
Galen Demons

After his adoptive parents are killed by demon hunters, Galen vows revenge when he is rescued by powerful demons, who teach him the art of power and manipulation. Galen arrives in Rocacielo City, where he meets Alex, a demon hunter whom everyone is afraid of. The two will discover the truth of who they are and unmask the entanglements of the past.

Charly93 · LGBT+
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47 Chs

46. Galen

I settled Alex on the bed, feeling the fatigue permeating his every gesture. The room was plunged into gloom, illuminated only by the flicker of a candle dancing in the breeze. Incense floated in the air as she secured the sheets around Alex, watching over his well-deserved rest.

Silence echoed in the room, interrupted only by the distant murmur of the city. I carefully moved the worn utensils around the small kitchen, preparing a comforting breakfast with herbs and spices. I knew Alex would need strength to face what was to come.

As the fragrances mingled in the air, restlessness washed over me. I had to go to the guild and find out what had happened to the other infected.

Alex, peeking out from the doorway of the room, looked at me with curiosity and concern.

"Galen, what are you up to?" he asked.

"I need answers, Alex. I'll go to the guild, I just don't want to leave you alone."