
Game of thrones : Aemon the Conqueror

Not mine I just copied it to read in better settings Feel free to read Basically, Jon becomes Aegon the Conqueror and conquer all the divided kingdom of Westeros and Essos conquer by Aegon and Rhaegar rules it

SD_SR · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: To Kneel or not To Kneel

The Water Gardens 300 AC.


His brother had been right to deny the boy and he had been with him completely on that. Denying his niece, however, that had caused him some sleepless nights. Doran was right not to kneel, they were Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken after all, but to go against kin was not something that Oberyn was comfortable with. Even if by the looks of things that kin was willing to go against them, it still caused him to doubt they were making the right choice. As did Rhaenys's words themselves, his niece laying their choices out so clearly before them.

"We are blood, uncle, kin. I have no wish to spill that blood in the days to come but were I to ask it of him, Aemon would have no such qualms, and should I wish it then Dorne will be no more."

Was it pride that he felt?

Was he happy to see his niece was just as fierce as his sister had always been?

Was it something else?

He found he couldn't be sure and while a wife having faith in a husband was not a great surprise to him, Rhaenys's faith in Aemon was concerning. Oberyn had heard all the tales about the Dragonknight and all he'd done for the Empire, some more unbelievable than others. There was no doubt in his mind that Aemon was a capable warrior or commander of men. Nor did he doubt that the dragons were formidable and perhaps even unmatched in battle. What he had trouble accepting was that to face them was to bring about a certain defeat.

Was that foolish?


Was it hubris?

Once again he found he knew not and so again it was his niece's words that he found himself reflecting upon.

"Look to the wars to come, uncle, look and see what a Dragonknight can truly do. When you do, when you see and as you tremble in fear, think carefully about the moves you make."

Perhaps that's what they needed to do, look to the wars to come and see if they could learn from them or if what they saw was enough to make Doran think differently. It was to these thoughts that he rose and saw that he was alone in his room, Ellaria having risen without him and the thoughts of that brought a smile to his face as he put on his clothes. His paramour must have felt he needed his rest and in a way he had, though it wasn't tiredness exactly that had been the reason for it.

He nodded to his guards and made his way to break his fast, hearing the sounds of his children's laughter as he entered the room. Ellaria sat with his two youngest girls, Dorea and Loreza engaged in some game with each other and not even noticing that he'd entered the room. Across from them sat Obella, Elia, and two of his older daughters, Obara and Nymeria. Sarella was at the Citadel earning her chain and performing her mummery while Tyene was with Arianne no doubt.

"Morning, my love." he said kissing Ellaria's cheek.

"You seem rested." Ellaria said, a question though not truly.

"I feel rested. Good morning little snakes." he said, a large smile on his face as his youngest girls finally noticed him.

"Papa." Dorea said throwing her arms around him.

"Ride papa?" Loreza asked and he leaned in to kiss her and whisper in her ear that they'd go riding after her morning in the pool, his daughter then turning to eat her food more quickly as if it would make the day pass faster.

It would turn out that he'd not be given the chance to go riding that day as he was called to his brother's solar as soon as he'd finished breaking his fast. Oberyn walking into the room to see Areo standing at Doran's shoulder and his brother writing hurriedly on the parchment in front of him. Oberyn took his seat and waited for Doran to be finished, his brother barely noticing he was there and he found himself wondering what it was that Doran was so concentrated on. He didn't have to wonder for long as after a few moments Doran stopped and looked at him.

"Forgive me, brother, just working out numbers." Doran said and Oberyn looked at him in confusion something that Doran cleared up a moment later "Ours and theirs." Doran added.

"And?" he asked.

"Four to one maybe even five to one in terms of trained men, ten or more in terms of those we could call upon if needed." Doran said and yet it brought not a smile to his brother's or to his own face.

"Number's matter not though do they?" he asked, knowing the answer already.

"No, would that they did. Not only do I fear that their men are worth more than one or two, maybe even three of our own, but it's also the dragon's Oberyn, how do we stop the dragons?" Doran asked, a question that he sought not the answer for and one that Oberyn wouldn't have been able to provide if he did.

"So we do what?" he asked and a part of him hoped that it would be an accord he'd seek with his niece and her husband, only to find it was not them that Doran sought one with.

"Elia." Doran said catching him by surprise.

"What of our sister?" he asked curiously.

"I think it's time you paid a visit to Volantis, Oberyn." Doran said and Oberyn looked at him to see if he was japing or not.

"You think Elia will do what, brother?" he asked not seeing his brother's mind on this.

"Speak to them, reign them in." Doran said and Oberyn shook his head "You disagree?" Doran asked.

"You heard what Rhaenys said as well as I did. Rhaegar couldn't get Aemon to do his bidding in the Empire, he chose exile rather than do what his father wished for. Rhaenys then did the same, for are they not married now?" Oberyn said and Doran just smiled and shook his head.

"It's one thing to not do as Rhaegar orders, it's another not to listen to a mother who makes her feelings clear. Do you think Rhaenys would go against her mother's wishes when it's not a matter of the heart? That she'd deny her or not listen to her when family is involved?" Doran said and though he felt his brother was in the wrong, he knew that he at least had to try.

"And should our sister deny me?" he asked and Doran looked at him almost annoyedly.

"Then we'll find another path. Our sister won't deny you, brother. Remind her of who she is and that she is Dornish first."

"She is a mother first, Doran, and like with all mothers, children come before brothers." he said rising to his feet and moving to the door "This is folly, but I'll do as I'm bid and even speak to Rhaegar too so I know his mind on what his son wishes to do." he said and Doran nodded.

It took him two days to organize his party to travel to Volantis and he was unsurprised when Ellaria demanded to come with him. His girls too telling rather than asking him which brought a smile to his face. Ser Daemon wished to join him also and when Gerold Dayne suggested that he travel with them, Oberyn at first was going to refuse him leave to do so, and then he changed his mind which forced Ellaria to seek him out.

"The Darkstar, Oberyn, really?" his paramour asked.

"I wish for him to annoy and provoke enough that it may see to his end." he said only half japing.

"Oberyn?" Ellaria asked.

"I want to know why he seeks to be with me, why he wishes to be involved. But I do want to see to his end and I have a plan for such." he said with a smile.

"Which is?"

"To send him to my niece's husband and his cousin." Oberyn said knowing how much the Darkstar craved the sword that Arthur carried.

"You think he'd be fool enough to go?" Ellaria said and Oberyn laughed.

"He's fool enough to risk my ire on a journey by ship, I think that tells us all we need to know."

