then he'd offer his aid for the price of their fealty. If they had then he'd make them a different offer. Either way by the time he was done, the Riverlands at least would be under his control as well as the Vale.

Then it would be to the Stormlands he looked and it was that he was looking forward to the most. To see Robert Baratheon brought low was something that if his goal wasn't conquest, he'd have already done by now. That night after he and his wife had exhausted themselves once more, Aemon slept a dreamless sleep. Rising the next morning he went about his routine and then broke his fast with Rhaenys. The two of them once again heading to the dragons and it was while they were with them that Jon Arryn arrived.

"He's here, my prince." Thoros said and Aemon saw Rhaenys look nervously at him.

"Come my love, it's time to have our arses kissed by a king." he said with a chuckle, seeing her frown at him before she laughed a little too as they made their way to the keep.

The meeting was to be held in the large open courtyard, Aemon having picked there by design. He and Rhaenys along with Torgho Nudho and Arthur walked into it and he saw that it had been laid out as he'd asked. Tables on both sides, seats around one side where Ser Denys, Lord Yohn, and the other lords who'd already knelt to them sat. To the other side, sat his own men, Aurane, Daario, and Marwyn who had parchment and paper in hand ready to record this for posterity. Jon Arryn sat with a man who was older than Ser Denys and bore some of the same features and yet it was the older man himself who was easily the most impressive of the two.

"My lords, my lady." he said and kept the mocking from his tone as he took a seat, the man beside Jon Arryn not able to keep his tongue as he did so.

"You are in the presence of a King, Targaryen, you should speak to him with respect." Ser Elbert said almost in a snarl.

"Men earn my respect by how they act, Ser, you for example have certainly not done so. As for your lord being a king, king of what pray tell? For as of now the extent of your lands is that keep high in the mountains, be wary how you speak next good Ser, lest that too is taken from you." he said, his voice firm and carrying across the courtyard and though Ser Elbert bristled, Jon Arryn kept him in check from that point on.

"We came to parley, Prince Aemon, I suggest we do so." Jon Arryn said and Aemon nodded before turning to Rhaenys.

"Indeed we did, Lord Arryn. Ser Denys and these good lords along with Lady Anya have seen fit to declare for my husband and me, as has Lord Grafton." Rhaenys said catching even Ser Denys by surprise "Our army is here, our dragons are here, and while you may think yourself safe in the Eyrie, should we wish it you'd find you're very much not. Ser Denys, inform Lord Arryn of what you saw at the Bloody Gate." Rhaenys said as Aemon reached out to stroke her hand softly, trying to make her laugh and finding his efforts to be in vain.

"The Bloody Gate is no more, most of the men who guarded it have perished in the fires his grace brought to them. Less than fifty men survived to fight again. Were Ser Donnel here he'd speak to you of it himself, Ser Harlan can should you wish it of him. Faced with the risk to the rest of the Vale and knowing that keeps, knights, horses, and men are no match for dragons, I and those with me have knelt and pledged ourselves to King Aemon and Queen Rhaenys." Ser Denys said and when Elbert went to rise, Jon Arryn pulled him back to his seat.

"For a price no doubt." Jon Arryn said though he looked to him and Rhaenys and not Ser Denys.

"Everything comes with a price my lord. The price of your life and your men's is your crown and your fealty. Ser Denys is to be our Warden of the East and Lord of the Vale, Ser Elbert is stripped of his place as heir and you, my lord are free to live out your years how you see fit." he said his grey eyes focussed on the unblinking blue ones of Jon Arryn and though it was him who blinked first, it was not for the reason any may think. Aemon calling for and feeling Gaelithox and Meraxes as they flew overhead "Or you fight and face not my wife and me, but our dragons." he said as Jon Arryn and Ser Elbert looked up and saw them both flying over their heads.

They were asked for and he gave them an hour to think about it. Aemon then giving Ser Denys and the other lords leave to speak some sense to the man and then spending his own hour japing at his wife's expense while facing her own japes at his.

"My wife was a true dragon, and yet she kept her flames at bay." he said cheerfully.

"One of us must, for my husband it seems wished to let his own loose." she said and how she was able to hold up her glare for so long was beyond him, Aemon being the one to break first as he laughed and shook his head.

"Ser Elbert irks me, the man is a blowhard full of bravado. He reminds me of the duellists in Braavos, though I'd wager without the skill." he said to laughs from every one of those with him and even Torgho Nudho wore a small smile.

