
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Tania with Billy and Barry

Tania always knew she was different. From a young age, she had a secret that she couldn't share with anyone. She was a futa, born with both male and female reproductive organs. It was something she had learned to hide and keep to herself, afraid of how others would react.

But despite this, Tania had a seemingly normal childhood. She grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other, and she was lucky enough to have two childhood friends who were twins, Billy and Barry. They were inseparable and spent almost all their time together.

As they grew older, Tania couldn't shake off the feeling that she was meant to be with her friends in a different way. She had developed a strong attraction to both Billy and Barry, and as she learned more about her unique body, she began to dream of a future where they could all be together.

Tania's feelings only intensified as they entered their teenage years. She found herself getting lost in fantasies of marrying both of them and having a fulfilling and passionate relationship. But she also feared that her friends would never accept her true self.

One day, as they were hanging out at the park, Tania couldn't keep her secret any longer. She took a deep breath and confessed to Billy and Barry that she was a futa. To her surprise, they didn't react with disgust or rejection like she feared. Instead, they were curious and asked her questions, wanting to understand more about her.

As they talked, Tania's hopes grew, and she mustered the courage to tell them about her feelings for them. To her amazement, they both admitted to having feelings for her as well. They had always been attracted to Tania, but were afraid to act on it because they didn't want to risk their friendship.

From that day on, Tania, Billy, and Barry's relationship changed. They started dating, and Tania finally felt like she could be herself without any judgment. They explored each other's bodies and found a deep connection that they had never experienced before.

Their love only grew stronger as they graduated high school and moved in together. Tania was overjoyed to have her childhood dream come true, and they all knew that they were meant to be together.

Now as adults, Tania, Billy, and Barry are happily married and live in their own little bubble of love and acceptance. Tania no longer hides her true self and embraces her futa identity. And they all have lots of passionate and fulfilling sex, just like Tania had always dreamed of.

They may have started out as childhood friends, but they have become so much more. They are a family, bound by love and acceptance, and no one can come between them. Tania couldn't be happier with her life and is grateful to have found her true loves in Billy and Barry.