
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Trent the coach

Trent loved his job as a physical fitness coach. He was passionate about helping people live healthy, active lives and he especially loved working with futas. Futas, or women with both male and female anatomy, were often overlooked in the world of fitness, but Trent saw the potential in them. He wanted to show them what their bodies were capable of and help them harness their strength and athleticism.

As he taught his futa clients about different exercises and healthy eating habits, he couldn't help but notice how much they were falling in love with fitness. And not only that, they were falling in love with him too. Trent was a handsome man with a muscular physique and his dedication to fitness only added to his appeal.

But Trent was a married man, and he loved his wife dearly. He never wanted to jeopardize his marriage, so he made sure to keep a professional distance from his clients. However, as he continued to work with the futas, he couldn't ignore the strong connection they had formed. They admired him for his knowledge and passion, and he found himself drawn to their unique bodies and personalities.

One day, as Trent was finishing up a training session with his futa clients, he noticed that they had become quite friendly with his wife. They had struck up a conversation and were laughing and joking together. Trent was surprised but happy to see his students connecting with his wife. It was then that he realized that they weren't just in love with him, but with his wife as well.

As the weeks went by, Trent's wife became a regular at his training sessions. She was fascinated by the futas and they were more than happy to have her join in on their workouts. Trent could see the bond forming between them and he was thrilled. He loved seeing his wife getting along so well with his clients and it only made him love her more.

One day, as Trent arrived home from work, he was greeted by an unexpected sight. All of his futa clients were there, waiting for him and his wife. They were all flushed and out of breath, but their eyes were filled with desire as they looked at Trent. It was clear that they had been engaging in some intense physical activity.

Trent couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that his futas were attracted to him, but he never imagined they would take things this far. He looked at his wife and saw the same desire in her eyes. He knew what he had to do.

He took charge and led all of them to the bedroom. He could see the excitement and anticipation in their eyes as he undressed himself and his wife. One by one, he pleasured each of his futas, showing them the pleasure their bodies were capable of. They all eagerly took turns using his body, and Trent couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction as he saw the results of his hard work.

As the night went on, all of them were exhausted but content. Trent lay in bed with his wife and his futas next to him, basking in the afterglow. He asked them why they did this, and they all replied in unison that they loved him. They loved him for his dedication, his passion, and his ability to bring out the best in them.

Trent knew that he needed to take responsibility for his actions. He couldn't deny the love and desire that all of them had for him. So, he made a decision to open his heart and his home to all of them. He became their mentor, their lover, and their friend. And together, they forged a unique and loving family, bound by their shared love for fitness and each other.