"You think they'll force us to fight?" Rhaenys asked nervously.

"As I said, my love, the man is a blowhard, I'd prepare for it."

He was right in his assumption, Jon Arryn refusing his offer and Ser Elbert going so far as to offer an insult to him as he did so. The man was lucky that it was he who he insulted and not his wife and that Aemon actually respected the right of parley. As the lord and the fool he'd named his heir made to move, an idea struck him and he found himself far too keen to suggest it. Aemon moving forward before he could be talked out of it.

"I have a counteroffer, Lord Arryn. One that at least offers you the chance of victory." he said and the man should have been warier of the smile on his face than he was.

"Which is?" Jon Arryn asked.

"Single combat, your best against mine own. Should you win then my wife and I will take our men and our dragons and leave the Vale not to return. However, when you lose you'll offer up your fealty wholeheartedly, what say you?" he said as Rhaenys looked at him nervously while his men did anything but.

"To the death?" Jon Arryn asked and Aemon decided to give the man an out.

"A yield is acceptable to me, my lord, is it to you?" he asked and Jon Arryn nodded.

He was surprised at the choice of a champion, not at the man himself but that he'd agreed to it. Ser Denys saying that he had no choice as it was well known that he was the best blade and for him not to step forward would be unforgivable to all in the Vale. It made him reconsider fighting the man himself, but he'd given his word to his wife he'd not. Arthur had then made it clear that he really did need to name a champion which left him no choice on who to call on.

"Bring him down quickly, Arthur, with the least damage physically as you can." he whispered in Arthur's ear as he stepped forward and unsheathed Dawn.

"I'd be honored to, your grace." Arthur said.

Less than a few moments later, Lord Jon and Ser Elbert were both on their knees declaring their fealty. Ser Denys had suffered only a knock to his head from Dawn's hilt and some knocks to his ego as a great swordsman. Arthur was not just better, he was in a different class altogether. After easily dodging the strikes that Denys sent his way, he'd then simply moved inside his guard and caught him hard with Dawn's hilt and ending the fight.

"I Jon Arryn, do swear my fealty to their graces, King Aemon and Queen Rhaenys of the House Targaryen, I do so freely and without prejudice from now to the end of my days, and I pledge my house in perpetuity." Jon Arryn said, cowed but not broken Aemon believed.

"Rise Lord Jon and be accepted into our kingdom." Rhaenys said and Aemon smiled as he knew though this was only the beginning. Jon Arryn would not be the last king that swore to them before they were done.

The Conquest of Westeros XXVIII


Valyrian's had always worshipped their own gods, the fourteen flames each named after one of them and until the Doom, never had any other faith made inroads. When he arrived on Dragonstone, Aenar still prayed to the gods of his forefathers. Aegon though when he began his conquest of Essos was far less resolute in his faith. While still ostensibly a follower of the gods of Valyria, he was not devout and not fervent in his worship. Perhaps that was why Aegon had sought and found answers in the faith of fire and why by the time Rhaegar sat the Imperial Seat it was R'hllor that was the pre-eminent god in Essos.

Yet the High Emperor allowed other faiths to practice and to be welcomed throughout the Empire and even allowed the Faith of the Seven a place at his table. Most believe he did so to appease the Empress of the Sun and yet there were those who felt he had other reasons. Whatever the truth was, Septons and Septas had arrived and Septs were soon built in Volantis and elsewhere. Though it was only among the old Andals that the faith garnered any true support.

The rules and tenets that they wished their followers to live by were not ones that most would adapt too and their efforts to convert the High Emperor and especially his children had fallen on deaf ears. None more so than with the Dragonknight himself, who had found their piety and prudishness unwelcome and who soon earned their displeasure with his courting of his sister. Why Rhaegar allowed them such leeway was unknown to all but him. The High Emperor worked to his own plans and as always it was left to the Dragonknight to see those plans to fruition.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

Volantis 300 AC.


He'd done it again, looked over his shoulder to speak to a man who was not there. Rhaegar chastising himself for not remembering where Arthur was and why he'd left. His guards while good men and true were not the Sword of the Morning and while he didn't feel any less protected, he did feel the loss of his friend's counsel. The walk to the courtyard felt like it took an age as they moved silently. So he was more than happy to mount his horse and ride quickly to the Dragonpit rather than dally as he was oft wont to do.

