
Gacha System:One Piece

MC is reincarnated in one piece with a gacha system

Gloomy_Guy · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Momo 3


Heading towards the wooden box where the blankets were placed I covered Momo up and then began to prepare dinner

With thoughts of instantly seducing Momo with my no doubt amazing cooking skills I began to prepare a simple soup

After a while, I began to realize something very unusual the soup was room temperature at best no matter how long it cooked it wasn't hot

However, the soup was done so I brought some for Momo


Momo POV:

I watch from the bed Kaito and the doctor had later me in as Kaito cooks just from observing him from here I could tell he had heavily impaired vision

The way he cut the vegetables for the soup was very clumsy he went unusually slow when cutting and would fumble around at times when reaching for items

Alongside the fact he would smell or pat things down as if to confirm what he had grabbed

As he finished up cooking he headed towards me with the bowl of soup my gaze was pulled towards the absurd amount of steam coming from both the soup bowl and the pot he had made it in

It was very strange how cold it was in the house outside it was rather hot the drastic difference in temperature should have been impossible

It was like walking through that door was the boundary between winter and summer

When he finally arrived near me and handed me the soup I couldn't help but notice the coolness of his skin it was very strange even if he was constantly in this cold area he was rather heavily dressed

He wore a heavy winter coat that went down to his knees left open to reveal his shirt and the upper half of his pants

Looking at his silver eyes slightly crinkled from the friendly smile he flashed towards me I couldn't help but feel a little confused his eyes weren't staring at me but slightly to the left of me

Ignoring the strangeness of that I look towards the bowl with a small wooden spoon resting in it the soup just holding it near my face made me feel like I was going to be steamed to death

The chunks of vegetables floating at the top were all cut in uneven pieces some had half-chopped pieces hanging off from an incomplete cut

The taste was delicious that is if you had only ever eaten nuts and berries for your entire life even then this wouldn't be that special just a pleasant surprise

But for me it was hardly edible even the less than appetizing war rations were better than this, the meat and vegetables were somehow both overcooked and undercooked the fact such a thing could happen was quite shocking

How could such a contradiction occur? Wasn't it supposed to be one or the other?

Is this brought by talent? Is he so untalented at cooking that he became talented at making terrible food? The taste itself wasn't bad it was rather average however literally everything else was terrible

"Is it good?" The evil ruiner of food asked with a smile as though he hadn't a clue about the monstrosities he had brought upon this land

"…" I stare towards him whilst I chew on a tough piece of meat he has now sat down near me with his bowl of soup

"It's good," I say after swallowing not having the heart to tell the ruiner of his crimes against humanity

"Splendid!" He states clapping his hands together causing the spoon in his hand to fall to the floor

"Do you want to talk about my future intentions regarding you now or after we finish eating?" He questioned me ignoring the spoon he dropped

"..I…" I begin to speak however something he did shocks me instead of picking up his previously dropped spoon out of thin air an entirely different one forms in his hand

It takes about half a second for it to form after which he digs into the soup resting on his lap once more awaiting my response

"How did you do that? Do you have a quirk similar to my own? Does this world even have quirks?" I rapidly question his actions reminding me of the new world I have arrived in

Did this world also have quirks was it that quirks were a natural occurrence in every world like the trees I saw on the way to the doctors and here

I knew that my quirk was perfectly functioning I had briefly tested that while he was cooking making a slim and short thread of yarn to make sure

"No this world doesn't have quirks should I explain the powers in this world to you?" He responded after a second of silence

"Please do explain the basics of this world and I would also like an explanation on you and the gacha system if you could" I state with all the sincerity I could muster I could tell that Kaito wasn't normal

The doctor had mentioned a name referring to him that wasn't Kaito however before he could fully say it he corrected himself

Not only that the Doctor mentioned the dangers of taking care of me and how much "Arlong" would charge him would increase again

"Well to start things off I'm not from this world, like you I come from a different world however most of the things from my past world are irrelevant what is However is the anime and manga from there" he says taking a dramatic pause

"Momo this world and the one you came from are almost exact replicas of the anime and manga do you understand how we could take advantage of my knowledge?" He stated something absurd but the fact that I'm in a completely different world confirmed his words

I don't care that my world was just a story in His previous world the chances of that happening with how large the universe is aren't small at all it was still a crazy idea though

Shaking off my shock at the crazy revelation I begin to think of what to say "What is this world like then?" I already knew what he said was true how else could he know my name? Even if it was from the system that didn't matter

"This world is pretty cool! There are 3 main forces, Marine's which are connected to the world government, the World Government itself which I'll tell you more about later, and finally the Revolutionary Army they are trying to dismantle the world government mainly because of the world nobles AKA Celestial Dragons" he explains taking a small pause before continuing

"The power system in this world is very simple excluding complex martial techniques, this world has 2 different forms of power Haki which has 3 types, And devil fruits which also have 3 types some types of devil fruits have subtypes however those aren't important for now"

"One form of haki is Observation, which grants a sixth sense that allows you to predict attacks and sense strength alongside emotions if you advance this it's possible to predict the future as well!"

