
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Max: Kenneth's plan

So Max and Cody were at the king's room it had a normal looking bad and five chairs and one of them is big with the girl bepoop and Kenneth who is being called King.

Then Kenneth want poured something that looked white.And want and sat on a big chair .

"Ok,now you may sit down", said Kenneth

So than Cody want sat on the chair and the bepoop girl want and len to the wall and Max keeps on standing.

"What, where is the human I said I want you to bring " asked Kenneth

"Oh, we found him first but that guy said that he doesn't like standing in one place so he tried going away but a we try to stop him but he was to strong "said the girl bepoop

"Well, but I know where he is"said Kenneth

"So..."said the girl bepoop but Max stops her by shouting"What going on Kenneth why are you are live and why are they calling you king .And don't you dare ignore me"

"Looks like the one and only Max is still with us hahaha you haven't changed "said Kenneth with a smile and the he continues "Ok, first let me tell you about the my father the king of the bepoop who was the last person to rule the bepoop planet.He..."said Kenneth but is stops him by say "I have all ready told them the story about your father"

"Ok, thank for tell me "said Kenneth

"You are thankful but why does it look like you didn't like it"said the girl bepoop

"Ok, Oklahoma I don't like it "said Kenneth

"Well, that for ignoring my love "said Oklahoma pointing to Cody

"What I am not your lover "said Cody with a suprise look.

"Oh,This is how you treat me when they are another people...oh.. how dare you"said Oklahoma and runs away crying

And then Cody runs after her.

"Where are you going Cody , you know she is faking right?"said Max

"But what if she is really crying "said Cody

"Your I a idiot "said Max

Then found her self with Kenneth.She sit down.

"You may continue"said Max

"Ok,So me and my siblings had the same power to move are souls to another body.But for as to do that we needed two things happen first it to remove a soul from a baby by using removeable "said Kenneth

"Why would you do that "through Max but she doesn't say it because she doesn't want to open that can of worms.

"Why not just kill it then removing it soul"asked Max just wanting to know why but still fearing the answer

"It because if we enter the body we will die with it .By the way you were looking at me I feel like you didn't hear what I was say in the second part"said Kenneth

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking of something"said Max

"I will say it again.The second thing that must happen is the only people we can enter the there body is a person with the same bloodline as us "said Kenneth

Max was a feared to ask this question but she pushed herself to say it "So that means to do this thing you must kill your own baby "

"Yes "said Kenneth like it was nothing

She wanted to change the topic but she wanted to know this "They why did you enter in to human body "asked Max

"I was suddenly killed and someone had killed all the bodys I have .So I want to this human body."said Kenneth

"But you said you can only enter a body with your bloodline.So how could you enter this and how could you enter will it was the was still in the worm ?"asked Max

"I don't know how I could enter his body but the reason why I could enter in the worm is because someone used removeable on the baby "said Kenneth

"What how could do that?"asked Max

"I don't know but in my time as a soul before entering this body I saw a man with golden hair using the remakeable on the mother's for this body while she was a sleep "said Kenneth

"A person with golden hair...hum..have you seen him around the house at the time you lived there?"said Max

"No,I saw him only that time "said Kenneth

Then it became quite.

"So now that you are back to being a king what are you going to do now?"asked Max

"Oh, yeah I forgot tell you my plan"said Kenneth with a smile

"What plan?"asked Max

"I am going to take over the all the 8 galaxys"said Kenneth

"What "said Max shocked

"Let me explain how I am going to do that.First I needed to go get my power .And I need was something to keep them busy with and what if one of the most important person.And what would you know I have a princess and the child to the must powerful family and hair to L12"said Kenneth

"What you trying to kidnap me"said Max as try to searches for of something to use as a weapon but she has nothing on her backpack

"No ,To the outside world it looks like I kidnapped you but no,I am going to help you find earth.I think you forgot I am the ruler of the second most powerful species.So want do you say you can leave which is very easy or let me help you find earth?"said Kenneth

Max thought"Well,We did came here to get help from the bepoop but I try to run away from a prison only of me to get in to another one but luckily I can get out easily in this one"

"Ok,Yes Help me find earth "said Max

To be continued....