The sight of the High Emperor and his guards racing through the streets of Volantis must have been an interesting one, he thought with a smirk as he felt the wind blow his hair behind him. When he saw it loom in front of him, he felt his excitement grow and he knew that the golden dragon was already there waiting for him. It had been far too long since he and Arrax had flown together and he longed for the peace of mind that he only found when they were in the sky.

"I'll be back in a few hours." he said as he climbed down off his horse, Rhaegar moving to Arrax in hurried steps and then stroking the dragon gently as he felt his trill.

In moments he was on the dragon's back and without words needing to be spoken they were soon in the air. Arrax almost gliding effortlessly across the sky and it was only when he saw the Grand Palace that the dragon truly began to beat his wings. Rhaegar wore a smile on his face that was only ever seen by a few select people as he welcomed the joy that flying brought him. Soon the city itself was left far behind and now Arrax himself gave in to his own feelings of happiness at having him with him once more. The golden dragon flying high and then tucking in his wings as he dropped almost to the ground before he then soared once more.

When he saw the mountain in front of them, he bid Arrax take him there, and almost as soon as he did so they were flying in circles over it. His dragon making sure that it was safe for him to land before he did so. Once he did, Rhaegar leaned forward and thanked him, and then climbed down off his back. He could still hear him behind him as he looked out on the wide expanse of land and reached into his pocket to take out the letter and read it once more.

My Emperor,

I bring you tidings of your son and daughter and of their plans in Westeros. Some of which I've played mine own part in. The Northmen have not welcomed the prince as he would have wished and the Land of Storms seeks to antagonize and provoke. For the longest time, Prince Aemon has stayed his hand, but that time is no longer. We seek to march, to conquer, and conquer we will. The Prince's determination to do so as strong as ever as is his love for the Princess. They are happy, my emperor, happy and content and though we march to battle, I have no fear or doubt in my mind.

I shall keep you informed of our success and I remain ever vigilant to the Prince's safety and now to the Princess, as well.

Your faithful servant,

Daario Naharis.

It should not surprise him and yet it did, the Starks remained as prickly as ever and Rickard had still not forgiven what he felt a slight. Were his love alive to hear this then he would have feared for her father's safety, and for the first time he took the tiniest amount of comfort that she was not. His heart went out to his son as he knew how Aemon would take this, but he was grateful that it was not something he needed to face alone, and if anything it would only strengthen his resolve.

"He's doing it Lya, it has begun." he said softly into the wind, before turning to walk back to Arrax and to head back to the city.

When he arrived back at the Grand Palace it was to see his other son walk his way, Aegon wearing a frown on his face, and Rhaegar quickly finding out what the reason for it was.

"Some of the councilors have heard about Aemon and Westeros, father, I believe the Septon's flow of information rivals even our own." Aegon said quietly as they walked.

"The council must have expected this, the men are not fools." he said, and yet he wasn't sure that was entirely true.

"Expecting is not the same as knowing, father. Aemon conquering is not the same as expecting it may be his goal." Aegon said and Rhaegar chuckled.

"True enough, arrange a meeting for the morrow, a full meeting." he said and Aegon nodded "I'll speak to our friends from the faith and find out their minds before then." he said.

"Is she…has Rhaenys arrived on Dragonstone?" Aegon asked his worry for his sister clear.

"She has." he said and saw the relieved breath his son took.

"All is well with you and your wife?"

"Things are better, father." Aegon said, his smile a true one he believed.

After he had washed and changed, the dust from flying leaving him with no option but to do so, he sent word to the Sept and told his men to see the Septons brought to him. Rhaegar making his way to his solar to hold the meeting with the men and to listen to their complaints about his son. He'd not been unaware of the words they'd spoken of Aemon while he was and was not in residence at the Grand Palace. Though unlike what Aemon may have believed, he didn't let them speak so out of apathy. His reasons for doing so were far more important than the discomfort the words may and had caused his son and he hoped in time he'd be forgiven for them.

"High Emperor, Septon Chayle, Septon Maynard, and Septa Mordane." Torgus said, his guard bidding the two men and a women enter the room when Rhaegar gave them the nod to do so.

Torgus himself and two other guards stood at their backs when they took their seats and Rhaegar saw how uncomfortable that made them, enjoying their discomfort greatly for once.

"I believe you have some issues with my son, Septon Chayle." he asked looking at the older man.

