
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:The meeting

So Cody has been told the plan.Cody and Max where sitting in a chairs facing Ren who was sitting at a window and Oklahoma was sitting on top of Cody's chair and they were guards on the another side of the door

"What , you what to take over the universe but why"said Cody

"Well, first I wanted to destroy it but then I saw how interesting it is so I saw it be a waste to destroy it"said Ren and then he became quite"and the another reason it you see my older sibling is making a fool of my father's legacy and I would go to war with him but he too strong so he can keep his kingdom well I make a empire out of Nantgarve"

"What first you wanted to destroy the universe ,do you really think your that powerful to destroy whole universe "said Max

"No,It not that I think I can destroy a universe I know I can destroy the universe if I wanted to, but not with fighting power but with the ex power because I have learnt that I really that strong for my siblings but how can blame me I am the' last born' if that how it said "said Ren

"What is ex?"asked Cody

"Ohh,I so sorry I meant mind power,it just been a long time since I spoke your human language "said Ren

It been 2 year since Ren was where people thought Ren was died.And Cody could see that with Ren like his long hair that almost reached to his feet.

Cody is happy that Ren is alive now he can pay him back for saving his life like a real worrier.

"Ok,Now back to the topic "said Max

"The first step of my plan is to take intake world "said Ren

"What you want to go to war with the north side "said Cody

"Oh, yeah we have asked if his going to join us with this plan "said Max

"Oh,I thought he was following you but if you say we have to ask than it looks like I was wrong,so Cody are you going to join us "said Ren

As he sayed that the atmosphere changes.Everyone was looking at Cody.Max was just looking at with really a care in her eyes if Cody was to join or not but she was looking Cody's hand really tetley so Cody didn't really understand what her deal.But the anothers Cody could see what there deal was and it was like Cody had one choice if he doesn't choose that one choice his die.Like Oklahoma was stepping on Max's AQ that Cody still had meaning he could not take the AQ out of his pocket and Kenneth was took a small hummer he had for some reason.

Cody first thought that he was going to throw the hammer at him but the hammer looked like it could not kill him so he was not planning to throw it.Then Cody was confused why he took out a small hammer.Then Cody looked around.

"Why is he holding a small hummer.Ok,I know it will not kill me if he throws it at me ...ohh..but he can smash the window and take the small piece of the window at my eyes...but that not possible but he is a different species so he...no remember when I use that knowledge on Oklahoma being able to fly and I was wrong at that...but she said that bepoop can jump really meaning they could really...no, know that I think about that wouldn't work...But he could use the hummer to smash the window but not to kill me with the window piece but to smash the window which makes noise and then the guards will come running and I wouldn't be able to use the AQ because been for I could get Oklahoma's foot of the AQ the guard would be already be in the room and shoot me "said Cody

But still even if they didn't do that he would have said Yes because he wants to pay back Max and Ren .Max because he made her come with him to die here with him and Ren because he saved his life when he first came to the south side.And they could help help him and Max find earth and then maybe this feeling he has been feeling can finally be gone.

"Hey,Cody are you listening I asked if it is yes or no "said Oklahoma from a top of Cody and her face close to Cody's face and her horns (boy bepoop grow their horns at there back and they cover they hips and girls grow their horns at the back of the head and cover they four head )were almost going to cut Cody

"What you think I would live my dearly"said Cody

"What does that mean?"asked Max with a confuses face

"It means yes "said Oklahoma with a huge smile

"Well, let celebrate "said Ren

"What, why ?"said Cody

"We have to celebrate our partnership of you and Max"said Ren and continues"Oklahoma can we please have a drink to celebrate our partnership "

"Mumm..is this 'celebrate' made just for you to have a reason to drink "said Oklahoma

"Come on, Oklahoma don't you want to celebrate our partnership what do you hate Cody and Max besides it been years since I had a drink "said Ren

"You just had a drink two days ago because you said that we needed to have a little drink to celebrate journey before we go to the huge river (the bepoop call the cuter) "shouted Oklahoma

but she continues"Your lucky I am having great day "

"Hehehe,come on we also want to have a great day"said Ren

Oklahoma jump of the top of the chair and than looked back at Cody and said"Well, you miss me?"

"For a minute now she was planning to kill me "through Cody but said"I am all ready doing that"

"What going on first you call her dearly and now this are you two dating "

Then Cody looked down and was trying to make words came on and it sounded like this"N.....No....We ...sh...no...we...wer.....j...j...ju... just....hav...no.. playing around"

"I am glad I thought you were going to leave me"said Max

"No,I will never leave you "said Max

"Ok, here are the drink "said Oklahoma

Then Ren jumped of his chair

"Yes, want took you so long "said Ren

"Are you really Kenneth "asked Max

"Ok,come let drink "said Oklahoma as she purrs the drink to herself,Max and Cody but Ren takes the whole bottle

"Alright everyone cheers "said Ren

"Cheers!!"said Max, Oklahoma and Cody

To be continued.....