
Game Developer: A Transmigrated Tale

In a world where gaming is not just entertainment but a fundamental part of society's fabric, Leo, a dedicated gamer finds himself transmigrated into a realm known as Apex. Initially bewildered by his new surroundings and grappling with questions of where he is and how he got there, Leo soon discovers that Apex is a world where gaming isn't just a pastime but a driving force behind technological advancement and societal structure. Drawing on his passion and expertise as a gamer, Leo immerses himself in the world of game development. Along the way, he encounters challenges and opportunities, forming alliances with fellow developers and enthusiasts, and contributing his insights to the burgeoning industry.

Silent_Thinker · Video Games
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30 Chs

A Vision Realized

The trio of Leo, Tina, and Melina found themselves immersed in an intense brainstorming session. They were so excited, gathered together, talking animatedly about their plans for the building.

Mid-conversation, a familiar knock resonated through the room, interrupting their discussion. The long-awaited order had arrived. 

As the door swung open, revealing the delivery staff burdened with boxes and furnishings, Leo, Tina, and Melina couldn't help but grin.

With sleeves rolled up, they plunged into action without hesitation. In the experience store, their first stop, the trio meticulously arranged gaming stations, VR setups, and cutting-edge technology.

Top-notch computers, phones, and VR gear gleamed with possibilities, a symbol of the exciting gaming adventures that awaited.. With every component carefully positioned, they moved to the second floor.

"Beyond our wildest dreams," Tina breathed, her voice filled with accomplishment.

"Absolutely. The technology, the setup—it's all top-notch."

With the experience store and workspaces taking shape, the trio shifted their focus to the next phase of their plan—shopping. Embarking on an adventure, they excitedly scoured various shops.

They perused electronics stores, their eyes alighting on state-of-the-art gaming peripherals and high-performance equipment. Leo's eyes danced over the lineup of state-of-the-art gaming mice, keyboards, and those expansive ultra-wide monitors.

As they ventured deeper into their shopping spree, Melina's keen eye for aesthetics came to the forefront. She helped choose decor that would infuse each space with personality and ambiance. Artwork was meticulously selected for the walls of the experience store.

With workspaces and Leo's living space on the top floor outfitted, the trio turned their attention to every nook and cranny of the building. Guided by the twins' design expertise, Leo's personal haven was transformed into a haven of style and comfort. A plush bed, tasteful furniture, and a well-appointed wardrobe were chosen with meticulous care.

The third-floor living area, though currently undefined, was not forgotten. Though the function of this area was yet to be decided, its purpose as a haven for relaxation was undeniable.

With their shopping list exhausted, the trio returned to their building, where the delivery staff had already arrived with their order. Eager to witness the fruits of their labor, they worked with fervor to unpack, assemble, and arrange each item.

As day turned into night, Leo, Tina, and Melina dedicated themselves to preparing every corner of the building.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Leo's old house stood empty, a testament to the memories and experiences it had held. Leo's fingers traced the edges of memories as he packed. With a bittersweet smile, he closed the door on that chapter of his life, ready for what lay ahead.

Leo held a special attachment to his collection of computers, some even from his cafe days. But he decided to let go of the outdated ones, selling them to make room for the state-of-the-art technology that now graced his new development center.

With the development center now fully operational, Leo, Tina, and Melina gazed upon their creation with a profound sense of accomplishment. The building had changed so much.