"I do not, High Emperor, however, the faith does have some concerns." the Septon lied.

"Which are?" he asked.

"Is it your intent to allow Prince Aemon to seek lands in Westeros, High Emperor?" Septon Maynard asked and Rhaegar sat silently for a moment, not answering and just looking at all three of the members of the Sept that sat in front of him.

"To allow him to wed his sister?" Septa Mordane asked and he noticed how her expression was filled with disgust at the mere thoughts of it, something that his glare soon had her doing her best to hide.

"My son as well you know is a law onto himself, Septon. I've made my feelings clear on Aemon's actions in relation to my daughter and it has resulted in the exile of my youngest child. What Aemon does away from my lands are not of my concern and are out of my control." he said, the answer one that he'd readied many years earlier.

"The faith won't take kindly to this, High Emperor. Westeros is not Essos and while your rule here is absolute, there are those who would stand against the prince should he seek to conquer and more should he then seek to wed the princess." Septon Maynard said, the words not as good a threat as the man may imagine.

"Indeed. What would you have me do?" he asked as if he cared for their opinion.

"Recall you son and daughter, High Emperor, recall them and make it clear that Westeros is a land that follows the Faith of the Seven who are One and will not bow down to any who impugn that faith." Septon Chayle said and Rhaegar hid his smirk as he looked at the man.

"How am I to do that, Septon? Would you have me go to war with my son to force him to bend to my will? If I'd not do so for mine own reasons, what makes you think I'd do so for yours?" he asked looking to each of them.


"Silence." he said raising his voice and his hand as he looked to see Septa Mordane shrink back in her seat and hold her tongue "Westeros is not Essos as you rightfully say and the Empire has no business there. What Aemon does is his own concerns and he will do so with or without the Empire's and his father's consent. Feel free to test him shall you wish it, you'll find him a man who is not as understanding as I am to the concerns of the faith. Perhaps you should have considered things more carefully before you spoke of him how you have and for how long you've done so."

"High Emperor, the faith.." Septon Chayle said.

"Operates in Essos by my leave and now in Westeros it has another dragon to contend with. Were I you, I'd consider your next moves most carefully as while I may be a forgiving man, Aemon is very much not." he looked at each of them as he spoke the words, his own threat hitting home far more truly than theirs had.

"High Emperor." Septon Chayle said with a small bow as he rose to his feet and the others did likewise, Rhaegar watching them as they left the room.

He waited until they were gone before he poured himself a drink and wondered just what form their resistance to Aemon's rule would take. In time he'd send for Benerro and tell him to make ready, soon it would be red priests that preached as openly in Westeros as he had allowed the Septons to do in Essos. Payment for a debt that was yet to be incurred.

The Conquest of Westeros, XVIV.

The Kings of Winter.

Known for their fierceness in battle, the Kings of Winter were revered in the North, none more so than Theon Stark the Hungry Wolf. Tales of his exploits were the stuff of dreams for Northmen who wished for war. His victories were spoken of with great fondness when any threat to the North was raised. From his throwing back of the Andals and defeat of Argos Sevenstar whose body he displayed on the bow of his ship when he sailed to Andalos. To the villages, towers, and righteous fury he brought down upon them in their own lands.

He took the Three Sisters as his prize and defeated rebels from the Rills and yet it wasn't these that truly made his legend. Aiding the Night's Watch he inflicted a defeat upon the King Beyond the Wall and the Wildings that brought peace to the True North for a generation. When Harrag Hoare invaded the North and his son Ravos the Raper took Bear Island it was once again to Theon the Hungry Wolf that the North looked and once again he did not disappoint.

After slaying Ravos by his own hand, Theon then led his armies and expelled the Ironboorn from the Stoney Shore not resting until the North was free and in Northern hands once more. Many kings came before and after and many legends rose about their achievements, but when war was upon them it was to the Hungry Wolf that Northmen called for guidance and he that they channeled. Many centuries after Theon had fallen, it was to another wolf they looked. This was a far quieter one and as battle neared, the men of the North waited to hear him howl and to see him show his fangs.

A history of the conquest of the Dragonknight,

Marwyn the Mage.

The Battle of Riverrun 300 AC.

Ned Stark.