They spoke to Arianne and he told her to keep an eye on his brother, Oberyn not sure he trusted Doran to not do something to pull on the dragon's tail should the chance arise while he was gone. He still hoped that an accord could be reached with Rhaenys and though he had no desire to be on his knees, he'd do so if it meant that Dorne wouldn't burn. Heading to his cabin with Ellaria he looked forward to the night to come and to seeing his sister again. Though he doubted that he'd find any comfort in the words she'd speak to him and certainly not what Doran thought he'd find.

The Vale 300 AC.


He looked to the man who would be king, Ser Denys Arryn looked like a warrior, and yet he was a green boy too even despite his age. True he may have taken part in battles, though Aemon doubted he had, he may even have killed a man, on this Aemon was more sure that he had, but he'd never truly fought. Not as Aemon had and that gave him an edge as it did his men too. Though the biggest edge he had in relation to the men of the Vale, stood no more than ten feet behind him and was being watched warily by Ser Denys and those with him.

"My men ride as we speak, Ser Denys, when they arrive you and I will be going for a little ride or our own, but first, you carry bread and salt?" he asked and it was the Bronze lord and not the knight that answered.

"You would ask for guest right?" Lord Yohn Royce asked surprised.

"Is that not what happens during a parley? Is it not what you'd wish for given that your want to be king here will be coming with me?" he said trying not to smirk.

"Where?" Denys asked and Aemon looked away from Lord Yohn to him "Where are we to go?" Denys quickly added.

"To the Bloody Gate." he said as Denys turned and looked to the Bronze lord and the others, before nodding.

Only after each of them had taken some bread and salt did he call for Meraxes to land, the lords and lady torn between looking to the silver dragon and Rhaenys and Arthur as they climbed down from her back. Aemon took some of the bread and salt and walked over to his wife, Rhaenys looking him over to make sure he was unharmed before she and Arthur took a piece of each and then taking her hand in his, he walked back towards the others and Torgho Nudho.

"My wife, the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen." Aemon said proudly and he caught the little gasp the lady made and the look that two of the lords gave him.

The Andals were well known to him, their piety and adherence to the rule of the Seven who are one was something that he cared not for. His own dealings with those idiotic Septons and Septas were enough to turn him off the idea of such a stupid religion and he was sorely tempted to annoy the lords by telling them such. He almost wished to proclaim himself a follow of R'hllor or the Many-Faced God just to see their annoyance grow, but he not only wished to bring them to his side, he'd not lie and name himself something he was not.

The gods be damned was how he truly felt and while he had no problem with Thoros and his faith or with others and theirs, he'd not now nor ever be a servant to any of them. It was another argument that had been used against him by the Septons that had infested his father's court. They were clever enough not to speak ill of those in the Empire or his family, nor those who followed R'hllor or any other god. Him they named as faithless and so he was fair game, as he was over his relationship with his sister. Something that he could see the lords and lady weren't best pleased with and so while he'd not proclaim himself as something he was not, he'd certainly show them what he was. Aemon leaning in close to Rhaenys and taking her in his arms to kiss her deeply before then looking over her shoulder at each of their faces.

"Now where were we, oh that's right a parley." he said with a chuckle and he saw Arthur roll his eyes while Rhaenys smirked as he moved away from her.

"As Lady Anya said earlier, Prince Aemon, we have no quarrel with the Empire or with yourself." Ser Denys said and Aemon nodded.

"No, your quarrels are with Lord Jon and Ser Elbert." he said and saw the surprised look on Ser Denys's face "You seek the Vale to be ruled by a better man than your cousin. Why?"

"I…Because the Vale needs to be run better." Denys lied.

"No, you seek it because of me." he said and saw the small gulp that Denys made at his words "A good idea Ser, for your cousin can't protect the Vale from me or my men. Neither can you as you'll see soon enough." he said his voice now far more serious and his eyes focussed on Denys's.

"So this is why you come, to mock us?" one of the Vale lords said, Aemon not able to name the man.

"My lord?" he asked seeking the man's name and not being given it "Ser Denys, you've been most remiss and I had heard the Vale was a land of chivalry and good manners" he said his mocking tone deliberate this time "Your companions, good ser, their names if you will."

Denys turned to look at each of them, his expression one that was hard to read but Aemon felt he was worried about what giving their names up would mean and so he dropped his mocking tone for now at least.

"I give you my word, good ser, telling me their names won't bring hardship upon you or them. We are at a parley, should the parley fail then it's that which will, not me knowing who it was I parleyed with. In time I'd make my way to each of your keeps and find you all, should I then seek to unleash the Blood Wyrm on you I'd care not who you were when I did so. I don't bear grudges Ser Denys, I just don't leave those alive who would garner them." he said and he spoke the truth, he was not a forgiving man when there was no need to be.

"Lord Yohn Royce." the Bronze Lord said moving forward.

"Lady Anya Waynwood." the lady said and soon enough he'd found it was Lord Gilwood Hunter who had spoken and Lord Benedar Belmore, Ser Symond Templeton, and Lord Horton Redfort who had made up the others.

Six of the largest houses in the Vale and should he reach an agreement with them, it would be enough to bring the Vale to heel very easily. He already had Grafton on his side, it didn't leave many to stand against him and the Eyrie would easily fall to Gaelithox should it come to that.

"Now that's so much better, so shall we get down to it." he said with a smile and a look to Rhaenys who from here on would take the lead, Aemon almost excited to hear her speak and show them the carrot, the stick to follow not long afterward.

"How much do any of you know about the Empire?" Rhaenys asked "The governance of its regions?" she added when no one spoke.

"Very little, Princess Rhaenys. Other than it's run from Volantis and by your father." Lady Anya said and Rhaenys nodded.

"It is, but something as large as the Empire and spanning such distances can't be run completely by my father alone. Each region has a governor and in essence rules itself in most matters, though it takes its lead from the High Emperor." Rhaenys said looking at him "The Vale will not come out of a fight with my husband with a king, nor without suffering major losses, however."

"What makes you think your army a match for our own?" Ser Symond Templeton said haughtily.

"The fact I am here and unmolested, Ser, that I've been able to bring my army here and you've been unable to stop me." he said glaring at the man and then looking to Rhaenys and smiling at her as he nodded for her to continue.

"The proof of my husband's words is to follow, for now, we're here to discuss what not fighting against us does for the Vale." Rhaenys said and Aemon smiled when Ser Symond turned and looked to Rhaenys and not him.

"Which is?" Lord Yohn asked.

"As I said, you lose a king but you gain a Lord Paramount, a Warden of the East." Rhaenys said and Aemon found himself lost in his wife's words as she explained just what that was.

They'd recreated the Empire's governorships but adapted and renamed it, looking at it with fresh eyes and making it more suited to Westeros rather than Essos. A combination of the self-ruled regions and the appointed governorships was what they'd settled for, the extra caveat being the Wardenship. North, South, East, and West, four of the seven kingdoms would be above others, the houses that knelt to them and the heads of those houses rewarded somewhat. Subservient they'd still be, but they'd be given more freedom than others, and if they came willingly, more so again.

