

"Asher, no." She said weakly. She sounded needy and pathetic according to her but that would have to for the moment. "I can hear the need in your voice, you little liar." He whispered as he came even closer so that his breath was tickling her neck while he spoke in her ear. She herself could feel the need as it made a bead or two of sweat to form on her brow. She was excited about it much more than she could ever tell anyone. She however knew better than to do it on the day her sister was meant to get engaged. "At least not today." She whispered back with her eyes shut trying to calm her racing heart down enough to reason with him. "So you saying if it wasn't today and we were in the same position you wouldn't hesitate?" He asked so close to her ear that she shivered in delight and a small giggle left her mouth at the same time as it was her tickle spot making him chuckle at the feeling.

Bess_Charming · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


When love comes your way you embrace it with everything you have. You learn to love the flaws of the person and to maneuver around them so that you are both comfortable around each other. The love equation isn't so easy yet people always try to make it look easy.

Uriah had already learnt that. He knew all her character flaws and he knew what she was capable of yet he had stayed. He had stayed because she had always been so open with him from the beginning of their relationship. He knew that nothing even her flaws would stop her from loving him if she decided to. And that was why he was determined to make sure that she was comfortable enough around him to let him in and tell him what was going on in her life. They had been together for years and yet he found that she could not even open up to him completely. She tried, he could see it as she struggled to find the words and instead deciding to send him a video or a book to help him understand her. He could not blame her. She was the second child who was forgotten and disregarded and she had been forced to grow up too fast and stand fending for herself before she could even understand what the world was like. That made his love and respect for her soar to greater heights. She had proven herself, not just to him but to everyone around that she could do it.

He had woken up earlier than her and he lay there on his bed watching her. He knew it was only a matter of a couple of minutes before she arose with vengeance to see what the world had in store for her and conquer it. He smiled as he thought of it in that way. Her hair was everywhere and he could already tell how much it would stress her as she struggled to get ready for the day. It was the big day as she had shared with him. He could not deny he was happy that she had finally told him something without using a video or book for that matter. He felt like the proud parent in this case. He looked at how her lips were slightly parted as she took relaxed breaths. She was truly beautiful. He had never laid eyes on any other creature that was so well made like she was. He knew that he would go to great heights to make sure she would be alright. He remembered how the piercing alarm could startle one who was asleep before he decided to take it upon himself to make sure she did not have to wait on the alarm. He drew closer to her and planted a small kiss on her lips. A small sound escaped her lips that made him chuckle.

"Wake up sleepy head," He commented softly kissing her again this time a bit longer. He smiled when she started kissing him back and he immediately knew that she had woken up. It was sweet relief as he knew the woman could sleep right through even an explosion. He pulled away from her just slightly before he heard her whimper a bit causing him to chortle. This was going to be a beautiful day and he was sure of it. He kissed her again this time already feeling himself get excited. Her hand moved from her side to his neck in an attempt to pull him closer. He instead decided to use his own strength against her and pulled her flush against his body kissing her deeper and exploring her sweet haven. He loved her and everything about her. She was his woman and he dwelt on the fact that he could explore hold and kiss whenever he wanted. He knew it wasn't always that way but he was glad she had chosen him to be that person for her. She loved him. In as much as he was enjoying it though, he knew that he had to stop before he let go of rein he was holding over his emotions and then none of them would leave the house.

"Baby, it's the special day remember?" He reminded resting his forehead over hers taking a breath. He gnashed his teeth together trying to get everything under control. He needed her to go to the shower or somewhere before he lost it, yet he kept holding her closer to himself.

"I have a few minutes before my alarm goes off baby. Besides, it can wait because I have you right here." She whispered before she kissed his jaw then his lips. She was going to be the death of him. He knew it as he succumbed to her seduction that morning and let go of the leash he had been holding onto a bit too tightly. He kissed her back before turning so that he hovered on top of her. He could see the glint in her eye and the assurance that she was okay with it. He kissed her deeply wanting nothing more than to be closer than their skins would handle. He knew at that moment that there was no going back. This was a fate he had sealed the moment he had decided to kiss her. It was such a great feeling that his chest felt as though it would burst open with the joy he was feeling. He had not known he was capable of that up until the day she had showed him how much love she held for him. The surety that even if she worked with other men even to ungodly hours, she would still be his to have and to hold. With that in his mind he let himself drown in the little lake of love that was surrounding them.


He had decided to prepare her breakfast while she took a shower. That was the only way he would think of when it came to appreciating her. Besides if he didn't, he knew that the woman would just get a coffee and go through her day with no nutrition at all and he was not ready to deal with that yet. He wanted to be the responsible one for her. He had also made sure to iron her clothes for her to make it easier for her to prepare. He was the one who had made her late to begin with. It was only fair that he took responsibility for it. He smiled at that. They had snoozed the alarms so many times to a point where they had just drowned the little sounds away with their own ferocious ones. That thought was quite entertaining in his mind and he would make sure to hold on to it for the coming week. This was the last day of the seven days of sleep overs that he had blackmailed out of her. He plated the food and made her a coffee to go and a glass of juice to take with her breakfast.

"How do I look boo?" She asked as he was putting the food on the island. He turned around and decided to take her in. She was so beautiful. Her jeans hugged her curves just the right way and the shirt, which she had popped few button open, looked so great on her. He was happy he had ironed it out well for her. She looked amazing and he knew his mouth was open and probably he was drooling in that moment. She had beautiful open saddles that had a platform heel. He smiled at that. There was no way she would put on stilettos. She had an aversion to those shoes and over the years he was sure he had never seen her in them. He took the time looking at her and taking her. His eyes came back to her face and he noticed it. She had minimal make up but still looked delicious, as delicious as ever.

"Decota," he said her name with need in his voice. He sounded pathetic and he knew it but he did not care.

"I'll be damned if you are not the prettiest woman in the whole world wide in this very moment." He said walking towards her and taking her hand to lead her to the stool at the island. He kissed her forehead before helping her onto the stool and placing a fork on her hands and regarding her with serious eyes. He knew if he did not do it then she would puppy dog eye him and he would let her go without getting anything to eat.

"Eat mama. You have a long day." He said before getting a strip of bacon from her plate and placing it in his mouth and walking away to do the dishes. He heard her sigh before the cutlery began clanking and he knew she had followed his instructions.