Ned looked down upon the field below him, the men of the North lined up behind and to his right and left. The Riverlords would arrive during the battle itself and crush the Hoares from the flank. Inside the keep, he knew the Blackfish would see to his own men, and in time they'd ride out to join him. He knew that in sheer numbers alone they more than held the advantage. As they did in position too, the Hoares and the rest of the Ironborn had been caught just how he had hoped and as he looked to the Greatjon and to Rickard Karstark he saw both men nod.


The horns rang out and the charge began, Ned, taking out his sword and riding hard as the Ironborn tried to form up quickly. The arrows that he had feared never truly came. So by surprise had they caught them that they'd never had a chance to get their archers into position. While around him one or two Northmen fell to those few who'd found a bow, it was far less than it should have been and not one came close to him personally.

He swung his sword and felt the jolt as it crashed into a reaver's skull, his horse was already past the dying man and onto the next one in the blink of an eye. Behind them, their infantry raced forward and those they didn't cut down with their charge would soon face their fury. For now, those in front of him faced his own. Ned cutting down men while his horse raced past them. Perhaps it was cockiness or maybe it was just pure bad luck that took him from his horse's back. Though given the size of the man who'd pulled him from it, maybe it was simply his size that had been the reason.

"Die wolf." the man shouted moving towards him, his ax barely missing Ned's head as he rolled away.

Rising to his feet, he blocked the next blow and was soon joined by more and more men of the North. Ned not having time to wonder if they too had lost their seats or had they simply given them up to rush to their prince's side. It brought a smile to his face when he heard the booming voice and out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw the greatsword swing.

"Umber, Umber." The Greatjon said over and over as Ned then began to concentrate on his own fight.

"Hoare...Hoare... Hear my howl." he shouted and then he attacked the man with the ax furiously.

The first swing almost took it from his hands and Ned moved closer as the reaver seemed less sure of himself now. He dodged the blow aimed at his head and caught the man with a slash down his back, injuring but not ending him. That would come a few moments later when after he blocked another blow, Ned then moved in and kicked the man hard in the leg forcing him to a knee. There would be no rise from him as the blow he aimed at him was a thing of beauty and the sound of his head as it rolled way was one that he took great pleasure in.

"For the North, for the fallen, for King Rickard Stark." he said as the Greatjon cheered and they moved on to find more men to kill.


Watching his goodmother fight was like nothing he could describe. No man was fiercer than Maege and in her hand, a mace was a thing of beauty. Beside him all the way, they both moved through men as if they were nothing. Any daring to come to close were soon brought to their knees by her mace or his sword and around them, the men of Bear Island and Ser Dragon Point were just as deadly.

They'd caught them napping, in some cases literally as Benjen had seen sleeping men dragged from their tents to face pure Northern fury. Where the true warriors amongst these men were he knew not, only that those they'd faced had been no match or no obstacle to their progress. He heard arrows fly and looked worriedly to Maege only for her to shake her head. Benjen soon seeing it was their own archers who were taking shots and doing so without harassment.

"STARK." a voice called out and he turned to see a tall man bearing a red sword, its blade of a far better quality than his own.

"DRUMM." he shouted back and then he and the man were face to face.

"I'll gut you Stark, gut you and make your woman my salt wife." Denys Drumm said and as Benjen looked at the ugly scar-faced man he laughed loudly, something he was not alone in doing as Maege and the men of Bear Island looked his way.

"Be thankful that it's not my wife's mace that seeks your end, for you'd find she like to take her time killing fools like you, me I say I end you quick and I'm much in need of a new blade." he said to louder laughs and then the sounds of fighting as Maege and their men found their own Ironborn to kill.

Loud and annoying he may be, but Denys was a decent blade and Red Rain was more than a match for his own. Benjen finding himself being forced back at first and lucky not to fall more than once. He searched for an edge, a weakness, and found there were few. Then he reached to his belt and took out his knife as the two blades crashed against each other. Again and again, he blocked and parried, Denys, holding the edge and yet not landing a blow.

"I bet she tastes good, my new salt wife, maybe I'll take her and your girl a the same time, I'll need to wait for your youngest, though maybe not." Denys said smiling and though he was enraged, it wasn't that which Benjen gave in to.

Instead, he feigned tiredness and let Denys dictate the pace, Benjen moving back and back until suddenly he moved forward. Blocking Red Rain with his sword, he found himself inside the man's guard and the dagger soon hit home. Benjen saw the shocked look on Denys's face as he fell and then he moved his sword and pushed it down through the man's neck and watched him breathe his last. Placing his own sword back in its sheathe, he picked up the Valyrian Blade and held it in the air, hearing the cheers around him as he did so.




