
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[51] Casino royale

Three days later, in the shadowy underbelly of Vespersa, our group convened in an underground casino, a place where the city's elite mingled with its underworld. The VIP lounge was a room of velvet and shadows, lit by dim, ambient lights that created an atmosphere of secretive intrigue.

Sitting around a heavy oak table were myself, Elara, Cassandra, the Twin Terrors, Hawkins, and Senator Drusus. Sophie, quiet and observant, stood behind me, occasionally stepping forward to refill our drinks.

Elara, ever the headstrong one, kicked off the discussion. "Alright, Drusus, we're all fking ears. Convince us why we should risk our necks for your coup."

Drusus, although slightly intimidated by the gathering, composed himself. "Thank you. As you know, the NRE is ripe for change. The current regime is failing, and the empire is fracturing. This coup isn't just about seizing power; it's about taking control and steering the empire towards stability and prosperity."

Cassandra leaned back, her one-eyed gaze piercing. "Stability and prosperity for whom? And at what cost?"

Drusus nodded at her question. "For everyone. The current emperor's policies are driving the empire into the ground. My vision is to create a more equitable and powerful state. One where factions like yours can thrive without constant oppression."

The Twin Terrors, Jolly Roger and Rackham Ray, exchanged glances. "Sounds pretty, but what's the fking plan? How do you expect to pull this off without getting us all killed?" Jolly Roger asked.

Drusus detailed his strategy. "I have secured the loyalty of key military units and have significant support within the Senate. The emperor is vulnerable, and the time to strike is now. With your support, we can control the narrative and ensure a smooth transition of power."

Hawkins stroked his beard thoughtfully. "And what of the aftermath? A coup will create a power vacuum. There will be chaos, backlash."

"I have plans for the transition," Drusus assured. "We'll implement reforms quickly, stabilize the economy, and address the major issues plaguing the empire. Your forces, particularly the Sea Wolves and the Pirate League, will be instrumental in maintaining order during this period."

Elara crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. "And what's in it for us? We're not doing this for a pat on the back and a 'thank you.'"

Drusus looked at each of us in turn. "You'll have significant political and economic influence in the new regime. Territories, trade deals, military support. I'm prepared to offer substantial rewards for your allegiance."

Cassandra's voice was cool and calculated. "We need guarantees, Drusus. Contracts, binding agreements. We're not risking our necks on empty promises."

Drusus nodded. "Understood. You'll have your guarantees. I'm committed to this alliance."

"Listen, Drusus, most of our pirate ships are in the Devil's Choke. Moving them to the Med Sea means circumnavigating the entire continent of Terra. That's a fking twelve-day journey, at least. Plus, a fleet that size moving? It'll be spotted from miles away, not to mention the logistical nightmare of resupply stations along the route."

Drusus nodded, acknowledging the concern. "I understand the complexities, but there's a game-changer on the horizon. The Grand Canal is nearing completion. In a month, it'll be open for transit. Once that happens, your ships can cut straight through and reach New Rome in just three days."

Elara leaned in, interest piqued. "The Grand Canal? That thing's actually finishing up?"

"Yes," Drusus confirmed. "It's been a massive project, years in the making. It will change the maritime routes significantly. For us, it's a timely advantage."

Cassandra, ever the strategist, weighed in. "Three days to move a fleet into position is doable. But timing is critical. We need to coordinate our arrival with your coup. Surprise will be our biggest asset."

Jolly Roger, cracking his knuckles, added, "And we'll need to be ready for a fight. If we're spotted coming through that canal, it's going to be an all-out naval war."

Drusus assured us, "I have contacts who will ensure the canal's security during your transit. They're sympathetic to our cause. The element of surprise will be on our side."

Hawkins, ever the voice of reason, raised another issue. "Even with the canal, moving a fleet that size won't go unnoticed. We need a diversion, something to draw attention away from the fleet's movement."

I nodded in agreement. "Right. We need a fking spectacle or crisis... something big enough to keep the NRE navy busy."

Drusus tapped his fingers on the table, deep in thought. "Leave that to me. I can orchestrate a series of... incidents across the empire. Enough to keep the navy and the emperor preoccupied."

Cassandra's expression was hard, calculating. "Your 'incidents' better be convincing. We can't afford half-measures here."

Drusus met her gaze squarely. "They will be. I assure you, the emperor and his forces will have their hands full."

I looked around the table, at the faces of some of the most powerful players in 'Game of Kings'. "This is it, then. We're actually doing this. We're about to change the fking course of an empire."

Elara gave a grim smile. "Looks like it. Time to write our names into the history books."

