
Galaxy Wolf Mates

AidenWehmeyer · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 2, A New Life

She was then brought into the world and is a new life. But her differences help her through life and year one through three. She was growing faster than others. So she was put in 7th grade when she was 10 because how smart she is. But when she was 20 shit happened and she discovered more about herself. Her powers had killed her father and whole school so she moved away. Then when she got there a bunch of people were being bitches. Here's the thing though one day in three zero grade, she got fed up and started cussing out others. So she got a asd (after school detention) and got grounded for the rest of the year. When she was older she had moved out and fought with her powers.

This might be a bit confusing. But I'm trying.

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