He moved to Maege who looked at him proudly, her eyes drawn from him to the sword he now wielded, and she wore a warm smile on her face.

"He fucking talked too much." he said to a loud boisterous laugh.

"Come goodson, there are more of them to kill and that new sword of yours will look far better with some squid blood on it." Maege said slapping his back and Benjen looked to see the Northmen pushing forward and then he heard the cheers as the gates opened and the Blackfish rode forth with his own men.

The Blackfish.

By the seven it was a glorious sight, Brynden looking on as the Hoares and the rest of the Ironborn were swamped by more men than he had ever seen. The North had caught them completely by surprise and he wondered how that had occurred. Qhored may be a horrible cunt, but he was no fool and yet looking to the carnage beneath his walls that's what he'd name him as. Seeing the Wolf banners, the Flayed Men, and the Black Bear was a welcome sight. When he saw the Silver Eagle and the Ravens and Weirwood of Jason and Tytos though, that brought a true smile to his face.

The Riverlords had come to play and play they were, their charge coming from the right flank, and were the Northmen not already more than enough for the Ironborn to contend with, they'd soon have even more. Brynden leaving his place on the battlements and hurrying down the stairs in his eagerness to taste some blood before the fight was done.

"You have the keep." he shouted to Edmure and his nephew nodded, they'd argued over who should and who should not ride out and he'd won.

Edmure was the Lord of Riverrun, the heir to his family's legacy, and out of the two of them the only one that would see an heir born. They would win today, victory was all but assured and his nephew needed to be alive to take advantage of that victory. Not that Brynden had any intention of dying here today, far from it. Mounting his horse, he found himself to be just as keen for the inevitable feasting to come. More than he'd been for any feast he could remember if truth be told.

"Ser Desmond, my blade seeks blood, how fares your own?" he asked nodding to the Master of Arms and to Ser Robin Ryger the Captain of the guard.

"It's hungry, Ser, hungry for Ironborn and to see that what is dead fucking remains that way." Ser Desmond said to loud laughs from him and the men they'd lined up.

Almost a thousand mounted men, half what he could call upon but there had not been enough room even in using every piece of space he could to form them all up. With a nod to the gatekeepers, he turned to his men and raised his lance high before he spoke loudly.

"For far too long we've suffered under the yoke of the Hoares and the Ironborn scum, today we throw off that yoke once and for all. Out there good men of the North and Riverlands seek our aid, they fight and we fight with them. For the Riverlands and for Riverrun."

"For Riverrun." the shouts sounded out as one and as the gates finally opened he bid his horse forward. A walk at first, a trot then as he rode under the gates and across the drawbridge, and finally as he felt the ground beneath him, he kicked his mare into a charge.

The first man he caught looked almost stunned to see him and soon enough he had caught another two. His lance finally falling as he saw the Northmen in front of him. Drawing his sword, he began cutting down men on either slide. A downward slash to the right, a thrust to the left, one, two, three, he stopped counting at four. When he saw him in front of him he thanked the gods. A worthy foe to face and though he could have ridden to him and fought him from up high, he felt the man deserved better than that.

"Greyjoy." he called out as he jumped off his horse, Victarion looking his way and the ax he bore soon being held far differently than it had been.

"Blackfish, good I was tired of killing men with no names." Victarion shouted, his Kraken helm muffling the sound.

"One of us is to die here today, so let's talk no more and see to the bloody buisness." he said moving to the large man and while around him men fought their own battles, he was concentrated only on the one.

While men laugh the gods make plans though and it was to be no epic fight that he faced here today, no tale to be spoken of for years to come or song to be sung. The arrow caught him in the shoulder and he fell to his knee, Victarion moving from him to slap Theon Greyjoy across the head. Brynden then seeing the spit of blood from his mouth that the boy was forced to do afterward.

"He was mine, you fuck." Victarion said looking at his nephew.

Death it was to be and an inglorious one at that, Brynden waiting for the blow to come only to find that again the gods had different plans for him. It wasn't Ned Stark who forced Victarion away, though it was he and his men who had come to his aid. Whether it was to save his nephew or for some other reason, the Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet was nowhere to be seen and as he was helped to his feet, Brynden felt the wound and was happy to see it was not as bad as he had feared.

