
Frost : Algid Rex

"I always feel cold" No matter how good your life can be, sometimes people still feel cold even though they're surrounded by people who love them. They feel emptiness in their heart and soul, that doesn't go away no matter what they do. There this voice in their head keep telling them that, "You don't deserve anything in your life, you didn't do anything that will give you such beautiful gift." "You are nothing more than empty husk vessel, that got lucky enough to have life." "You don't even deserve to born, let alone live in this world." At this point you just want to disappear from earth. But what if your wish come true.... .......................................................... Claude Vedh 15 year old boy get transmigrated to another world Snodedliv. Beautiful and peaceful looking planet snowfall happens all the time looking at snowfall will calm your heart. This world has magic too, isn't it what everyone on earth want to feel it, breathe in it and live in world full of magic. That's what people from earth would think but races that live in this planet it's frozen hell. They never saw or know about spring, summer and autumn only everlasting winter stays here. This world is full of myths, mysteries and unknown threats that always hidden in darkness to devoured you and everything that is close to you. Magic and Sword Curse and Blessings Talent and Hardwork Dreams and Hope Past and Future Strong and Weak Whether you are human or demon. Nothing really matters in front of absolute power. Your past, present and future everything will disappear on single breathe of absolute being. Claude young boy who didn't even saw cruel nature of humans on earth. Now, about to experience what pain, suffering and tragedy. Now, he going to see true evil nature of humans being and being far worse than humans. Will he become "THE ALGID REX" or just another weed that going to crumble away. ............................................................. Author Notes : I'm going to do my best while writing this novel. I'm participating this year WSA, I wish if I could be within top 50 people in final. I want to write atleast 500+ chapter novel and given good support from readers I will try my best to go beyond my limits to write 1000+ chapter novel. If there's any mistakes in novel let me know, I will do my best to improve it. I hope you enjoy reading my work.

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18 Chs

Golden eye dark arctotherium

In the complete darkness village chief Luther stood with elders and warriors and mages waiting for the monster to appear as barrier got destroyed just before they could reach it

Armour and robe the are wearing is keeping them warm and giving protection against this weather but not for too long as they're not in top quality as they used to be past.

"Where's that monster hiding in this darkness, its really hard to see anything beyond few metres."Gilliam said with slightly nervous tone."

Elder Miz look at Gilliam with frown on his face,"Shhhh, don't make loud noise."

Then suddenly felt all of them felt goosebumps and shiver run down on their spine as they felt presence far beyond they can handle together.

In blizzard wind is howling like mad beast and snow Strom ready to freeze anyone to death but there are some existence being that thrive in this weather and one of them is standing in front of them.

Few metres away from them in darkness big golden eyes suddenly appeared and it staring at them like how hunter look at its prey.


Loud growl sound resounded throughout settlement everyone heard it loud and clear.

The growl sound like impending doom.

All of them were freezoon their spot, even those who are currently facing this same monster. They saw mouthful of long sharp fangs , all of this fangs are in golden colour to just like its eyes.

"Golden eye dark arctotherium." Village chief Luther called out the monster name.

Everyone with them felt dread that can't be explained. They knows that there's no way they're going to survive this, next day this place will be become their grave but they didn't even have chance to say good bye or will have one as one again golden eye dark arctotherium growl.


Seeing human are still standing front of bear beast. Golden eye dark arctotherium stood up on his hind legs and let out loud roar.


Everyone felt as if they heard sound of death. Golden eye dark arctotherium stood easily above 7 meters tall.

Everyone face went pale without blood as if they saw their own death and how they gonna die.

"Get into battle formation." Village chief Luther screamed but it was already to late.

The golden eye dark arctotherium come charging at them in full speed they couldn't see it coming, one moment it was standing on its hind legs and in next moment it was in front of them.

It first got one of the warrior, golden eye dark arctotherium bite off warrior head in one go the last thing warrior saw just darkness infront of him.

"Step back" Luther order everyone, hearing his command everyone jumped back few steps to keep distance from this monster.

They all heard about golden eye dark arctotherium bear before but this was their first seeing one infront of their eyes.

Golden eye dark arctotherium usually live where blizzard is going on they thrive in blizzard.

After eating one of their companion golden eye dark arctotherium bear looks at they with hunger in his eyes, it lick his tongue around his teeth and look at them as he seeing delicious meal he tasted for first time in his life.

Golden eye dark arctotherium slowly walked towards them, seeing this village chief Luther tighten his grip on sword.

