
Game Developer: A Transmigrated Tale

In a world where gaming is not just entertainment but a fundamental part of society's fabric, Leo, a dedicated gamer finds himself transmigrated into a realm known as Apex. Initially bewildered by his new surroundings and grappling with questions of where he is and how he got there, Leo soon discovers that Apex is a world where gaming isn't just a pastime but a driving force behind technological advancement and societal structure. Drawing on his passion and expertise as a gamer, Leo immerses himself in the world of game development. Along the way, he encounters challenges and opportunities, forming alliances with fellow developers and enthusiasts, and contributing his insights to the burgeoning industry.

Silent_Thinker · Video Games
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30 Chs


As she made her way deeper into the dark and mysterious Netherworld, Ria's heart began to pound with excitement and apprehension. The crimson and obsidian expanse stretched before her, a world, unlike anything she had experienced in Minecraft before.

Ria took a cautious step forward, and her eyes widened as she saw strange formations of warped, crimson fungi that radiated an otherworldly radiance.

She picked up her pickaxe and began to mine the strange blocks that encircled her.

The sound of her pickaxe pounding on the blocks reverberated through the Nether.

As the blocks opened up new resources, Ria marveled at how they could be used to craft unique items in the Overworld!

As she moved deeper into the Nether, her perception of time blurred. Day and night passed away, and she was plunged into an eternity of eternal darkness.

There was no sun in the sky, no moon in the sky, and she was left to rely on the eerie radiance of the lava lakes and the bizarre flora that blanketed the landscape.

Ria's discoveries included the mysterious Striders, strange creatures that stalked the lava seas. They walked on the molten surface and fascinated her audience just as much as she did. She cautiously approached one and, to her audience's surprise, even rode it across the lava.

However, the Nether was not without its hazards. Ria ran into the deadly Hoglins, wild creatures that threatened even the most experienced players. She fought them and showed her viewers how quick reflexes could be and how clever tactics could be. The adrenaline-filled battles kept her audience on edge, cheering her on as she won each one.

Ria also encountered a Bastion Remnant, an ancient structure that held treasures inside its walls. The Bastion was guarded by Piglins who would not give up.

Ria bravely went through dark tunnels, figuring out how the Bastion worked and cleverly outsmarting the folks who lived there. It was a big moment for her, and she got lots of new fans who were super excited to see what she'd do next.

People started chatting about Ria's adventures in the Netherworld, and it made a big gap between her and her fans. The Nether, which used to be a really mysterious place, became full of excitement and Ria's journey became a cool adventure.

Sales of video games were skyrocketing, and Leo was in a good place. He had just finished making his game better, but the game's server wasn't working yet with the new stuff. He thought he could handle it alone for now.

When he launched the updated game worldwide, he realized there would be a lot of pressure to make it work right. He was worried the game's server might crash because so many people would want to play.

To avoid this problem, Leo decided he needed more help. He could hire regular people, but he really needed a skilled programmer to assist him.

He understood he shouldn't hire programmers who were way better than him, but he was okay with hiring those who were at the same level. He believed that as he got better at programming, he could hire more experienced programmers later on.

The day would come when Leo would be able to hire more people. If he could get "Mine craft" out to the world, he would gain valuable system points, which would help him advance. But before that, he needed at least two or three more people on his team.

Leo also realized that he needed to improve his workspace. With "Mine craft" becoming more popular, he would be recognized as a top-tier developer. That meant more responsibility, and he thought his small workspace wouldn't be enough. He wanted to move from an internet cafe to an experience store. This would give him a platform to interact with his fans.

All of these changes required more space, but Leo's priority was to hire those two original team members. As he pondered his options, he thought of the twins he met at a party at a developer convention.

At the party, Leo was alone with the twins who seemed unusually agitated. They talked about how they didn't fit into a big game development group and said they'd be happy to help him if he needed it. At first, Leo took them at their word because he wasn't ready to build or manage a team yet.

