
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

Game Copy Supplier

In Kyoto, Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi returned to her parents' house. Although Gu Zheng used to come here often, the significance of this time was extraordinary.

Because today he planned to propose marriage to Wang Shishi's parents, saying that it was a courtesy visit, and then talked about their plans for marriage and asked the other's parents for their opinions.

The parents of Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi have known about their love affair a long time ago, and they are also looking forward to their two children entering the marriage palace sooner.

So when I heard that Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi were planning to get married, Wang's father and mother were very happy, and their two children were successful entrepreneurs. Naturally, weddings could be handled by themselves. They didn't say too much, they said. Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi were asked to determine the date and form of their marriage, but naturally they hoped that the sooner the better.

Gu Zheng talked about the marriage plan he made to the royal father and mother. Their wedding will be held on December 2nd. The location is tentatively set at the Love Nest Resort Hotel of Dreamcatcher Group in Bali. Gu Zheng will take care of it at that time. The entire resort and the entire wedding planning are all created by the high-end wedding planning team of Dreamcatcher Group.

"Well, you young couple decide on the details of the wedding by yourself. Your mom and I won't be involved too much. But if you need your parents' help, just tell your parents that you are the only daughter of your father, and your father is willing to take the world. I will give you the best things, of course I believe Gu Zheng will give you the best!" Wang Changshun said with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will definitely give Shishi the most romantic wedding!" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!" Wang Di's voice came from the door, and the smile on Wang Changshun's face disappeared instantly, showing a serious expression again, looking at Wang Di who was coming and said: "You kid still knows Come back?"

"Hey, Dad, I bought you a Callaway limited edition cue!" Wang Di said with a smile, knowing that his father felt a bit resentful because he hadn't seen a figure for months.

This time I also came prepared, and sure enough, when Wang Changshun heard Wang Di's words, a glimmer of relief flashed in his eyes.

"It's really the sun coming out from the west!" Wang Changshun said coldly, but he was very happy, feeling that Wang Di has finally grown up and knows to honor his parents.

As time passed, Guoxing Technology ushered in the "mission" of Blue Technology. This time the visit was still a few people from the last time, but the meeting place was selected for Guoxing Technology.

Moreover, this meeting did not conceal the media, even before the Blue Technology "corps" set off, the media had begun to report on the matter.

Countless netizens in Europe, America and other countries are also concerned about this "meeting."

In this negotiation, Gu Zheng did not carry any personal emotions. When Rui Klein and Azure Technology opened, they first expressed their disappointment with the US country and government, as well as the injustice against Guoxing Technology.

And promised that Azure Technology will be committed to helping Guoxing Technology strive for fair treatment.

Although Gu Zheng knew that they were duplicity, at least their attitude was very comfortable. After all, it was very rare to be able to make these arrogant Americans bow their heads.

So Gu Zheng talked with them about the possibility of cooperation very seriously.

"First of all, our system is authorized as a whole. We will not authorize the brainwave operating system separately. Even if it is authorized separately, it may not be compatible with your system. And you should also know that our system is much better than yours. The operating system will improve the performance of your equipment a lot."

"Secondly, there is no doubt about the hardware aspect of the brainwave operating system. Besides us, you have no better choice..."

Gu Zheng mentioned his conditions one by one.

After listening to Gu Zheng's conditions, Rui Klein and others looked rather solemn. According to the meaning of taking care of Zheng, their blue brand equipment, in the future, it is estimated that there will only be a brand and a shell left.

The system is completely Guoxing Technology's system, and most of the hardware is also provided by Guoxing Technology. Their products are almost the same as those of Guoxing Technology. They are simply Guoxing smart devices of the blue brand.

But what is even more frightening is that they seem to be unable to refute the other party's conditions, because they are all reasonable requests.

The realization of brain wave manipulation technology itself is not a simple software program, or can be realized by a simple chip, it does require the entire hardware and system to realize it together.

"And you want our authorization now, I'm afraid you will have to fight with your government, because the multiple chips involved in our technology are still on the sanctions list!" Gu Zheng continued.

"This... we'll find a way!" Brad said, sanctions this kind of thing, they go back and operate it, and they can do it with a side ball.

"But! I'm afraid we can't put all the hardware on the schedule!" Brad continued.

"No problem!" Gu Zheng doesn't care about the hardware display. As long as the system is theirs, the Guoxing brand can be successfully penetrated into the hearts of the people.

After all, every time the player turns on, or uses the system's built-in programs such as brain wave control, the Guoxing brand logo will be displayed. This logo that accompanies the player's use will slowly gain popularity.

Even when everyone sees the Guoxing brand logo, they will have a sense of intimacy, and they can clearly say his name, so that he can achieve his most fundamental purpose.

In this negotiation, Azure Technology has almost no room to fight for. After all, they can't compete with other people's technical crushing, so they just fought for the authorized price.

In the end, Gu Zheng made concessions, but the authorized price brought Guoxing Technology's profits not less than their profits from selling similar products.

However, the Azure brand has to further compress its own profit margins and cannot achieve the price-performance ratio of the Guoxing brand in terms of pricing.

After all, if their pricing is the same as the Guoxing brand, then they may not only have no money to make, but even lose money.

They have to pay for the backward technology, and their users have to pay for their citizenship.

If they want to use the most advanced technology products, they have to pay more, just because they live in European and American countries.

In this negotiation, Azure Technology and Guoxing Technology have reached a basic cooperation intention. Only after Azure Technology negotiates with the US government to resolve sanctions and other issues, the final cooperation is signed.

The results of the talks between the two parties have not been completely concealed from the media. In the future, the two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation, and the blue brand may be equipped with the Guoxing operating system. However, they did not reveal much about the details of the specific cooperation. They only said that a consensus on cooperation was reached initially and the final cooperation will be reached next time.

However, this news is a great surprise for users in Europe and the United States and other countries. It also inspires all European and American users, and it also invigorates the sluggish stock market of Blue Technology.

Of course, the most exciting one is also the countless Huaxia users who felt the counterattack of Huaxia Technology for the first time.

In the past, we paid high fees for the technology of companies in Europe and the United States. Now we can also use technology to make money in the European and American markets.

And through this series of time, the Guoxing brand has become famous all over the world, and it has really made many Europeans and Americans aware of the advanced technology of China and began to face this oriental technology brand squarely.
