
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Frank's love

Frank had always been a loving husband, dedicated to his pregnant wife and their future children. He had a big home prepared for them, with every room filled with love and warmth. As he sat on the porch with his lovely wife, enjoying the peaceful evening, they were both unaware of the danger lurking nearby.

Suddenly, a futanari with a massive cock appeared out of nowhere, shoving Frank's wife down her massive member. Frank's heart raced with fear and anger as he watched his wife being sucked down the futa's massive dick. He knew he had to act fast to save her.

With tears in his eyes, Frank rushed to his wife's side and comforted her, telling her that everything would be alright. But deep down, his anger simmered as he captured the futa and brought her inside their home. He trapped her, determined to keep his wife safe and give her the care she needed, even if it meant keeping the futa in his home.

Days went by and Frank took care of the futa, making sure she had all the food and rest she needed to sustain his wife. Little did he know, the futa also had a husband who had been living inside her balls. They were a nomadic couple, constantly on the move as they didn't have a home to live in.

But now, with Frank's wife pregnant and sustaining herself on the futa's sperm, they had found a safe haven in Frank's home. However, things took a dark turn when the futa's husband noticed Frank's wife one day and started raping Frank's wife's anus.

Frank was helpless on the outside, unable to do anything as his wife was violated by the futa's husband. All he could do was show love and care to the futa, fucking her ass and vagina and feeding her hearty meals to maintain a rich and potent sperm supply.

One day, as Frank was hugging the futanari's massive testicles, he felt a vibration and a glimmer of hope arose in his heart. He knew that his wife had given birth to their child. Despite the circumstances, Frank was overjoyed to become a father and held onto the futanari's testicles with even more love and care.

His joy was short-lived, however, as he realized that his wife had given birth while still being anal raped by the futa's husband. But even in that moment, Frank's wife showed her unwavering love by holding their newborn baby in her arms, while her pussy was still gaping and receiving sperm from the futa.

With determination, Frank knew he had to do something to save his wife and child. Stripping himself naked, he crawled into the futa's cock, determined to find his family and rescue them from this hellish nightmare.

But as he searched, he found the futa's husband still raping his wife's anus. With a surge of anger, Frank pulled them out and managed to save his wife and child. However, he also couldn't ignore the fact that his wife was pregnant again, this time with the futa's child.

Despite his anger towards the futa's husband, Frank knew that they needed a home and a family as much as they did. So, he made the decision to let them live in his home and help raise the children, even if the husband wouldn't stop raping his wife.

In the end, Frank's love and compassion prevailed, and he became a father to not only his own child, but also the futa's and her husband's child. Together, they formed an unconventional and unique family, filled with love, understanding, and forgiveness. And Frank knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always overcome them as a family.