"Do not be afraid, we have to lead him to somewhere far from settlement and we can only achieve that when we all work together."

Everyone eyes were burning with resolve to lead this monster out of settlement even though all of them will die tonight atleast this way they can save their families and friends.

Elder Miz attack with fire ball on monster eye as golden eye dark arctotherium was distracted by his first human meal taste.

Even though fireball attack didn't do any damage to him, it still manage to anger him. Now, with fury In his eyes for one who attack him golden eye dark arctotherium bear run towards elder Miz with growl.


On half way through elder Miz path two spearman attack on its both hind legs together at the same time.

As golden eye dark arctotherium bear was in rage he didn't pay attention to others and spearman took this perfect opportunity to attack golden eye dark arctotherium.

Being hit in both hind legs it fall down with his head deep in snow.

Village chief Luther body is glowing with red aura but now he forcefully Intensified aura more around his body and his sword, he looks like he's body is covered in glowing red flame like glowing red light in darkness. It was too eyes catching everyone hoped that village chief attack would be lethal attack gravely Injured this monster.

Village chief Luther jumped high in air and with all his strength attack at monster neck but monster neck is still fine it didn't even bleed let on being Injured.

After attacking golden eye dark arctotherium neck Luther jumped back into battle formation with other.

Gilliam while his eyes still focused on golden eye dark arctotherium bear asked village chief question that was on every one mind.

"Chief how hard is this monster hide."

They could see that monster wasn't bleeding or had any visible mark on it skin of village chief most powerful attack. It valid proof that monster is far above their level and they just have to drag out fight to somewhere else.

Golden eye dark arctotherium bear pulled out its from snow, it look at them with rage this puny human actually have guts trick him and attack him.


Golden eye dark arctotherium bear growl again in rage everyone who heard it got stun for few seconds even people who are inside barrier also heard it and couldn't move their body even though they didn't know what kind of monster elders and village chief are fighting in this hellish blizzard right now.

Monster come charging mad on his four legs at Village chief and one of mage lay down magic trapped in monster path. Just as

monster step on it, its body got trapped by strong and thick mana chain.

One of the warrior come rushing from its left ready to sneak attack but just as he was closed enough to attack the monster. Golden eye dark arctotherium bear turned 90° towards him breaking away from restricting mana chain and attack with his front pow attack warrior on his head.

Just like how human Squeeze to death mosquitoes just like that golden eye dark arctotherium bear smash to death the warrior not even bones were visible of man, golden eye dark arctotherium bear is that strong wilth just its monstrous strength alone.

In place where warrior died only blood and messy flesh was left monster just slap to death one of the strongest warrior of settlement.

After killing the warrior golden eye dark arctotherium bear took two steps back and arch his back and ready to jump on its next prey, everyone tighten their grips on their weapons and mages almost finish their spell but this time instead of attacking with it brute strength monster just arch his back and move and stretch out his head in front roar with powerful attack.

When golden eye dark arctotherium roar again they thought its going to stunned them again with its mighty roar but Instead of stunning effect they all anticipated monster mouth shine with golden light from his throat and golden energy beam came out from its mouth and attack three of their people.

Those who got attack by golden light just stood still on the their ground couldn't even defend themselves and when light disappear in place where those three were standing it was empty. They disappeared from face of the earth. Not even their ashes were left behind.

They didn't know that monster could attack with energy attack too and it was one of the biggest mistake that they made in their calculations. Monster almost had mocking look on its face as if provoking them with its attack as if you only thought I have only brute force and nothing else to fight with you all.

"We just lost two warriors and one mage."

"Don't worry there's still 15 of us."

"We just have to drag this fight out of settlement."

Even though golden eye dark arctotherium bear didn't understood what mages were doing together standing in circle but he just had enough with toying with his prey and golden eye dark arctotherium bear charged right at mages who were working together on one spell.

Seeing this they understood there's no way mages would survive monster attack as they were working on spell if move out of formation they set up, it will become unstable and all mage might die at some time because of high level unstable magic spell formation of disruted and one mage already died from formation that's its already unstable and now if one of them die they won't be able to stabilize the spell.

Even though they lost one mage they still manage to make mana blast but because one of them die while making mana blast the final result came out bit we compare to what it would be and mana blast turn out to be bit unstable.

Elder Miz look at the mana gathered in magic formation they made, "everyone move out of the way, the spell is complete we are going to shoot mana blast at the monster now "