It was not his first choice and he'd had to be talked into it by his wife, Rhaenys though knew far more about the politics and how people saw things than he. Where he would seek to bring them to their knees, his wife would ask them to kneel and while at times he'd done the same, their approach was very much different. So much so that as he looked to the lords and lady, he saw them consider it, contemplate it, and he almost believed they'd accept it without seeing what the Blood Wyrm could do, almost.

"You offer us less than what we have, princess." Ser Denys said and Rhaenys shook her head slightly at him when Aemon went to speak.

"But more than what you'll get if you seek to resist." Rhaenys said and Aemon felt surprised by how firmly she said it and by her next words "Perhaps you need to see what it is you face, Ser Denys, and see the folly you and your fellow Valemen would be committing should you decline our most generous offer. My love, I think it's time for your flight." Rhaenys said looking at him and Aemon chuckled as he moved forward.

"Once Daario arrives, my love. Ser Denys perhaps you and your companions need to speak, we'll be departing soon enough."

Highgarden 300 AC.


With Margaery as queen, her own position had gone from being something informal to something very much not. To all intents and purposes, she was serving as Hand of the Queen, which in turn made her Hand of the King, since Mace was his usual useless self. Her first order of business had been to send riders out and to send word to her spies in other realms, Olenna had always kept a close eye on what was going on elsewhere to make sure her family grew strong. Now that would stand in her good stead and while she watched Margaery and Gwayne's every little interaction with a keen eye, her thoughts were on securing the Reach and her family's position even more.

She had tasked Garlan with getting her a full breakdown of the army they could raise and while impressive in size, in both experience and ability to take down a dragon, it was very much not. Olenna finding herself now even more keen to see what Willas had found on his trip to Oldtown and so she waited for her grandson's return eagerly. That it had been his idea to go to the Citadel and to speak to the Maesters himself was something that filled her with pride. Both he and Margaery showing their cleverness to her in very different ways. As while he did that, Margaery laid down the groundwork for an alliance with the Dragonknight.

A military man she may not be, but Olenna knew odds, and from what she could see they were very much against her. They couldn't ally with Tywin Lannister, not now that they'd taken the crown for themselves. Robert Baratheon was a fool who'd already pulled on the dragon's tail more than once according to the reports she'd received and while the Starks hadn't joined with their kin, she felt it was only a matter of time until they did so. Either to gain his help in bringing them vengeance for the death of their king or because they had no choice. Dorne too she felt would eventually come to the dragon's side, the bonds of family there were even stronger than the ones in the North.

It left the Riverlands and Vale as potential allies and the first was out both because of the Hoares themselves and its location. The war when it came would be fought there, the North would seek to pay them back for the murder of their patriarch and the Riverlands would fracture with some joining them and others fighting for the Hoares. When the dust settled they'd be in no shape to stand against the dragon and so her attention had for the last few days been almost primarily focussed on the Vale.

"Is there no one." she said sighing as she placed the parchment on her desk, the list of the great houses and their heirs and firstborn daughters frustrating her greatly.

The knock on the door was a welcome distraction and she bid them enter, smiling when she saw it was Margaery who did so and quickly sending out for some refreshments. Her granddaughter looked happy and Olenna had been pleased that she and Gwayne had found pleasure in the marriage bed. Married life could be very hard to adapt to and if there were problems added to it, then this was only more so. Margaery and Gwayne got on well enough and the boy though a foolish young man wasn't a fool. Yet if they were suffering in the bedroom it would have created problems elsewhere in their marriage and so she welcomed that they were not.

"You've been locked up in her for most of the morning, grandmother, is something wrong?" Margaery asked and Olenna shook her head.

"Just work, sweetling, his grace?" she asked and Margaery smiled, something she was glad to see.

"He and Loras headed off for his hunt, grandmother, they'll be back this evening."

"And this pleases you?" she asked curiously, wondering if she'd taken Margaery's apparent happiness with her husband the wrong way.

"He promised that he'd take the day for me and that it would be him that felled the first buck." Margaery said smiling still and Olenna resisted the urge to snort.

"Then I wish him good fortune." Olenna said and despite thinking the whole thing a silly boy's adventure, she meant that at least.

"We've received word that Willas should be arriving later today, grandmother." Margaery said before she saw Olenna's frown "A rider came bearing the news.".

Olenna looked at her granddaughter who had seen her annoyance that the message hadn't come to her directly and offered her a smile. The slight was far lesser than she had thought it originally as it wasn't a note sent and no doubt her granddaughter knew she'd not wish to speak to the rider personally. That and her own wish to speak to Willas as to what he found out both changed her mood a little. So when the tea and fruits and soft cheeses arrived, Olenna found herself enjoying the impromptu luncheon that she and Margaery shared.

"You've discussed the dragon with his grace?" she asked as their luncheon was coming to an end.

"I have, he at first said that he'd lead the Reach Army himself against this so-called Dragonknight, he'd face him across a field and offer him a duel and force him to his knees." Margaery said and Olenna was more than happy to see that there was no smile on her granddaughter's face or no wistful look when she spoke the words, the last thing she needed was for Margery to think it as some grand romantic gesture.

"You've dissuaded him of such folly?" she asked and Margaery nodded.

"I have, but he's proud grandmother and he feels that the other lords feel or will feel just as he does. It may not be easy to get him to even consider what you suggest." Margaery said, her voice showing her own doubts.

"It's a contingency, sweetling. One of many we must consider given the threat we now face." she said and her granddaughter looked at her doubtfully.

"Do you really believe the dragon will look our way, grandmother?" Margaery asked and there was worry in her granddaughter's eyes now too.

"I believe that a man who conquers will seek conquest, Margaery. A man who wages wars will wage wars and once those wars start, he'll not stop until we are all are under the dragon's wings." she said, and that in truth was what she'd feared from the moment that Aemon Targaryen had landed in Dragonstone and she'd found out just who exactly the man was.

After telling Margaery to spend the rest of the day with her mother and goodmother, Olenna took a nap and waited for Willas to return. Only to find it was the first reports on the other kingdoms that had arrived first. Looking through them she felt her worries only being added to and not removed. The North had marched as had the West and the Stormlands, the Hoares had called their banners, and was that not enough, the dragon had flown from his lair.

By the time Willas arrived, it was to find her almost in a state of despair, though she hid it well to all. Her mind was considering the possibilities and what this would mean and playing out outcomes that she discarded or put as likely to one side. Her grandson wasted no time on frivolous things such as a welcome home either, instead, Willas had simply looked at her with a look that said he had something to share and after the briefest of greetings they made their way back to her rooms.