"I thank you, my prince." he said as Ned let go of his arm.

"My wife would never forgive me if her favorite uncle perished." Ned said with a small smirk on his face that soon turned into a full laugh.

"Her only uncle, you mean." Brynden said as he laughed along with his goodnephew

"Aye, that too." Ned said as Brynden looked around, the scene was one of complete carnage and the victory looked to him to be complete, though he knew there was more to ending the Ironborn than simply beating their men.

"Hoare?" he asked.

"It seems the Ironborn have need of a new king, Brynden, Qhored is dead and fallen to a northern blade I'm most pleased to say." Ned said as Brynden looked to see Benjen Stark and some others in the distance.

"Yours or your brother's?" he asked only to receive a shake of Ned's head.

"The Smalljon took the honor, Brynden, now come we've defenses to form up and pickets to place."


"Robert Baratheon leads an army our way and I know not why." Ned said confusing him.

"Today?" he asked.

"No, he'll be here in a day or two, three at most."

He was helped back to the keep by his goodnephew, Brynden hearing men cheer Ned's name loudly, as they did his brother who he'd found out had gained himself a new sword. Walking back allowed him to see the extent of the victory though he worried about what wars or battles there were to come. A Storm King and a Dragon were soon to look their way no doubt. Still, he breathed in deeply and felt the air to be different as the stench of the Ironborn polluted it no more.

A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed. The next update is in two weeks' time. Up Next the full extent of the North's victory is revealed as the Ironborn survivors seek a course of action and Robert Baratheon and his army arrive at a battle already won and seek an alliance. With the Vale under his control, Aemon gathers their knights and marches on the Riverlands and to Harrenhal. Oberyn arrives in Volantis to carry out Doran's will and in the West Tywin plots his next move while a raven from Highgarden makes its way to a queen.

Coolguy: You called it, I wanted to make it work in the right way and so it wouldn't simply be a kneeling, but yes, he knelt in the end.

Daryl Dixon: So very glad you liked it.

Classicxd: Thanks so much, it's amazing just how much you realize you've missed something, the world has been so crazy for so long, the simple pleasures are most welcomed.

Jessicanightmare: I think with others there is less scope, I mean simple changes with Jon just work so well and while you could, for example, change Robb somewhat, I don't think it works the same. You can go king, or warrior, or warrior king lol and he has the back-story which is the most interesting of any character as well.

No, that's not a rant. For me the incest thing is a hard subject, I don't for example buy that it works the same as it does in genealogy in our own world. We have examples of madness but not what we'd get with generational incest in our own world and so the question becomes is the madness a result of the incest or is it simply that the world is full of mad people and so each family gets its share. I do wonder for example if it's power/pressure that causes the Targ madness more so than any incestuous reasoning. Aunt/Nephew, cousin/cousin, marriage is all through Westeros, and for everyone that you can claim led to a bad outcome, there are the same examples as a good one. Honestly, I kind of wonder if it's simply a plot device for GRRM to explain away certain things. I mean you can argue that Tywin's line is just as mad, Cersei, Tyrion, Joff all coming from incest.

I also think the Free folk thing is interesting, they draw the line as sister/brother, but have no issue with Aunt/Nephew or Cousin/cousin, so that kind of says a little. Anyway, Jon/Rhaenys will not have a negative effect other than based on those who think negatively of their union, the faith, and the more pious.

That's the thing, I think should either of them fall then, of course, Rhaegar would act, he's a father and Elia would demand it too. The dragons though, they're the symbol of their power, they'd need to send a message. I mean we see this in some respects with Aegon after Rhaenys/Meraxes is killed, now I know that was more the loss of Rhaenys, but look at how long the Dornish have been writing cheques based on taking down a dragon.

I so wanted that to come across with Aemon's words, his whole reason is Rhaenys, she's the only thing he truly wants in this world, the only person who really makes him happy and so while he respects the other Aemon and Nerys, he can't understand or accept you don't fight. He only left Volantis here because she said no to him, not because he was exiled, had she asked him to stay, he'd have stayed.

Leonel: Thanks so much, Barry always wished to be more than an heir, so while he doesn't have the Targs he still has a king, and serving him, being at his back, to Barry that was the biggest honor he could get. He served Steffon here and we'll be seeing more of his back-story. But basically, just like canon, it was more than an heir to a small keep that he wished for.

