
Galaxy Wolf Mates

AidenWehmeyer · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 3, The Pregnancy

While she was fighting, someone asked her name and she said it's Gale. So one day when Gale is fighting she saw some Vampires and untied them. But a week later they sneak into her home and ask about a threesome. Gale then says sure and they try it, it was Gale and two other guys. When they got to it they started doing blow job's and they lick Gales pussy. Then they start fucking and it got really messy because they had no rubber. So cum got everywhere even in Gales pussy and the sperm attached to her egg. But then one week later she takes a pregnancy test and it comes back positive. So this means she has to hide to not get hunted so she moved in with the vamps. They took good care of her and rubbed her belly a lot.

hope this fine and inappropriate

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