
Galen Demons

After his adoptive parents are killed by demon hunters, Galen vows revenge when he is rescued by powerful demons, who teach him the art of power and manipulation. Galen arrives in Rocacielo City, where he meets Alex, a demon hunter whom everyone is afraid of. The two will discover the truth of who they are and unmask the entanglements of the past.

Charly93 · LGBT+
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47 Chs

47. Galen

As we continued down the street, the tensions between us were just beginning to dissipate when suddenly the atmosphere changed. A dark shadow enveloped the street, and a group of black-clad figures emerged from the shadows. Their faces remained hidden under hoods, and the darkness of their attire contrasted sharply with the dim light of the street lamps.

A shiver ran down my spine as the hooded group approached. They were no mere passersby; something darker was driving them. The tension in the air thickened, and the feeling that we were not welcome took hold.

Before I could react, the group attacked. Bursts of dark energy shot toward us, forcing us to dodge and counterattack. The street became a makeshift battlefield, and the sound of fighting echoed in the stillness of the night.

"Get ready! " I shouted, channeling my ability to fend off the dark attacks heading our way.