
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter: 8


"Leo you have three seconds to get off of me," I warned him, not looking in his chocolate ocean eyes.

This kid is crazy.

He chuckles and roll-off of me.

"Now let's just sleep. We both have to go to work, I still hope you are a dream that will vanish tomorrow," he muttered the last part.

I just close my eyes, trying to sleep, blocking out everything.

"Iclyn! Leo! Wake up both of you! We will be late for work!" Aiden's voice rang loudly.

"Maknaes! Logan, Jack, Austin! Breakfast is ready" he must be yelling from the kitchen.

I heard Leo groan and whine like a kid. I was sprawl down on the floor because it's cool. The bed was too warm for my liking. I didn't open my eyes and nestle more into the floor.

"This girl!" Leo softly said. I felt him inclining beside me. He slowly slides his hand across the nape of my neck and another hand his slide behind my legs.

Don't tell meh-

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he slowly lifts in his arms. I try not to scream. Not a single man has touched me in 1435 years of my life.

Except one.

He gently plopped me on the bed and pull the blanket over me.

"Snow queen?" He scoffed, "She is more like a snoring queen."

Witchy which Asshole




I heard the door close with a low thud. I peeked from one eye, he is gone.

I sigh.

I wake up and stretched my arm fully.

He is cute.

Don't let that cute face fool you.

I climb off the bed and cleaned up. Leo's bathroom was very tidy and clean. I thought he might be messy.

I walk downstairs. I was still in my same clothes. I can't even arrange new clothes as I am on punishment for saving Jimin.

"Hey," I turn and saw Owen and Ian walking towards me.

These boys are so fine.

"Hey," I replied, trying to smile.

"Hope you slept well," Owen said.

I nodded.

"You slept in Leo's room, right?" Ian smirked at me, Owen's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I did," I said and we walk downstairs. Both were whispering something which I ignored.

I saw others on the dining table already.

"Oh good, you came. Join us come on," Jin smiled at me, so did others. Except for the coconut head. He was engrossed in his phone.

"No thanks. I am living to work," I told them, Leo lifts his head and looks at me.

"You are wearing the same clothes again?" He asked.

"Well I didn't plan on coming here, your butt landed in trouble so I had to come here. I didn't pack clothes," I said, wearing my shoes.

"I never ask you to come. Anyway just borrow mine for now," he nonchalantly said.

I will look ridiculous in it.

"Just borrow his shirt or something, keep the jeans on. You can later come with me shopping," Ian suggests.

I do need clothes.

I nod and walk upstairs to his room. Opening his wardrobe and look at the neatly placed clothes. He mostly owns hoodies and shirts. I grab a pale blue hoodie.

I put it on and check myself out in the huge mirror. It smells like him and peaches. I let my long blue hair fall cascade down my waist. I have beautiful hair, why bother tying them.

My face looks a little better. My lips are still pale though. I need to regain my powers back as soon as possible.

I can use my powers, but I will be drained to the point I can't imagine. So basically I having powers is just like not having them.

I walk back to the living room and saw them ready to leave. Leo notice me and his eyes widened. He covers his expression soon though.

"Blue is your color," Jack said, smiling brightly. Oh, witchy witch! His smile is so dazzling.

I gave him a tiny smile.

"Let's leave," I said and walking to the door.

"I will ride with Leo," I said, and the kid sigh dramatically.

"I am just your freaking driver," he muttered as we climb in the car. He reverses out of the driveway, keeping his hand on the back of my seat.


He is witchdam hot!

He is clad in a simple white shirt, top three buttons undone, and tight black jeans with white sports shoes.

He raced down the highway and I just look at the view. These buildings are so tall. But I can crash them in a snap of my finger. Not like want to. Just saying.

"You didn't eat yesterday and even earlier are you trying to die in our house?" He asked. I look at him and smirk.

"Worried about me?" I poked his arm.

"I don't give a damn about you," he said quietly.

Oh really.

I snap my finger and in a split second, his bright white shirt was stained with huge brow patches.

"What the fuck!" He screamed looking at the shirt then again on the street.

"Liked it?" I asked, sweetly.

"Iclyn, this is my favorite shirt! Just undo your damn magic!" He glared at me.

"Maybe I will think about it," I smile smugly looking out of the window.

I hear him huff.

"Didn't your powers vanished?" He asked.

"Oh please, this is just common magic. I could do this when I was just a baby," I spoke, running a hand through my hair. His eyes flicker to my hair then at my hand. He frowns at the ice stone ring.

The ring reminds me of so many things, I don't want to get reminded of. I gulp and stare out of the window, I felt my eyes burn with tears. I clenched my jaw and breathes deeply. Can't the pain just vanish? Even my magic can't make it all go away. Nothing I can do will make me shirk the agony that shredded me.

Leo parks the car and we both climb off. Walking in the lift, he hits the button. The door closed, I just stare at it blankly. I can feel him gazing at me, trying to study me.

"Iclyn?" he softly calls out.

My heart skipped a beat at the gentleness of his voice.

His voice is so unique.

I look at him.

"We need to talk," he said with a serious look.


"I want to know why my heart is racing, why I feel unbearable pain when I look into your eyes, why your touch makes me want to keep touching you, we just met like a few days ago, I need to about why you are affecting me so much," he clearly said.

I just stare into his eyes and he stares into mine.

Because you are supposed to help me get my throne.


