
Future: The Scribes rising

Luke is a ‘normal’ teenager by the age of 16 the only difference is that he has already found an occupation, as a game tester for biggest craze right now ‘Future’. ‘Future’ is said to be a full-dive MMORPG which in itself is nothing as that has been possible for a few thousands of years already, no what makes people crazy about it is that they promise that you shall be able to use and have your own system which you have in the real world thanks to the cohabitation agreement between humans and the system race, a race with just systems. But this is not the most important thing that is that the positive thing will be transmitted between the game and the real world. Follow Luke with the ‘worst’ and ‘hardest’ job known to all people and systems alike. Extra tags: #word heavy (feeling), #loli, #milf, #VR, #games ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Picture is not mine and all credit goes towards it creator.

Dao_Creation_God · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Got the job and info dump

Luke couldn't help but refresh his mail every few seconds to see if he had got a mail from the company behind 'Future' which itself is shrouded in mystery were the government is protecting it in all ways possible.

Luke is around 1.75 meters tall with gold blonde hair which goes bellow his shoulders, clear crystal blue eyes and should be around an 7 or 8 of 10, a little above average.

But would you see him now you would think that he has been running a marathon for hours upon hours without a break in full speed because of all the sweat which are coming from the top of his head where he is sitting before is 'computer' in his one room apartment.

But you can't blame Luke since he hopes to be one of the 1 billion people who gets the job as a game tester for 'Future' you need to know that if was said that around 5 trillion people gave an application to become a game tester the first 5 minutes of it coming out, and by the end time the advertisement for the job they had over 50 trillion application by people between the ages of 16 and 83. Which still is nothing when the human race has around 1.5 ~ 2.5 trillion births every hour and around 0.5 ~ 1.0 trillion natural deaths every hour, and that the human race has already long since crossed 1 decillion[1] mark.

Ding! New mail!

Luke checked and saw it was from 'Future', Luke could barely hold his Excitement and started reading.

"Hello sir Luke we are happy to tell you that you have gotten the job of 'Game Tester' for 'Future'. Your first day is in 2 days at XXXXX in XXXXX city on planet XXXXXXX. Your day will begin by 8 in the morning and end by 4 in the afternoon without breaks since you will sleep in the newest and best full-dive capsule which will take care of you for those 8 hours. After those hours we ask you to answer an open question on what you think can be better in some way or another. The time difference will be 1 second here is a 24 hours cycle there. By the end of your time as a 'Game Tester' will you get paid with a wage of 1500 Credits[2] an hour 7 days a week after taxes. In the attached file you can read upon the things you need to be wary of and things like that. SINCERELY- 'Future' committee"

"HOLY SHIT! I got the job, YEEESSSS!"

"Now what is it in this file they sent with the mail?"

"You should that cultivation is possible, but that most people can't do that as it is too expensive and the 'Qi´s' are scarce, the world in the 'game' has plenty of 'Spiritual'- ; 'Spirit' - ; 'Soul'- ; 'Body' - ; and 'Elemental' – Qi´s, so you can choose whatever way you wanna cultivate as long as you don't have special physique, when you come to that world so will you know how to start cultivating instinctively. Before that you will need to know how the first level of cultivation works because that is when you choose what you will cultivate in the future until you become a Nascent cultivator to rebuild the foundation 1 time to cultivate in the next thing with the first one then 2 major realms more to do it again then 20 major realms more to do it again and later 100 major realm to do it again and then you are cultivating in everything. But we digress we start to tell you about the beginning the first major realm is 'Foundation choosing' which only is one realm which will start you cultivation journey. Then comes 'Foundation setting up' or more commonly known as 'Body tempering realm' these are the 2 realms you need to know of currently, the 'Foundation choosing' realm is what makes you able to cultivate if you wanna and the heavenly Dao will tell you what foundation you should choose if you have special physique otherwise so will we send it to you through the system. In 'Body tempering' realm so will you use the 9 basic elements their derivatives and the combinations of them as long as you don't have a special physique since then so will have that element and yin – yang from the 9 basic elements. The 9 basic elements are as follows time, space, yin, yang, fire, earth, metal, water, wood with time and space not having any derivatives."

"Hmm, this looks fun but also a pain."

