
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Sawyers's farm

Sawyer had always known that as a young farmer in his small village, he would eventually have to settle down and start a family. But he never could have imagined that he would end up with not one, but two wives.

Being the oldest son in his family, it was expected that Sawyer would take over the family farm and continue the legacy of hard work and dedication. And with that responsibility came the pressure to find a suitable wife who would help him run the farm and raise their future children.

But instead of just one wife, Sawyer's parents had decided that he should have two. And not just any two women, but two futas – women with both male and female anatomy. They believed that this would ensure a strong and plentiful lineage for their family.

At first, Sawyer was hesitant about the idea. He had always dreamed of a traditional marriage with just one woman, but as the eldest son, he had to obey his parents' wishes.

So, on a sunny day in the middle of summer, Sawyer found himself standing at the altar, his two future wives on either side of him. They were both beautiful, with long hair and bright smiles. But what really caught Sawyer's attention was the love and lust in their eyes as they looked at him.

The wedding was small and intimate, with only family and close friends in attendance. Sawyer's two wives stood by his side, their hands intertwined with his, as they exchanged vows and promised to love and cherish each other for eternity.

As the ceremony ended, Sawyer felt a wave of excitement and nervousness wash over him. He was about to embark on a new journey with not one, but two amazing women by his side.

The wedding night was unlike anything Sawyer could have ever imagined. As they entered their bedroom, both of his wives wasted no time in expressing their love and desire for him. They took turns pleasuring him, their passion and energy fueling Sawyer's own desires.

And when they finally came together, all three of them joined in a passionate and intense lovemaking session. Sawyer was amazed by the pleasure and connection he felt with both of his wives, and he knew that he had made the right decision in marrying them.

As the years went by, Sawyer and his two wives worked hard on their farm, building a life together and raising their children. Each of Sawyer's wives had given birth to a beautiful futa child, a little version of themselves with their parents' love and devotion.

And as their children grew up and found love of their own, Sawyer's two wives were by his side, just as in love and lust with him as they were on their wedding day.

Sawyer had never imagined that he would have two wives, let alone two futas who would love and lust for him as much as they did. But as he looked at his family and saw the happiness and love in their eyes, he knew that he wouldn't have it any other way.