
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Sam: Sholeen's side

Sam and the others have reached the north side of the intake world which is called Sholeen 's side.It called that because Sholeen is the in full control of the north side.

As they are driving Sam look around.Seeing four large spaceship which are all blue (Because that the galaxy colour of Aria,it even sometimes called the blue galaxy because in A1(which was the first planet to be discovered in Aria) they discovered it had water because in all the planets humans lived in,they is no water in the planet so they had to make water with AQ.So when they found out it had water they thought the entire galaxy had water so people started calling it" true water galaxy"and then changed to "water galaxy "and then changed again to "blue galaxy " and then it was discovered that the entire galaxy doesn't have water,only five planet have water and they are A1,A2,W1,W2,and W3.

As they reach a place that looked like a city. There was a huge wall surrounding the city and the well was white with golden flowers and it had a huge gate and huge spikes on top of the wall and 10 Ski2(a Ski2 is a huge 1000 km gun that can destroy a airplane with one shoot) surrounding the top of the wall

"It really idiotic to build city in intake world"said Leo

"Yeah,and why would the master of current give them the money to build it "said Sam.He looked at Jack, who looked annoyed about what Sam and Leo are saying.And then he looked at Leo who was hiding her smile with her hand at was leaning at the window.

"She is in joying this."thorough Sam as he looked at Leo who begin to giggle."She is such a child....but what happened to them to be so angry at each other ...but Jack is really mad because he talk to Leo normally while Leo is ....it not like she is busy swearing at him...not in front of him..."thought Sam but stopped because he saw Jack tipping his finger,one eyebrow looked mad while the other looked relaxed .

"Oh, this is bad because the reason why his one eyebrow looks mad and the other relaxed is because I think he knows that when he gets angry he can't control himself,I don't know what he would do but maybe he would even kill us but because he has his mouth open means two things either he wants to shut to us or he want to xshut(meaning to tell the car to stop)but he doesn't look like someone who would stop the car at a time like this,but that the thing I don't really know him , Just in case I should try to district him "thorough Sam but in his long thought they have reached the gate which had warriors standing there.

"Sorry,but vehicles are not are banned from the city"said one of the warrior

"Come on,why is the world taking my babys"said Jack

"Well, that fixes the problem "thought Sam but sayed it out loud.

"How does this fix a problem when it making a problem"said Jack

"....I was talking about something else"said Sam

"Like, what"said Jack

"Ok, Sammie boy time to thank of what problem we have ...."thought Sam but stopped when he saw Leo crying and shouted "the princess of L12 has been taken to the south side, please we have to find her quickly and to do that we need your help "

Sam look at her surprised.

"Ok, well tell the captain that your coming"said that one warrior

So they came out of the car.The other warrior opened the huge gate and when she opened the gate huge wind came out blow at them.Leo was still crying and whispered "that won't help" as the wind blow on her red hair and the tears on her face doing something Sam fears the most.

To be continued.....