
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs


Johnathan had always dreamed of being the one to dominate and impregnate every futanari he came across. He saw them as nothing more than a means to fulfill his sexual desires, and he was determined to make his dream a reality.

He had been traveling for weeks, searching for any futanari who crossed his path. He didn't care if they were willing or not, he saw them all as his prey. But as he roamed the streets of a bustling city, he came across a sight that stopped him in his tracks.

There, in front of him, stood Maria. She was a stunning futa, with long flowing hair and piercing green eyes. But what caught Johnathan's attention the most was the fact that she was the leader of a harem. A harem made up of multiple futanari who were all married to each other in a polygamous relationship.

Johnathan's heart raced with excitement as he realized that he had hit the jackpot. Not only was Maria a futanari herself, but she also had a whole harem of them at her disposal. He knew that he had to have her, and he would do whatever it took to make it happen.

Without a second thought, Johnathan approached Maria and offered to join her harem. He played the part of a charming and submissive man, knowing that it would appeal to Maria's dominant nature. She accepted his offer, and Johnathan couldn't believe his luck.

But his dreams were bigger than his eyes, and he soon found out that Maria was not to be taken lightly. As he began to assert his dominance over the other futa in the harem, Maria sensed danger and immediately took action.

She gathered the other futa in her harem and confronted Johnathan, accusing him of trying to rape her and her harem. Johnathan, who had been so confident in his plan, was now caught off guard and had no choice but to confess his true intentions.

Maria and her harem were enraged, and they quickly turned the tables on Johnathan. They overpowered him and tied him up, ready to make him pay for his disgusting actions.

In a cruel twist of fate, Johnathan was now the one being raped by the very futanari he had planned to dominate. Each member of the harem took turns with him, using him for their own pleasure and leaving him feeling humiliated and broken.

But that wasn't the end of Johnathan's punishment. Maria and her harem decided that they would make him pay in a different way. They forced him to impregnate each and every one of them, with the condition that he would have to raise and care for the children that resulted from their union.

Johnathan was horrified at the thought of having to raise the children of the futanari he had sought to rape. And to make matters worse, one of the futa in the harem, who had taken a liking to him, constantly raped him as a way to assert her dominance over him.

Johnathan's dream of dominating and impregnating futanari had turned into a nightmare. He was now a prisoner in Maria's harem, forced to raise the children of the very futanari he had once seen as nothing more than objects for his own pleasure.

He had learned a harsh lesson that day, that his dreams and ambitions were not worth the pain and suffering he caused others. And as he looked upon the children he now had to raise, he could only hope that one day they would forgive him for his past actions.