
Frost : Algid Rex

"I always feel cold" No matter how good your life can be, sometimes people still feel cold even though they're surrounded by people who love them. They feel emptiness in their heart and soul, that doesn't go away no matter what they do. There this voice in their head keep telling them that, "You don't deserve anything in your life, you didn't do anything that will give you such beautiful gift." "You are nothing more than empty husk vessel, that got lucky enough to have life." "You don't even deserve to born, let alone live in this world." At this point you just want to disappear from earth. But what if your wish come true.... .......................................................... Claude Vedh 15 year old boy get transmigrated to another world Snodedliv. Beautiful and peaceful looking planet snowfall happens all the time looking at snowfall will calm your heart. This world has magic too, isn't it what everyone on earth want to feel it, breathe in it and live in world full of magic. That's what people from earth would think but races that live in this planet it's frozen hell. They never saw or know about spring, summer and autumn only everlasting winter stays here. This world is full of myths, mysteries and unknown threats that always hidden in darkness to devoured you and everything that is close to you. Magic and Sword Curse and Blessings Talent and Hardwork Dreams and Hope Past and Future Strong and Weak Whether you are human or demon. Nothing really matters in front of absolute power. Your past, present and future everything will disappear on single breathe of absolute being. Claude young boy who didn't even saw cruel nature of humans on earth. Now, about to experience what pain, suffering and tragedy. Now, he going to see true evil nature of humans being and being far worse than humans. Will he become "THE ALGID REX" or just another weed that going to crumble away. ............................................................. Author Notes : I'm going to do my best while writing this novel. I'm participating this year WSA, I wish if I could be within top 50 people in final. I want to write atleast 500+ chapter novel and given good support from readers I will try my best to go beyond my limits to write 1000+ chapter novel. If there's any mistakes in novel let me know, I will do my best to improve it. I hope you enjoy reading my work.

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20 Chs

Weak and helpless

In blizzard 15 mans were fighting against one monster.

Village chief and other warriors moves out of mana blast path, it was 5 times bigger than basketball.

Even surging mana was constantly moving in circular motion inside mana ball, elder Miz and other mages nearly depleted their entire mana stored inside them.

Now, they just hope that this mana blast would throw off this monster in far from settlement.

Village chief and other warriors surrounded golden eye dark arctotherium bear from all side so he doesn't escape from mana blast path.

Mana blast shoot towards golden eye dark arctotherium in incredible speed and as beast could feel torant mana infront of him, monster try to move out of this torant of mana path just as it moves it found being surrounded by all sides but does he cares about this but it was already too late for beast.

Golden eye dark arctotherium bear got hit by mana blast explosion was big enough to seen by people who are in both barrier.

Golden eye dark arctotherium was thrown out in air and landed on ground in distance this time it was really angry as this just humans just keep being annoying meal that hard to eat.

Golden eye dark arctotherium bear start making huff and growl sound after getting up on his four legs. He look at all the human infront of him who were just couldn't accept the fact their fate as his prey.

"Elder Miz are you okay?"

"How much mana you have left inside you?"

"Not much chief maybe with if all other mages can give me their mana too I can cast firestorm spell but it will take time 5 or 10 minutes for me to cast that spell." Elder Miz said as they were all running out power, stamina and will to fight this monster.

"I'm sorry that you are in such terrible condition after taking such huge toll on your body after one mage death and supporting mana blast spell but I have to rely on you again elder Miz."

"Please, gathered other mage and take their mana and cast firestorm spell."

"I can only buy you 10 minutes."

"Okay, chief."

Elder Miz gathered all the mages that are left standing and sadly one of the mage died after spell was cast as not everyone can handle burnt of formation getting disrupted while casting spell now they only have 4 mages.

"Listen up we have to buy 10 minutes for elder Miz to cast firestorm spell. Give it your all for this 10 minutes."

Village chief Luther along with all the warrior unleashed their all aura they have in their body.

Infront of golden eye dark arctotherium stood 10 mans were glowing with different light in darkness of night and in blizzard this mans stood out like fireflies.

Golden eye dark arctotherium bear got up on his hind legs and growl towards the dark sky.




Its keep making this growl for few seconds then run towards them like mad beast.

In in darkness of night 10 mans and one monster were running towards like mad beast without fear.

Sword, spear and axe hit monster body and golden eye dark arctotherium first time attack with claws.

Two warriors were instently cut in half diagonally from their torso.

They could see their legs still standing, they screamed in pain as their intestine fall apart on snow dying snow red in their blood and organs.