"What did you find?" she said even before she'd sat down.

"On the Dragonknight himself much, on the dragons very little. I spoke to Ebrose, Theobald, Ryam, and Seneschal Pycelle himself, the dragons have no weaknesses grandmother or none that the Maesters know about." Willas said and Olenna felt herself shrink just a little as she took her seat.

"Surely there are some?" she asked as Willas shook his head.

"Gormon stopped me as I was readying to leave, he'd heard that I'd been asking about them and so he came to speak to me and grandfather." Willas began and Olenna leaned a little forward in her chair "He said that a friend of his, a Maester known as Marwyn would be the only one who'd be able to help."

"Did he tell you where this Marwyn was?" she asked eagerly.

"By the Dragonknight's side, grandmother. I believe Gormon to be much mistaken on Marwyn. Given what he told me of him, I feel this man would be no help to us. He cares for knowledge and the reason he's with Prince Aemon is that he allows him to gather that more so than anyone else. A man like that is loyal, grandmother, and were we to seek him out and try to turn him to our side, I fear we'd be making a grave mistake." Willas said and Olenna found herself agreeing with her grandson completely.

"They have no weakness, truly?" she asked and Willas shook his head.

"Grandfather and uncle Baelor told me much about the dragons, the Empire itself, and Prince Aemon in particular. No one has ever managed to take down a dragon grandmother, other than some half-known legend about a Rhoynish prince a thousand years ago. Considering what happened after he did, trust me we don't want to be the first ones to do so either." Willas said as he shuddered.

"Why not?" she asked not sure if it was what happened to this prince or some other reason that Willas was thinking about.

"The Dragon's are the Empires true strength mother, they're what makes them who they are. How many of them there are we don't know, but Prince Aemon's dragon is but one of them, though the Blood Wyrm is perhaps the most fearsome and dangerous of all." Willas said and Olenna felt herself shudder at the dragon's name "Were one to fall then all would be unleashed upon whomever it was who did so. An example would need to be made and it would be one that they'd ensure was well remembered."

"Prince Aemon?" she asked, not wishing to hear more about dragons for now, besides if they were unstoppable it was better to concentrate on the man who rode them she felt.

"Is even more dangerous than the dragons themselves, grandmother." Willas said and Olenna gulped.

It was this conversation that she played over and over in her mind for the next few days, this and the news that filtered in from her spies, and the more she heard the more she found herself certain that fight was not the answer. An alliance, she needed an alliance and so she wrote out the raven and offered her terms and prayed to the seven that they'd be accepted. A crown was something she had wished for all her life, to see her family grow strong and to see Margaery as a queen was all she ever wanted. They were roses though and roses like everything else could burn and what use would a crown be then.

"Send this to Dragonstone." she said to Lomys and then she stood and watched him tie the note to the raven's leg and a moment later it flew from the window.

Blackwater Rush 300 AC.


He set up camp after crossing the river and waited for his outriders and messengers to bring him the news he wished for. The Riverlands would soon be at war given what he'd found out in Deep Den, the armies of the North and the Hoares coming together perhaps at Riverrun or maybe even at Harrenhal itself. What Baratheon planned to do was anyone's guess, the man was a complete disappointment and had already forced him to change his plans, as had those fools in the Reach. He'd almost turned and marched back to the Rock when he'd found out, only the thoughts of how that would look to his bannermen stopping him from doing so.

Tywin knew he still had the advantage, though it was a lesser one and Maidenpool would no longer be where the battle was fought. Instead, it would be the Riverlands themselves and he just needed to know where exactly the best place for him to march to was. He needed more information and he hated that it forced him to wait to get it. Standing in his tent he looked down at the map and the two routes he'd take, one on either side of the God's Eye. Were it to be his choice it would be Harrenhal that he'd march too, the thoughts of breaking the dragon's back while he besieged the imposing keep was one that almost brought a smile to his face.

With the way things had gone thus far, he feared it would be Riverrun or the lands around it and he found his fingers brushing over the Trident. Either would be a hard march and timing would be key, were he to arrive too soon then it would be a much different battle that he found himself in, and while he'd no doubt he'd win, it would be a costly victory. Taking one last look at the map, he moved away and readied himself for the evening meal. Tywin hoped that the conversation wasn't as dull and boring as it always was and that his outriders would return by the time he was done. In this, he was at least lucky and while around him people ate, Tywin read the missives and as he did so he found his appetite soon departing him.

"Tywin?" Kevan asked worriedly seeing his face and Tywin realized he'd let his mask slip too much, a small nod to reassure his brother, and then he ate though he had no wish to.

Around him sat his lealest lords and his brothers and his sons, all of them other than Kevan engaged in their own conversations. When he rose to depart early, Kevan looked at him worriedly once more and Tywin just nodded before walking back to his tent and reading the missives once more.

At first, they confirmed all he had expected, Baratheon's army had marched past the Stoney Sept and the Starks past Moat Cailin. The Hoares had formed up and moved to besiege Riverrun and the dragon had left Dragonstone. It was the rest of the news that caused his distress, talk of a prince being held captive in Riverrun and of more of the Riverlords rising for the wolves than he had expected. Yet as always it was the dragon's moves that Tywin looked most keenly at and this one had him perplexed.

The Vale?

Why had he marched his men to the Vale?

What was he up to?

Tywin found his fingers drumming against the table as he looked down at the map once more. Without the dragon coming to the wolves aid that left him in a far more perilous position. If he marched on Riverrun it would leave the dragon at his back and that was far from a pleasant thought. Should his army be in the midst of battle when the dragon came it would be the end of him and yet that wasn't what he was thinking most about.

Why is he there?

What does he seek to gain?

What advantage does it bring?

Later that night as he lay in his bed he knew sleep wouldn't come to him, his eyes remaining open as he looked to the roof of the tent and so when another rider came he welcomed the distraction, as he did the news that the man carried.

A wolf rides as expected, his anger a thing to behold.


A simple message but other than signing it like the fool that Walder Frey was, it was one that he most enjoyed reading. He'd been loath to lose the men that he'd sent to capture a wolf king and had second-guessed himself about the viability of the plan, but the reward was very much worth it and so he was pleased to see it playing out as he hoped. Frey was so easily bought too, gold and the promise of favorable matches and positions for his kin and he'd done everything he'd bid him to. The greedy fool had even suggested some of it himself making Tywin wonder why he hated the wolves so. Not that he cared and besides having the Lord of the Crossing in his pocket was more than worth the price.

That news at least allowed him to rest and though he didn't get a full night's sleep he got some. Tywin waking to break his fast and finding his appetite had returned and even enjoying watching Jaime spar over the course of the day. It was late afternoon when the next missive came and this one not only cost him his appetite but almost the food he'd eaten earlier in the day too.

