
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:1 day ////

Cody looked up and saw Oklahoma and Andrew . Andrew putted out her hand towards Cody.Cody took her hand and Andrew picked him up .As he is picked up by Andrew ,he sees the ceiling.The ceiling had a huge thing that looked like nothing but was something it eyes were blood red diamonds and it was printed gold.

"Came Mr Cody the princess is looking for you"said Andrew

Cody looked at Andrew surprised.

"What the matter Cody ?"asked Andrew as she lets go of Cody's hand.

"Does she really wants me back after want I did?"thought Cody ,his head want down along with his eyes.

"Come on,let go back to my brother's room"said Oklahoma and suddenly pulled Cody and runs away.

"Wait, Oklahoma I can walk on my own...arh.. come on !!"said Cody as he is pulled out of the water chamber but before they could leave Andrew suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Miss Oklahoma could please let go of Mr Cody can't you see that he want to hold your....I can't even say "said Andrew.Andrew is a worrier who was with Captain and Troy Molina "New boy " that battled with Cody. Meaning she was a bepoop and she had green eyes and large blonde hair and was wearing the Norfolk army uniform which had a black jacket that was painted on the left side of the jacket and it was a middle sword and around the sword was four dots that were colour black symbol of the Norfolk kingdom,red symbols of the Firedern kingdom,green symbol of the Daemarrel kingdom and white symbol of the Ravat kingdom this thing was the old flag from the great kingdom called Kelar kingdom and on the right side was a symbol of power but it was written in the bepoop language.

Oklahoma pulled Cody until the hallway that had a Cody's room.

"This girl is strong I can't even remove hand but she is really slow if I was the one running we would have reached 1 hour ago because in my home planet when we playing running games I would all way win ...and my mother would.."thought Cody suddenly Cody fall down and also Oklahoma.

"Ahh,who did that ?"said Cody as he looked up he saw a small bepoop standing by window with her foot on way.She was one of the servant from the trioment.Trioment are the three most powerful bepoop in Norfolk kingdom under Oklahoma and Ren.This girl name was Lilly Rose,the first hand servant from Denise Hampton the trioment of finance.

"Why you little Lilly girl?!"said Cody as he stood up and came closer to her.

"My baby girl Lilly,why did you trap your mother and father"said Oklahoma as stood up and quickly hugged Lilly before Cody could came closer to Lilly.

"Father!?,I can very get use to her calling me... that name.I first thought she really was a kid of hers but no ... "thought Cody but stopped his line of thought because Ren opened the door called them "Now Oklahoma I ordered to bring Cody before I blinked "

Oklahoma and Lilly quickly stopped what they were doing looked at Ren and Lilly quickly looked down.

"I am sorry it just Cody was taking his time and I could not force him to came"said Oklahoma

"Stop lying it was that brat who made us late "said Cody

"I am sorry to disturb them "said Lilly and then looked up just for a moment and quickly looked down and continued speaking"Your spirit ....they ... calling you "

"It fine I will talk with Denise "said Ren

"It doesn't matter came in "said Max and wave her hand.Cody and Oklahoma walked to room.Andrew came also walking with Troy but at the back of them of them was ...

"No,I was not send by master but the ..."said Lilly but suddenly stopped because of the person that send and that was the queen of Norfolk.

"He was sent by me "said the queen

Ren looked back at her his eyes full with anger.

"What do you want?"said Ren

"It..."said the Queen

"Did you just use the poor girl just of nothing"said Ren

"Tell me ...why are you planning on going to war with the humans "said The queen

"Who told you!?"said Ren

"Why would you do that the human are helping us fight the rebellion at Firedern"said The queen

"Max have the humans end the war with bepoop ? "said Ren

"No"said Max

"So I am just fighting..."said Ren

"Ravat would not allow this..."said Queen

"I don't care what my older sibling thinks about this because my older sibling can keep this kingdom because I am going to make a empire "said Ren

"This meeting has been cancelled "said Ren and walkes away also Max and everyone and Cody was left alone ,he want back to his room.





Now it was the day Cody finally trains and becomes a true worrier.

Cody woke up with joy in his eyes.

"Today is finally the day I get to train"said Cody

Then someone knocked the door.

"Come in,Why does everyone like coming in my room"said Cody

"Who said this was your room?"said Oklahoma as she enter the room

"Then who's room is it then? "said Cody

Then Oklahoma pointed at the picture and said "Kvitova Black is the best friend of the king and my brother"said Oklahoma

"Who is that?"said Cody

"Cody the trainer has come!! "shouted Andrew

"Well,then you can ask your trainer hahaha I give you a topic starter for you "said Oklahoma smiled and then suddenly jumped on the bed and pulled Cody.

"Not again "said Cody as he is pulled out of the room and so they reached the outside where Cody's master is standing with Ren and Ren give him a letter to Cody's master.

"Hello, Master Leeside I am your new student"said Cody

To be continued....