
Game of revenge

Twelve years ago they were lovers, then suddenly they became enemies and separated from each other. Hating each other so long, they finally met after twelve years on their wedding day... I arched my lips exposing an arrogant smile, then challenged him "Okay now I am married to you let's see who makes whom cry?"  He looked into my eyes, his pair of emotionless blue eyes flashed for a second with astonishment "So do you also want to play revenge game with me?" I chuckled "Of course, when you have started the 'game of revenge', then I would also like to play with you." Note:- The book cover isn't mine, I just borrow it from Google, just edited by me.

Sun_Flowerr · Urban
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45 Chs

CH.6- Beautiful But Fake

Aanya's pov...

Just by hearing his bone-chilling threat, my hand moved faster and one after another document was imprinted by my sign.

I handed the documents to him, and he took them and checked with his glittering eyes.

And finally, his wish came true, we became legally husband and wife.

Aaron said while returning the document to the lawyer "Bring it and register it as soon as possible." The lawyer nodded and congratulated us and left. 

I looked at Victor who witnessed my forced marriage, he was looking at me with his teary eyes. Seeing it I felt the burden and my eyes also became moist. I saw his hand which was stabbed, the blood was still flowing out from it.

Aaron saw my moist eyes and slowly said "I can't believe you agreed to marry me to save someone's life, since when did you become so kind?"

Bastard, he mocked at me!! Clenching my fists I asked him "Now we are both married, you let him go, but before that treat his wound!"

"Not yet, we are yet to get married in our traditional way." Saying it he grabbed my forearm and pulled me out of that room, and dragged me toward a room.

I saw on the way that a priest was standing wearing pure white clothes, seeing it I understood that he was here for our marriage.

I was in that room with him for a long time, so I didn't know anything, but now after coming out of that room, I looked around and I understood that I was not in any small house but a very big mansion. 

Was it his house, but when did he become so rich that he became the owner of a mansion and how did I not know anything about it?!

While I was in my thoughts, he took me to a room.

The room was not big but it was not too small either, there, was a bed in the middle of the room, and on it, a set of white wedding gowns and a veil with a few artificial pieces of jewelry were kept.

He said, "You have ten minutes to get ready if you delay even one minute, then that person will be punished for it!" After threatening me he left closing the door behind him.

I didn't have any choice, I went to the bed and picked up the wedding gown, as soon as I touched it, I knew that it was very cheap clothing with low-quality material. He knew that this type of quality harmful to my skin... Bastard!

This means that he was using the mansion for his crime, he was not rich and neither was the owner of this mansion. 

I quickly got ready wearing the gown and jewelry. Though I didn't want to wear that fake jewelry, if I didn't maybe it would punish Victor. So I took off my diamond necklace set and wore those fake ones.

It didn't take me even 10 minutes, there were a few seconds left to be in 10 minutes. Seeing the wall clock. I sighed with relief. 

After those few seconds, the door was opened, he walked in and looked at me with his cold and emotionless expression "The cheap clothes also suit you."

He also changed his clothes, he was wearing a black tuxedo, needless to say, his clothes seemed quite expensive and he looked handsome even though his expression was the same as before.

His clothes looked very expensive and high quality while mine was the cheapest and low quality.

As I was comparing our attire, he grabbed my forearm again and dragged me out. He took me there where the priest was waiting for us.

As we came there, a man started playing the piano.

He took my hand and walked slowly toward the priest with the music. 

Slowly walking with him toward the priest, I saw that Victor was also there, his limbs were still tied with the same wooden chair and his injured hand was still untreated, although it was not bleeding now, it needed urgent treatment.

I clenched my teeth and looked at that beast who was walking next to me.

Apart from the three of us, there were some people from Aaron, standing and watching us and one of them was recording our wedding video. 

Victor was also there, he was tied and watching our wedding with agony and anger, his eyes were bloodshot.

As our eyes met he shook his head and tried to forbid me from getting married to him. Seeing him like this my heart ached and my anger even grew toward that beast. I looked at him with my hateful eyes and glued my feet to stop them from moving ahead.

The priest who was about to welcome us with a smile stared at me with shock. 

Aaron also stopped with my sudden halt, he gave me a cold stare too. He even tried to pull me, but I snatched my arm from his.

When I rejected and didn't follow his command, his cold expression changed into a threat. Yet his face was expressionless while mine was full of anger. 

He leaned and whispered in my ear "Smile dear, our wedding video is being made to show your family and other people, so just smile or otherwise..." he threatened me and looked at Victor. 

I understood what he could do if I didn't walk with a smile, so slowly I arched my lips and plastered the fake smile on my face, then started moving ahead like a blushing bride-to-be.

He saw my smile, as he expected this smile on my lips, his cold expression shone a bit "Though it's a fake smile still you look so beautiful," then he leaned and whispered again in my ear "But I just want to see you cry that's why I'm marrying you."

I raised my eyelids and looked into his ocean blue eyes, he didn't have to tell me this, because I had already been aware as he asked me to marry him.

But what did he think that he would be able to make me cry, maybe he was forgetting that his betrayal had changed me, I wasn't as kind and timid or naive as I used to be before.

Sowing myself brave in front of him, I arched my lips exposing an arrogant smile, then challenged him "Okay now I am going to marry you let's see who makes whom cry?"