
Game Copy Supplier

[This is a story about using the IP of the previous life film and television drama to make a copy of the game in a parallel world, sling the entire industry] Gu Zheng traveled to the crooked parallel world of the science and technology tree, and the immersive holographic VR online game “Infinite Time and Space” has taken the world by storm. And with the open editor, everyone can participate in the development and creation of the game copy, and this game has unmatched vitality, and it has also made countless famous copy suppliers. And look at how Gu Zheng used the major famous film and television IPs in the past life to set off a copy frenzy in this game world. He is known as the master of plot, mecha design ghost, the father of Transformers, and the creator of the Marvel universe. The copy world he created has even surpassed the main world in popularity. The game props he designed are all very popular and make players crazy. He has repeatedly broken the price ceiling of game props. He is the man who has subverted the entire game industry by his own power! [Leave aside the clothes of the game, this is still a warm, loving, relaxed and humorous story! ] ----------------------------------------- I'm back, message to the readers Hey, everyone! Long time no see, right? I've had some personal issues and ended up taking a break for a while, but I'm back! I'm excited to pick up where we left off. I have a special request for you all: I'm planning to review all the chapters, but there's a small obstacle—I'm not fluent in English. So, I thought about asking for your help. If anyone is willing to collaborate, please comment on the paragraphs with any errors you find. I promise to do my best to correct each one. I appreciate everyone's understanding and support in advance. I can't wait to get back. Thank you

Rak_MTL · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

Game Copy Supplier

"What the hell?" Gu Zheng really felt weird. This Rui Klein was coming to visit him, was this guy taking the wrong medicine, or the sun came out from the west.

In fact, if it weren't for the competition between each other and Rui Klein's disgusting things, Gu Zheng didn't have much hostility towards Rui Klein.

And from a certain point of view, thanks to this guy's assists, I have today's "Oasis."

If it weren't for this guy's brain damage and messing around, making "Infinite Time and Space" unpopular, and players complaining, his "Oasis" would not have completed the great goal of dominating the game industry so quickly.

But Gu Zheng knows very well that Rui Klein hates him deeply. The competitive relationship between the two companies will only become fiercer, and the market erosion of WLK Group by his company will only increase.

So it was really magical that Rui Klein was coming to visit him.

But he was also very curious about which Rui Klein was singing, and decided to talk to him for a while.

In the morning two days later, Rui Klein took his "mission" members to the building of the headquarters of Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment.

Gu Zheng and several senior executives of the company received them here.

"I'm very surprised that Mr. Rui will come to visit me. I don't like to go around corners, so is there any purpose for Mr. Rui to come here this time?" Gu Zheng said bluntly.

There was some speculation in his heart that Rui Klein was definitely not here to fight with him, then there was only one other possibility-cooperation.

As for where they want to cooperate, Gu Zheng thinks that the biggest possibility is the brainwave operating system. Of course, it is also possible to cooperate in the field of games.

After all, "Infinite Time" will completely decline sooner or later.

"I like Mr. Gu's straightforwardness very much, so we are straight to the point. This time we are here to hope that we can cooperate with your company in the field of VR smart devices!" Rui Klein said with a smile.


Gu Zheng knew that they wanted the authorization of their brainwave manipulation technology.

As for the bargaining chips they discussed with themselves, Gu Zheng could also guess that the European and American markets.

At present, due to the interference of political forces, the Guoxing brand is included in the sanctions list. Guoxing Technology cannot fully enter the European and American markets at all. It will not be possible to make money in these two major markets for at least the next few years.

Even if Guoxing is leading in technology, it cannot help the power of the country.

"So, instead of giving up such a big market, it is better to cooperate with us. You can earn license fees for every piece of equipment we sell, and the profit of the whole market is also very huge, so that both of us can cooperate and achieve a win-win situation!" Rui Klein said.

Gu Zheng smiled, but Rui's words were exactly what he expected. Not to mention that these bandits suppressed their own companies and products, they are still here to talk about the so-called cooperation with himself.

Is this called cooperation?

This is clearly an unequal treaty.

You do not allow me to enter your market normally, but you want me to take out new technologies to stabilize your market. Although you promise to license fees, the transaction and cooperation itself are based on unequal and unfair conditions. How can we achieve win-win cooperation?