But as time went on and Leo's success skyrocketed, he remembered what the twins had said: "They could be really good additions to my team." It was hard for him to trust people given his limited circle of friends, but he remembered meeting Tina and Melina before.

"I don't know how they would respond," he thought, "but there is no harm in trying."

Leo signed up for a developer account and wrote to Tina and Melina, "I'd like to meet up. I've got something important to discuss."


At noon, in the cafe that was located at the heart of the city, Leo was waiting for the twins. They had decided to meet up here.

While gazing at the walking pedestrians, he took a sip of juice.

Few minutes later, twins arrived.

Tina and Melina entered the bustling cafe with an air of confidence that drew a few curious glances from the other patrons. Their attire was stylish yet comfortable, reflecting their unique personalities.

Tina, the elder of the twins, had a vibrant and outgoing aura. She had on a red jacket that looked really nice with her dark, wavy hair. Her eyes were a bright green color, and they shined with curiosity and smarts. Her skin had a warm, sunny glow, and her smile made everyone else want to smile too because it was so happy.

Next to her, Melina had a calmer and thoughtful vibe. She wore a black leather jacket that matched her straight, black hair, which fell down her back. Her eyes were a deep, mysterious blue, showing she had lots going on in her mind. Her skin was pale, which was different from her dark clothes, and it made her look interesting and kind of magical.

Despite their differences, the twins shared a sense of unity that was reflected in their coordinated outfits. Both wore slim-fit jeans and comfortable sneakers, allowing for ease of movement and a touch of practicality amidst their sophisticated style.

As they sat down to discuss their collaboration with Leo, their attire seemed to mirror their personalities—Tina's bold and vibrant presence complemented by Melina's composed and enigmatic demeanor. Together, they formed a dynamic duo.


After Leo got together with the twins, Tina and Melina, they found a nice spot in the busy cafe to sit and talk about important stuff. The smell of fresh coffee filled the air while they got comfortable.

Leo leaned in, looking at the twins. "Thanks for meeting me," he said sincerely. "I've been thinking about your offer from the party, and I think now is a good time for us to team up."

Tina and Melina looked at each other, surprised and interested.

"We're happy you got in touch," Tina said, sounding excited.

"We've been seeing how well 'Mine craft' is doing, and we think we have skills that could help."

Melina nodded in agreement. "You see, we've always felt that we could contribute more effectively in a smaller team where our individual talents would be recognized and put to good use."

Leo leaned back, a small smile playing on his lips. "I completely understand that sentiment. 'Mine craft' has been gaining more popularity than I anticipated, and I've realized I can't manage everything on my own anymore."

Tina leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with determination. "So, what exactly do you need help with? We're ready to contribute in any way we can."

Leo's gaze shifted between the twins. "First and foremost, I need assistance with managing the game server. With the upcoming update and the growing player base, I'm concerned about potential crashes and high demand. I want to ensure a smooth experience for players all around the world."

Melina nodded thoughtfully. "Server management is crucial, especially with the multiplayer mode coming up. We have experience in server optimization and maintenance, and we're confident we can help you with that."

Leo's relief was palpable. "That's fantastic to hear. Additionally, as the game gains more traction, I want to expand our team further. I'm looking for developers who are skilled and passionate, who can help us enhance and grow 'MIne craft.'"

Tina's eyes lit up. "We know a few developers who might be interested. We can help you with recruitment and even handle the initial stages of communication to ensure a smooth process."

Leo's gratitude was evident in his expression. "Thank you both so much. Your willingness to collaborate means a lot to me. I believe we can achieve great things together."

Melina smiled warmly. "We're excited about this partnership as well. 'Mine craft' has so much potential, and we're eager to contribute to its success."

As they continued their discussion, the trio delved into the details of their plan. They discussed the roles Tina and Melina would take on, the timeline for server optimization, and their strategy for recruiting new team members.

As Leo listened to the twins' insights and ideas, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Their conversation stretched on. The bustling cafe seemed to fade into the background as the trio talked about their ideas.