
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Cody:Indawo embi

Master Leeside was human

Master Leeside was wearing a white lock on his neck and a black pant and a military shirt it was from Aria galaxy empire which was white with a blue line.

"Why does he have a Aria military shirt does that mean his is a worrier or was a worrier,who is this man "said Cody as he looks up down at his master as if he is some kind of toy.Cody looks down at Master Leeside and something takes his attention

"Is he wearing flip flops with long pant ,oh my god who old is this guy? (that because in the old days this was coolest thing)how can he even run in that? What are you thinking Cody obviously his wearing this because his old idiot "thought Cody

Well Cody was scanning and thinking idiotic things and Master Leeside pulls Cody's hair up.

"What are ... you doing? that hurts"said Cody as his hair was pulled so high that his feet couldn't touch the ground.Suddleny Oklahoma pinched Master Leeside and then he let go of Cody's hair.

"Came on ,Lee don't do that to my darling"said Oklahoma as she pulls down Cody's and continues to say"Now I know he short but please don't.."

"Who short!?"said Cody in anger

"Your short ..."said Oklahoma and looks at Cody quietly because of Cody being angering then she smiles awkwardly and says"But your my short darling "

"Oh,I see you have found a new darling hahaha you truly can share your love "said Master Leeside and want and sat down on a nearby pot plant and takes out his pot-smoke and put it in his mouth and smokes it and raise large smoke , continues to say"Sorry, Student I just don't like short people and when people look at me for too long"

"His prejudice against short people and why doesn't he want people to look at him for too long does he think he is the sun..and I am not short or am I ...but I must not say anything bad because his my master "thought Cody as he looks down at Master Leeside smoking a pot-smoke.

"Then I am sorry master "said Cody

"Thanks for understanding "said Master Leeside

So Andrew walk towards them with Max .Max was a long yellow dress with white flower marks all over.

"You finally look like a princess because when I first saw you I thought you where some worrier that through they can fight us alone "said Oklahoma

"hahaha So my princess's beauty didn't give you any clue "said Max

"Beauty?"said Oklahoma

"Yes, My beauty "said Max

Oklahoma became quite for a moment.

"Your beauty?"asked Oklahoma confused

"Are you saying that or are you asking that?"said Max

Oklahoma see that Max is angering.

Oklahoma looked around and saw that everyone was looking down or looking the other way except Ren, who was confused as to what is happening.So Oklahoma quickly ran to Ren and started a conversation with him ignoring Max.

"Are you saying it or are you asking!?!!??"shouted Max as she is ignored.

Cody can see that Max is becoming more angered and so he goes to talk with her.

"So where are you going?"said Cody

"How did know I was going?"said Max

"Well,You not the kind of to wear dresses"said Cody

"What!,I do wear dresses"said Max

"No,I mean ...I mean those kind of dresses"said Cody

"long dress?.. oh so you what to see my legs"said Max smile and then became quite and blushed then it became awkward .

"Max really are good at making awkward moment...let try saving us for this awkward moment..let see what can we talk about"thought Cody

"How is your new trainer ?"said Max as she looks at Master Leeside weirdly

"Why is she looking at him like he some kind of thing?"thought Cody

"Do look at him to much "said Cody

"Ok"said Max

"Your going to do that"said Cody

"Yeah"said Max confused

"I don't understand why he doesn't want to be looked at "said Cody

"Well,It obvious he doesn't like people looking at because if they looking at him there must be thinking about him and what if the things they thinking about is something bad ...so I kind of understand him"said Max

"Yeah,I kind of do to ....back to the topic you haven't answered my question "said Cody

"Oh,Kenny and I are going to the Daemarrel kingdom"said Max

"Is it risky to take you some where ?"said Cody

"What do you mean 'risk' "said Max

"Well, you are the princess meaning that they are searching for you "said Cody

"Yes,but I don't think they are searching at the south side "said Max

"Ok, you can go "said Cody

"I wasn't asking for your permission "said Max

Suddenly two big spiders caring box came from the gate.Then Ren clapped his hands to get everyone attention and said "Now Max and Oklahoma it time to go , Leeside I hope you have a great trip and train him well "said Ren and then ladders come from the box on top of the big spiders and Oklahoma takes Max and then clime the ladders and then Ren looks at Cody "Now I hope you win this tournament and then we will win the war at the north side"

"Do you think so "said Cody

"Do say that because Max is going to kill you"said Ren and clime the ladder and wave goodbye to them as he enter the box on top.

"Good bye,Cody"said Max as get out his head out of the box waving goodbye.

Cody waved goodbye to them.

"Now it time for us to go , you two "said Master Leeside after taking a good smoke that what Cody thinks.

"What do you mean 'go'? "said Cody

"I mean you,me and Andrew go to the Divorcedplay where the tournament will begin...."said Master Leeside and stopped talking, looked up at the orange sky and took another smoke of pot-smoke and continued speaking "....than we will go to Indawo embi village for your training "

"Mr Cody, you do you think you are that strong that you could fight in a tournament while training in the Indawo embi village and if and that a large if you win this tournament you will go to the harder war ...so can you really do it ?"said Andrew

Cody looked at Andrew with anger in his eyes and said"I...I am going to win the tournament....no,I have to win the war ,I need to become a worrier ...so I have to do it or die doing it "

Then Master Leeside came close to Cody and smoked his pot-smoke and rise a large smoke and said "Your a D worrier am I correct?"

"Yes, your are correct"said Cody

"I really hated it when they call me that and now my master is calling me that "thought Cody

"Then you have never seen war ,so tell me why do you say you are not afraid of death ?"asked Master Leeside as he came closer to Cody then Cody moved back

"I don't think am not afraid of death, I know am not afraid of death "said Cody

"And why are you not afraid of death ... you haven't answered my question "said Master Leeside

"Because why would I be afraid of death if a have seen a devil "said Cody

"What a devil?"said Andrew confused

"Oh,I see then"said Master Leeside as he his orange eyes are widen and he smiles.

"Now came,We have place to go"said Master Leeside as he claimed the spiderbig and enters the box on top.

"Yes, Mr Leeside"said Andrew as she entered the spiderbig

"Yes,let go!!!!"shouted Cody

To be continued....