
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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Game Copy Supplier

After the second meeting, Azure Technology used all resources and means to actively run, just to promote cooperation with Guoxing Technology.

Although they will therefore become a company that completely loses control over its core technology, it becomes like the former Huaxia Technology Company. Most of the hardware and core technology are dependent on foreign suppliers, and they only do their own branding and assembly.

In fact, no one wants to be just an assembly plant, especially a technology company like Azure Technology that once started with technology.

But there is no way. If they do not cooperate with Guoxing Technology, their brand will be further hit, and the market value will continue to evaporate, especially their competitors, who are already taking action and are doing everything possible to cooperate with Guoxing Technology. Cooperation to grab the market currently controlled by their Azure brand.

Although national-level reasons prevent Guoxing Technology's products from entering the European and American markets, his competitors are coveting this huge profit temptation.

Therefore, it does not hesitate to seek the possibility of cooperation with Guoxing Technology in various ways of rubbing the edge, so as to use the leading edge of technology to harvest the market of the blue brand.

Azure Technology has received a lot of news recently and knows that many competitors are taking action.

Therefore, they must act as soon as possible, and it is the unremitting efforts of these big capitalists that have contributed to the change in the US government's attitude towards Guoxing's science and technology.

Regarding the wedding, Gu Zheng had to spare some time to communicate and confirm with the wedding planners, because most of the items involved in the wedding were custom-made.

The confirmation of various customization processes and plans also requires Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi to participate in the completion, but although it is complicated and busy, it is a happy process.

A wedding is a very rare experience in life, especially preparing a romantic wedding for your beloved one, it is a happy process.

The game "Oasis" has been fully handed over to the team for operation and management. The team of this game is definitely the world's top team at present. Various geniuses gather and contribute their wisdom.

We are also constantly creating more interesting content and gameplay for "Oasis", making "Oasis" more and more sticky, its reputation is getting better and better, and its global influence and market continue to expand.

At present, the total number of players in "Oasis" worldwide has reached nearly 4 billion, which is a result that the most brilliant "Infinite Time" has never achieved.

And those players from "Infinite Time" to "Oasis" also slowly transferred all their game time and energy to "Oasis", which further compressed the active player data of "Infinite Time".

Many industry media have analyzed that Infinite Time and Space may be delisted within three years, and this game will completely become a place where some old players miss their youth.

Looking at the declining data and the evaporating market value of "Infinite Time", Rui Klein felt very distressed, but he was helpless. The general situation was gone, and he was unable to turn the tide.

Perhaps, as many people in the industry have said, his father's departure also took away the vitality of "Infinite Time and Space", and everything is already doomed.

As the level of the head players in "Oasis" is getting higher and higher, the subsequent plots are becoming more and more exciting. The big BOSS and precious props and skills that various players are looking forward to are slowly appearing.

For example, a big player in Huaxia District obtained the skill of writing round eyes in a mission, and this skill was bought at a price of one million.

In the end, the bid reached ten million, but the big man did not sell it.

Because the skills of writing round eyes can be upgraded, as the subsequent level increases, and specific upgrade tasks are completed, and specific props are obtained, higher skills of writing round eyes can be unlocked. For example, after upgrading to kaleidoscope writing round eyes, summon Susano's skills and so on.

This skill is also one of the well-known cherished skills on the "Oasis" official skill list. Of course, this skill is so attractive, in addition to the power of this skill, it is precisely because of the popularity of "Naruto".

The advent of the first writing round eyes has also attracted countless players around the world, starting to do quests, brushing copies, and in order to obtain the same skills, countless players have contributed countless time and money.

After the first Shao Lun Yan appeared, the revenue of "Oasis" directly doubled, but the emergence of Shao Lun Yan was only the beginning. Those in "Naruto", "One Piece", "Reaper", "Gundam" and "Pokemon" In the animation works, there are super popular skills, weapons, pets, props and other items.

All of them are attracting countless players to spend countless hours and money for it.

Of course, in addition to the attractiveness of these famous IPs, the world view, rich plot and gameplay of "Oasis" itself are also constantly attracting players to immerse themselves in it.


Thanks to the unremitting efforts of Azure Technology, the U.S. has further adjusted its sanctions against Guoxing Technology, and Azure Technology finally has the possibility of real cooperation with Guoxing Technology.

After the third negotiation, the two parties formally confirmed the cooperation, and a week later, a cooperation signing conference was held in China.

This news really caused a global sensation. The two companies that had cooperated with "Infinite Time and Space" to create countless excellent copies for the world, and because of "Infinite Time and Space", they broke completely.

In the two fields of VR smart devices and games, it has become a competitor. It was once incompatible with fire and water, and it launched a fierce battle, and eventually led to a government-level contest.

But now that the previous suspicions are cleared up, the cooperation really makes people lament that business competition has no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

Of course, everyone knows that this battle without gunpowder ended with the complete defeat of the WLK Group.

The two main businesses of WLK Group have been surpassed by Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment and Guoxing Technology, although Blue Technology has retained its market position with the help of the government.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the technology of Azure Technology completely lags behind Guoxing Technology. This cooperation proves that Azure Technology seeks peace with Guoxing Technology.

This can be seen from the numerous revisions of the US government's sanctions on Guoxing Technology, and the many times that Azure Technology has taken the initiative to visit.

Moreover, the positive attitude shown by Azure Technology at this stage is enough to prove that they have surrendered.

Today's so-called cooperation is probably no different from the unequal treaty of "being power and humiliating the country". The system is Guoxing Technology, and the hardware assembly involved in brainwave manipulation is almost Guoxing Technology.

Some industry technical experts analyzed that although the two parties seem to be cooperating in the field of brain wave manipulation, this technology is estimated to involve 80% of the parts and software, all provided by Guoxing Technology.

So from a certain point of view, Azure Technology has almost become the foundry of the Guoxing brand, and there is only one brand.

Although Azure Technology did lose, and even gave up most of the money it made in the European and American markets to Guoxing Technology, this is their best choice at the moment.

After the two parties formally signed the cooperation, the shares of Azure Technology have been advancing all the way, and even the stock of Infinite Time has also risen, and the "Infinite Time" officially announced that it will upgrade the game system and realize brain wave control in the game. The new game experience and fun, and more novel ways to play.

The achievement of this cooperation gave a sigh of relief to a pressured Azure Technology, and it also made countless European and American users happy, celebrating that they could finally buy a smart device with a brain wave control system.

And Gu Zheng and Guoxing Technology are happier. This cooperation allows them to achieve the harvest of the European and American markets. They don't need to explore the market by themselves, promote by themselves, and do brand operations and after-sales service by themselves.

You can directly ingest from the hands of Azure Technology not less than the profit you earn from normal sales, and then the once-in-a-lifetime Azure Technology has become a foundry that works for itself.

Gu Zheng couldn't help sighing that mastering the far-leading core technology is indeed the most profitable. As long as you sell the technology license, you can enjoy the benefits and earn a steady stream of wealth.

It's so cool and can't be cooler!

The money that flowed out of the country because of backward technology has now begun to flow back.

"Oasis" game, Guoxing brand product, in the future, Gu Zheng will also absorb wealth from countries around the world in more fields, and help China Realize its real overtake and real rise.
