
Game Entertainment Emp

LordLho · Video Games
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11 Chs


In the official business chat room of "The Binding of Isaac," Chuji frowned as he observed the three individuals representing NetDragon, Tenghua, and Phoenix, identified by their IDs.

Although he had realized the game's potential after playing it several times, Chuji hadn't expected the industry's top three players to also be interested in it, let alone for Alex to gather them to discuss potential collaborations.

In the business chat room, as he observed Tenghua and Phoenix's IDs, Chou Shoumei from NetDragon's game publishing department sat in front of the computer, eyes narrowed.

Seems like this game creator is very confident!

Chou Shoumei had an idea. As for the game contested by Tenghua and Phoenix, he wasn't surprised. As long as one is a somewhat responsible game reviewer, they can almost discern that this game is excellent.

The only thing that left Chou Shoumei a bit surprised was the other party's courage. Gathering the three to discuss cooperation shows remarkable determination.

As for the other small company from Galaxy Network, it was subconsciously ignored by Chou Shoumei.

Mostly because I just finished the game for everyone, and the next day everyone went up together. I thought it was fate too. Alex's words came out of the microphone, echoing in the room.

Fool him!

There was a cry in the hearts of the four present.

But when they heard Alex's words, Chou Shoumei, Chuji, Phoenix, and Tenghua all narrowed their eyes.

Alex revealed once again a message, all four of them came to view this game with great optimism, otherwise, he wouldn't have contacted them in the first place.

"Everyone is not just here. NetDragon can provide two forms of cooperation. One is that we invest 1 million to buy all the copyrights of this game, and the other is 300,000 to buy the copyrights of the game, but we are negotiating with NetDragon. Under the premise of cooperation, Mr. Turner, your studio can retain the right to continue production of the game while enjoying the subsequent bonus of 30%, of course, our NetDragon also offers corresponding promotion channels and resources," said Chou Shoumei directly.

"Tenghua's conditions are also the same, but in terms of funds, we are more superior to NetDragon. We can obtain a copyright purchase fee of 1.5 million and a copyright share of 500,000," added Teng, the Tenghua representative, with a smile.

Alex didn't speak, but Chou Shoumei, who spoke before, continued: "1.8 million copyright acquisition fees, or 600,000 games are divided into acquisition fees."

Alex still didn't speak.

"2 million copyright acquisition fees, 800,000 games are divided into acquisition fees," added the Phoenix representative.

The only point of increase is the cost of copyright acquisition. Regarding the subsequent sharing or other schemes, neither Tenghua, Phoenix, nor NetDragon offered any relief.

That's something normal. After all, Alex is just a common game creator, and hasn't even reached the official level of "holder."

He's far behind game creators in the official "temple."

In the Galaxy Network office, the sound is heard through headphones, and each offer is carefully considered.

Chuji clenched his teeth, feeling the pressure on his shoulders as Galaxy Network urgently needed an exceptional quality independent game. He made a quick decision: "The agency release fee will be 500,000, excluding the game copyright. In return, we only require 30% of the game profits, while Galaxy Network commits to initially investing no less than 3 million in marketing expenses."

Before, Chuji was just betting with his eyes, but now he's betting again, firmly believing in this game. This is the biggest bargaining chip he can offer.

"Mr. Chuji, it's a happy cooperation." Chuji's words were met with enthusiasm by Alex, who had never spoken before. He made a decisive opening, not expecting the three big companies to continue with their open terms.

Alex understood that the big three companies would hardly make concessions on the copyright, and Galaxy Network's sincerity was evident.

This condition can be considered significantly superior.

At this moment, Chou Shoumei, the Tenghua representative, and the Phoenix representative showed only a trace of surprise and a little frustration.

"Mr. Turner, you're quite confident in your game!" Chou Shoumei said, containing his irritation.

Make no mistake, no one here is naive. With a little reflection, it's clear that the other party didn't seriously consider the big three, unless they can settle for something like the small Galaxy Network publisher and not insist on the game copyrights.

Alex didn't say anything, but lamented not reaching the intention of cooperation with the leaders of the three companies. He expressed hope that there would be future opportunities to collaborate again.

"So, I wish Mr. Turner great success with the game sales." Chou Shoumei, from the other side of the computer, became a little taciturn and let slip the next sentence before leaving the chat room, along with the Tenghua and Phoenix representatives.

The other Tenghua and Phoenix representatives didn't seem pleased either.

In their view, this is just a game with excellent performance. If they can't handle it, so be it. Of course, the main reason is that the three main contract terms can be modified by a niche independent game. Unless it's a phenomenal game.

In the chat room, Alex finalized the conversation with Chuji and signed an electronic contract. After agreeing to meet and sign the contract, he also left the chat.

After ending the conversation, Alex looked at Emily, who was eager to speak, and then they both celebrated enthusiastically.

"500,000 agency release costs? Does that mean we can get a million return with the game? We'll also make money?" Emily expressed enthusiasm.

"It's not exactly 500,000, as there are still taxes to pay, but the return is indeed promising." Alex replied with a smile.

The next day, he returned to Shanghai, the city where he had been living for several years.

In the Galaxy Network office, Alex finalized the "Isaac" publishing contract with the other party.

A group of people outside the office occasionally peeked inside.

"That guy in there seems to be the producer of the 'Dungeon of the Monsters' we released before?" someone recognized Alex and spoke uncertainly.

"It's him alright. Originally, I handled the marketing plan. He gathered various forces and achieved high scores, influencing players' reputations."

"Mr. Chuji, does this have anything to do with him? Is he still going to distribute his game as an agent? The company hasn't been doing decent work for a long time."

Several employees were discussing in their small group.