
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

Game Copy Supplier

"Of course it will not really open up. Neither we nor the above will agree that this happened. What's more, Gu Zheng refused to cooperate with the military. I am afraid that there is really no room for discussion on this matter. Stay on the sanctions list for a long time!"

"But there is actually some room for manipulation in this matter!" Brad said in a deep voice.

His words made Rui Klein frown, his eyes flashing with curiosity.

"First of all, this negotiation is not without results. At least we know that Guoxing Technology is not completely unwilling to cooperate, but they are still dissatisfied with the sanctions. They need our attitude and we need our blue technology to show sincerity!" Brad said.

"We took the initiative to visit and need cooperation this time, isn't sincerity enough?" Rui Klein said uncomfortably.

"This is not enough. As he said, we are indeed seeking cooperation for our own sake. They do not need this cooperation urgently, but we need it very much. Therefore, the prerequisite for them to meet our needs is that we must also meet them. Their needs? Obviously getting the sanctions lifted from above is not something that can be done overnight. But other than that, there is nothing we can do!"

"such as?"

"Didn't the reporter call and ask about the meeting between the two parties? We can speak up our purpose and express our recognition of Guoxing Technology, so that we can restore the reputation of Guoxing Technology at the company level. They are innocent. As for sanctions, it is a matter of the country. We have no choice. Our users can only resent the government if they want to resent. It has nothing to do with us!

What's more, we also show our attitude in doing so, proving that we hope to reach cooperation with Guoxing Technology, at least let Gu Zheng see our sincerity this time.

At the same time, we can also let all users see our attitude and sincerity. We are working hard for our users and are striving for cooperation with Guoxing Technology to provide them with better products and services! "

"Isn't this admitting that we can't realize brain wave manipulation technology at all?"

"Even if we don't admit it, users will still be suspicious. We can't lie about it all the time. That would only be counterproductive!"

"At present, the meeting between our two parties has allowed the capital market to see our attitude, so it can be seen that more people don't care how our technology is obtained, they only need us to provide them with the products they need! And announced There is another advantage to going out!"

"What's the benefit?"

"Transfer the pressure to Guoxing Technology, we have shown sincerity and attitude. If we fail to achieve cooperation in the end, we can say that they speak loudly and deliberately bully us on the basis of technological leadership. Our users can use brain waves to control the system.

In this way, we can guide our users to transfer their grievances to Guoxing Technology, which can suppress the Guoxing brand and erode our market, and resolve the current brand reputation crisis! "

Brad's words touched Rui Klein, he nodded, this may indeed be the best method at present, after all, they have no choice.

Soon, Azure Technology was the first to release the news, and it was confirmed that they would have in-depth cooperation with Guoxing Technology in the field of brain wave manipulation technology, and its official media also issued a positive evaluation of the brain wave manipulation system of Guoxing Technology.

This news really stirred up waves with a single stone. Although it shows that Blue Technology admits that its technology is backward and slapped itself, the news of the cooperation between the two sides has also given hope to users in Europe, the United States and other countries.

They finally have the hope of buying a smart device with a brainwave control system, and the share price of the Blue brand has risen accordingly.

Of course, this news is also good for Guoxing Technology. The recognition of the blue brand has further improved the brand influence of Guoxing Technology in the world, especially in Europe and the United States. It broke the lies of those politicians. From this perspective, the image of Guoxing brand can be restored.

"Weilan Technology has finally done some personnel affairs!" Hu Guyue had nothing to do in the afternoon. Hearing about the raging news today, she ran to Gu Zheng for tea and talked about it.

"Well, they showed some attitude, but they are also doing their wishful thinking!" Gu Zheng drank tea and said with a smile.

He knows that this matter is indeed very beneficial to their Guoxing brand. Although it is not very useful for the controlled European and American markets, it will further promote the markets in other countries and regions.