I cannot help but think of Nighteye's quirk when he mentions that part of it even if a little watered-down

"The second form of haki is Armament, it can coat parts of the body as well as weapons and other objects acting like an invisible armor providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities this haki is also the most vital as it can be used to attack devil fruit users that usually can't be harmed by physical attacks"

"The last form of haki is very special it can only be used by those born with it unlike the past 2 which can be used by anyone who properly trains to obtain them this last one is conqueror haki it exerts the user's willpower on others if advanced it can be infused just like armament haki"

"What's the last form of haki called" I question feeling a bit aggrieved about the pause he had taken to eat some more of the abomination he called soup

"Conquerors Haki" he stopped his eating motion and started to look towards me without speaking for a moment

"Don't get your hopes up and think you have that form of haki it's only possessed by 1 out of several million or something like that, instead of focusing on that I would much rather move on to the devil fruit category, I'll make this very short since I want to move on to my plans" his seeming impatience too discuss his plans make me feel very curious what could he be planning?

"Ok so the very basics of devil fruit is this," he says raising his arm toward my face and raising one finger

"Devil fruits when eaten will grant the eater the power that it possesses these powers are broken down into 3 categories Paramecia, Zoan, And lastly Logia" After finishing his statement he raises a second finger

"Now the biggest weaknesses of devil fruit users are just 2 things the sea itself which is a huge problem considering this world is made up of mostly sea, And sea stone a mineral that can weaken devil fruit users just like the sea itself!" He finally drops his hand letting out a sigh and visibly deflating

"Now the devil fruit types are pretty easy to tell apart if I had to put it in terms familiar to you Paramecia are for the most part similar to emitter quirks" his disinterest in explaining this vital information annoyed me quite a bit

"While Zoan devil fruits are similar to a mix of mutant and transformation type Zoan allow you to transform into whatever animal your fruit is based off of which can range from a literal human, a normal dog breed, lions and other such beast, and finally mythical creatures and dinosaurs!" The possibility of eating a devil fruit just to become a chihuahua sounded terrible

"Now the Devil fruit type I don't think correlates to your quirk system is Logia it allows you to become a natural element such as ice or even magma"

"Now that the useless chitchat is up may we discuss my hopeful endeavors?" His boredom with having to explain this world power system was quite evident

"What makes you so eager to talk about your plans?" I ask feeling very rushed

"Ok Imma be straight with you…" he pauses dramatically putting his hand inside his winter coat

Whipping his hand out of his coat there are 2 translucent pamphlets? "I have the training manual for both observation and armament Haki but I'm blind so I can't read them" As he finishes this he has his head down in grief

"But beyond that, as I stated before I have extensive knowledge about this world, and quite honestly just here in the East Blue there are quite a few great opportunities, First and foremost there is a huge chance that we could take immense advantage of"

"What exactly is that Kaito?" I question deciding to play along with his dramatics

"We could obtain the Flame Logia Devil fruit!!!" He whisper shouts leaning towards me

"…" I just stare at him in confusion why was that so important?

"Listen Momo Logia devil fruit users can only be harmed in 3 possibly 4 ways, Quite honestly the 4th option is confusing it only happened once from what I remember and didn't make sense however the other 3 ways are confirmed strategies" his confusion regarding the 4th option was apparent

"Now to physically harm a Logia user with 100% success you must either have the opposing elements such as water with fire or rubber with electricity, As I briefly mentioned before sea stone can weaken devil fruit users and as a result can also harm Logia its special properties allow it to act like armament haki which is the 3rd way to harm logia and pretty much make the fight even ignoring the control and materialization of the devil fruits element"

"Now that you know that information I'll inform you of something very funny about this sea area…"

"NO ONE KNOWS HAKI HERE" That meant Logia users were practically invincible here blocking out Kaito's mad cackling in the background i tried to process all of the new information I had learned about