

Cilia gave it all to protect her sister and other women and their child from her so called friend but in the end, she was doomed to die in her friend and her fiancé hands and what worse, all the blame of the illegal experiment on pregnant woman came over her after her death while the real culprit continued to have a good life. A famous scientist was now a dead criminal with no one to pity her. Later after one month she was reincarnated in one of the child bodies with all her previous memories who was a test subject under her friend, Zina, who was crazy about creating children with amazing genes to rule the world. Fortunately, because her past self saved many pregnant women, she also saved her reincarnated self from Zina hands. Cilia was now Cynthia, the first successful experiment subject of Zina. Her appearance differed from normal person. Unique appearance and an IQ that left her previous IQ far behind. And also, a great physical strength. She was the perfect human, no… a puppet created by Lina, who was now her own boss. Her aim in this life was to defeat the crazy humans experimenting over innocent children even before their birth and let everyone know that Cilia, who died miserably and was wronged was not the real criminal. She wanted to get rid of the criminal tag from her previous life and later live a simple and peaceful life but things didn’t go her way. It started to go wrong when her dear big brother Jess disappeared suddenly and lustful eyes of her relatives started to aim for her parent’s business. It become hard to sit by and just care about her business as she has been doing while putting an introvert tag over herself. So, she got involved in her family business matter and there was another goal, that appeared before her – it was to find her brother. Trouble came knocking her always closed doors when a really rude, self-centred guy met her coincidently. He was similar to her as he has been experimented over which left a big flaw over his body and disabled him from having physical contact with any person. But that egoistic man started to cling on her when he found her touch comfortable and later it began with him forcing a kiss on her with a pretty boy look. It would have been good if not for that guy. She gained a lot of attention and a lot of haters mostly jealous woman. While trying to eliminate those thirsty people who were crazy over human body, Cynthia who was more like a robot with no emotions came to fell in love with a guy and they both got entangled in each other journey. Previously, she used to beg for others life and after dying she realized that begging won’t help. She needs to kill all the obstacles in her path and reach her goal. Can Cynthia still be able to achieve her aim when the crazy scientists will come to know that she is their first successful experiment with no flaw?                                  

Ananya_Mk · Urban
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252 Chs

Meeting at the café

Cynthia Cress was famous for being an introvert but the real reason was not her introvert nature rather her psychological fear of facing the same world which called her monstrous and a criminal that kept her inside her room.

After she died, all the crime that Zina had committed came upon her.

Medias, news and public screamed and called her monster and all of these things were known to her after she was reincarnated.

Should she feel unfair and disgust toward the society that loathed her and even forced her mother to commit suicide out of desperation and depression?

She saw everything clearly on the news as a two-month-old child.

How her mother died and how the medias called her death as something she deserved for being a criminal mother.

No matter what she thought and what she wanted to do, as a small child, she could only cry until her eyes swelled and she felt tired of crying endlessly from the sorrow that only she has held in her heart.

The feeling of disgust toward the world remained and even now she felt extremely traumatic if someone mocked her unintentionally and called her a monster.

She experienced it once when she was in her kindergarten school. Because of her ability to memorize and more because she was an adult mentally, some children mocked her by calling a monster.

She was agitated and felt crazy almost hitting those kids until blood gushed out of their lips and nose from her continuous punch on their face.

Later, she stopped going school.

Thanks to her kind parents and an understanding brother, she could skip schools yet had the qualification to enter the college because of her parents' money.

Genuinely, it was illegal to help your kid enter the college with bribe but there was no other way for them.

They can't just leave their daughter as an uneducated girl in face of society that gives more value to degree then skills.

And finally, Cynthia decided to move forward and join her college just like others.

In her parents' eyes, it appeared that Cynthia wanted to help them and they were also happy for their daughter who would finally lead a happy and normal life like other kids rather than hiding inside her room and pulling all those experiment that only geniuses has ever done.

But the reality was different. Cynthia finally walked out of her house with an aim of revenge and also a goal to find her brother.

Her parents were quite emotional when she finally left for the Onlon city top university.

She was a 2nd year student at science branch of the Onlon university and has barely managed to pass the 1st year thanks to her brother.

Even she knew that without appearing in exam next time, even her brother could not help her neither her parents.

Cynthia in a white hoodie and shorts, walked inside the café outside the Onlon university where she was asked to meet her online friend, who was more like an enemy.

She was wearing glasses and appeared like a study nerd. Her beautiful face was hidden under her hoodie and glasses, giving her a bore look.

Inside the café, everything was decorated and the most important thing was that everything looked neat and clean.

She fixed her glasses and looked around.

White inner layout and sophisticated chairs and tables for students to have their drinks while relaxing.

The two-storey building was from top to bottom used for café purpose. It was designed in such a way where customers from above could see the customers sitting on the down floor.

She walked upstairs taking the spiral stairs and reached the second table with only one guy, whose eyes were sparkling and staring down at the entrance door of the café.

For today Cynthia specially went 20 minutes before her classes starts just to meet the childish guy who haven't even seen her standing in front of him yet.

Behind him, two more men on a different table were sitting and they three looked related to each other.

Cynthia could guess that much after seeing the two men disguise to hide their face, but their eyes were set at the entrance door just like the one in front of her.

Since their back was facing her, she couldn't see their face but she fixed her glasses and looked straight at the things appearing digitally in front of her eyes.




Her digital spectacles that looked completely normal was something she invented for herself.

It can also be called illegal because right now such normal looking spectacles was yet to come in market and those glasses that do identify people is not used by citizens by the law of government. Since it was an act of looking inside others private life without permission.