
Game of thrones: A new lion

If someone was born as the first child of Tywin Lannister. The story does not follow the script and becomes AU.

Maniacss · Book&Literature
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3.Brother and sister

I was now a year old and was about to become an elder brother. This year had been quite vexing but now i had gained some motor function. I was able to crawl and was able to stop myself from soiling everything.

As soon as i could crawl, I made my way to the library and had the maester read them to me. He initially thought it to be a one time occurrence but later realised that I was serious. He then started to teach me seriously.

I had only met my father 3 times since my birth. He mostly stayed in Kings landing to do his duty as the hand of the king.

Mother had become pregnant once more and now she was going to give birth to Jaime and Cersei. This was a dilemma. I hated Cersei but she was just a product of her circumstances. Hopefully I could make her turn a new leaf.


Joanna Lannister POV

I always knew that my child was special. He was unusually quiet for a child. He would only cry when he was hungry or when he had soiled himself. Most of the time he would often be found looking around as if observing his surroundings. It was a but vexing but he was my child nonetheless and i loved him nonetheless.

One day Maester Walrick came to me, " My lady I have something to talk to you about. Its about the young lord." I was worried, perhaps there was something wrong with his health. "Is he alright? Is there something wrong with his health?"

His features softened," No, My lady his health is fine. But the young lord is unusually bright as a child. He often comes to the library and has me read to him. Initially I thought it to be fluke, but this has become a continued occurrence."

I was perplexed this was not something normal. The Prince was also a very bright child and he had only started learning words at age three. Tyland was a little more than a year old. Perhaps there was nothing to it." Read to him if he comes. Perhaps he just thinks them stories."


I was once again pregnant. This time they were suspected to be twins. Tyland would usually point to my belly and laugh. He had already said his first words and to nones surprise they were "Mama"

He appeared so perfect with his golden hair. His visits to the maester had continued and it seemed that he had started learning. It was a very fast but perhaps he was blessed by the seven.

267 AC

In casterly rock. Tywin Lannister again became a father Cersei and Jamie Lannister . Tywin also lost his father Lord Tytos Lannister and became the next Warden of the west and head of Hose Lannister.