If Gu Zheng's technology was not given by the system, if he didn't make money from games, and if his technology was not far ahead, he would have been killed by sanctions a long time ago.

At present, Guoxing Technology has been able to equalize with the blue brand by virtue of its excellent product quality and leading technology, as well as the complementarity of the "Oasis" game.

"It's very simple to cooperate. I have three requirements. First, open your market, let our Guoxing brand compete fairly with your Azure brand, and let users choose freely. Second, we will not just do brain wave control systems. Authorization is the authorization of the entire operating system. In addition to software, this set of technologies also involves a lot of supporting hardware. They are all our patented technologies, which also need to be provided by us, otherwise you have no choice. Third, you are right Product promotion must be clarified and indicate the relevant technology authorized by our Guoxing brand." Gu Zheng said lightly.

Rui Klein thought too simple, thinking that he would happily cooperate with them for the money.

What Gu Zheng wants is respect and fairness. If you don't open the market and give me equal rights, cooperation will be avoided.

Moreover, it is even more impossible for the other party to control this single technology authorization by brainwaves, because it is difficult for oneself to control the follow-up, and it is easy to be exploited by the blue brand.

However, the entire operating system is directly authorized, so that it is almost impossible for the blue brand to do things.

Of course, according to the meaning of taking care of Zheng, the blue brand is almost equivalent to hanging a name, and most of the technology is from the Guoxing brand.

And open the market, not to mention whether the U.S. government can agree, even if they agree, they can't do that. Isn't that really attracting wolves into the room and completely taking away their market?

Gu Zheng's words made Rui Klein and the members of the "mission" look down, especially Rui Klein, with a hint of anger flashing in his eyes.

Although he knew that this negotiation would be very difficult and Gu Zheng would definitely make a lot of unreasonable demands, he couldn't help being angry when he heard Gu Zheng's request at this time.

"Mr. Gu!" said a middle-aged man with brown hair. His name is Brad. He is a director and one of the senior leaders of the Azure brand. "We really want to discuss cooperation with your company this time. About you You should also be aware that this is a national-level matter, and it may be difficult for us to control it. Moreover, if we cooperate, it is actually equivalent to sharing this part of the market together. It is just a change of form and we sell All of your products have your profit in it. Isn't that all happy. As for the last two requirements, I think we can talk about it in detail and make a plan that is better for both of us and maximizes the benefits. How do you like it?"

"This gentleman, if you are really sincere, go and work hard instead of doing nothing and telling me that you can't do it. Neither you nor I are children. You understand the stakes and the underlying implications. The instigator, so I think you will find a way for your government to give a better solution, instead of unreasonably framing duties and framing us, and trampling on the fairness we deserve!" Gu Zheng said strongly. .

Since he chose to put sanctions on the first point, he naturally cares about it the most. If you tell me no, then it's a fart.

I would rather let your part of the market, not earn your share of money, but also smash with you, let your technology lag behind us, and the final result will only be that you fall further and further.

One day, you will beg for our technology.

Upon hearing Gu Zheng's words, Rui Klein said with an uncomfortable expression: "Gu Zheng, we have come over a long distance, with full sincerity, and for the sake of our common interests, we come here with you..."

"Fart!" Gu Zheng interrupted Rui Klein, "Find out, you are not for the benefit of both parties, but for your own benefit!"

"I know you may be angry right now, and even think that my request is excessive and rude.

But please think about it, what would it look like if the roles of both of us were reversed?

You said you want to cooperate with us, but what about your sincerity?

I didn't even hear the most basic apology. Our company, our Guoxing brand was framed, spilled dirty water, was groundlessly abused and responsible, and was maliciously vilified and sanctioned. Whose problem is it?

Excuse me, everyone here, don't you have any points in your mind?

But so far, I have not received any apology from any organization or individual, let alone see your sincerity in cooperating with us? "Gu Zheng's words directly drained Rui Klein and the members of the "corps".

Indeed, today's negotiations are based on the premise that the Guoxing brand has been maliciously excluded and suppressed, and even unprovoked sanctions.

The people of Blue Technology seem to have come to give people opportunities for cooperation and market dividends, but it is like you stabbed people and then came to give painkillers. Also, I hope people are grateful to Dade and think you are giving charcoal in snow?