It couldn't be true?

Could it?

All of them?

It had to be a mistake, didn't it?

5,000 men just burned away as if they were nothing, not even in a battle if the note was to be believed. The Hoares had shown more tactical awareness than he'd given them credit for and had it not been for the dragon, the North would still be stuck deep in the Neck. Only for the dragon to come and to clear the path for them and Tywin worried now that he'd made an even bigger mistake. Should the North and the dragon already be united then this was a much different fight and it was not one he could win alone.

What to do?

What path to take?

The questions were not giving him answers for now or giving him only one answer or option and that was one he was loathe to take. He sat in his tent and poured himself a glass of wine, something he rarely did unless he was celebrating which he was very much not. Drinking it down far more quickly than he had intended, Tywin took no comfort in its taste and rose to his feet to send for his brother and his sons. There was no other course of action, no other choice for him to make and so for now it would be a retreat and a reassessment, despite how that may make him look.

Riverrun 300 AC.

The Blackfish.

He had sent riders to the other lords and now had to wait, soon enough he'd be under siege and while at first his plans had been to lead one of a two-pronged attack, now it was to be the rock that the Iron Born were smashed against. Riverrun was well provisioned and he'd already flooded the land surrounding it. Brynden believing that he would be able to washstand anything the Hoares could throw against him at least until the North arrived.

Edmure he knew worried that they'd not be or the North would arrive too late, but his nephew was far more of a worrier than he, and he hadn't fully understood just how motivated the Starks would be. The loss of their father, knowing he had Harren as his prisoner and what that would mean, and his own ravens to them, Brynden was more than confident that they would march and march fast. If anything his own doubts were more about the Hoares than the Starks, as even as angered as what he'd done had made them, he feared that they'd not rise as fully as they needed them to.

He also had some doubts about his fellow Riverlords, motivated though they were, without someone to lead them he feared they'd not do as they must. Brynden had spoken to Jason and to Tytos, he'd told them that this was their one and only chance to throw off the yoke of the Iron Born once and for all and that together with the North they had more than enough men to do so. Their plans were sound he'd told them and now he only hoped they stuck to those plans and that he'd not made the gravest mistake of his life.

He made his way to where Prince Harren was housed, the tower serving as an impromptu cell of sorts. Edmure had wished for him to be placed in their dungeons and it had taken all of Brynden's powers of persuasion for him to be placed here instead. The young lad was their prisoner true, but that didn't mean he needed to be mistreated. Besides if events played out how Brynden hoped they would they'd need him fit and well for later. While Edmure may think that Harren would lose his head when this was over and done with, Brynden had given the lad his word that he would not, it was something he intended to keep to no matter what.

"Any problems with the prince?" he asked the two guards as he reached the door to the set of rooms that at one point had been his nieces.

"No, Ser Brynden, we checked in on him no more than an hour ago when his food was brought, all was well." Garth said and Brynden nodded as he opened the door and walked inside.

Harren had taken to his captivity well enough and while he'd given him his word that he'd not try to escape, the young lad being confident that once his father arrived he'd be freed, it hadn't been enough for Brynden to give him too much freedom. Were he a Riverlander, a Valesman, or a Northman then it would have. Brynden would be far more accepting of their words even though he felt Harren to be truer than any other reaver he'd ever known.

"Come to gloat, Blackfish?" Harren said bitingly and Brynden shook his head.

"You know me better than that, Prince Harren." he said and the boy nodded slightly.

"Then what brings you to my humble abode?" Harren asked smirking now, trying his best to exude confidence and calm and not truly showing either.

"I wish to speak to you about what happens once this is done." Brynden said taking a seat.

"Come to beg for your life, that doesn't seem your style, Blackfish." Harren said chuckling as he did so.

"No, on that you'd be in the right of it. When my time comes I'll face it as I should. Your father, Prince Harren…"

"Will see you dead, Ser, you and your nephew, you know this, you're not a fool." Harren said though with far less conviction than he had the last few times they'd spoken.

Brynden was about to reply when Garth came into the room, the guard looking worried but moving as if he was not and the whisper to his ear was enough to make Brynden leave the room at once. He didn't need to look back to know that Prince Harren knew what it was that had made him leave, nor to know that his smirk had turned into a full smile. As he moved up the stairs and made his way to the parapets he quickly put the prince out of his mind and instead it was the king he was concentrated on. The king and his army that had arrived and was setting up outside Riverrun's walls and as he looked out upon them he smiled at seeing that it was the vast majority of his men that Qhored had gathered.

"And so it begins." he said as he ordered his own men to their posts.

The conquest of Westeros XXVI.

Dragonknights part IV.

Aemon Targaryen brother of Naerys.

Prince Aemon took much from his namesake, his skills with a sword were on a par and his love for his sister was just as true. Aemon too had been denied the woman he'd loved, but unlike his latter-day namesake, he accepted his father's decree and watched on as his sister married a man not worthy of her. Aegon the Unworthy was a man driven by lusts, a dangerous thing in most men but in an Emperor one that left unchecked can know no bounds.

Despite it all his brother Aemon stood by his side, even if some sought to turn him against the Emperor and there had always been those who had wished to drive a wedge between them. Aegon's own actions were enough to do that and yet Aemon was far too dutiful to ever go directly against his brother, instead doing so only indirectly. So when rumors began to abound that Prince Daeron was actually his son and not the Emperor's and when talk began that the Empress of the Dragon, Naerys, was to be set aside. Aemon made it clear that he'd not accept even the thoughts of such.

As a trial readied to take place in the Grand Palace, Aemon and his dragon Tyraxes landed in the courtyard and Aemon fought through a division of the Dragonguard to reach his sister. Storming into the throne room with Dark Sister in his hand, the blood from the men he'd killed to get there dripping on the floor, Aemon called out each of Naerys's accusers one by one dared them to speak their lies in his presence. When his brother rose to demand he leave, it's said that the roar from Tyraxes was so loud that windows shattered and the Emperor soon sat back in his seat.

One by one each accuser admitted their lies and when it was done Aemon looked upon his brother and warned him about treating his sister this way again. Though he threatened nothing in words, his actions made his thoughts clear and while it never changed Aegon's actions or curbed his appetites, never again did any doubt Daeron's parentage officially or name Naerys as anything but true. It's said that when Aemon fell defending his brother's life from an assassin's blade, Empress Naerys wept for more than a moon and that Tyraxes's cries could be heard all across the Empire. Within a year the Empress herself had passed and the realm soon had another Dragonknight to cheer on, or so they thought. As for his namesake, though he spoke on him little and clearly respected him, that respect was tinged with anger as well.

