
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs


In a RX war spaceship, a planer is telling her new team the mission and that planer was called Mie and the team was called team 6.

"Ok,the mission is that in canI a warrior from Balmoral has been spotted and you have hunted him down and bring him here"said Mie

"Ok, planer can I ask you something "said a little boy with golden hair

"Yes, you may ask"said Mie

"Come on,Lanel don't mass with the planer with your idiotic questions "said the girl with red hair who was one year younger than Mie meaning 19

"Come on,let Lanel ask his questions"said a boy with green hair who was a the same age as the girl

"But Rain you know his questions are all ways stupid "said the red hair girl

"No,there not they are most smarts questions you have heard of ,it just that you don't understand them ,so you make as if I asked a dumb question "said Lanel

"Did you just say I am dumb ?"said the red girl as she stool up want to Lanel

And she was close to him so close she had to look down to even see Lanel and Lanel was looking up to see her.

"I didn't say you are dumb ,I just said your questions are dumb"said Lanel

"My question?!"said the red hair girl

"No,I mean ....my... question "said Lanel

"Thank you,for telling the truth "said the red hair girl and walks a way with a smile on his face

"No,I didn't mean it that way"said Lanel

Then the red hair want back to him but this time is looked like she stopped because Mie said "Hi, Rain can I ask you a question"

"Yes, you may"said Rain

"Why do you have the name of the rich family in Aria ,are you..."said Mie but before she could finish Rain said "No,I am not part of that Rain, it just were I leaved in can5 you would have nickname coming from how the weather was when you were born "

"Ok,It is just a nickname,so your from can5"said Mie

"Yes,Is there a problem,Miss?"said Rain

"The can5 is a planet is a planet with no technology that just means they may not know about the other galaxy meaning his not a that Rain but I think he should change his before he gets killed for it "through Mie

Then suddenly a girl comes in and shouted"Why are you here , guys with this ...!!"

"Mazel,We told you we are not going to do your plan "said the red hair girl

"Why you little b..."said Maxel but before she could finish Mie said"Hi,Are you one of the team 6 ?"

"Yes"said Mazel

"So why didn't you come to the meeting?"said Mie

"Because this is not team 6 "said Maxel

"What do you mean?"said Mie

"Yeah, What do you mean "said the red hair girl as she lets Lanel go and then when she doesn't see Lanel ,he points a middle finger to her .She goes for Maxel but Rain stops her by pulling her hair and said "Came down, Red and Maxel just because Bam is not here and Rodin is die doesn't mean...." but then Maxel throws a small blade that almost hits Red's face making her more mad .

"Rain,let go of me "said Red as she makes a punch but Rain didn't let go.Then Lanel holds his hand and said "Rain, You know Bam would not allow want Maxel just did "

After that Rain looks down and then let's go of Red

"You are going to pay for what you did "said Red

"No, your going to pay for betray team 6 "said Mazel

"Betraying what..."said Red as throw a punch...

"Stop !!! "shouted Mie and then thought"The reason why I picked this mission (planers can pick mission) is because I can't find the Cody, meaning his in a different galaxy, that coward so Cat said she needed a machine to help her connect to other galaxys but it only found at can1 .But if they are going to keep fighting like this,I am never going to find it "

"You can't come here and start a fight with my men ,if you want to talk with them you have to be part of the team ?"said Mie and when Maxel looked at her with deadly eyes and then Mie hided herself with a book.

"I can still see you and ....."said Max but before she could continue alarm start ringing and say[WE ARE GETTING TAKE OVER BY THE ARIA ]

To be continued .....