Slowly their screaming sounds slow down and they died watching darkness of night their body got frozen by blizzard and golden eye dark arctotherium bear didn't eat them this time cause just after cutting them apart with its claw it attack other warriors.

Spearman attack at golden eye dark arctotherium eyes as all beast weakness is it eyes. Before spear could reach monster eyes it opened its mouth and break the spear blade with its fangs.

Spearman look at with horror in his eyes as golden eye dark arctotherium destroy his spear with its fangs, he was strongest warrior in settlement after chief Luther but his existence was nothing in front of this monster.

Golden eye dark arctotherium with his front leg hold spearman, no matter how much spearman struggle he can't free himself from monster grip, village chief and other warriors attack golden eye dark arctotherium but he didn't even bulge or care about their attack.

Spearman new he was about to die going to eaten alive by this monster, spearman screamed out as loud as he could he screamed for help.

"Help me Luther."

"Please save me Luther, anyone. Elder Miz please cast your firestorm spell."

"Luther you are my brother, Luther you always saved everyone protected everyone throughout all this years."

"Remember the time I saved your life from beasts and kingdom soldiers."

"Brother Luther please I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

Luther attack monster madly with his sword using all his strength attack monster front legs that's holding his cousin brother.

Tears are falling down from Luther eyes as he saw his brother face and how helpless and weak he felt at this moment.

Golden eye dark arctotherium didn't eat right away spearman instead it looks at its prey terrified face and enjoyed the pain and horror he's prey was feeling.

Golden eye dark arctotherium knew that those who are attacking him are trying to save their man but he enjoy seeing helpless and weak prey wailing.

"Please let me go you monster."

"Please God help me."

Last thing spearman Sam saw was sharp fangs and wide open mouth of golden eye dark arctotherium bear.

Infront of their eyes to their horror golden eye dark arctotherium open its jaw it's maw stretch out and eat spearman from his head to torso and in second bite his legs.

"You monster I will kill you, I will rip you apart and eat your flesh."

"Ahhhhhhhh" Luther charger towards monster while screaming out loud.

Luther jumped in air to behead this monster but golden eye dark arctotherium with he's front paw hit Luther and Luther sent flying back towards the elder Miz who was casting firestorm spell.

As flying Luther hit elder Miz body magic spell that elder was trying to cast got disrupted and elder faced backlash.

Elder Miz sprut out mouthful of blood and all mana completely depleted but one in worst condition is chief Luther his limbs are broken, ribs are broken and there's huge injury on his head and bleeding from all over the body.

Both elder Miz and village chief Luther lost their consciousness.

Now, other elders and warriors and mages were left they knew they couldn't do anything all of them going to get devoured.

All of them run towards deep inside forest without agreement or words they knew they would be able to run far but this the last thing they could do now to late this monster chase them in forest maybe this way atleast everyone in settlement will survive.

As they run without looking back those in front would hear screaming and wailing of their companion in back.

All of them hated themselves for being pathetic weak and helpless they don't deserve to be called warrior or elder as they letting their fellow companion die like this.

Tears were falling from their eyes on snow but they continue to run, they bite their lips so hard that it starts bleeding out.

Just as they were running deep in forest they heard humans voices, they couldn't make out what they were talking about but as they run bit closer they finally heard one word loudly.

Everyone felt sudden change in mana around them even golden eye dark arctotherium too, fire element and thunder element mana was surging.


In middle of this blizzard suddenly big fire tornedo appear with thunder striking in fire strom, Golden eye dark arctotherium was target of this spell.

For the first time golden eye dark arctotherium bear got injured his furr got burned by fire and skin got injured by thunder.

Fire thunderstorm last for more than ten minutes, its flame were dazzling and thunder strike fear into one, even those in settlement saw fire thunderstorm.

Village chief daughter saw fire thunderstorm she excitedly talk to everyone, "Look it must be elder Miz firestorm spell."

"Elder Miz firestorm spell is strongest, even my father would think before taking fight with him head on."

"Yeah, that's must be elder Miz spell with this monster won't last long it will die soon."

Elder Miz grandson also agreed with Rose words, "Big sister Rose is right. Grandpa and uncle Luther is strong they will hunt this monster together with everyone."

When fire thunderstorm spell ended they could see injured golden eye dark arctotherium and surrounding trees were burn to ashes but most eye catching thing wasn't Injured golden eye dark arctotherium that hunted them to death and killed their companion that grew up with and face hardship of life but the young girl standing infront of monster.

The young girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere.