
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 69: Self-Portrait

On the way home after school one evening, Lin Yuan summarized the newly acquired knowledge in his mind.

This time, what he gained was a professional-level painting skill.

However, those truly knowledgeable about painting understand that the description of a professional-level painting skill is quite broad.

Just from the perspective of painting genres, the variety is already extremely complex.

This includes ink painting, oil painting, printmaking, watercolor, gouache, and even sketching, among other diverse directions.

If we further divide them based on the tools used, it becomes even more exaggerated.

So, let's focus on a few major categories with the highest influence in the Blue Star.

These major categories, in ranked order, are Chinese painting, oil painting, watercolor, gouache, and sketching.

On Earth, oil painting holds a higher international status than Chinese painting, but the Blue Star predominantly appreciates the Eastern aesthetic, making Chinese painting the highest, followed by oil painting.

Among these, watercolor, gouache, and sketching have relatively lower thresholds because they are essential for art students' entrance exams, and the general public's appreciation level can keep up.

In comparison, Chinese painting and oil painting have higher entry barriers.

As for Lin Yuan's professional-level painting skill...

It's not that the system described Lin Yuan's professional-level painting skill too broadly; it's because the skill he acquired includes proficiency in these popular categories!

Chinese painting, oil painting, gouache, watercolor, and sketching – he now understands them all.

"Let's test the effects tonight."

Passing by an art supply store, Lin Yuan's interest was piqued, and he walked in.




Drawing paper...

Professional painting is undoubtedly a costly endeavor. Lin Yuan only purchased materials for watercolor, gouache, and sketching, spending over a thousand yuan in one go!

"I'll buy materials for oil painting and ink painting later."

Lin Yuan planned to start with relatively simple practices, as sketching and watercolor painting are more common in daily life.

After leaving the store, Lin Yuan hailed a taxi.

He bought too many things to carry back on his own.

Back at home, Lin Yuan chose the balcony as his painting base. He set up the drawing board and started sharpening pencils—

He wanted to try sketching first.

Regular art students need to copy some sketches for practice, but Lin Yuan, with his professional-level skill, doesn't need to. He can complete some sketches based on his impressions alone. And Lin Yuan's first sketch of his life is a self-portrait.

Many skilled sketch artists have drawn self-portraits.

However, sketching requires more than one pencil, as different pencil models produce different lines. So, Lin Yuan sharpened more than a dozen pencils at once—

First, the commonly used 2B pencil.

This type of pencil is quite common in sketch drawing, with a large framework of three heads and five eyes. Lin Yuan used this pencil to complete the drawing.

But it's not a fixed rule.

Depending on the habits of different sketch artists, some may use other pencil models to create the framework.

Once the framework was done, Lin Yuan began drawing.

The so-called sketch drawing is essentially outlining and filling based on the large framework. Lin Yuan is familiar with his own appearance, so he can vividly depict shapes like eyes and nostrils. 

"Smooth line feeling..."

Line quality is one of the most important elements in sketching. Many people struggle with sketching because they don't have a good grasp of lines. Lin Yuan effortlessly drew more than ten lines that looked completely parallel, with consistent thickness and similar lengths—a level that beginners cannot achieve.

Next are light and shade.

The direction of light determines the brightness and darkness.

Regardless of watercolor or sketching, both emphasize the expressive power of light and shadow. The three-dimensional effect often spoken of by people is determined by light and shadow. However, the foundation of light and shadow still lies in lines. When dense lines are arranged together, they form the shadow in a sketch.


Painting is a test of patience. Lin Yuan worked for two hours and finally completed this self-portrait!

This speed is achieved because of Lin Yuan's high level of skill.

If one wants to do their best to draw a sketch, even copying takes several hours as a base.

The kind of dynamic pencil drawing completed within fifteen minutes to half an hour is called a quick sketch.

Although a quick sketch is also a form of sketching, the level of detail is entirely different from Lin Yuan's drawing.

Stepping back two steps, Lin Yuan carefully looked at his self-portrait and nodded in satisfaction.

Truly, it showcases professional-level painting skills.

Lin Yuan's self-portrait can be considered both in form and spirit. If shown to others, it would undoubtedly receive numerous praises. Sketches are generally more straightforward realistic drawings, and even those unfamiliar with sketching can appreciate them aesthetically.

"It looks just like you!"

These four words are probably the basis for an ordinary person to evaluate the quality of a sketch. Although a bit one-sided, this level is already sufficient, as factors such as light and shadow and lines, essential for achieving a likeness, are taken into account.

"Time to wash up and sleep."

After confirming the level he could achieve, Lin Yuan went to the bathroom to freshen up. His hands were already a bit dirty at this point.

For a painter, getting dirty is the norm.

And this is just a sketch.

When Lin Yuan draws sketches, he occasionally uses his thumb to rub some relatively dense lines. This can make the lines appear smoother (tissue paper or similar materials can achieve a similar effect).

For mediums like watercolor or oil painting, since pigments need to be dipped, it's inevitable that they might drip onto pants or clothes.

People with cleanliness habits might not be able to stand it.

Those who have written with a brush should understand this situation.

After freshening up, Lin Yuan lay on the bed, preparing to close his eyes and sleep. Suddenly, the system appeared: [Congratulations to the host for completing the first artwork in life. Now, a task is issued: achieve a painting reputation value exceeding 1,000 within three months!]


Lin Yuan didn't hesitate.

The system obviously knows that gaining a painting reputation is not an easy task, so it set a low goal for Lin Yuan. It's enough to reach a reputation value of 1,000 in the early stage.

[Task Name: The Painter's Path]

[Task Content: Within three months, surpass 1,000 painting reputation value, no restrictions on methods]

[Task Reward: One Silver Treasure Box, One Bronze Treasure Box]

Lin Yuan was momentarily stunned. This task is clearly not particularly difficult, yet the rewards are so generous, including a Silver Treasure Box. It seems completing this task is a must!

"It seems the system hopes for my all-around development."

Vaguely grasping the system's task rules, Lin Yuan finally understands why the system is called the "Art System."

Painting, music, literature—all are important carriers of art.

"Tomorrow, I'll see what channels there are to gain reputation. Additionally, I estimate I'll need to learn electronic painting. Combining professional-level painting skills with technology shouldn't be too difficult."

The system has given Lin Yuan professional-level painting skills.

But some paintings need to be completed using electronic tools, and the system has not bestowed upon Lin Yuan the technical skills for this part. He needs to learn it on his own.