
Fungal Wars

"Fungal Wars" follows the journey of Gravitas, a determined protagonist who finds themselves trapped in the mysterious world of Euthryia after a catastrophic event. Blending elements of fantasy, adventure, and survival, the story chronicles Gravitas's quest to navigate this unfamiliar realm while simultaneously striving to find a way back to their own world. As Gravitas embarks on their journey, they encounter a myriad of challenges and obstacles, from treacherous landscapes to formidable adversaries. Along the way, they uncover hidden powers within themselves. Driven by a steadfast determination to return home to their family, Gravitas navigates the intricate politics and power struggles of Euthryia, forming alliances and facing adversaries in equal measure. Along the way, they forge deep bonds with fellow travelers and discover unexpected allies in their quest. Throughout the narrative, Gravitas grapples with moral dilemmas and inner conflicts, wrestling with the consequences of their actions and the weight of their newfound abilities. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of Euthryia, they uncover ancient secrets and unravel the enigmatic forces that govern the realm. As the story unfolds, Gravitas must confront their own fears and uncertainties, ultimately coming to terms with their place in this strange new world. With each victory and setback, they grow stronger and more resilient, drawing closer to the truth behind their existence and the key to returning home. "Fungal Wars" is a gripping tale of adventure, discovery, and redemption, weaving together elements of magic, mystery, and intrigue in a richly imagined world. Through Gravitas's journey, readers are drawn into a captivating narrative that explores themes of identity, courage, and the enduring power of hope. https://discord.gg/NS6mrZg6

LionCrow · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 33: Choices to be made.

Let's get our second eyes and you two can upgrade your minds or get new glands.

(second Body) I'm going to grab some elemental glands. 

(third Body) I want to get space and gravity glands. 

(Main Body) I'm going to need you two to also work on your cores. Make sure to shift all your matching stuff together and get your glands in the best spots, right around the core looks like the best spot for now.

[Would you like to purchase Hyphae eye?]

(Second Body)[Would you like to purchase Hyphae eye, Fire Magic Gland, Water Magic Gland, Air Magic Gland, Earth Magic Gland, and Hyphae Neural Network +3?]

(Third Body)[Would you like to purchase Hyphae eye, Space Magic Gland, Gravity Magic Gland, and Hyphae Neural Network +3?]

(All Three)Yes!!!

(Main Body) As the enhancements took effect, the two bodies experienced a surge in power and knowledge. The Hyphae Neural Network +3 allowed for more efficient communication and coordination in and between the bodies, fostering a deeper sense of unity. With the second eye our depth perception came back into play, allowing for us to see more clearly.

They are hard at work moving stuff around in their cores. I wonder what I should be doing as I have the most free time now. It looks like everyone else is resting for the night. 

My mind begins to wander about the future and what it can hold for me. I begin to think about various things like my skills and the outside world. Then a thought comes to mind 'What about the pit mushrooms, how are they doing?'. I check on them and they are getting to be the same size as body two and three. Realizing this I begin to notice myself and that I am a mushroom cap smaller then Master Shikan and the other mushrooms, I must have grown in the evolution. But regardless I think back to the mushroom in the pit and begin to foster their growth once again, tossing down pieces of myself using cell harvest and as I do the other two follow suit. Nearly full sized now all the mushrooms in the pit begin to wonder what their purpose is. It seems it is time to steal some of their free will using my puppeteering skill. I force them to buy photoreceptive eyes with their biomass and I make the twelve of them battle royal style, training the Silent Lotus Dance and Beginner Eternal Lotus Elegy. They begin fighting it, some going 1v1 others 2v2 teaming up and the rest seem to be doing a free for all. Seeing them train puts a spark into my heart. I really should be trying to train my magic skills. Maybe it is because they're derived from us or maybe it is the puppeteering skill at work but It looks like they are about on par with us, the main trio. I'm interested to see who comes out on top in that free-for-all. 

The miniature mushroom battle royale raged on in the pit, the tiny combatants showcasing surprising agility and skill. It was a peculiar scene, with the small mushrooms executing Silent Lotus Dance and Beginner Eternal Lotus Elegy with a remarkable level of proficiency. The echoes of their clashes filled the air, creating a miniature spectacle beneath the watchful eyes of the main trio. The mushrooms bobbing and weaving through the mushroom pit forest passing around and through the stalks of each mushroom on this battle ground.

As I observed their training, a sense of pride welled within me. These pit mushrooms, nurtured and guided by my puppeteering skill, were displaying a prowess that mirrored our own. It was a testament to the effectiveness of the skill and the potential it held for shaping not only the bodies but the minds of those under its influence.

While the mushroom skirmish unfolded in the pit, the main trio continued their respective activities. Body two and three were adjusting their cores and redistributing their mutations, optimizing their configurations for enhanced efficiency. The addition of the new eye and elemental glands brought a noticeable change in their overall presence.

With the enhanced neural network, communication among us became more fluid and intuitive. Ideas flowed seamlessly between our minds, fostering a sense of unity that transcended physical boundaries. It was a remarkable synergy that feels like it will do us well in our future battles and journeys.

The free-for-all continued, and the mushrooms began to showcase the depth of their newfound abilities. They executed Beginner Eternal Lotus Elegy, creating a dazzling display for us the trio to watch. Some mushrooms specialized in defensive maneuvers, evading attacks with graceful Silent Lotus Dance movements. After a prolonged battle, a few mushrooms emerged as the dominant contenders, displaying a remarkable proficiency in their skills. These mushrooms had grown more robust, their movements more refined.

As the victorious mushrooms stood amidst the remnants of their fallen companions, I couldn't help but marvel at the unintended creation of a small fungal army in the pit. Perhaps there was potential in nurturing and guiding them, just as Master Shikan had guided us. The idea of having a legion of skilled mushroom warriors was intriguing, and I pondered the possibilities of incorporating them into our future endeavors.

With the final mushroom standing amongst all twelve of them a monster was born. Victorious in winning against six of his brethren head on and against the other three left after words. He was truly a remarkable mushroom. His Elegance couldn't hold back any longer and started to instill his will onto the lone mushroom. With the help of mind magic and my puppeteering skill the double knot comes undone for body two and begins to overwhelm the mushroom in the pit. All the fighting energy in the world spills into the being and the sense of wanting eyes in the back of its head begins to form in its mind. The unyielding force of this new will begins to wash over the mental channels.