Moreover, according to the data reported by various regions, the sales of Guoxing brand have shown a different degree of increase after the news appeared, and it is expected that it will continue to rise for some time in the future.

However, Gu Zheng also knows that the people of the blue brand are not stupid. They take the initiative to release the news, in addition to expressing their attitude and facilitating the next negotiation, they also intend to transfer the pressure to Guoxing Technology.

After all, the sanctions are at the national political level, and neither enterprises nor ordinary consumers can control them. Therefore, if Weilan Technology cannot reach cooperation with Guoxing Technology in the end.

The Azure brand will certainly incite public opinion, blame Guoxing Technology for mistakes, and divert user dissatisfaction.

"How to say?" Hu Guyue was a little surprised, he did not expect such a deep level.

"They want to continue the public opinion to create pressure on us, and to facilitate the transfer of internal conflicts in the future!" Gu Zheng roughly said the true intentions of Blue Technology.

"Wipe, you know that these Americans are not so noble!" Hu Guyue said angrily.

"But I don't care. This matter will continue to develop in a direction that is beneficial to us. The rise of Huaxia Technology is inevitable. Sooner or later Western countries will nod to us, and sooner or later they will understand that the market in the field of technology is no longer dominated and controlled by them. leadership.

If you don't cooperate with China for a win-win situation, you will perish yourself.

And to be honest, I didn't deliberately hold on to the technology of the brainwave control system. I dabble in the field of science and technology. In fact, it is all for the game industry in the final analysis. I also hope that everyone can play games better and have a better gaming experience. As for national contests, I really don't want to participate too much in political games! "Gu Zheng said with a smile.

He is telling the truth. The technology he can exchange in the system is enough to overturn the entire world. In the future, all kinds of high-tech industries dominated by foreign countries will inevitably be broken by their Guoxing technology.

When China's technology completely crushes Europe and the United States and other countries, they can only need to cooperate, because if you don't cooperate, you will be left far behind, and one day you will be opened to the country by force.

In Gu Zheng's opinion, the brainwave control system technology is just a small technology, and he doesn't take this technology very seriously at all.

Because the brainwave neural link technology he is currently developing will once again replace today's brainwave manipulation technology in the near future to achieve a more realistic gaming experience.

This technology allows the player's consciousness to truly enter the game world, experiencing not only visual and auditory feedback, but a more comprehensive and true sensory experience.

Gu Zheng believes that with the advent of this technology, Guoxing Technology will become more irreplaceable in the field of games and game equipment, and "Oasis" will also completely dominate the global game industry and be invincible.

The core competitiveness of Guoxing Technology in the future is definitely not only the current ones, so he really does not worry about his future market share, completely surpassing the blue brand, and becoming the world's largest and best-selling equipment brand. It is only a matter of time. .

Based on the voices and actions of Blue Technology in the media, Gu Zheng also accepted interviews with authoritative media from China, Europe and the United States, and responded to the meeting.

In the interview, Gu Zheng stated seriously that he did not want to cooperate with Azure Technology, but hoped to conduct dialogue and cooperation as an equal. Their technology is safe and credible, and their reputation is well-known. They hope that all transactions and cooperation are Honest behavior.

Gu Zheng even stated that he has been striving for dialogue with Western countries, hoping to get fair treatment, and even more hoping to bring better and more favorable products to consumers all over the world, and also hoping to cooperate with more Western companies.

But the prerequisite must be that Western countries face the problem squarely, don't look at Chinese companies with colored glasses, take Guoxing Technology from the sanctions list, and let Guoxing Technology cooperate with Azure Technology and even more companies as an equal. may.

Gu Zheng's response once again raised the enthusiasm of the incident by a level, and also pushed the previously sensitive political topic to the forefront, sparking global discussion.

And China Xia also has dialogues with European and American countries again, hoping that the Western countries will formally their own problems and solve the current problems as soon as possible. However, in the face of public opinion, the European and American countries still choose a strong attitude. However, according to relevant media reports, the two countries have already planned. Meeting and communicating on related issues, as for the outcome, there is no way to know.

