
System workings and more info dump

A few hundred years ago when humans were exploring the universe for more inhabitable planets they found another race, the 'system' race, they are a race of symbiotic non corporeal beings which call themselves 'the systems', when humans found them they were uncertain what they were and if they was peaceful or warlike, so the humans sent an ambassador to talk, and by that talk they got to know of 'the systems' lived and died, how they put a systematic number and name on everything by the way of heavenly Dao it was also at that point humans got to know that the stories of cultivators was real but also how it is almost impossible to become one in the current times since the energies needed for cultivation are almost nonexistent in the present time. But they also got to know it existed more ways than technology and the almost impossible cultivation, by getting into a symbiotic relationship with 'the systems'.

By getting into a symbiotic relationship with 'the systems' you would get a number on your natural lifespan, health points, stamina the gig as in any game but also [LEVEL], a [CLASS] and a [JOB]. The [CLASS] is something which will stay the same if you do not increase your [LEVEL] to certain stages, [CLASS] examples would be swordsman, prostitute, president (1 person at a time, otherwise 'next president'), writer, worker, scribe. A [CLASS] is simply a way for the person in the symbiotic relationship knowing this is your optimal path or this is where you're going end up becoming. An [JOB] is what you are working with and you can have multiple occupations at the same time as mother, parent, workaholic, and businesswoman and so on, an [JOB] can change, be added or removed but a [CLASS] can only evolve or stay the same.

A [CLASS] gives skill depending on the [LEVEL] of the person and certain restrictions, a prostitutes [LEVEL] 1 skill would be [Pregnancy protection] and the restrictions for it would be: Give head 5 times, have sex with 5 different people, take 2 creampies. These restrictions are universal between the [CLASS] and [LEVEL] of all in the same [CLASS].

A [JOB] gives buffs depending on the occupations level, the occupation squire at level 1 with [LEVEL] 1 would give +5% on knight related weapons (swords, polearms…), -5% on magic related spells.

A [JOB] can level up and change while a [CLASS] can evolve from example swordsman towards heavy swordsman and so on.

Here is the thing as humans are humans they like to list and segregate things so they have made lists on [The easiest], [The hardest], [Most common], [The rarest], [Biggest potential] and [Least potential].

Our Luke has the [CLASS] Scribe which is the hardest [CLASS] on the list and one of the top 10 rarest [CLASS] known but also the one with biggest potential and all of this is because of the restrictions for the [LEVEL] 1 skills which is as follows: Know and be proficient more than 99% in at least 5 languages, get a score of at least 85% from the system in painting.

It doesn't look so hard on the surface but you need to know the people who makes the word book is around 85% in the best cases of knowing but the highest proficiencies are around 65% at the best in normal cases for the best of writers, and a score of 85% from the system in painting is basically borderline new master painters since that line is by the score of 83%, but if you were able to fulfill them you would get these sweet skills:

[My experiences are yours: Use your own experiences to get the clean cut information without anything in the way. Gives: Instant learning of that information. Restrictions: [LEVEL] X experiences can only be learnt to [LEVEL] X or higher, needs to be made on parchment with quill.]

[Universal language: Every millimeter is worth a word as they say 'A picture is worth a thousand words', you can 'write' or 'paint' whatever you want and it will be connected to the experiences you wanna give. Restrictions: Made on parchment and quill]

[Experience locking: Can lock your experiences so only people who fulfill the requirements you have for the reading. Restrictions: Needs to be used on parchment with quill and blood as a signature]

All these skills are really good but really hard to get BUT if you write on the parchment and lock it unless people pay 1 credit and you would scan it and put it up on the web so would the locking still work since it is the heavenly Dao who looks over it.

All of this makes the Scribe [CLASS] a really high evaluation in the [Biggest potential] and [The hardest] ranking, but the really big reason it has a really good ranking of the [Biggest potential] list is because it is one of the few [CLASS]'s who has skills from the beginning, namely:

[Deep research/training: Makes user to research or train until one or a few of these statuses gets added: Hunger; Thirst; Sleepiness; Needing to poop/pee; or attacked. Gives: Research/Training +10% per [LEVEL], Focus +10%. Restrictions: Calm environment.]

[Forced research/training: Makes user to research or train until passing out. Gives: Research/Training +25% per [LEVEL], Focus +25%. Restrictions: None, can be used anywhere anytime.]

Neither of them looks good at a first glance but if you think like this: at [LEVEL] 1 you can research 0.1% of a subject per week, with the first skill you start to do 0.11% per week instead, and with the forced one you will make 0.125% per week in efficiency without the 'Focus' stat which adds a little to, and the efficiency will only become better and better the deeper the understanding of the subject is and the higher the [LEVEL] is, this is why Scribe is so high in the [Biggest potential] ranking list.

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