

"Asher, no." She said weakly. She sounded needy and pathetic according to her but that would have to for the moment. "I can hear the need in your voice, you little liar." He whispered as he came even closer so that his breath was tickling her neck while he spoke in her ear. She herself could feel the need as it made a bead or two of sweat to form on her brow. She was excited about it much more than she could ever tell anyone. She however knew better than to do it on the day her sister was meant to get engaged. "At least not today." She whispered back with her eyes shut trying to calm her racing heart down enough to reason with him. "So you saying if it wasn't today and we were in the same position you wouldn't hesitate?" He asked so close to her ear that she shivered in delight and a small giggle left her mouth at the same time as it was her tickle spot making him chuckle at the feeling.

Bess_Charming · Urban
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12 Chs


Decota rushed all morning making sure to put final touches on the plan. She checked the food and presence of friends who were carefully disguised. Being in the basement hall she checked the lights making sure everything was working. She checked with the musician Wea Love and her band and finding them ready she decided to settle down. She had promised herself that she would live the fantasy through her sister so she was determined to make it a fully functional event. She stood proud of her work even with the dull throb in her chest. She braced herself and put a smile on her face as she directed the guests to sitting in a very strategical way that they were hidden away from the table that Robina would be sitting. While sitting the last guests who were their parents she received a call. That was her signal. She took a deep breath before she took the stairs to the ground floor to meet with her clueless sister. As she met her she took a small velvet box from her pulse and gave it to Robina. Opening it Decota saw her sister's eyes shine with wonder and awe.

"You got my ring back." She smiled as he sister exclaimed in joy.

"Anything to make my dear sister happy." She answered as Robina put the ring on to match with the gorgeous outfit they had bought.

Decota wasn't always affectionate to her sister. They were like water and oil since they never mixed. She therefore wasn't surprised when her sister gave her a quizzical look. She laughed it off and took her hand leading her to a wedding that was taking place in the same venue only in a different part. It was all part of the plan and she had to play it off nicely. As they neared the tables someone approached them with a tray of wine glasses and she too two. One for her and one for her sister. She was even more excited than her sister was for the success of that day. Decota knew that she could passively experience everything that happened with Asher through her sister. She situated herself and her sister at a table hidden away at the back watching the event unfold. The excitement on her sister's face had her thinking maybe she would bring her to more events in the future. Decota didn't really hate her sister. She just didn't have anything in common with Robina therefore it was hard for them to even have a conversation. At that moment her phone beeped and she excused herself.

"This better be good." She glowered into the phone while walking to where she had been directed.

Meeting Asher looking all perfect in white trousers and a prussian blue shirt wasn't what she expected but she loved the new look. She gave him a question look that he returned with a raised eyebrow causing confusion to set in. He took her hand and led her to a deserted place which she didn't oppose. She had already fallen for the guy so it wasn't like it would make much of a difference. Getting to a hidden spot he let go of her hand and looked into her eyes as if trying to read something of them. The only thing that was in Decota's head however was how good it felt being in contact with him even if it was just his hand holding hers. So much for having enough sex the previous night to keep her going for weeks. At that moment she wanted him, like she always had. She looked up at him questioning his intention of bringing her to that place.

He quietly took her hand and held it in his with a looped smile making it's way to his handsome face and for Decota it all looked like the sun was just shining on him and no one else. He placed a chaste kiss on her knuckled causing the butterflies in her stomach to flutter wildly. He was everything she wanted including a gentleman. She was however proved wrong on that point when he roughly pulled her into his arms placing his lips on hers in a bruising kiss. It was rather unexpected and she did not know how to react to it until it was too late. He was pulling away from her and she didn't have enough courage to react to it. She wanted so much to kiss him back. To pour out all the feelings she had for him and to let him know that she was there and that she saw him in a way that no one else could but she was rooted on the spot.

Somehow after pulling away she expected the bastard to act remorseful and maybe apologise for kissing her when he should have been practicing his proposal even if it was a half assed apology but he didn't. In fact he shocked her by placing a smile on his mouth that clearly stated, I would do that over and over again. Not that she minded having his lips on hers but her sane part told her that it would hurt her sister more than it had hurt when she took away her favorite stuffed animal as a kid. With this in mind she tried to appear disgusted as she wiped traces of the kiss off her lips causing the man to laugh out loud. He gave her a look that made Decota almost recoil. She felt as though he was looking deep into her souls seeing things that no one else had ever seen. He came near her and she backed away only to find herself trapped by the wall. In many of her dreams this position would have been exciting and eventful but at that moment she was scared and disgusted or she pretended to be but her inner girl was skipping up and down excitedly.

"Asher, no." She said weakly. She sounded needy and pathetic according to her but that would have to for the moment.

"I can hear the need in your voice, you little liar." He whispered as he came even closer so that his breath was tickling her neck while he spoke in her ear.

She herself could feel the need as it made a bead or two of sweat to form on her brow. She was excited about it much more than she could ever tell anyone. She however knew better than to do it on the day her sister was meant to get engaged.

"At least not today." She whispered back with her eyes shut trying to calm her racing heart down enough to reason with him.

"So you saying if it wasn't today and we were in the same position you wouldn't hesitate?" He asked so close to her ear that she shivered in delight and a small giggle left her mouth at the same time as it was her tickle spot making him chuckle at the feeling.

She decided to play the deadly game and hummed in response placing one of her hands on his chest and running it up right below his adams apple to play with the button of his shirt. She saw his apple bob dangerously as he swallowed hard. She let her other hand roam his abs feeling the fine definition of the muscles through his shirt while she watched his eyes soften but his jaw remained clenched. She let her hand go dangerously lower to the buckle of his belt and played with it a little before returning to the abs. She watched him as he watched her with a calculated gaze. He was trying to figure her out but being smart she wouldn't let him. She however decided to have a taste of him. Going on her tippy toes she placed a kiss gently on his lips. She had put on clear gloss so no one would ever know what she had done.

"If the situation was different," she began wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer so that she could whisper into her ear. She felt his hands leave the wall that they had desperately clung to and circle her waist slightly lifting her up effortlessly. So much for trying to put on weight to avoid such embarrassments on her end.

"It'd be more than a kiss Asher. I would love you like you have never been loved before." She whispered lifting her leg and Asher took the cue lifting her so she could wrap her legs around him. He pushed her back against the wall and held on to her as she rubbed her jeans clad self on him as if emphasising her words before her phone rang and interrupted them. He carefully placed her on her feet which she was thankful for seeing as her mind was pretty much in a state of imbalance at the moment.

"The best part of it all, is that I wouldn't tell." She said before she picked the call and walked away talking on the phone.

Merry Chrismass y'all. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to write anything today but I'm glad I did. Enjoy the festivities y'all. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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