
Gacha In Marvel and the Multiverse

Mc gets transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a Gacha system,Watch as our MC battles against all odds to fight through the events of Marvel Tags: No Harem,Multiversal story,Weak to strong.Gacha with template World: Main or first world: Marvel Second World:MHA or can be discussed in comments Third world:Recommend

Smalltimewriter · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 97

I woke up with a small jump in my steps this particular day, why you ask? Its because my life is going back on track

Not like it was being derailed before, but you get it, right!

I am now going for my first lecture, i only need to give a few of these lecture in a month and thats it

I waved goodbye to Nanami Kento who was putting on his uniform for the day, i swear the bastard has a masochistic tendency to work himself to death

Speaking of this guy, i gave him the marine Six styles notes in hopes that he can re create them, which will allow me to see if 'my people' can learn it or not

"Bye" i waved as i closed the door on my way out

It didnt take long to come out, i lovingly touched my car, With a simple touch the car came to life as i left the garage leaving a trail behind

It feels nice to drive in a long time, i am all for flying and such, but driving a car is also a nice feeling

It didnt take me long to arrive at the university,



"Whoa! Who's car is that?" A girl asked curiously as she saw a beautiful Gt Premium

"Who knows, maybe its some senior, or perhaps a new junior" another guy spoke as he looked at the car driving away enviously

Tom who was passing by the students couldnt help but feel good, it felt good to be rich

And he was crazy rich considering how many shares in various super industries he had

Parking the car at the parking, Tom walked out

"Hey dude! Nice ride " a guy came up to Tom,

"Thanks, bought it myself" Tom who looked like a young man, and was a young man was obviously mistaken as a student by this guy

Tom also hadnt been provided with a parking spot yet so he parked in the same area as the other leading to this misunderstanding

"Are you freshman as well!" Asked the young man

Tom also studied the boy, especially his cursed energy level, it wasnt much , but looked much more bolder for some reason

Before he could answer, the boy had already changed the subject, it seemed that he was the talkative type

"I was supposed to meet up with my friend , we were supposed to be walking to our first class together, but his phone died i guess…"

Tom didnt bother and kept listening to the kid

Advising him along the way on various things , as he found out the kid was a student of his class as well

The two finally arrived in the room

The new kid walked in and soon found his friends, started talking to them and soon forgot about the exitence of Tom who waited outside the class

Soon the class started to fill itself

It didnt take long for his previous students to come


Everyone except Peter was surprised as they didnt expect Tom to be the one teaching them

"Haha! We meet again"

Tom smiled as he was greeted by his favorite students, hus guinea pigs and Gacha point cows

Peter Parker, the spider man with the biggest contribution

Mary Jane Watson, A side character but still good enough

Harry Osborn, Another side character with a huge potential

Ned Fatso, a side character that had a good development in comics

Gwen Stacy, a good candidate

Flash Thompson, Another side character and perhaps a user of venom if it existed

"Its an honor to be taught by you, Sir"

Peter smiled as he said

"Likewise, i hope you all will be able to excel and make a name for yourselves"

"Sir what subjects are you teaching besides this one!" Asked Gwen

"For now only this one but i might change my mind later on" Tom replied and he wasnt kidding

Since knowing that this world wasn't complete MCU, Tom decided to look for potential people he could have interactions with

He had already confirmed the existence of Mutants and the fantastic four,

"Alright, go in, i will be there in a minute"

Tom gave Thompson a look as well,not expecting this guy to be tbe type to study these kinds of subjects

'Damn AU'

'Why do i feel like the professor doesnt like me!?' Flash thought as he also walked in


Meanhwile on the other side of New York,

Nanami Kento was sighing in frustration as he looked at a puking kid

This particular kid had a smal elf owl perched on his shoulder


'I need a raise…'


Hey guys, I have recently made a Patreon,you can check it out if you want,it has eight advanced chapters if you are interested https://www.paitreon.com/Smalltimewriter Remove the i from patreooon Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter