
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 76: Big Shot Treatment

Lin Yuan hadn't anticipated that the system would also grant title buffs.

It wasn't a task per se; it was more like an unexpected blessing, akin to those farming-type games.

"So, does this mean I'll be even better at teaching than the teacher?" Lin Yuan pondered.

His previous success in teaching was solely due to his high proficiency and one-on-one teaching approach.

But now, with the "Teacher" effect, the comprehension of the students he taught would improve, making learning easier!

What exactly does double comprehension mean?

Lin Yuan decided to find out. He looked at Zhong Yu and said, "Today, I can teach one more person."

Zhong Yu was puzzled, "Don't you need to rest?"


"Alright then, the next student is Chen Rui. Is Chen Rui here today?"


Chen Rui eagerly raised his hand, surprised that Lin Yuan, the master, was willing to teach another session today.

He had booked Lin Yuan's teaching session for next week, thinking he'd have to wait until then. Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan, the god of art, was willing to teach again today!

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan said, "First, copy this painting. If there are any issues, I'll help you correct them."

Lin Yuan had developed some teaching experience by now.

He preferred having students draw in front of him. During the process, students would reveal their weaknesses.

At this point, Lin Yuan could stop them and provide targeted guidance.

Today was no different.

Chen Rui quickly exposed his first flaw: poor control of straight lines.

Lin Yuan demonstrated, "To control straight lines, you need to stabilize your wrist and use the pen's side, flat, or middle edge to draw even and spaced lines."

Chen Rui: "..."

Chen Rui was not good at sketching. At this moment, he felt that the principles Lin Yuan explained were similar to what he had read in books. However, he couldn't grasp them well himself.

Helplessly, he could only follow Lin Yuan's instructions.

First time, second time, third time—originally without much hope, he just wanted Lin Yuan to understand that he was among the worst at sketching.

But as he drew, Chen Rui suddenly felt a strange sensation: "It seems like I understand."

Swish, swish, swish.

Wrist trembling, several straight lines arranged neatly with the right intensity.

This effect exceeded Chen Rui's imagination. At this moment, he even had the illusion of being a sketching prodigy.

What's happening?

I actually understand?

The teacher explained it many times, but I couldn't get it. Why do I understand when Lin Yuan explains it, especially when the content they say is similar?

Some astonishment.

Chen Rui began to concentrate and continued learning from Lin Yuan.

After half an hour of such learning, the look in Chen Rui's eyes towards Lin Yuan completely changed!


A master!

Lin Yuan has taught him for only half an hour.

During this half hour, Chen Rui felt his mind becoming clearer. Many things he didn't understand before, Lin Yuan's explanation made him comprehend.

Am I becoming smarter?

Could I be a little prodigy?

Impossible, I have no talent in sketching.

Gradually, Chen Rui realized: I seem to look smarter because Lin Yuan, the master, teaches well. His step-by-step teaching helps me clarify my thoughts, making me truly understand what sketching is!

At this moment, Chen Rui finally understood why the teacher recommended joining the painting club and paying for lessons from this master!


Too amazing!

He used to think that 500 yuan per hour was a bit expensive.

Lin Yuan seems even younger than me, why is he charging so much?

But now, Chen Rui was completely convinced. He even felt that 500 yuan per hour was a great deal. Lin Yuan not only had high sketching skills but also possessed exceptional teaching ability!


Lin Yuan was unaware of Chen Rui's thoughts. At this moment, he only had one feeling:

The effect of the "Teacher" is really powerful!

Chen Rui, this student, didn't seem very intelligent while sketching.

Lin Yuan had already prepared for a tough battle because such students were the most challenging to teach.

Lin Yuan didn't expect that the other party would progress so quickly in such a short amount of time.

The theoretical concepts that he thought others might not understand were surprisingly comprehended by most! This was definitely the effect of the teacher's buff.

In these days, Lin Yuan taught quite a few students.

So, he also knew how challenging it could be to teach students with a particularly poor foundation in sketching.

Just like that.

After teaching for an hour plus ten minutes, Lin Yuan stopped.

He said to Chen Rui, "That's it for today."

Chen Rui reluctantly stood up, "Master, can I continue learning from you?"

Lin Yuan replied, "Make an appointment and wait in line."

Zhong Yu was in charge of the appointments.

Whoever's turn it was on the appointment list, Lin Yuan would teach them. This was a fairer approach than having a group of people vie for teaching slots.


Chen Rui immediately made an appointment with Zhong Yu.

For these appointment-based teaching sessions, it started with an hour, and the specific duration depended on Lin Yuan's availability.

"Let's call it a day."

Lin Yuan already had a rough understanding of the effect of the "teacher."

According to the system, the more students he taught in the future, the more powerful the teacher's enveloping effect would become.

Sooner or later, even the most foolish students, when in Lin Yuan's hands, could turn into geniuses!

"It seems like I'll have to raise the prices in the future."

The effect of the teacher was truly remarkable.

However, Lin Yuan hesitated a bit because continuing to raise prices might make it difficult for many students to afford his classes.

The monthly living expenses for college students were only a few thousand yuan.

Lin Yuan didn't have the talent of a shrewd businessman, so he felt a bit reluctant to continue raising prices.

"Never mind, let's keep it as it is for now."

Lin Yuan resisted the urge to raise prices and, in the following days, continued to charge a fee of five hundred per hour for teaching.

However, the effect of the teacher was incredibly useful.

The students who later studied painting with Lin Yuan were not aware that they were influenced by Lin Yuan's blessings. After finishing Lin Yuan's class, they had only two feelings in their hearts:

The first feeling was, "Did I really understand sketching so well?"

The second feeling was, "Master Lin Yuan is truly an amazing teacher!"

The second feeling often overshadowed the first because they still had other courses with their professional teachers.

Many students with poor sketching foundations, after Lin Yuan's guidance, underwent a transformative change, leaving even the teachers bewildered!

This led to a crazy escalation of Lin Yuan's reputation.

After all, the changes in these people were real, so Lin Yuan's title as a sketching master became even more resounding.

As a result, the applications to join the painting club also increased.

Zheng Liang, since becoming the vice president of the painting club, for the first time seriously considered whether he should impose some application restrictions—

In the past, he absolutely couldn't have imagined that the painting club would become so popular one day!

Now the membership of the painting club has exceeded three hundred.

This was all thanks to Lin Yuan!

If this continued, all the students in the fine arts department who wanted to improve their sketching skills would have to join the painting club!

"Too amazing!"

As Lin Yuan taught more and more students, he, now in the painting club, was treated like a big shot!

Food, drinks, and supplies...

Lin Yuan would just lift his eyelids, and someone would bring them to him.

Most of those who actively showed courtesy were members he had taught, and their numbers were constantly increasing.

From the treatment, Lin Yuan was much more prestigious than himself, the vice president.

And at this time, it was the end of the month.

The work "The Death of a Civil Servant," submitted by Lin Yuan under the name Chu Kuang, was finally about to be released in the tribe's literature section.