
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs


Rance was a young and dangerous man, with a warped sense of pleasure. He didn't care about gender, only about how good his dick felt inside someone. He had no remorse for his actions, and he took what he wanted without hesitation. But that all changed when he stumbled upon a strange couple - a futanari and her husband.

As soon as Rance saw them, he felt a rush of excitement. He had never encountered a futanari before, and he couldn't resist the thought of his dick inside her. Without wasting any time, he attacked the husband, ignoring the protests of the futanari wife who watched in shock.

Rance ravaged the husband, his eyes locked on the futanari's massive meat rod. He could feel the warmth and tightness of the husband's hole, but he knew deep down that the futanari's would be even better. In the midst of his ecstasy, he declared his love for her, even as he continued to rape her husband. The futanari was confused but intrigued by Rance's words, and she couldn't help but feel a stirring in her own body.

Little did she know, Rance had a sinister plan in mind. He wanted the futanari to use her skilled dick to bring his entire harem up to the same standard as her husband. He forced her to rape all of his captured victims, knowing that her touch would make them crave more.

And so, the futanari did as she was told, but she couldn't deny the fire burning inside her. She knew that one day, when Rance had his back turned to rape another victim, she would turn the tables on him. She would make him pay for what he had done to her and her husband.

But as she plotted her revenge, she also made a vow to take care of the harem. She refused to let them suffer under Rance's cruel ways. And so, she stayed with them, along with her husband, to ensure that Rance cared for them with love and tenderness.

And one day, when Rance had his back turned to rape another victim, the futa took her chance. With a fierce determination, she turned the tables on him and raped him in turn. And as he cried out in pain and humiliation, she knew that she had finally gained her revenge.

From that day on, Rance was no longer the feared rapist he once was. The futa had shown him that she was not to be underestimated, and he would never forget the lesson she had taught him.

And as the futanari made sure the harem was satisfied, using her own dick of love, Rance began to change. He couldn't resist the pleasure that the futanari brought him, and he slowly started to feel something he had never felt before - love. He started to take care of his harem, not just for his own pleasure, but because he genuinely cared for them.

The futanari and her husband stayed by Rance's side, watching as he transformed into a better man. And as for Rance, he never forgot the lesson he learned from the futanari - that love could be just as satisfying as pleasure, and that he should never underestimate the power of a futa's love.