"True love, they named it, a love so true that not even the Empire could deny it, yet is it love if you give up? Love if you accept it cannot be? Aemon did his duty, but for me, there is no greater duty than to the one you love." Aemon the Dragonknight.

The Vale of Arryn 300 AC.

Arthur Dayne.

He looked to the sky and was not alone in doing so, Rhaenys despite leaning close to Meraxes was doing likewise while Daario too kept glancing up to see if Aemon had returned. He'd not been best pleased that the prince had flown off with Ser Denys at his back, Arthur worrying at just how easy it would be for the man to end him given where he sat and Aemon almost laughing loudly when he aired his concerns.

"The man is unarmed, Arthur, and will be more focussed on not soiling his breeches and holding on than he will in harming me." Aemon said when his laughter had subsided.

"A man doesn't need weapons to kill, my prince. Should he wish it he could use his hands or perhaps seek to dislodge you from Gaelithox's back." he said and Aemon chuckled as he moved closer to him.

"Only the Blood Wyrm could take me from his back, Arthur. He and I are as one and we've flown through storms, made sharp turns, and dodged arrows and spears which all tried to unseat me, a man from the Vale wall not be the one to do so." Aemon said "Besides his chivalry and the fear of Rhaenys and Gaeltiox's own actions will only add to my safety."

"My prince?"

"I'll leave Ser Denys in no doubt that should he not behave honorably it'll be his wife and children that my dragon will seek out first and they who'll feel the fire before the Vale burns." Aemon said and Arthur nodded, the threat far better than any sword to the man's neck.

So he had been less fearful when Ser Denys had climbed up on the dragon's back and then he'd almost laughed when so had Torgho Nudho, the prince keeping that little titbit to himself and allowing him to think he'd be flying alone. With his sworn shield behind Ser Denys, the danger was non-existent, and had he just told him that, it would have been enough. Some things never change though and his prince had always enjoyed making him worry a little more than he should. Arthur feeling the smile appear on his face as he remembered what it had been like watching him as he grew up.

Volantis 289 AC.

He stood with Rhaegar and watched as the dragon flew close to the ground, Aemon on its back and barely hanging on. Arthur's breathing was harried and shallow while Rhaegar's was even most frantic and he could see how the High Emperor held onto the rail as Aemon and Gaelithox drew ever closer. Elia too bore a worried expression and yet the children did not, Aegon smiling broadly at his brother while Dany laughed and Rhaenys cheered Aemon on.

When they reached the pole, Arthur waited with bated breath and then he heard the loud cheer from Rhaegar beside him. The sound of it only drowned out by the cheers from the children as Aemon grabbed the empire's flag and righted himself on Gaelithox's back. For the next hour, they were treated to more displays of flying prowess, Aemon at one point standing straight up on Gaelithox's back as the red dragon flew by the royal box. Rhaegar looking out on his son with a scolding expression and yet his eyes showed just how proud of him he truly was.

When he eventually landed, Rhaegar bid the games begin and soon enough they were treated to a display of horsemanship and of archery that had the crowd most entertained. It was when it came time for the swordsman to show off tie skills that Arthur once again felt his nerves begin to rise. The fights to come were only spars and not true contests, those were saved for the High Emperor's nameday and not for the nameday of the Empress of the Ice.

"Look its Aemon." he heard Princess Daenerys say and he looked out as Aemon moved to stand against two members of the Fiery Hand, the crowd hushing as the spears lit up briefly before being extinguished.

"Who told them to use spears?" Rhaegar asked worriedly and Arthur frowned as he'd assumed this to be what was expected.

"Should we call a halt, High Emperor?" Arthur asked and he saw Rhaegar almost wish to do so, the thoughts of his son being hurt or being shamed both competing in Rhaegar's head and for now, it was an even battle as to which was winning.

"Aems wished to face the spears, he said swords are too easy." Rhaenys said excitedly and both Arthur and Rhaegar looked to her.

"Too easy?" Rhaegar asked as Rhaenys giggled.

"You'll see father." Rhaenys said with not even the slightest bit of doubt in her voice.

In this she was proved right, Aemon easily dodging the spears and deflecting the blows when they came too close. The prince doing as he'd been trained to do and not pushing for but waiting for an opening. For the crowd and the Dragonriders, it may have been on Gaelithox that Aemon seemed most at home, for Arthur it was with a sword in his hand. His movements were precise and studied and there was no showmanship or showing off. He watched with as keen an eye as Rhaegar did, both of them looking at Aemon with different thoughts in their mind. Rhaegar seeing his son grow into becoming the Dragonknight while Arthur seeing a boy he'd trained show off his skills.

"I told you it would be easy." Rhaenys said laughing loudly as Aemon got the first and second man to yield, Arthur, looking on just as proudly as Rhaegar was and trying not to be annoyed at the smirk on Aemon's face when he looked up to see him standing there.


He barely heard Rhaenys call him and was it not for Daario moving to him and placing his hand on his arm, Arthur would have remained lost in the daydream he'd been having. Memories of training sessions that lasted far longer than a boy of that age should have been able to manage and of a determination of a like he'd never seen before. All joined with memories of pranks and of a distance forming between a father and a son that Arthur had never understood or agreed with. Why Rhaegar had felt the need for the mummery was beyond him and he'd never truly shared his mind with him on it. He knew his plans, his hopes, and what Lyanna herself had wanted. Arthur just didn't understand why to see them true it required a father to withhold his affection from a son.

"Our prince returns, Ser Arthur." Daario said softly and Arthur shook the memories away as he turned and looked to see Gaelithox heading their way.

Afemon helped Ser Denys down from Gaelitox, the other man seeming almost lost to Arthur's eyes. The look Ser Denys's face wore was one he'd seen only in men who'd just given battle. He was shocked, stunned, speechless, and his movements slow as he made his way to the others and as Aemon moved to Rhaenys. It didn't take too long for him to tell the others what he'd seen and Arthur could hear the arguments from where he stood. Aemon it seemed didn't care about them and was speaking to Rhaenys and laughing about something she had said, his hand holding her own as they stood by the dragons.

"My prince." he called out when he saw Lady Anya move towards them, the other lords still speaking to Ser Denys who looked to be coming somewhat back to himself.

He moved behind the prince and princess as they walked to meet Lady Anya halfway, the look the woman was giving them and the dragons clearly showing her fear at both.

"We accept your offer, Prince Aemon, Princess Rhaenys. House Waynwood, Houses Royce, Templeton, Belmore, Hunter, Redfort, and Ser Denys's House Arryn are yours." Anya said with a curtsy.