"Hold on a second," I interjected, leaning forward on the table. "The Grand Canal is in Vespera, right? This city-state may look independent, but everyone knows it's a puppet of the NRE. It's on the eastern side, deep in enemy territory. How the hell can you guarantee safe passage for an entire pirate fleet through the canal? This isn't some fucking joyride."

Drusus, with a confident, almost smug expression, began to elaborate on his assurances. "I have considerable influence in Vespera. Allies in key positions. They owe me favors, big ones. I can pull some strings, make sure the canal is clear for your fleet."

Elara scoffed, crossing her arms. "Favors? Strings? That sounds like a load of bullshit. You're talking about moving a massive fleet through a strategic location. That's not something you just 'arrange'."

Cassandra, her eye narrowing under the patch, chimed in with a tone of disdain. "Yeah, what are you going to do? Ask them nicely to let a fleet of pirates through? You think they won't notice a bunch of ships gearing up for war?"

Drusus seemed unfazed by the skepticism. "It's more than just asking. I have leverage over key officials. Blackmail, debts, you name it. Vespera's leaders will comply. They know better than to cross me."

Jolly Roger burst out laughing, slapping his thigh. "Blackmail and debts, oh my! This is some top-tier pirate fantasy shit. You sure you're not just playing us?"

Rackham Ray, leaning back in his chair, added with a smirk, "Yeah, and what's Plan B when this house of cards falls apart? Got any more magic tricks up your sleeve?"

Drusus's confidence wavered slightly under the barrage of doubts but he maintained his stance. "Listen, I know how it sounds. But I've been laying the groundwork for this for years. The canal is the linchpin of our strategy. Without it, we lose the element of surprise and speed. Trust me, I can make this happen."

Hawkins, stroking his beard, interjected with a more measured tone. "While I appreciate the boldness of your plan, Drusus, we can't base our strategy on uncertainties. We need concrete assurances, fail-safes. This isn't a game."

Sophie, who had been quietly refilling glasses, looked on with concern. The gravity of the situation was not lost on her, and her presence served as a reminder of the real stakes involved.

"Listen up," I started, capturing everyone's attention. "Drusus's plan has too many fucking holes. But what if we start a propaganda campaign? We spread rumors that the NRE is planning to formally incorporate Vespera into their territory, against the city's will."

Elara leaned in, her interest piqued. "Go on. How does that help us?"

I continued, laying out the plan. "When the coup kicks off, we launch a false flag operation. We have ships flying NRE banners attack Vespera. Make it look like the beginning of an unwanted annexation."

Cassandra, her expression thoughtful, nodded slowly. "So, Vespera turns to us for protection against their 'aggressor'. Clever. But it's risky as hell."

Jolly Roger, grinning, added, "I like it. It's devious, underhanded, and it'll cause chaos. My kind of plan."

Rackham Ray chimed in, "But we'd be attacking a neutral city. That could backfire on us, big time."

I nodded at his concern. "It's a calculated risk. But if we control the narrative, make it look like we're the saviors, Vespera might just give us passage through the canal as a 'thank you' for our protection."

Hawkins, ever the voice of caution, raised an eyebrow. "And if they don't buy it? We'll have made an enemy out of a strategic location."

I looked around the table. "That's where the propaganda comes in. We spend the next few weeks stirring up fear and resentment towards the NRE in Vespera. Make them believe that their independence is under threat. Our false flag will be the final straw that pushes them into our arms."

Drusus, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "It's a bold strategy. If it works, we'll have Vespera as an ally and a clear path through the canal."

Elara crossed her arms, considering the plan. "And when Vespera grants us passage to defend them, we turn on the 'NRE' navy, defeat them, and head straight for the capital."

Cassandra's one eye glinted with a mix of admiration and concern. "It's a solid plan, but the execution needs to be flawless. Any fk-up, and we're looking at a major international incident."

I acknowledged her point. "I'm aware of the risks. But it's our best shot at getting the fleet into position without a drawn-out naval war. We need the element of surprise on our side."

Sophie, standing quietly behind me, refilled our glasses, her presence a silent support in the midst of the heated discussion.

Jolly Roger slapped the table, his excitement evident. "Fk it, I'm in. Let's stir up some trouble and kick the NRE's ass."

Rackham Ray nodded in agreement. "It's a gamble, but so is everything in this game. I say we go for it."

Hawkins leaned back, stroking his beard. "I'll support this, but we need contingencies in place. This plan hinges on deception and precision."

Drusus concluded, "Then it's settled. We'll start laying the groundwork for the propaganda campaign. In a few weeks, Vespera will be ripe for our false flag operation."

"To a new empire." I raised my glass.

"To a new empire." We raised our glass in unison.

Q: Have you ever been to a casino before?