

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Home of the Elves

The forest home for elves was small and meant for training beginners. Saya wasn't sure how many players there were, but a lot were running around. The best part, it didn't lag or glitch anywhere.

"Hey, you're new here, right? What's your name?" Saya was startled by the woman and looked to see an older looking elf with a green dress and blonde hair. The odd thing was she couldn't tell if this was a player or a npc. At least until a naming section popped up. Strange way to name yourself, but Saya liked it.

"I'm Sayame!" Saya said proudly using her normal screen name.

"I'm sorry. I already know someone with that name, can I call you something else?" The elf lady smiled. Saya hated it when her screen name was taken. It was hard thinking of anything else.

"Lily." Her favorite flower.

"I'm sorry. I already know someone with that name, can I call you something else?" Saya tried not to take it personal, but she did have a temper at times.

"Hero." ... "I'm sorry..."



"Soul!!" Saya was practically screaming at the elf woman.

"Nice to meet you, Soul." The elf finally said. Saya didn't love it but at this point, she was happy to have any name.

"I know the keeper summoned you, but please see Darth, the blacksmith before you go." The woman pointed at a tree with metal built around it in a circle and a man hammering next to a fire.

"Thank you." Saya said under her breathe in a sarcastic way.

"You're welcome, Soul." The elf woman kept smiling. It was almost creepy.

Saya made her way over to the black smith and noted he was the only person here who wasn't an elf. He was a werebeast, feline to be exact.

"Hi." Saya sheepishly waved then felt stupid.

"Ashran, Nihilah." Darth greeted as he stopped hammering on something Saya couldn't make sense of. She knew he'd spoken another language and yet, she had understood his gruff yes, little one.

"The woman over there said I should come see you." She had never felt so unsure of herself talking to a npc.

"I buy materials from travellers such as yourself. I use them to make weapons and goods. If you want something made out of something and you bring me the material, I'll give you a discount. Any material you have from a wererabbit, I'll make for free." Darth informed in his thick elvish. Saya connected the dots in her head. Most people would have taken something from the bunny she'd fought in the tutorial.

"Thank you. I'll let you know if I find anything." She left Darth and went to find the keeper who was said to have 'summoned' her.

He was easy to spot considering his clothes screamed important person. His Long grey and white hair almost touched the ground. His blue and gold robes had strange runes and markings that probably had magic effects.

"Keeper?" Saya approached the important man forcing herself to calm down. It was just a game.

"Welcome, Soul. I'm so grateful you came. I know I have much to ask of you, but I know you will do well. Vaneth, the elf king, has sent every elven keeper to find help with the darkness that turns our wildlife into monsters. Other nations are at war with the darkness as well. It is our hope to create an army of soldiers to fight in the inevitable war with darkness." The keeper kept his solemn tone forcing Saya to be imrpessed.

"Where do I begin?" Saya asked realising he needed conversation to continue. She wondered what the other people had said.

"For now, Soul, you must grow strong. Our woods are a great place to start. Talk to Ivest and have him guide you."

She was really getting tired of running around, yet she knew it was their way of keeping the dialogue more immersive.

Ivest was a hunter who pointed her to a nearby meadow to collect herbs and hides. She easily unlocked lv. 2 gathering and wondered how she was supposed to fight.

"Guess I'll have to punch it." Saya let out a small sigh as she looked at a lone wolf stalking around. The number above it's head was 1 and made her feel a little better about her chances.

Saya rushed the wolf and tackled it to the ground rolling until she was on top at which a highlight showed up with an option to tame.

"Oh! That works. I guess." Saya attempted to tame the wolf and red letters spelled out failed in front of her. "Guess the taming isn't always 100%"

After three tries, Saya managed to tame the wolf. With the tame, she gained a level and so did her taming skill. She decided to finally look at the skill closely. Theebetter her skill level, the better her chances of making a tame. Also, levels played a part as well. Creatures of higher levels than she had lower chance of taming. Made sense, if she thought about it.

A naming screen popped up and she nearly squealed at the chance to name her new tame.

"I'll call you, Kiba!" The wolf howled accepting it's new name. With Kiba, Saya was able to get the amount of herbs and hides needed along with some meat from the deer in the woods.

Saya noticed a locked skill called travel and smiled.