"The basic elements, their derivatives and combinations have different 'energy-values', fire; earth; metal; water; and wood have a 'energy-value' between 1.0 – 1.9, it has an 'energy-value' of 1.0 when you use as little as possible when you use it in setting it up and an 'energy-value' of 1.9 when it is at the most extreme. Time; space; yin; and yang has an 'energy-value' of 5.0 – 10.0 in a similar fashion. The derivatives of fire; earth; metal; water; and wood has an 'energy-value' of 2.5 – 15.0 in the same fashion. Combinations work differently the first combo of 2 is the 2 of them together as 1+1 for example but it will become more and more the more you use for a combo in the case of for so will it be (1 + 1) * (1*3) * (1*4), a more concrete example would be as a combo with the most extreme of all elements WITHOUT their derivatives would be: 1.9 + 1.9 = 3.8, 1.9 * 3 = 5.7, 1.9 * 4 = 7.6, 1.9 * 5 = 9.5, 10 * 6 = 60, 10 * 7 = 70, 10 * 8 = 80, 10 * 9 = 90, so in the end the total is 3.8 * 5.7 * 7.6 * 9.5 * 60 * 70 * 80 * 90 = 47 290 884 480, so the total 'energy-value' is around 47.3 billion WITHOUT the derivatives but this would be one of the strongest towards the end, a hard start but strong end."

"Damn, that was much 'energy-value' wonder how much time that would be…"

"'Energy-value' is a simple term we use here to demonstrate, the person with the worst talent EVER with this combination would take around 14 445 years with a production of 0.1 'energy-value' every second an average talent have an 'energy-value' production of around 10 per second so that would take around 150 years. This is counted with one combination to the extreme which takes one place. A person without special physique has 9 basic places, 21 derivative places, 1 place for every (2) combo; (3) combo; (4) combo; (5) combo; (6) combo; (7) combo; (8) combo and (9) combo. Most people don't use all places and the few who do most often than not either min-max or min everything almost nobody has maxed everything since the best talent ever had an 'energy-value' production of 100 000 per second still took him almost his whole life from 5 until 1 or 2 years before his lifespan ended if he hadn't broken through."

"That is a big difference between talents, a 10 000 times difference between the worst and best known ones… wonder when they will start about the 'Body tempering' realm?"

"'Body tempering' realm is in 'systems' and every 'system' is a small realm with lesser realms in it whereas the 'Body tempering' realm is a major one. You start with the 'blood system' which includes the blood; heart; veins; arteries; lungs; respiratory channels and last bone marrow, then follows the 'bone system' which includes the bones; ligaments and joints, then 'muscle system' which includes the muscles; skin; and nerves. The following is the 'head system' which includes the brain; ears; eyes; nose and esophagus[3]. Then we have the 'intestine system' which includes stomach; liver; gallbladder; spleen; intestines; rectum and anus. And the last one/ones the 'spiritual system', 'soul system', 'spirit system' and 'body system' one of these or multiple of these 4 are the last 'system'/'systems', the 'spiritual system' follows your meridians and goes to your lower dantian a little over your navel, the 'soul system' goes around the meridians in a spiral clockwise and anticlockwise around the veins and connects to the middle dantian in the breast/ribs it changes a little depending on person from person, the 'spirit system' goes as a tube around the nerves and goes anticlockwise around the meridians against the way the meridians go and clockwise around the veins against the bloodstream and goes to the upper dantian in the skull, and lastly the 'body system' goes as a chicken fence tube around the bones; organs; inside of the veins and goes to were you wants to have your 'body core' (a fake dantian) it can be in one place or many places. These are the 'systems' you NEED to go through you can also add small realms which isn't 'systems' as nails, dick(male), bladder, vagina(female), clitoris(female), womb(female), boobs(female), hair, these are then small realms you can add in the 'body tempering' realm."

"He he he, interesting I can basically change my dick, hair and nails if I want to but should I?"

"The ways to cultivate after 'Body tempering' realm is either Body; spiritual (qi); spirit or soul, the only difference is how you cultivate the realms are the same and the goal is the same to. We recommend you to take the rest of the day and the days before the start of your job to think how you want to cultivate and study the 9 elements. SINCERELY – 'Future' cultivation division committee"

"Okay, as a scribe so does I need to think about this clearly 'Future' may be the only way I can level up. Haaaaaaaaaa, this is gonna be hell."

[1] Central European definition

[2] The new currency of the human race, would be the same as having 1.5 million USD, 1 Credit before taxes would be taxes, food, entertainment and savings for 1 week for a poor family.

[3] Where food goes through