
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:The talk about the 8 galaxy

Cody was at the hallway because he was looking for the girl bepoop .

"Come on, where are you.I can't leave you crying it not the Aria's way of living "said Cody

Then suddenly Cody feels something landing on top of him.He looks up and finally find Oklahoma sitting on top of his shoulders .

"What is the Aria's way of living?"asked Oklahoma

"It when you send joy to everyone you meet like Aria"said Cody with a big smile and then he continues"and where were you "

"I was there "said Oklahoma pointing to the roof

"How did you get to the roof, what did you use bepoop magic or something"said Cody.The roof was really high up and it has a huge painting of Ren holding a sword.

"Yes,I used magic but not 'bepoop magic 'but love .My love for you picked me up to the roof "said Oklahoma

"Love picked her up come on who is she trying to fool but I have to remember that she is a different species that has a body that doesn't work like humans .So she could be telling the truth "thought Cody

"Just joking,I.."said Oklahoma but stops when Cody throws her to the floor and said"What do you mean it was a joke "

"What obviously is was a joke,a person who can believe that is a fool ..oh..my back "said Oklahoma

"How can a person like that be a fool?"asked Cody

"What did you believe me... hahaha come on Cody .Obviously I was hiding on top of that painting"said Oklahoma well laughing on the floor

"Then how did you reach up the roof?"asked Cody

"Because we bepoop can jump really high "said Oklahoma

"Okay,I see now "said Cody as he thinks"yeah I'm a fool"

"You are a fool and good person your going to die really quickly here "said Oklahoma with a smile

"I will never die as long as I fellow the Aria's way of living"asked Cody and thought"Wish I was truly like that"

"You didn't finish telling what is 'Aria's way of living ' some kind of religion?"said Oklahoma

"The Aria's way of living comes from a character Aria from the a book called Aria's journey .It become a very popular book because of the main character's name which was the same as the galaxy well and people loved the reason why Aria was fighting is because he wants to stop the Glolp for taking over the galaxy but he never kills them because he wants to send joy all around the universe and if he kills the Glolp the Glolp's children will be feeling sadness.And that why I am going to be a warrior like Aria "said Cody

"Where is Aria the galaxy?"said Oklahoma

"It were we are living right now "said Cody

"What really,Can you tell me the name of all galaxy "said Oklahoma

"Ok, First you have to know that galaxys put in to sections which are called south, north ,east, west .

In the north section there is Landou and Nantgarve .

And in the east section there is Goldenleaf and Onryn

And then there is west section where there is Erast and Balmoral (that where Bam and Mie here)"

And then lastly there is Aria and Caerdydd "said Cody

Then there came Max running

"What are doing here? "said Max

"We should be asking you that"said Cody

"No,I should because obviously I have been looking for you"said Max

"Why is there a problem?"asked Oklahoma

"No, Kenneth is looking for you"said Max

"Ok,let go"said Cody

So Max want first and then Cody and Oklahoma followed .

"Ohh yeah , You said you want to be like Aria who has never killed a person but you have"said Oklahoma

"I wanted to forget about that mistake"thought Cody as they walk to meet Kenneth.