
Game of revenge

Twelve years ago they were lovers, then suddenly they became enemies and separated from each other. Hating each other so long, they finally met after twelve years on their wedding day... I arched my lips exposing an arrogant smile, then challenged him "Okay now I am married to you let's see who makes whom cry?"  He looked into my eyes, his pair of emotionless blue eyes flashed for a second with astonishment "So do you also want to play revenge game with me?" I chuckled "Of course, when you have started the 'game of revenge', then I would also like to play with you." Note:- The book cover isn't mine, I just borrow it from Google, just edited by me.

Sun_Flowerr · Urban
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45 Chs

CH.4- They Blindfold By Him

And now after gaining my consciousness, I was here, sitting in front of this son of bitch, Aaron Smith.

I looked at him and thought, the man who gave us the bottle to smell, was that his man? While I was thinking this that I saw a red wig and a fake beard kept nearby him with the sunglasses.

As those things came into my vision, I understood. Now there was no need to ask that the man was not his subordinate, but he was himself.

I shifted my gaze at him, anger rose in my heart, I summoned my courage, and asked: "Where is Victor?" 

I saw that his fingers balled into tight fists at my question. He didn't like at all that I asked about my fiance as soon as I got consciousness. 

Expressionless he turned his head to look at his left side, I also followed his vision and saw that Victor was also there, a bit distance away from us, he was sitting on a wooden chair, his arms and legs were tightly tied with it and a piece of cloth was stuffed in his mouth.

Seeing him in this circumstance, I panicked, I got up from the couch and started running towards him, but Aaron extended his hand and grabbed my wrist tightly, with just one slight force he dragged me down to the ground and stared at me. 

Emotionless cold pair of eyes saw me and asked coldly "Have I allowed you to move from here?" 

Seeing that he shoved me on the floor harshly, Victor got panic, he violently shook his head and angrily stared at him "Hmm, hmm," due to the piece of clothes which was in his mouth he couldn't utter a word, but his expression was obvious, he has threatened this son of bitch. 

Seeing it I felt touched and tears appeared in my eyes and I gestured to him not to act recklessly.

Aaron saw us, but he didn't show any emotion, he stood up and went closer to Victor and then looked at me coldly while I was looking at him disdainfully. 

He blinked a few times then suddenly he gave a hard punch to Victor's face and his nose started bleeding.

I stood up and ran to him, I grabbed his collar and shook him "What are you doing, you son of bitch?!!" 

Fisting his cooler and pulled him to my level.

He grabbed my wrists and parted them from his collar, he looked into my eyes and solemnly said.

"Have you forgotten your misfortune that anyone who tries to marry you gets into an accident? I'm just reminding him." Then he slowly turned and looked at Victor, there was no emotion on his face, but still, it give a chill.

He fisted his hand and gave Victor another punch that his face got a black bruise.

"In the last many times I got him accident done so that he also think like others that all this is happening because of your misfortune but still, he stood firm to marry you... And today, on the day of engagement, he was asking you to kiss him by putting his hand on your waist... He has to pay the price for it!" Saying it he gave another punch on his face, then he untied one hand and grabbed it.

"I guess I should break his hands one by one, with these he touched you after all." Cruelty dripping from his words and so his eyes, he slowly started twisting his hand.

Victor's painful expression was enough to give me freight, I widened my eyes, grabbed Aaron's collar once again and pulled him, and made him to my eyes level.

"This means that all the people with whom my marriage has been discussed and whatever accidents happened to them, you are responsible for it?" 

A cruel smile appeared on his expressionless face as he arrogantly nodded.

"But if I don't do this then you will get married to someone else." He solemnly said as if he was telling about the weather report. 

Hearing it I clenched my teeth, so far, for so many years the people who used to run away from me considered me bad luck and did not want to have any relation with me, it was all a lie and a deception. and he was responsible for tying the blindfold of my bad luck in the eyes of those people.

All those years I also sometimes thought that my existence must be bad luck, but all those were a lie, it was his conspiracy!!

My face twisted in anger, and I glared at him with moist eyes.

Seeing my face his blue eyes shone, he caressed my cheek and said "What happened, are you feeling hurt?"

His words pulled me back to my sense, I released his collar and jerked his hand, then turned and tried to untie Victor. 

Aaron seeing me doing this and didn't stop me, he just slowly parted his lips and coldly said "Both of you are in my territory far away from the city, even if I killed you both here and buried them somewhere in the forest nearby, no one will notice," then he came closer to me and hugged me from behind.

His firm arms caged me, my delicate back against his firm chest and I felt it.

"You know how much I love you, and..." He rested his chin on my shoulders, then gently bit my ear.

"...Hate you too, that I always want you to beside me, that's why I can't kill you, but I can kill him, do you want me to kill and bury him in this dense forest? Or else I can feed him to wild animals also, there is no shortage of wild carnivorous animals here."

Hearing it, a shiver ran down my spine, I looked at Victor who was also looking at me.