
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Heather and kelly

Heather was a young futa with an insatiable hunger for pleasure. She lived with her girlfriend, Kelly, who she often sated her lusts on. But one day, while Heather was away, a keen incubus sensed a true woman in Kelly and couldn't resist the opportunity to have his way with her.

Heather returned home to find the incubus in the midst of pleasuring Kelly. In a fit of rage, she grabbed the incubus and demanded to know how he dared to satisfy his own desires with her girlfriend. The incubus, caught off guard, tried to explain that he couldn't resist the allure of a true woman.

But Heather was not satisfied with his explanation. She knew that the incubus had no right to touch her girlfriend without her permission. In a bold move, she declared that she would keep the incubus and turn him into her own personal cumpump. She would use his nubile body to sate her incredible lust, over and over again.

The incubus, scared and helpless, begged for mercy. But Heather was determined to make him pay for his actions. She used her futa powers to transform him into a cumpump, a being whose sole purpose was to give her pleasure.

From that day on, the incubus was at Heather's mercy. She would use him whenever she pleased, sating her lust in his body and leaving him drained and exhausted. But as time went on, Heather's feelings towards the incubus began to change. She saw him not just as a toy for her pleasure, but as a person who deserved love and affection.

One day, as she was about to use the incubus once again, Heather had a change of heart. She realized that she didn't want to keep using him for her own selfish desires. Instead, she proposed to Kelly, wanting to spend the rest of her life with the woman she loved.

Kelly was surprised but overjoyed by the proposal. She accepted without hesitation. And from that day on, Heather stopped using the incubus for her own pleasure. Instead, she treated him with kindness and affection, giving him a chance to experience love and joy.

The incubus, now turned into a handsome man, was grateful for Heather's act of kindness. He had never experienced love before and was touched by her gesture. He vowed to always protect and serve Heather and Kelly, grateful for their love and acceptance.

As for Heather, she was happy to have found true love and to have rescued the incubus from a life of being used and discarded. She was determined to make up for her past actions by showing him love and affection, knowing that he was more than just a cumpump, but a person deserving of happiness.