
Frozen Rage (How To Train Your Dragon)

In this book you will see the reincarnation of a simple homan in the world of HTTYD. He don't have any magical powers or godly sistem, but hey, he have his memories from the past world, this is more then enough to survive in this world.

Alexei_Nazarov · Movies
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Chapter 4: Whispering Death, cave and four vikings

Aivars was not feeling well, he just told a little boy that his father died. Dragons caused a lot of pain and damage to his tribe and the others nearby, they kill people and those who survive their monstrous nature can be seriously injured. Yesterday, one more was gone, what a cruelty.

Whispering death, if anyone asks Aivars what pok… I mean the dragon is the most terrifying, he will say Whispering death. All parts of his body are covered by spikes, that can be fired like by Deadly Nadder, he can dig dangerous caves, sneaking to his pri from the earth, and his jaw. Is even bigger than his body, full of big sharp fangs that move inside. And now Brinjolf was killed by one of these monsters.

Tormod can't even imagine how dangerous dragons are, especially like Whispering Death. Aivars prefer to face a Night Fury, then go into the cave of Whispering Death, at least you will be killed cleanly, without suffering. After some time passed, he knocked at the door.

- Tormod, I know that you are sad and want to try to find your father, but this is really bad idea, he fall into Whispering Death cave, they are vertical, and sometimes very deep, if you fall there are probability that you would die instantly, even if your father survives that, he will face the dragon with broken legs. There is no way he can survive it.

Silence responded to Aivars.

- I will enter. - He opened the door and entered the house. That he saw terrified him, the house was empty and there were signs that indicate that Tormod took a few things and then left that house using the window. - Oh no, this is bad, very bad.

Aivars ran to the cave that was dug by a dragon and found that there was a strange metallic thing with a rope that allowed it to go down into the cave. That was bad, Aivars was not mad to go down into that cave, but he needed to do something to save Tormod. He decided to ask that to one of the more experienced warriors, to Gobber. Of course Gobber is not the best option to go inside and save a kid, he doesn't have one arm and leg, but he is one of the most experienced and most strong vikings in the tribe. There are better options, but all of them actually are in a raid with Stoik.

He went to the blacksmith where Gobber can be easily founded.

- Gobber, we have a problem, Tormod, he went to the Whispering Death cave.

- That!? You didn't stop him!? - Shouted Gobber

- I tried, but he left his house through the window and then used one metallic thing with rope to go inside the cave.

- Oh Thor, I can't believe that Tormod did it, it seems to be the berserk blood affecting him, fast we have to save him. - Gobber started to take things, sword, some throwing knives, put a hammer in his missing hand.

- I call more warriors to save him?

- No! Sometimes Whispering Death cave can become narrow, in this case our amount can become disadvantageous! Fast, we don't have much time.

They runned to the cave.

- So there it is, that metallic thing, I remember, this thing, Tormod created it, while talking about something strange that he saw in his dream, nino, nizo, ninzo, I don't remember exactly. Let me check if that thing is secure to use.

Gobber takes the rope and begins to descend into the cave, slowly, trying to don't break the rope. After a few seconds Aivars heard Gobber.

- Aivars, it's secure but be carefull. - Now Aivars went down to the bottom of the cave and saw Gobber observing the floor of the cave.

- Gobber, that you see.

- That is good, I can easily say that Tormod is better hunter than his father, he went in this direction, following his father's traces, and the Whispering Death traces.

- Oh Odin and Thor, please help him survive that. - Said Aivars, at the same time asking Loki to bless him with his cunning.

- We are wasting time, let's go. - Gobber lit the torch and they headed into the cave, following traces, soon adult traces broke off, but they continued following Tormod's traces.


A terrifying whisper sounded from behind when two vikings passed one of the forks. They instantly turned to face the Whispering Death himself. Aivars never saw one so close, it is really terrifying.

Gobber and Aivars stand frozen with their weapons and shield ready to fight. There was little probability that if they don't move, dragon will be unable to see them and will flee them without fighting. But.


That was not the case. Fight against Whispering death in his own cave is very stupid decision, the only option that had Gobber and Aivars was to run, run by traces, praying to the nord gods to go out this trouble with their lives.

People say that when someone faces very dangerous situations, they are able to think faster, communicate without talking and run faster. Aivars was running faster than in his whole life, Gobber did not lag behind, even without his leg, he doesn't seem to be slowed down by that fact. If there was a speedometer, the person who knows about the running speed world record would be very surprised.

The dragon on the contrary, as by the law of the genre even flying, the Whispering Death was unable to catch two viking, one of which had only one leg. (plot armor: gives 100000+ to every stat and possibility to survive everything)

Finally they get to the exit from the cave that was used by Tormod, but it is vertical too and has a rope. That means that only Aivars had the possibility to exit that cave fast, and then he can take it by the rope. Gobber understanded it immediately.

- Aivars, fast, escape that place and then use rope to get me out! I'll give you some time. - Gobber takes his shield in his right hand and starts to provoke the dragon. - Oh, that smell, don't you remember that your mom told you to clean your teeth!?

Whispering Death roared and attacked Gobber, fortunately, it was able to protect itself with his shield and started to attack with his hammer. At the same time Aivars climbed to the top and got Gobber a sign for him to retreat. Gobber makes a few very powerful hits to a dragon, stunning him, and then takes the rope, after that Aivars pull Gobber out of the cave and they are finally safe.

- Fuh, I will make Tormod eat my own hook! - Said Gobber, while raising his left hand, but then remembered that instead of hoor there was a hammer.

- That dragon, why don't he come out of the cave and attack us.

- Because Whispering Death fears the sun, fortunately the sun is not closed by clouds and he can't attack us. - Said Gobber and takes a look to the sun, to see that it is fastly covered by a small cloud. - Oh Thor, are you laughing at me?


The dragon came out of his cave and was ready to attack.

End 3 pov


I found a place, where trees were very damaged, in one of those was part of my fathers cloak. It was easy to recognize it because he told me a lot about it. My father says that he makes his cloak in a special way that allows him to be invisible to the dragons. I didn't believe him, because I remember clearly that he was chased by the horde of dragons, and in the same way I don't believe that he can die. I have not found even one blob of his blood. There is no way he can die. No way. no way.

Raaaaa. Valhalla!

I heard some noises from the entrance to the Whispering Death cave, one of them was from a dragon and the other was from. Gobber.

The only way that I can hear Gobbers voice is because he traced me, tried to save me and faced a dragon in the cave.

I took my sword and shield and runned to the cave. Soon I saw that situation: Whispering Death is one the Gobber and is about to eat it, and Aivar, lying near one tree confused, but not dead. At that moment I acted without thinking and just threw my shield to the dragon and it worked. I managed to drop Whispering Death from Gobber and then he was able to hit the dragon and wake up.

The sun that was covered by clouds at that moment shone again and the dragon was forced to return to it's cave.

To be continued

Hello everyone, finally I got some time to write the next chapter, I had planned it for a long time. Actually I’m thinking about that dragon I have to give to MC, you can write your own suggestion from the fandom or invented by yourselfs. But there would be few restrictions,

1) It has to be the dragon with ice fire (ice fire, paradox). Like Snow Wraith

2)The dragon can’t be alpha like Screaming Death or Red Death, it can become alpha like Toothless, but not be it from birth.

3)It can’t be too overpowered, he needs to have weak places, for example Skrill can’t fire lighting while in water. I will select the best option in my opinion. (or not select all of them)

Waiting for suggestions.

Thanks for your attention.

Alexei_Nazarovcreators' thoughts