"My husband and I are most pleased to welcome you into our new kingdom, Lady Anya, we bid you call your men and ready to march and to send a raven to Jon Arryn, he too will be given the chance to kneel and to be a part of our kingdom, though as you have knelt first we will reward you as agreed." Rhaenys said as Aemon looked at her and not at Lady Anya.

"Ser Denys is to be Warden, my princess?" Lady Anya asked seeking confirmation.

"My wife is a queen, Lady Anya, perhaps she should be addressed as such." Aemon said firmly, his voice challenging.

"Forgive me, your grace " Lady Anya said looking to the princess rather than the prince.

"There is nothing to forgive, Lady Anya, Ser Denys is to be Warden, as agreed." Rhaenys said glaring at Aemon who now wore a smirk on his face before she thne turned to smile at the lady who nodded as she moved back to the others.

Was this it? Was it that simple? Had they just managed to take a kingdom without fighting a battle? He looked to see Aemon being chastised by Rhaenys and to Daario and the Second Sons who sat around almost lazily and he believed they had. Something that Aemon confirmed a moment later when he moved to speak to him.

"It's ours, Arthur, Jon Arryn and Elbert will seek to hold out and we may even need to bring them to their knees, but we've taken the largest houses. The others will follow and when we march from the Vale it will be with a much larger army than we marched into it with." Aemon said happily.

"You feel we'll need their men?" he asked, wondering if they would be useful since it had been so easy to bring them to their knees.

"It won't all be as easy as this, here we got lucky and while we may get lucky again, luck runs out, so yes we need theirs and maybe even more to bring all of Westeros under our control." Aemon said and Arthur watched him as he moved to Rhaenys and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Just like the games, this had been a show, the life that had come afterward had been much harder for Aemon and for Rhaegar, battles had been fought and won and a distance between them was one that only grew over time. It had forged him, shaped him, and though he still didn't agree with how Rhaegar handled his son, perhaps in that he was more right than him. He'd find out soon enough as just like his prince, he didn't think it would be this easy going forward.

Riverrun 300 AC.

Ned Stark.

The riders were lucky it was he and not Brandon that rode at the front of the army. Given how angered the Greatjon was and their own worries over their king, they were lucky indeed. He'd been wroth when Brandon hadn't returned and then angered when he saw the bodies and he and Benjen had paid his respects. To desecrate them so and to then just leave them as they had, the Hoares would pay dearly for all they'd done. So after sending an honor guard back to Moat Cailin, they'd ridden hard and been surprised to find no outriders or signs of an army in their way.

He wondered if King Qhored believed that the force he'd sent to the Neck stop their march had been successful and so was laxer than he should be. Or was it just the Iron Born way and they were so used to being the aggressors they'd forgotten how to defend? Whatever the truth of it, it mattered not. Their surety or laxity was to his and the North's benefit and so they'd marched without obstacle or interference.

The lands and keeps they passed were guarded well and yet not fully garrisoned and it had at first concerned him that more of them had answered the Iron Born's call. Howland though assured him that the Mallister's were with them and he doubted the Blackwoods would seek to ally themselves with the reavers. When the riders were spotted it was the first encounter they'd had in this war, other than the dead his nephew and his dragon had burned in the Neck. Ned not sure what to think about what Aemon had done, only knowing he was grateful that they'd not needed to face those men and fearful that something lived that could cause such carnage.

"We ride, my prince?" The Greatjon asked eagerly as the riders drew closer.

"No Jon, not for now. They ride towards us and can see us just as clearly as we can them, let's see what they want first." he said as the Greatjon bristled.

"A parley, with them?" he heard someone say almost dismissively.

"We'll parley and offer terms, then and only then do we offer steel." he said loudly to some grumbles.

They were soon silenced as the riders drew closer, the Ravens and Weirwood of House Blackwood and the Silver Eagles of House Mallister identifying the men for who they were.

"Prince Eddard." Lucas Blackwood said when he, the Greatjon, Maege, Rickard, Roose, and Howland rode out to meet them.

"Lord Blackwood, Lord Mallister." he said looking to Lord Jason's heir, Patrek who rode with Lucas and their men.

"Prince Eddard." Patrek said with a small bow.

"My father, Lord Jason, Lord Mooton, and Lord Bracken all await your orders, my prince." Lucas said and Ned breathed a sigh of relief, he'd hoped that the ties that bound them had held true and that the agreement his father and goodfather had come to all those years earlier still stood.

"How many men, Lord Lucas?" he asked.

"Just shy of ten thousand, Prince Eddard. We're camped a few miles east of Riverrun." Lucas said and Ned nodded.

"The Blackfish?" he asked worriedly.

"Besieged at Riverrun, my prince. The Hoares have brought their full force to bear, a little more than 20,000 men I'd wager. " Patrek said and Ned looked to the Greatjon and the others to see how pleased they were by the news.

They had the numbers, even without the Riverlords, with them they had more than enough and he suspected the Blackfish had pulled all his men into the keep too. That would give them another four maybe five thousand men. If he caught the Hoares in the middle of a siege this could be a rout and should the Blackfish be able to add his force to their own, then victory was almost guaranteed. He told Lucas and Patrek to ride back to their forces and to tell their fathers to make ready and he and his lords rode back to lead his army forward.

It would take them two days to march to Riverrun if they did so at the pace they'd been marching, Ned telling Lucas and Patrek that it would be three though as he wished the men to be fresh and not overly tired when battle was given. As they camped that night he spoke to his lords and gave them their orders, he'd lead the vanguard himself with the Greatjon and Rickard Karstark. Benjen would have command of the left flank along with Galbart and Maege and Roose the right aided by the Mountain Clans and Howland.

"You think it a sound plan, brother?" he asked Benjen after the others had left.

"Aye, I do." Benjen said before sighing "Brandon should be here, Ned, and not off on some fool's errand." Benjen added when Ned looked at him questioningly.

"Aye, he should. Fucking wolfs blood." he said and it garnered a laugh from Benjen as his brother poured them both an ale.

"Aemon, Ned, what are we to do about Aemon?" Benjen asked.

"We're on the verge of one battle, Benjen, I'd prefer to think on that than on another yet to come." Ned said partly because it was the truth and partly because he knew not what to do about his nephew.

"You saw what I did, Ned, Brandon will antagonize and belittle, and should the dragon be brought to bear…"

"What would you have me do, Benjen? I can only advise." Ned said his voice loud but more frustrated than angry.

"We need to advise then, Ned, both of us. Brandon will think like father did, that taking the Riverlands in some way makes us untouchable, but father was a damn fool and while I mourn the man, I hate him too." Benjen said before taking a large swallow from his mug "The Moat, Sea Dragon Point, Winterfell itself, we may be able to hide behind the walls of them, but what then? We can't face him, Ned, not only because he's our kin, but 5,000 or 50,000 what does it matter if he can do to them what he did to the Hoares?"

