

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Saya quickly set the VL on it's charging station and read the Fusionheart's cover. She was excited and nervous. She always did these things with her friends but she couldn't tell them it was just given to her. Saya paced the room as she thought and read quietly to herself.

"Welcome to Fieara, home to many wonderful species and races. The country was torn in a war fought for over a thousand years. Peace has finally settled, but it is very fragile. Choose your race and choose your side as you discover the fusionheart within you."

"Sounds pretty normal. I've played games like these before, so it's not too unordinary yet everyone is going crazy over it. It's been in the media for weeks now before it was even released. I just hope the game's as good as the hype." Saya stopped pacing as the light on the VL turned blue meaning fully charged.

Her heart racing she slid the small chip into the headgear. She knew she was overreacting and should just tell her friends she finally got the game, but it was something inside that was still a little raw and sore over everything.

She took a breath and dove into the game. The darkness was overwhelming, but it soon got lighter and a small meadow with flowers streatched out around her.

Saya took a step and was already in awe. It felt so real and life like. Saya walked around the meadow until she saw a little bunny with it's leg trapped under a boulder. Looking around, she found a few thick branches and tested them to get the studiest one before using it to leverage the bunny out from under the boulder. It was very heavy, but Saya managed to get it out.

The bunny hopped awaythen turned into a werebeast and growled at Saya. Suddenly, she knew why this game was different now.

Picking up the stick again, she readied herself for a fight.

"Just the beginning and already I'm thrown into a fight. I like the tutorial so far." Saya jabbed at the werebeast hitting it in the face.

The beast lunged and Saya rolled out of the way jumping to her feet and turning to hit the beast right on the but which made the beast scream.

"That's your weak spot? Odd for a bunny." Saya kept rolling and dodging to get behind it and hitting it's butt.

"Enough! I'm sorry. Please, stop spanking me!" The female voice startled Saya as she stared at the beast.

"You can talk?" Saya was genuinely surprised.

"Yes, i know you saved me and I should say thank you but I haven't eaten in days. I'm just so hungry." The beast laid it's head down in a type of bow.

"And your first meal was going to be the one who saved you?!" Saya placed one hand on her hip but kept the other on the stick just in case it was a trap.

"I can only eat meat or blue spotted purple mushrooms." The beast whined.

"Then I shall get you those mushrooms." Saya decided. A timer showed up over her head and she took off. The mushrooms in the woords were so many different colors, she had to be careful to get the right ones. She picked around ten before returning five seconds before the timer ran out.

"Thank you so much! I owe you twice now. You may have my fur as your armor, my claws for your blades or my whiskers for your bow. Which would you like?" The beast waited patiently for an answer.

"Can I have you as my friend?" Saya asked. Anyone who had seen her room would know Saya had a thing for bunnies.

"Your will is mine, Master." The beast turned into a cute bunny and everything vanished. The room was white with a single mirror. Saya walked over and options apeared.

"So many choices. Male or female..." Saya had planned to be a female and just be whatever her friends needed, but starting on her own changed that. She realised she'd never started an online game without her friends near.

"Female." Saya finally decided. She saw the masive list of races and physically gulped. She usually went human but she wanted to change it up a bit. They even had demons and borderline monster races. It really was a new game.

"Elf." Saya selected the nimble race to suit her own skills a bit. After a bit of customizing, Saya had created her character who looked nothing like her with white hair and purple eyes.

"I like her. Wait... I don't see a class system..." Saya looked around and couldn't find anything about class or skill sets. Maybe it was customize first? Saya finished the last bit and felt herself pulled into the mirror and into a forest elven town.

She could see a tiny stats botton on her left hand and touched it. Her states popped up with helpful information.

"I have five bonus points added to each stat plus one point each every time I level up because of the tutorial test. Neat. Also, there are no classes, you just use what you want and level that specific skill. Bonus skill from tutorial?" Saya click the bonus skill and smiled.

"Monster tamer." I can tame monsters as an addition thanks to the test. "This really is a strange game, but I like it."