As time passed by, the word-of-mouth and popularity of "Oasis" continued to rise, and the first deal was firmly held. The once dominant game industry "Infinite Time and Space" has only been eroded by only one tenth of its share. The number of active players in Huaxia District was only less than 5%. It can be said that it is not far from closing the server.

Since the visit of Weilan Technology, Guoxing Technology has accelerated the research and development of a number of top technologies, especially around the research and development of graphene preparation technology and applications.

Graphene, a special material, is nothing new, and its advantages and the changes it can bring are no longer a secret.

Graphene may be one of the most useful materials in the world. Although it is only one carbon atom thick, it is many times stronger than steel and highly flexible.

Since it was first discovered by researchers in 2004, the list of patents involving graphene has grown exponentially every year. This super material has spawned a technological revolution that truly changed the world. Major countries are also increasing investment in research and development around it. .

However, more than ten years have passed, and various technological breakthroughs on graphene have emerged one after another, but the material has never been commercialized and has not been seen to change the world.

Because the preparation of this material is difficult, mass production is difficult, and the cost is extremely high, this material still exists in the laboratory and exists in some special applications.

It is still very far away from the life of ordinary people.

What Gu Zheng has to do is to truly "come out" this material, to truly change the world, people's lives, and of course the game industry.

Once this material "comes out", it will completely replace electronic devices relying on silicon as a key component.

Nowadays, transistors made of silicon are close to their effective minimum size, which means that the speed of electronic devices will soon drop to a minimum.

If a further breakthrough is to be made, it is necessary to use the ultra-thin nature of graphene to replace silicon in electronic devices to achieve further improvements in the speed of electronic devices.

Moreover, graphene can also switch between insulators and superconductors under certain conditions, which will provide a prerequisite for the emergence of quantum computers.

Not only that, graphene can also build ultra-thin, flexible electronic screens that can be bent at will and are almost unbreakable, which will also bring a technological change to VR smart devices.

The application fields and scope of this material can be said to be very wide, and it is called the king of materials that will bring the next technological revolution.

Of course, Gu Zheng, there is another important reason, which is to realize the connection between electronic devices and the human brain through graphene technology, and realize the possibility of consciousness entering the game world.

Headquarters of Kyoto Shiyu Clothing Co., Ltd.

Wang Shishi is holding a meeting with all high-level officials. She was supposed to prepare for a vacation with Gu Zheng today, but something happened internationally yesterday.

Some Western countries are also doing things again. The major international clothing fast fashion brands jointly announced their boycott of China Cotton, which triggered huge international public opinion for a while.

The influence of this incident also instantly overshadowed the news of the recent meeting between Guoxing Technology and Azure Technology, and became a recent international topic.

Although it is not uncommon for Western countries to do things, various tricks are constantly refreshing the lower limit of Chinese netizens. This time, the false slander made it even more difficult to laugh or cry.

Of course, it also angered hundreds of thousands of Chinese children and aroused everyone's patriotism. For a time, the nation boycotted those international sportswear and fast fashion brands, which also brought a new opportunity for China's apparel brands.

As China's local brand H&R, which is currently able to compete with those international chain fast fashion brands, it is natural to take advantage of this opportunity to completely grab back all the market shares controlled by foreign fast fashion brands, even Let them completely disappear from China's market.

This is a good opportunity, it is a gorgeous counterattack, and a war of national honor.

Therefore, Wang Shishi temporarily changed the formation plan, held a high-level meeting, formulated the next series of strategic goals, and rapidly expanded stores and markets.

And take out the attitude of the Chinese people, they must design more Chinese cultural characteristics of clothing, as well as clothing that can express the current Chinese people's aspirations.

All advertising slogans should also be changed accordingly, speaking for their own country and for their own nation. Although this may lead to a crisis in their overseas stores, Wang Shishi does not care.