"Ahem, I am very sorry about the previous incident, Mr. Gu, there are indeed many misunderstandings, but because of the political problems between countries, we are helpless in this situation. I hope you understand and please believe me. The sincerity of our visit this time. Regarding the issue of sanctions, we will do everything we can to give Guoxing a fair market and a just ruling. But you know that it will take a certain amount of time. I hope Mr. Gu can consider it in many ways. You can also understand our situation and helplessness. We sat down calmly and talked about how to achieve a real win-win situation!" The middle-aged man named Brad squeezed a smile and tried to show his kindness and kindness. Sincerity.

Gu Zheng didn't change his face, and Gu Jing didn't change his face. Of course he knew that when this matter rose to the national level, Azure Technology was no longer able to completely control the situation. There will always be victims in the contest between countries.

Just like those previous suppliers of Guoxing Technology also lost a lot of China market.

This kind of war without gunpowder will inevitably have an impact on the market and the economy. This is especially true for their top technologies and companies.

But he also has to breathe out for himself and China, and work hard for his innocence.

"Sorry, the first requirement is a prerequisite. If your company wants to continue talking with us, please persuade your government to come over again!" Gu Zheng resolutely said.

They want to talk about cooperation easily. There is no such easy thing. Now it is you who are asking me and embarrassing you. Those are all elementary tests. It is to toss you a hundred and eighty times, so that you should slap yourself in the face. .

Rui Klein's face was already full of anger, but he forcibly resisted the attack. Brad and the "missions" looked at each other. They also knew that this negotiation would be embarrassed by Guoxing Technology. It's hard to talk about the result.

But they didn't expect the result to be worse than they expected. Obviously, they thought of Gu Zheng too simple. He didn't even want to cooperate with them at all. Whether they can get the authorization of Guoxing Technology, I am afraid it is unknown.

"In that case, today's conversation will come to an end for the time being. I think we may be able to find a better time to meet again and have a chat. Of course, we will also seriously consider your requests, especially the first One item!" Brad said.

He didn't say anything to death. After all, he has put down his posture and can't make the situation worse. Perhaps after Gu Zheng vented his emotions today, after thinking about it rationally, he felt that cooperation was better, and he chose to regress?

In addition, they also need to go back to discuss countermeasures and come up with some so-called "being hungry" gestures to promote the possibility of future cooperation.

In short, everything is for the Azure brand, in order to restore their brand image and market position.

After leaving the Zhengfeng Huyu Building, Rui Klein was furious and full of swear words.

He really felt like he had nowhere to vent the fire. He also hated Gu Zheng even more, and his teeth were itchy. After returning to the hotel, he logged in to "Oasis" and was about to log out of his account, and never played "Oasis" again. oasis".

But when he entered "Oasis", he couldn't bear it anymore, and then he played the game inexplicably, forgetting what he had just logged into the game for.

"Damn it, this circumvention software is really not easy to use!" Rui Klein complained. Soon after, he was happily like a second fool because he opened the box and picked a rare item.

The first negotiation between the blue brand and the Guoxing brand ended in failure.

The news of the high-level talks between the two companies was also noticed by the media and reported it, which caused quite a stir for a while.

The industry has speculated about the reasons for the two companies meeting.

And because the meeting place was photographed at the Zhengfeng Huyu Building, many people mistakenly believed that the two companies were going to talk about the two games "Oasis" and "Infinite Time", and guessed whether the two sides have the possibility of cooperation in some way.

However, some people have guessed that it may be that Blue Technology is seeking authorization for the brain wave control system. Blue Technology may not be able to develop a brain wave control system at all, and chose to cooperate with Guoxing Technology, a deadly enemy.

In short, the meeting between the two companies satisfied the hearts of countless people. For a time, rumors and speculations emerged endlessly.

But what people did not expect was that after the news broke, the stocks of the Azure brand and Infinite Time began to rise all the way, which Rui Klein really did not expect.

He was also very happy when he heard the news, who had just returned to China.

"It can be seen that the capital market is looking forward to the cooperation between our two companies!" Brad said.

Other senior executives also responded: "Yes, in fact, our users don't care whether we have developed our own brainwave control system. They only need to meet the needs, as long as we get the authorization to provide the brainwave control function, and When the price is reasonable, our users will pay the bill obediently, after all, they also know that they have no choice!"

"It's just that it's really difficult to get the authorization. We can't really open up the market. Then we will really lose our position!" Rui Klein said.