Celexys: Thanks so much for saying that, I didn't want to make them exactly the same and yet they should still be recognizable. I think some people change events and don't have the people react to those changes. Ned, for example, he may have an in-built code, but he's not been shaped the same way, Cat too, her position is lower than in canon and her marriage in some ways happier from earlier on.

Zyrus: I know some may see Tywin retreating as OOC, but he's not a fool, you can argue that he kind of did so with Robb too, sat back, and took stock. News of what happens and finding out that Aemon has the Vale, that will only prove him prudent.

Picking up from abandoned. Thanks so very much.

Guest71: I had intended to show Denys's pov always and maybe I should have gone with that last chapter. The biggest thing is the sheer shock of what he saw and also there were already gaps forming in the Vale. I do have plans for Harrenhal which you'll see next. And yes we'll be getting reactions to the Bloody gate as the story spreads through the realm. Doran is so not taking into account that simple point, Aemon has already gone against his father, so why would he listen now. Rhaegar as you see is well aware of things he's doing and has his own plans.

A loss of a dragon in some ways is more of a threat to the Empire than a loss of a prince or princess, now don't get me wrong, Rhaegar would probably act should Aemon/Rhaenys fall, but should a dragon, it'd be demanded of him. Your kind of right about Dragonstone, though technically Aemon was or would be at war and so it's dodgy ground. As for Gwayne, we'll see. Just because it's what Olenna feels is the right course of action, doesn't mean she has full support, though again events in the Vale will play a part. One of the big things as you point out is what would Gaelithox do should Aemon fall, it's an interesting thought.

Tywin you're very right, he's very prideful. He does though know the benefit of tactical retreat. He kind of did so at Harrenhal and again in Kl, sitting back to decide what move to take next against Robb, the dragon and hearing what it did changes things for him, his whole power is his army and so without them, he's screwed and as you see here, he has other little irons in the fire. Where he goes from here, we'll see.

Robert is not truly thinking straight, he's still enraged about Renly and he like Tywin saw the potential of catching everyone by surprise, but we'll get a clearer look next. Ned is and you'll see more later, keener for a relationship with Jon, so we'll see.

You're welcome for the reply, I feel someone takes the time to read and review, then the least I can do is answer. On the Time Travel fic, I may take you up on the offer, It won't be for a little while yes though. It is ambitious, maybe too much so, but we'll see. I like the idea you put across because it almost is similar in vein to my own, Jon is going to end up in these places and both have some knowledge, seek to change some things, and also to try and not let the cat out of the bag to who he is. I do think Jon on Rhaenyra's side is just interesting though.

Dunk: Thanks so much, yes Reyne/Tarbeck happened. You're right about Tywin's pride, one of the big things is that while Tywin knows a lot about war, he's not truly fought a real one where Aemon has been doing so for some time. His arrogance is also based on thinking himself the smartest man in the room, it's a bit like the Tyrion scenes earlier on. Unlike canon he's not had the red keep to be his training ground, Aemon has. You called it a little with Jon, as for Elbert we'll see. Denys was faced with a hard choice and picked the right one. Olenna's offer is up next, she is smart so we'll see. With Ned, I don't want to change him to be unrecognizable and so he has some of his canon traits, but he's also in a much better position here to deal with the fall of Brandon.

Guest: Really glad you like it. Hope you enjoyed their time together here.

Creativo: ¿No puede? Es posible que se demuestre que estás equivocado.

Uday: So very glad you enjoyed it.

Xand007: Thanks, my friend. We may very well see both those things, the effects of what the dragons can do, and hell the dragons themselves were pretty much just hand waved away in the show IMO. Like logically they still speak of Harrenhal and yet when Dany arrives North, or in Westeros, people just go, ok, dragons, that's nice. There was no sense of awe, we'll hopefully see some of that here. I hope you continue to enjoy this and the other stories and I've so many more to come. Stay safe and well, my friend, keep smiling too.

Xan Merrick: Thank you, my friend. With Oberyn he can at least see some of it, Doran not so much. Olenna to me is still one of the smartest out there, one thing she's realized is that it's better to be riding the tornado than in its path. Tywin as you say, this is a big shock to his system but a wounded lion is a dangerous one, even if it's only his pride that's wounded and he does have irons in fires. With the Bloody Gate and Aemon's use of the dragons, one of the big things for me is that he's been fighting with Gaelithox for more than eight years, he knows better than any how to use a dragon to its best effect.