"Let's get through the fight to come, Benjen, then we'll worry about the next one." he said and Benjen nodded.

His dreams robbed him of his sleep that night, Ned imagining the North in flames and an army of the finest men he ever knew simply being burned away in the blink of an eye. He saw the Wolfswood ablaze and men, women, and children starve as they hid behind the great grey walls of Winterfell and he heard his sister's voice through it all.

"He is your blood, your kin. Kneel or be brought to your knees, Ned, for should you face my son that's the only choice you have."

When he woke he threw cold water on his face and found that it was not yet light. The day's march then seemed almost never-ending to him as he felt his tiredness come over him all at once. He was glad of the slower pace and that they'd have one more night's rest before they needed to give battle. This one at least being undisturbed and when he woke that morning it was to find himself starved and yet unable to eat.

Soon enough they were ready to ride once more and as they did he offered up a prayer to the Old Gods to give him the strength to do what needed to be done. It was noon when they saw the army ahead of them and Ned finally found his mind free of all other thoughts but the fight to come. Well, almost all other thoughts as he ordered his men into position and spoke to Benjen before his brother took up his own.

"For father." he said softly as he gripped his brother's hand.

"For father." Benjen said just as softly.

A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed. Sorry, it's taken so long to update, some know why and I also recently had a birthday and was able to celebrate it properly unlike last year, so I overindulged which cost me a few days too lol. Up Next Brandon is surprised in Wendish Town, In the Vale Aemon and Rhaenys face a king. The Starks and the Hoares settle their differences in a bloody battle as Robert Baratheon marches towards them. While in Volantis Rhaegar deals with rumblings from the High Council and questions of Faith.

Daryl Dixon: So glad you liked it.

Zyrus: As you see Walder was working with Tywin, Glad you liked the Benjen part, we'll see Renly in a little bit.

Classicxd: So glad you're liking them, things will calm a little after the next chapter for them and so we'll see them relax somewhat.

Jessicanightmarewolf: Robert is pretty much like that I feel, on one hand, you can almost go, he's harmless, but if you actually think about it, he's a pretty horrible person.

Well, it's Walder, so a betrayal was obvious lol. The thing is that it's hard to accept being outmatched, I mean there are those who think that Torrhen Stark was a fool to kneel, and he was facing a larger army than his and three dragons. There are some dumb reasons why people fight, some not so dumb, but odds are not usually the thing that defines whether they do or don't. In terms of size, Gaelithox is bigger than Drogon, but not Balerion. Meraxes is much older than him and yet he's outgrown her. Some people as you see here, understand what it is they face more than others, so are more willing to kneel.

We will be seeing Ghost in this, yes. Jon without Ghost is just wrong lol. We'll see what Olenna sent in a little bit.

Thanks for saying that about my fics, I've taken inspiration from some of the many great writers here, but as you say a lot of the plots are starting to feel similar in cases. My thing is to try and make a change and see where it leads me, be it in the when Jon finds out if it's more canon focussed or something else that's less canon set. My one constant is that all my fics are Jon-centric because that's what interests me and there is so much scope still to play with. I've got a multitude of other ideas for when I finish some of these and am working with some people on even more, so I hope to keep churning them out for a long time to come lol.

Dunk: I wanted to show Brandon as not a complete fool, he's quick to anger and maybe not suited for the role, but he's not an idiot. We'll find out next if he is doomed to history. With Jon A I was kind of considering the nature of him basically raising Robert/Ned, one thing that struck me was that while he in some ways taught them well, in others he completely failed and he also never truly changed their nature. Robert is the same as he was as a boy, Ned too, and so with Elbert, I was thinking that maybe he had this blind spot.

He almost to me is in some ways an absent father, even with Sweetrobin, he doesn't do anything to change Lysa's behavior right up to canon, only then deciding to foster the boy. So I think that's a flaw he has and one I wanted to show here, he's indulgent when he needs to be firm. Circumstantially he's different here, but personality-wise I've tried to keep him the same, only that it's the vale instead of the crown he's in charge of. Next chapter will see the Bloody gate story spread.

Guest: So glad to hear that. I hope you liked Rhaenys here, wanted to give her a bigger role in this aspect of things and she's just about to use her flames for the first time too. Tywin was both fronting to his lords and thinking himself smart, as you see here, he's now reconsidering things.

Creativo: Es la sangre del lobo jajaja.

Celexys: So very glad you're liking it, I want to try and keep true to what we know about certain characters so they feel familiar, but at the same time let them breathe so that the circumstances may make them different too. It's a fine line to walk, so I may occasionally sway too much from one side to the other. But as long it's fun it's worth it.

Leonel: After, they were heading back and thinking about their next move and so they just had a move handed to them almost.

Keb: So glad you liked it.

Uncle Dork: It's getting there, some of the pieces still need to be put into place and I do intend to pull a few odd turns to make it more difficult too.

Picking-up: Thanks so much, really glad you enjoyed it.

Uday Sra: So very happy you liked it.

Guest: Your command is my wish lol.

Guest71: Some very interesting points and I'd love to confirm or deny them but can't really because of spoilers. You can see here some of your answers though and see some bring proved right. With Robert, his whole idea here is that Aemon will be in the thick of the fighting and basically he intends to do what Tywin and Aemon both wished for. So in some ways, all 3 are showing some military prowess, which for me was kind of the point. Now we can see what Tywin is thinking here and while not see his move, can almost predict some of it, Robert next chapter will show the same.

In regards to the setting, I've done and will do again the pick a point in canon and have Jon learn the truth, I change the when/who and the pairings as much as I can, but I also like to mess with the other side of things too. One of my stories The Dark Prince is a Rhaegar wins and has more than 300k words and is still in progress. My newest has a couple of chapters and has Jon as a Faceless Man, but it takes place in canon (Starts at the Purple Wedding).

On-time travel fics, My next really big fic may have covered on that, it's one I've been plotting out for months, but basically, Jon is sent back first to the Conquest to change things, from there it's to the Dance, Blackfyre Rebellions, right up to Robert's Rebellion. Each place he's sent to will cover pretty much a fic on its own and follow onto the next, but all with the goal of the things he changes to all come to play at the end.

Anyway, it's a huge undertaking as it's almost four/five fics in one and should be coming out early next year.

Guest: So glad you liked it.

Uday Sra: Really glad you enjoyed it.

Silveglow: It should on Ned yes, thanks my friend for pointing that out, will correct it, I think in my head I still had Ned being at WF because well he's Ned lol. So even though I'd moved him here, I still went with him being there and made a disconnect lol. Thanks for saying that, finally my country is starting to reopen and the bars allowing for people to socialize so I really overindulged this year lol.